The amino acid sequence of chicken and muscle desmin provides a common structural model for intermediate filament proteins

1983 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 625-625
1989 ◽  
Vol 261 (3) ◽  
pp. 1015-1022 ◽  
L G Sparrow ◽  
C P Robinson ◽  
D T W McMahon ◽  
M R Rubira

Component 7c is one of the four homologous type II intermediate-filament proteins that, by association with the complementary type I proteins, form the microfibrils or intermediate filaments in wool. Component 7c was isolated as the S-carboxymethyl derivative from Merino wool and its amino acid sequence was determined by manual and automatic sequencing of peptides produced by chemical and enzymic cleavage reactions. It is an N-terminally blocked molecule of 491 residues and Mr (not including the blocking group) of 55,600; the nature of the blocking group has not been determined. The predicted secondary structure shows that component 7c conforms to the now accepted pattern for intermediate-filament proteins in having a central rod-like region of approximately 310 residues of coiled-coil alpha-helix flanked by non-helical N-and C-terminal regions. The central region is divided by three non-coiled-coil linking segments into four helical segments 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B. The N-and C-terminal non-helical segments are 109 and 71 residues respectively and are rich in cysteine. Details of procedures use in determining the sequence of component 7c have been deposited as a Supplementary Publication SUP 50152 (65 pages) at the British Library Document Supply Centre, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1989) 257,5. The information comprises: (1) details of chemical and enzymic methods used for cleavage of component 7c, peptides CN1, CN2 and CN3, and various other peptides, (2) details of the procedures used for the fractionation and purification of peptides from (1), including Figures showing the elution profiles from the chromatographic steps used, (3) details of methods used to determine the C-terminal sequence of peptide CN3, and (4) detailed evidence to justify a number of corrections to the previously published sequence.

1992 ◽  
Vol 282 (1) ◽  
pp. 291-297 ◽  
L G Sparrow ◽  
C P Robinson ◽  
J Caine ◽  
D T W McMahon ◽  
P M Strike

Component 5 is one of the four type II intermediate-filament proteins found in the hard keratin wool. It was isolated as the S-carboxymethyl derivative from Merino wool and its amino acid sequence was determined by manual and automatic sequencing of peptides produced by chemical and enzymic cleavage. Component 5 is an N-terminally blocked molecule of 503 residues and Mr (not including the blocking group) of 56,600. The blocking group has not been identified. The amino acid sequence of component 5 shows 77% sequence identity with that of component 7c, another type II wool intermediate-filament protein [Sparrow, Robinson, McMahon & Rubira (1989) Biochem. J. 261, 1015-1022]. The sequence similarity extends from the N-termini of the two molecules to residue 459 (component 5 sequence); however, there is no recognizable sequence similarity in the remaining C-terminal 43 amino acid residues. Details of procedures used in determining the sequence of component 5 have been deposited as a Supplementary Publication SUP 50168 (80 pages) at the British Library Document Supply Centre, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1992) 281, 5. The information comprises: (1) details of chemical and enzymic methods used for cleavage of component 5, peptide CN1, the peptide mixture CN2/3 and various other peptides, (2) details of the procedures used for the fractionation and purification of peptides from (1), including Figures showing the elution profiles from the chromatographic steps used, and (3) details of the method used to determine the C-terminal sequence of component 5.

1986 ◽  
Vol 236 (3) ◽  
pp. 705-712 ◽  
L M Dowling ◽  
W G Crewther ◽  
D A Parry

The amino acid sequence of component 8c-1 from alpha-keratin was analysed by using secondary-structure prediction techniques, homology search methods, fast Fourier-transform techniques to detect regularities in the linear disposition of amino acids, interaction counts to assess possible modes of chain aggregation and assessment of hydrophilicity distribution. The analyses show the following. The molecule has two lengths of coiled-coil structure, each about 20 nm long, one from residues 56-202 with a discontinuity from about residue 91 to residue 101, and the other from residues 219-366 with discontinuities from about residue 238 to residue 245 and at about residue 306. The acidic and basic residues in the coiled-coil segment between residues 102 and 202 show a 9,4-residue structural period in their linear disposition, whereas between residues 246 and 366 a period of 9.9 residues is observed in the positioning of ionic residues. Acidic and basic residues are out of phase by 180 degrees. Similar repeats occur in corresponding regions of other intermediate-filament proteins. The overall mean values for the repeats are 9.55 residues in the N-terminal region and 9.85 residues in the C-terminal region. The regions at each end of the protein chain (residues 1-55 and 367-412) are not alpha-helical and contain many potential beta-bends. The regions specified in have a significant degree of homology mainly due to a semi-regular disposition of proline and half-cystine residues on a three-residue grid; this is especially apparent in the C-terminal segment, in which short (Pro-Cys-Xaa)n regions occur. The coiled-coil segments of component 8c-1 bear a striking similarity to corresponding segments of other intermediate-filament proteins as regards sequence homology, structural periodicity of ionic residues and secondary/tertiary-structure predictions. The assessments of the probabilities that these homologies occurred by chance indicate that there are two populations of keratin filament proteins. The non-coiled-coil regions at each end of the chain are less hydrophilic than the coiled-coil regions. Ionic interactions between the heptad regions of components 8c-1 and 7c from the microfibrils of alpha-keratin are optimized when a coiled-coil structure is formed with the heptad regions of the constituent chains both parallel and in register.

