Are R&D-Active SMEs in the Emerging Markets Financially Constrained? Self-Evaluation Approach

Katarzyna Prędkiewicz ◽  
Paweł Prędkiewicz
2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Maria Palmira Carlos Alves ◽  
Serafim Manuel Teixeira Correia

A avaliação de escola tem vindo a ganhar força com a preocupação inerente à crescente autonomia da escola que a obriga, por um lado, a prestar contas à sociedade e, por outro, a desenvolver aprendizagens que proporcionem as soluções adequadas e criativas à resolução dos problemas que lhe são constantemente colocados. Sendo a avaliação encarada, pela maioria dos responsáveis políticos, como uma estratégia de melhoria da escola, justifica-se que esteja a ser objecto de uma profunda reflexão no seio do Sistema Educativo Português. É, neste contexto, que sustentamos que a avaliação de escola, sobretudo na modalidade de auto-avaliação, é um meio de aprendizagem organizativa, capaz de habilitar uma comunidade educativa a organizar os seus processos de melhoria e a mobilizar o conhecimento interno da escola necessário para responder, de modo adequado e criativo, às mudanças. Assim, durante o ano de 2007, levámos a cabo uma investigação, cuja preocupação central assentou, fundamentalmente, no conhecimento dos dispositivos que têm sido desenvolvidos nas 769 escolas públicas do 2.º e 3.º ciclos dos ensinos básico e secundário. Para tal, elaborámos um questionário que, depois de validado, enviámos a todas as escolas, em versão electrónica, possibilitando a resposta por essa mesma via. Os dados obtidos, a partir das 274 respostas, foram tratados com recurso ao programa informático SPSS (versão 13.0 para Windows) e, posteriormente, analisados. Neste artigo, apresentaremos alguns resultados que nos ajudaram a compreender e a problematizar as práticas de auto-avaliação das escolas públicas.   Palavras-chave: Auto-avaliação de Escola. Dispositivosde Avaliação. Organização Aprendente.   The evaluation of school has gained visibility due to its autonomy inner concerning which puts it in a position of, by one side, establishing a dialogue with society, and by the other, developing a creative learning that provides the most appropriate solutions to solve the demanded problems. Evaluation is considered, by most politicians, as a strategy that can make the school to improve, which justifies it to be the subject of a further consideration within the Portuguese Educational System. In this context we consider the school evaluating system, in its self-evaluation approach, an organization learning way, which can enable the educational community to manage its improvement processes and sensibly the necessary school’s internal knowledge in order to answer the changes. Thus, throughout the 2007 year, we carried out a research, whose essential concern is the awareness of the devices developed into the 769 basic and secondary public schools of Basic and Fundamental Schooling. So, we drew up a questionnaire and sent it to all schools in a electronic version, enabling electronic replies. The obtained data from the 274 responses were processed using the SPSS software (version 13.0 for Windows), and subsequently analyzed. In this article we present some results that helped us to understand and enquiry the practices of self-evaluation in public schools.   Keywords: School self-evaluation. Evaluation Devices. Learning organization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 40-43
Joy Marie Waffi

This article introduces a participatory evaluation methodology that can be used with very low literacy groups of women to capture change experienced in their voice, participation, and decision-making abilities at the household and community levels. Central to this methodology is the process utilised to enable a personal determination of the level of change that has taken place according to individual baselines and circumstances, and using this information to present a more accurate picture of how much change has occurred for some women versus others and use percentage break-ups to show the different change-level-groups of women in a community. Whereas one can easily make the mistake of generalising change levels for all the women based on the responses of a few outspoken ones, this evaluation methodology captures the richness and diversity that exists even among a small group of women. Utilising such an evaluation approach makes one recognise the complexities that come with measuring change in women's voice, participation and decision-making in very low literacy settings. Developed in haste and used for an internal CARE International end-of-project evaluation in early 2014, the author shares her original experience of utilising this new self-developed participatory evaluation methodology. The article is sequenced so that the reader is presented with the circumstances out of which this evaluation methodology was developed, the benefits discovered from utilising it, shortfalls of the original methodology, and improvements that will be made to further develop and strengthen the methodology.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (4/5) ◽  
pp. 243-264 ◽  
Tina T Yang ◽  
Peter E Sidorko ◽  
Esther M.W. Woo

