Morphological and Morphometric Characters in Sturgeon Taxonomy and Phylogeny

Ekaterina D. Vasil’eva
2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 325-334
V. N. Peskov ◽  
N. A. Petrenko ◽  
V. Yu. Reminnyi

Abstract We study size-at-age and sexual variability of morphometric characteristics of the marsh frog. According to the size of the body, males were divided into three size-age groups (juvenis, subadultus, adultus), females — into four groups (juvenis, subadultus, adultus, adultus-I). We found that the chronological age of frogs (skeletochronology) does not always correspond to their biological age (size and proportions of the body). We noted that the semi-adult males are reliably larger than females by mean values of 26 studied morphometric characters. Males and females of “adultus” group do not differ by linear body size, significant differences were found in body proportions (7 characters). For the females of “adultus-I” group, the mean values of 26 characters are significantly larger than for “adultus” males. The results of our study showed that with the age of the marsh frog, the level of exhibition, directionality and structure of morphometric sex differences changes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 392-405 ◽  
O.A. Diripasko ◽  
T.A. Zabroda

A total of 38 morphometric characters of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) were studied in its native range in the Sea of Azov. The aim was to assess joint effect of sexual dimorphism and size variability on overall variability within groups of samples (populations) using appropriate methods of traditional statistical analysis (one-dimensional and multivariate statistics). Sex and size-dependent variability was studied based on model samples of males and females of different size. Most of the studied morphometric characters of round goby from the Sea of Azov demonstrated statistically significant sex- and size-dependent in-group variability. The pattern of the variability suggests that, for a comparison of round goby from different sea regions and between populations, separate samples of males and females within the range 9–13 cm SL should be examined in order to minimise the effect of the size and sex factors. The approach of searching for the most informative size range could be useful not only for further studies of infraspecific variation but for comparisons between morphologically close gobiin species.

2017 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 711-718
George Geladakis ◽  
Nikolaos Nikolioudakis ◽  
George Koumoundouros ◽  
Stylianos Somarakis

Abstract Morphometric characters have traditionally been used to describe the population structure of fishes. Body shape variation, which is often environmentally induced, may provide a good record of short-term population structuring. However, factors unrelated to environmental or genetic influences on body morphology may complicate sampling and the use of morphometric features for stock discrimination. In the present study, we used geometric morphometric variables to compare the European sardine Sardina pilchardus putative stocks of the Aegean and Ionian Seas (eastern Mediterranean). Landmark data of fish collected at seven different sites were subjected to canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP). The average body condition of sardines from these sites was strongly and linearly related to corresponding scores along CAP1, the axis exhibiting the highest correlation with the morphometric data cloud. The average scores along CAP2 and CAP3 appeared to be linked to morphological differentiation related to temperature effects and prey availability (mesozooplankton biomass). Despite the primary and confounding effect of body condition, discrimination of different morphotypes corresponding to the Aegean and the Ionian Sea stocks was highly significant with 81% correct reallocations for the respective CAP model.

Polar Record ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-182 ◽  
Łukasz Kaczmarek ◽  
Karel Janko ◽  
Jerzy Smykla ◽  
Łukasz Michalczyk

ABSTRACTIn thirteen (mostly soil) mixed samples, collected from nine localities on the Antarctic continent and some of the neighbouring islands, 788 specimens and 32 eggs of tardigrades were found. In total, five species were identified:Acutuncus antarcticus, Echiniscus jenningsi,Diphascon(D.)victoriae,Hypsibius dujardiniandRamajendas dastychisp. nov.A. antarcticuswas the most abundant (nearly 90% of all specimens) and was the prevailing taxon found in the majority of locations.R. dastychisp. nov. is the fourth species described in the exclusively Antarctic/sub-Antarctic genus. The new species differs from all other congeners by the presence of four gibbosities on the caudo-dorsal cuticle (configuration II:2–2) and also by some morphometric characters. In this paper we also briefly discuss the taxonomy and zoogeography of the genusRamajendas.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 349-353 ◽  
M Begum ◽  
Abdullah Al-Mamun ◽  
ML Islam ◽  
MJ Alam

The morphometric observations were made on total length, standard length, pre-caudal length, head length, eye diameter and depth of body at pectoral fin base of estuarine catfish M. gulio. Males and females showed homogeneity in characters. A linear relationship was found between total length and morphometric characters. Regression of length and weight did not deviate significantly from cube law indicating isometric growth. The fish exhibited sexual dimorphism. Keywords: Morphometric characters; Estuarine catfish; Mystus gulio DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v6i2.4833 J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 6(2): 349-353, 2008

