RFID-Based Asset Management of Time and Temperature Sensitive Materials

M. Zawodniok ◽  
S. Jagannathan ◽  
C. Saygin ◽  
A. Soylemezoglu
A. E. Vatter ◽  
J. Zambernard

Oncogenic viruses, like viruses in general, can be divided into two classes, those that contain deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and those that contain ribonucleic acid (RNA). The RNA viruses have been recovered readily from the tumors which they cause whereas, the DNA-virus induced tumors have not yielded the virus. Since DNA viruses cannot be recovered, the bulk of present day investigations have been concerned with RNA viruses.The Lucké renal adenocarcinoma is a spontaneous tumor which occurs in northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and has received increased attention in recent years because of its probable viral etiology. This hypothesis was first advanced by Lucké after he observed intranuclear inclusions in some of the tumor cells. Tumors with inclusions were examined at the fine structural level by Fawcett who showed that they contained immature and mature virus˗like particles.The use of this system in the study of oncogenic tumors offers several unique features, the virus has been shown to contain DNA and it can be recovered from the tumor, also, it is temperature sensitive. This latter feature is of importance because the virus can be transformed from a latent to a vegetative state by lowering or elevating the environmental temperature.

1989 ◽  
Vol 50 (C1) ◽  
pp. C1-559-C1-564
F. P. KEENAN ◽  
J. DUNN ◽  
K. D. EVANS ◽  
S. M. McCANN ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 78 (12) ◽  
pp. 1276-1285
Shibu John A

Enterprise asset management (EAM) systems are used by asset owners and/or operators to manage the maintenance of their physical assets. These assets, including equipment, facilities, vehicles, and infrastructure, need maintenance to sustain their operations. An EAM system provides the means to have less unplanned downtime and extended asset longevity, which offers clear business benefits that improve the profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Particularly for capital-intensive industries, like drilling and exploration, the failure of on-time delivery of critical equipment or processes is disruptive and costs nonproductive time and customer satisfaction. Organizations understand these issues and employ an appropriate asset management system to engineer their asset maintenance and management. An EAM system is needed to manage the people, assets/equipment, and processes. EAMs are used to plan, optimize, execute, and track the needed maintenance activities with associated priorities, skills, materials, tools, and information. Similarly, nondestructive testing (NDT) is used as a tool for integrity assessment of assets in drilling and exploration. The main advantage of using NDT is that the item’s intended use or serviceability is not affected. The selection of a specific technique should be based on knowledge and skills that include design, material processing, and material evaluation. Validating the purpose of this paper, we emphasize the importance of optimizing the asset utilization and serviceability to enhance overall efficiency by integrating EAM software that manages assets, the operation management system (OMS) controlling the processes, and asset inspection management systems (AIMSs).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 79
Syarief Gerald Prasetya

 Company's goal is to maximize the value of the company. Value of the company is very important for the company because the company maximize the value it will maximize the welfare of shareholders. Efforts that can be done to maximize the value of the company in one of the company through asset management. Asset management companies is an activity which is very important because the management is based on the size of the success of the company during a certain period can be known. Asset management is a potential that is owned by organizations or individuals to achieve the vision, mission and goals, or particular. However, in maximizing the value of a company diisyaratkan a growth company that is a positive development of the company that occurred in a period of timeThe aim of this research is to analyse relevantly of assets management and growth of company, is have influence and relation, or not with value of company. If in research process found by inexistence of relation and influence from assets management and growth of company, so will searching that problem and searching the othe factors perhaps existence relation and influence to value of companiesThe research shows that in PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk, influential assets management according to significant towards value of companies, that is with level significant as big as 0,012. While in PT. United Tractors Tbk, assets management not influential according to significant towards value of companies, that is with level significant as big as 0,576. In PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk, influential growth of company according to significant towards value of companies, that is with level significant as big as 0,015. While in PT. United Tractors Tbk, growt of company not influential according to significant towards value of companies, that is with level significant as big as 0,870Result of evaluation in this research is that value of companies do not only be influenced by factor of assets management and growth of company, but there is other factor which can influence such as profitability factor and and efficiency costKey word: management assets, growth of company, value of company

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 01
Yoyo Indah Gunawan ◽  
Lerry Big Senjaya

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesehatan Bank Yudha Bhakti sebagai kelayakan  bank penempatan dana deposito Reksa Dana Pasar Uang Syailendra Dana Kas PT. Syailendra Capital.Sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 6/10/PBI/2004 tanggal 12 April 2004 tentang Sistem Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Umum (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 38, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 4382), maka metode yang di gunakan oleh PT. Syailendra Capital  kesehatan sebuah bank untuk menilai kelayaknya adalah menggunakan metode CAMEL (Capital, Asset, Management, Earning, Liquidity).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio CAR = 18,18% (nilai poin = 5), rasio EAQ = 97,82% (nilai poin =5), rasio LDR = 94,57% (nilai poin = 5), rasio NPL = 2,07% (nilai poin = 5), rasio NIM = 8,31% (nilai poin = 4), rasio ROA = 0,40% (nilai poin= 1), dan rasio STM = 91,05% (nilai poin = 3). Sedangkan nilai total score CAMEL sebesar 84, artinya bahwa status kesehatan PT. Bank Yudha Bhakti .Tbk katagorinya sehat sehingga layak dijadikan bank penempatan dana deposito Reksa Dana Pasar Uang Syailendra Dana Kas  PT. Syailendra Capital.Hasil perhitungan masing-masing komponen rasio CAMEL diperoleh total hasil sebesar 84 Poin, ini berarti PT. Bank Yudha Bhakti .Tbk merupakan bank yang masuk kategori Sehat menurut rasio CAMEL yang sudah dihitung, maka dari itu reksa dana pasar uang Syailenda Dana Kas PT. Syailendra Capital dapat melakukan penempatan dana deposito pada bank tersebutBerdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka disarankan : (1). Sebaiknya Syailendra Dana Kas PT. Syailendra Capital melakukan penempatan dana deposito pada  PT. Bank Yudha Bhakti Tbk yang katagorinya sehat sehingga akan memberikan keuntungan profit, (2) Perhitungan rasio CAMEL agar dapat menggunakan data laporan keuangan minimal selama 3 tahun, sehingga dapat juga dilihat perkembangan rasio CAMEL dari tahun ke tahun, (3). agar dalam proses pemilihan bank juga dapat mempertimbangkan berita-berita terkini dari industri perbankan mengenai bank yang akan dilihat rasio CAMEL-nya Kata Kunci : Kesehatan Bank

Hanspeter Gondring ◽  
Thomas Wagner

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