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe a study aimed at assessing the impact of the only recurring Asian library leadership institute on its participants. Design/methodology/approach – A review of the literature focussing on similar longitudinal studies was first conducted followed by a survey of past participants aimed at utilizing a self-evaluation approach. Findings – The study found it difficult to establish a conclusive cause and effect link between institute attendance and the subsequent changes in participants’ professional lives. Nevertheless the study provides compelling evidence that the institute has enhanced participants’ leadership skills, knowledge and insights and thus contributed directly or indirectly to changes in respect of their career progression, involvement in leadership activities and changes at their respective organizations. Research limitations/implications – Like other similar longitudinal studies on library leadership training, the inconclusive nature of findings suggests that further analysis of participants might be undertaken through a qualitative approach in the form of focus group interviews with the participants and over a time period less than the ten years used in the study. Practical implications – Survey respondents provided overwhelming support for the institute providing organizers with the motivation to continue to provide this opportunity to librarians in the Asia region. Originality/value – As the only Asian library leadership training of its kind, this study has delivered a unique set of data that provides perspectives that have not been previously documented.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 387-406 ◽  
Tereza Otcenášková ◽  
Vladimír Bureš

Purpose Intellectual capital represents an integral part of evaluation in many companies. Applied methods do not consider three crucial aspects of intellectual capital, which are up-to-date research topics, dynamic nature, and internal perspective. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to propose a novel intellectual capital self-evaluation method, addressing this issue. Design/methodology/approach Analysis of topics is based on collocation, correspondence, and co-occurrence analyses. Method construction stage is grounded in knowledge processes and deploys a panel of expert evaluations, Saaty’s decision matrix, based on pairwise comparison and the stakeholders’ estimates. Findings A new method for evaluation enables complex internal view on the status of intellectual capital in an organisation, as it is based on up-to-date research topics, a self-evaluation approach, and the dynamics of knowledge processes. Research limitations/implications The list of applied criteria is extendable, and the set weights are adjusted. Estimates are subjective in their nature. Provided results are tied with the specifics of self-evaluated organisations and cannot be used for inter-organisational comparison. Practical implications Presented system enables organisational self-evaluation, focussed on the complex and dynamic internal view, based on up-to-date topics. Despite the limitations, this self-evaluation can be conducted for various types of economic systems. Originality/value Proposed method is patterned on the current research topics and offers dynamic- and internal-oriented approach to self-evaluation of intellectual capital status.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Kamal Fuadi ◽  
Bedjo Sudjanto ◽  
Kamaluddin Kamaluddin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi (1) lingkungan strategis implementasi kebijakan, (2) proses implementasi kebijakan, dan (3) hasil implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru di Kementerian Agama RI. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model evaluasi Countenance yang dikembangkan oleh Stake. Lingkungan strategis implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru di Kementerian Agama RI cukup mendukung keterlaksanaan dan pencapaian hasil kebijakan namun masih ditemui beberapa kelemahan dan kendala yaitu peserta mengundurkan diri, belum ada rencana induk pengembangan, belum ada evaluasi diri dan penjaminan mutu kelembagaan LPTK. Kementerian Agama RI melakukan proses pengawasan dan evaluasi namun kurang terdokumentasikan sehingga proses tindak lanjut tidak dilaksanakan. Implementasi kebijakan menghasilkan lulusan guru profesional namun terdapat kelemahan dan kendala yang menyebabkan banyaknya peserta yang mengundurkan diri dan tidak lulus. Pada angkatan I seluruh peserta sertifikasi guru lulus. Pada angkatan II dari 947 peserta jumlah yang lulus sebanyak 945 (99,79%) dan yang tidak lulus sebanyak 2 (0,21%).Kata kunci: kebijakan, evaluasi, guru, sertifikasi EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER CERTIFICATION POLICY IN THE MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRSAbstractThis study aims to evaluate (1) the strategic environment of the policy implementation; (2) the process of the policy implementation; and (3) the results of the policy implementation of teacher certification on the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). The research method was a qualitative evaluation approach based on a model of evaluation developed by Stake. The strategic environment in the MORA is sufficient to support the implementation and achievement of the policy result although there are still weaknesses and obstacles follows that the participants resign, there is no PPG development master plan, no self-evaluation, and institutional quality assurance. The MORA has conducted a process of monitoring and evaluation although it is not documented so that the follow-up process is not implemented. Implementation of the policy shows the results of graduates of professional teachers despite the weaknesses and obstacles that caused many participants who resigned and did not pass. In the first batch of all teacher, certification participants passed all. In the second batch of 947 participants, the number passed as 945 (99.79%) and who did not pass as much as 2 (0.21%).Keywords: policy, evaluation, teacher, certification

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