cultural studies
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10.1142/12487 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Yumiko Hada

2022 ◽  
Pavel Gorohov

The monograph is devoted to a holistic consideration of the phenomenon of evil. It examines and analyzes philosophical ideas about the nature of evil, which can be found among outstanding thinkers. The figure of the Devil as the main antagonist of God, the "fallen angel" and the progenitor of evil is studied. The main and, in the author's opinion, the most important types and modes of evil, such as hatred, meanness, betrayal, crime, etc., are analyzed. Designed for everyone interested in the problems of modern philosophy, cultural studies and ethics.

Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-186
Mashuri Mashuri

AbstrakPenelitian sandur, kesenian rakyat berupa drama tari di Desa Ledok Kulon, Kecamatan Bojonegoro, Kabupaten Bojonegoro sudah banyak, tetapi yang membicarakan tentang kekerasan budaya dan tembang sandur dalam kerangka arkeologi dan genealogi pengetahuan belum ditemukan. Hal itu karena kekerasan budaya menimpa seni tersebut karena imbas stigmatisasi sepihak pascatahun 1965—1966 yang menganggap sebagai kesenian rakyat yang berafiliasi ke PKI, dan pada masa puritanisme Islam menguat pada tahun 1990-an yang menganggap sandur tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam, padahal isi tembang-tembang sandur kontradiksi dengan stigma tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menguak aspek kekerasan budaya dengan menelusuri tembang sandur dari perspektif genealogi dan arkeologi pengetahuan dalam bingkai cultural studies. Teori yang digunakan adalah triangulasi teori, yaitu folklor, arkeo-genealogi pengetahuan, dan kesejarahan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) tembang-tembang sandur memiliki metrum puitika Jawa yang mengarah pada nyanyian anak-anak, dengan media bahasa Jawa lokal, dan menyimpan jejak kearifan lokal, etika, dan spiritual, (2) nilai-nilai Islam-Jawa menjadi ruh tembang-tembang sandur. Di dalamnya terdapat sinkretisme nilai-nilai Jawa dan Islam, (3) stigmatisasi sepihak pada Sandur Bojonegoro, baik oleh kalangan anti-komunis maupun puritanisme Islam, hanya melihat pada konteks kesejarahan Indonesia pada Orde Lama ketika politik menjadi panglima dan hanya melihat penampang permukaan semata tanpa mendalami unsur-unsur pembentuknya, ideologi, ajaran luhur, dan tradisi yang melahirkan seni sandur.    Kata kunci:Sandur Bojonegoro, kekerasan budaya, arkeologi, genealogi pengetahuan  AbstractThere are many researches on sandur, folk art in the form of dance dramas in Ledok Kulon Village, Bojonegoro District, Bojonegoro Regency, but those that talk about cultural violence and tembang sandurin the archaeological framework and genealogy of knowledge have not been found. This is because cultural violence befell the art because of the impact of unilateral stigmatization after 1965-1966 which considered it a folk art affiliated to the PKI, and during the period of strong Islamic puritanism in the 1990s, which considered sandur not in accordance with Islamic values, even though the contents tembang sandurcontradict this stigma. Therefore, this study uncovers aspects of cultural violence by tracing tembang sandurfrom the perspective of genealogy and knowledge archeology within the framework of cultural studies. The theory used is triangulation of folklore theory, archeology-genealogy of knowledge, and history. As a result, (1) the sandursongs have a Javanese poetic metre that leads to children's singing, with local Javanese language media, and keeps traces of local wisdom, ethics, and spirituality, (2) Javanese-Islamic values become the spirit of the tembang sandur. In it there is a syncretism of Javanese and Islamic values, (3) the unilateral stigmatization of SandurBojonegoro, both by anti-communists and Islamic puritans, only looks at the historical context of Indonesia in the Orde Lamawhen politics was the commander and only sees the surface without explore its constituent elements, ideology, noble teachings, and traditions that gave birth to the art of sandur. Keywords:SandurBojonegoro, cultural violence, archeology, genealogy of knowledge

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-289
Fajry Sub'haan Syah Sinaga ◽  
Triyanto Triyanto ◽  
Syahrul Syah Sinaga

This study aims to review the sustainability of Trunthung Music that shapes an ecosystem within the context of eco-culture. The study belongs to the nature of qualitative research with an interdisciplinary approach and several ecological concepts that reflect the culture of the peasant community over the slope of Merbabu Mountain in Magelang. The study itself is conducted in Warangan Hamlet and Gejayan Hamlet, the Regency of Magelang. The data are gathered through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with the informants related to the Trunthung Music. Then, the source triangulation technique is implemented through the test of trustworthiness by inspecting the data on the development of Trunthung Music toward the artists in Warangan Hamlet and the members of Lima Gunung Community. The data that have been attained from various sources are described, categorized, and eventually analyzed so that the ecosystem of Trunthung Music that has been on the progress can be identified. The results of the study show that Trunthung Music has been a performance that combines sonoric, kinesthetic, and visual dimensions, including their association with the natural condition and the peasant life over the Slope of Merbabu. The dialectics of Trunthung Music and the components of its ecosystem are in interaction with one another, resulting in the sustainability of the music until the present days. Then, the components of such ecosystem are the local agents who create the Trunthung Music and their interaction with the art community, be it with the Lima Gunung Community in the context of the Regency of Magelang and with the artists living outside the Regency of Magelang. In addition, the presence of Trunthung Music is associated with the traditional rites in the Warangan Hamlet, such as Nyadran Kali and Tapak Jaran Sembrani. All of these activities have good correlations among music, environment, and culture within the context of eco-culture. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (142) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Conor McGrady