Nematology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 301-318
Marek Tomalak ◽  
Anna Filipiak

Summary Bursaphelenchus michalskii sp. n. is described from the bark of the European white elm, Ulmus laevis. All propagative stages of the nematode were found in larval galleries of the large elm bark beetle, Scolytus scolytus, and in overlapping gallery systems of this species and the small European elm bark beetle, S. multistriatus. Dauer juveniles of the new nematode are transmitted to new breeding trees under elytra of adult S. scolytus. Bursaphelenchus michalskii sp. n. is characterised by the female body length of 953 (838-1108) μm and male body length of 893 (811-971) μm, very slender body (a = 53.9 (46.1-58.5) and 60.9 (52.2-72.0) in female and male, respectively), lateral fields with three incisures (two bands), excretory pore usually located anterior to the median bulb, lack of vulval flap, long post-uterine sac, relatively small spicules 12.3 (10.8-13.3) μm long with no cucullus and with distinct, somewhat thorn-like, dorsally bent or reflexed condylus and a conical or digitate rostrum, and the arrangement of the seven male caudal papillae (i.e., a single precloacal ventromedian papilla (P1), one pair of adcloacal ventrosublateral papillae (P2) at or just anterior to cloacal slit, one ventrosublateral, postcloacal pair (P3) located at ca 60% of the tail length, posterior to cloacal slit, and one pair (P4) of ventrosublateral papillae located near the base of the bursa). The newly described species shares most of the key morphological characters with members of the eremus-group (sensu Braasch et al., 2009). However, B. michalskii sp. n. is unique amongst Bursaphelenchus species by a combination of female tail and spicule shape, excretory pore position, and other morphometric characters. These findings were confirmed by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the 18S and 28S rDNA regions and by the unique molecular profile of the ITS region (ITS-RFLP).

2002 ◽  
Vol 18 (4-6) ◽  
pp. 234-239 ◽  
J. A. North ◽  
R. A. Farr ◽  
P. Vescei

Crustaceana ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 91 (12) ◽  
pp. 1495-1504 ◽  
Rajan Kumar ◽  
Shikha Rahangdale ◽  
Subal Kumar Roul

Abstract Albuneid crabs are specialized and active sand-burrowing organisms. Despite their substantial diversity, their ability to avoid fishing gear leads to “under collection” and a discontinuous record of distribution. The present study documents the first distributional record of Albunea occulta Boyko, 2002 from the Bay of Bengal, eastern Indian Ocean. Albunea thurstoni Henderson, 1893 is also recorded for the first time from the area, i.e., from the Gulf of Mannar, southwestern Bay of Bengal. This study further reports variation in morphological characters, especially in the carapace grooves (CG) from previous records and across specimens from different regions. Morphometric characters were found useful in species discrimination, which is explained as well.

Paleobiology ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-272 ◽  
Peter J. Wagner

The evolution of higher taxa among early Paleozoic gastropods is similar to that among early metazoans as a whole, as higher taxa diversified rapidly and early. There are two issues pertinent to this pattern. First, were greater morphologic changes concentrated in the early phases of evolution? Second, does the pattern better fit models of increasing phylogenetic constraints or increasing ecologic restrictions? This paper presents a phylogeny-based method designed to test whether amounts of morphologic evolution decreased over time. It also explores whether the data better fits models of increasing phylogenetic (i.e., developmental or genetic) constraint or increasing ecologic restriction. Two metrics of morphologic separation (i.e., the morphologic difference between sister-species) are used: (1) Euclidean distance in morphospace and (2) transition magnitude. The latter metric is calculated by a multivariate analysis of sister-species contrasts, which determines both types and magnitudes of morphologic transitions. The advantage of using transition magnitudes is that it balances the effects of transitions that either affect more morphometric characters or occur more frequently. Both metrics indicate that larger morphologic separations between sister-species were concentrated early in gastropod evolution. Among gastropods, gross shell morphology often reflects basic trophic strategy and function whereas basic internal anatomy does not. Transition magnitudes can be broken down into transitions associated with differences in basic trophic strategies and shell functional biology (“external”), and those associated with differences in basic internal anatomy (“internal”). Internal transition magnitudes show a highly significant decrease over time (p < 10–04) whereas external transition magnitudes show a much less significant decrease over time (p < 0.10) and no significant decrease after the earliest Ordovician (p ≅ 0.50). The results therefore suggest that increasing phylogenetic constraints played a greater role in the early evolution of gastropods than did increasing ecologic ones.

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