Blood ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 75 (12) ◽  
pp. 2349-2356 ◽  
T Shimomura ◽  
K Fujimura ◽  
S Maehama ◽  
M Takemoto ◽  
K Oda ◽  

Glycoprotein V (GPV) is a membrane-associated, 82 Kd platelet glycoprotein that is hydrolyzed during thrombin activation to yield 69 Kd fragment. We have developed a rapid and simple method for isolation of the protein from platelet extracts using a combination of gel permeation, anion-exchange, and lectin affinity chromatography. The partial amino acid sequence was determined by analysis of peptides generated by digestion of the S-carboxyamido-methylated protein with Achromobacter protease I or cyanogen bromide. The sequence shows a remarkable periodicity of leucine residues, which is homologous to the consensus sequence of a highly diversified protein super-family with a common repetitive module. Thrombin cleavage site was determined to be located at the C-terminal region of GPV by analysis of the products separated by sizing and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. By lectin blot analysis, the existence of mucin-type carbohydrate chains was indicated, as well as the existence of asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains shown by the amino acid sequence analysis. From these data, we report a structural model of GPV that is analogous to glycoprotein Ib.

Development ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 105 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-298
H. Herrmann ◽  
B. Fouquet ◽  
W.W. Franke

To provide a basis for studies of the expression of genes encoding the diverse kinds of intermediate-filament (IF) proteins during embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis we have isolated and characterized IF protein cDNA clones. Here we report the identification of two types of Xenopus vimentin, Vim1 and Vim4, with their complete amino acid sequences as deduced from the cloned cDNAs, both of which are expressed during early embryogenesis. In addition, we have obtained two further vimentin cDNAs (Vim2 and 3) which are sequence variants of closely related Vim1. The high evolutionary conservation of the amino acid sequences (Vim1: 458 residues; Mr approximately 52,800; Vim4: 463 residues; Mr approximately 53,500) to avian and mammalian vimentin and, to a lesser degree, to desmin from the same and higher vertebrate species, is emphasized, including conserved oligopeptide motifs in their head domains. Using these cDNAs in RNA blot and ribonuclease protection assays of various embryonic stages, we observed a dramatic increase of vimentin RNA at stage 14, in agreement with immunocytochemical results obtained with antibody VIM-3B4. The significance of very weak mRNA signals detected in earlier stages is discussed in relation to negative immunocytochemical results obtained in these stages. The first appearance of vimentin has been localized to a distinct mesenchymal cell layer underlying the neural plate or tube, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to programs of de novo synthesis of other cytoskeletal proteins in amphibian and mammalian development.

1985 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 2575-2581 ◽  
J A Winkles ◽  
T D Sargent ◽  
D A Parry ◽  
E Jonas ◽  
I B Dawid

We have determined the sequence of cloned cDNAs derived from a 1,665-nucleotide mRNA which transiently accumulates during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis. Computer analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that this mRNA encodes a 47-kilodalton type I intermediate filament subunit, i.e., a cytokeratin. As is common to all intermediate filament subunits so far examined, the predicted polypeptide, named XK70, contains N- and C-terminal domains flanking a central alpha-helical rod domain. The overall amino acid homology between XK70 and a human 50-kilodalton type I keratin is 47%; homology within the alpha-helical domain is 57%. The N-terminal domain, which is not completely contained in our cDNAs, is basic, contains 42% serine plus alanine, and includes five copies of a six-amino-acid repeating unit. The C-terminal domain has a high alpha-helical content and contains a region with sequence homology to the C-terminal domains of other type I and type III intermediate filament proteins. We suggest that different keratin filament subtypes may have different functional roles during amphibian oogenesis and embryogenesis.

1990 ◽  
Vol 110 (2) ◽  
pp. 427-436 ◽  
M J Fietz ◽  
R B Presland ◽  
G E Rogers

Trichohyalin is a highly expressed protein within the inner root sheath of hair follicles and is similar, or identical, to a protein present in the hair medulla. In situ hybridization studies have shown that trichohyalin is a very early differentiation marker in both tissues and that in each case the trichohyalin mRNA is expressed from the same single copy gene. A partial cDNA clone for sheep trichohyalin has been isolated and represents approximately 40% of the full-length trichohyalin mRNA. The carboxy-terminal 458 amino acids of trichohyalin are encoded, and the first 429 amino acids consist of full- or partial-length tandem repeats of a 23 amino acid sequence. These repeats are characterized by a high proportion of charged amino acids. Secondary structure analyses predict that the majority of the encoded protein could form alpha-helical structures that might form filamentous aggregates of intermediate filament dimensions, even though the heptad motif obligatory for the intermediate filament structure itself is absent. The alternative structural role of trichohyalin could be as an intermediate filament-associated protein, as proposed from other evidence.

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