Abstract This Curated Spaces features an interview with Topher Campbell of rukus! archive. The rukus! archive was founded in 2005 by photographer Ajamu X and filmmaker and theatre director Topher Campbell. The archive is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and making available artistic, social, and cultural histories related to Black LGBTQ+ communities in the United Kingdom. Its intellectual origins reside in the work of Stuart Hall and British cultural studies, and the critical dialogue it establishes with both mainstream heritage practices and dominant Black and queer identity discourses.

2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Shaymaa Neamah Mohammed ALMKHELIF

The current research paper considers theory of cultural hegemony as reflected in the Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe's 1958 novel Things Fall Apart. The study aims to examine Achebe's novel as a profound example of cultural hegemony during the colonial era. The novelist exhibits his mother land Nigeria as a culturally hegemonized territory by the English colonizer at that time. The study also presents Antonio Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony as the main subject in the development of both fields Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism. The research paper is divided into three main sections and a conclusion. The first section shows the development of cultural hegemony as a new theory at the hand of the Italian theorist Antonio Gramsci, who is known for his own perspective of hegemony as a cultural component. Based on Gramsci's theory, the second section examines the significance of cultural hegemony in the fields of Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism. As for the third section, it tackles the theory of cultural hegemony through a selective analysis of Achebe's novel. As far as Things Fall Apart is concerned, the analysis traces the novelist's attempt to expose colonialism as a hegemonic power through an overt portrayal of the cultural struggle between the colonizer and the colonized in Nigeria. Finally, the study ends with a conclusion that sums up the ultimate findings of the research..

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Debajyoti Biswas

transcript: An e-Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies is a bi-annual research journal started in 2021. The second issue of transcript, published in December 2021, brings together a collection of five research articles and a book review. The editor is thankful to all the members of the editorial board and the peer-reviewers who have made possible the timely publication of the second issue of transcript. The journal has also been assigned an e-ISSN number by (India) from 2021.

Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska

Workers’ Culture – an Unfinished Project: From Scepticism to Historical Cultural StudiesThe research on workers’ culture carried out in Poland from the 1960s to the late 1980s has been recognised in this article as a failure. The author discusses the numerous attempts to conceptualise research programmes and their actual implementation in the fields of sociology, anthropology and the emerging cultural studies. She looks for the sources of their failure, reflecting on its nature and possible causes. She asks whether the failure of the research on workers’ culture was not due to the scepticism of the researchers themselves, who might have overlooked important attempts at demonstrating self-awareness and pro-active attitude on the part of the workers, treating them as politically manipulated and therefore inauthentic. She raises the question about both ideological and methodological reasons behind this stance, the latter having to do with a clash between quantitative research and humanistic orientation. She calls for “preposterous” research (as proposed by Mieke Bal) to be undertaken, which would give a different interpretation of the workers’ various cultural initiatives from today’s perspective. Perhaps this would inspire the creation of a counter-history of workers’ culture.Kultura robotnicza – niedokończony projekt: od sceptycyzmu do kulturoznawstwa historycznegoBadania kultury robotniczej w Polsce od lat sześćdziesiątych do późnych osiemdziesiątych XX wieku diagnozowane są w tym artykule jako porażka. Autorka przypomina liczne próby konceptualizacji programów badawczych i konkretne ich realizacje w obszarze socjologii, antropologii i rodzącego się wówczas kulturoznawstwa. Szuka źródeł tej porażki, zastanawia się, na czym ona polegała i co mogło być jej przyczyną. Stawia pytanie: czy niepowodzenia badań nad kulturą robotniczą nie wynikały ze sceptycyzmu samych badaczy, którzy mogli przeoczyć ważne próby manifestacji samoświadomości i aktywnego uczestnictwa robotników, traktując je jako sterowane politycznie, a więc nieautentyczne. Pyta o przyczyny zarówno ideologiczne, jak i metodologiczne – ścieranie się badań ilościowych z orientacją humanistyczną. Proponuje, aby z dystansu czasowego podjąć badania preposteryjne, pozwalające dziś inaczej odczytywać różne robotnicze inicjatywy kulturalne. Być może byłoby to inspirujące dla budowania przeciw-historii kultury robotniczej. 

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