participatory evaluation
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Héctor NÚÑEZ ◽  
Núria FABRA FRES ◽  

Participatory action research and participatory evaluation are two approaches used to involve people in public affairs, fostering the shared construction of knowledge. Recent decades have seen an increase in the involvement of agents in public activity, a trend that is also evident among young people. Experiences based on youth participatory action research and participatory youth evaluation are discussed in the literature. The main aim of this article is to define these two methodological approaches, and discuss: the role played by agents, the functions implemented, and the main stages. To this end, we have used a systematic documentary analysis of databases and specialist journals between 2010-2021. The results produce a map of internationally published articles regarding participatory action research and participatory youth evaluation. Secondly, a check-list is provided of the two methodological approaches to youth participation; this compiles the functions of the agents involved and the stages involved in both approaches. The article aims to be of use to public administrations and social entities with decision-making powers over actions that favour the involvement of young people in public affairs.

Aquaculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 737747
Mary Lundeba ◽  
Steven M. Cole ◽  
Wagdy Mekkawy ◽  
Rodrigue Yossa ◽  
Rose Komugisha Basiita ◽  

Janice Duddy ◽  
Mona Lee ◽  
Elayne McIvor ◽  
Paul Kerber ◽  
Alfiya Battalova

Interest in participatory evaluation and other collaborative inquiry approaches has risen substantially over the past few decades. However, there appears to be a lack of practical information about using and applying participatory evaluation approaches on-the-ground. This Practice Note uses a participatory impact evaluation of a leadership development program for people living with HIV and findings from a meta-evaluation of this work to describe: (i) the participatory evaluation approach adopted; (ii) challenges and lessons learned related to conducting a participatory evaluation; and (iii) some key factors and implications to consider maximizing success of future participatory evaluations.

Environments ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 93
Anabel Sanchez-Plaza ◽  
Annelies Broekman ◽  
Javier Retana ◽  
Adriana Bruggeman ◽  
Elias Giannakis ◽  

Climate and other human-induced changes will increase water scarcity in world areas such as in the Mediterranean. Adaptation principles need to be urgently incorporated into water management and stakeholder engagement needs to be strengthened at all steps of the management cycle. This study aimed to analyse and compare stakeholder-preferred water management options (WMOs) to face climate change related challenges and to foster adaptation in four Mediterranean river basins. The challenges and WMOs of the four river basins identified by stakeholders were analysed examining to what extent the WMOs tackled the identified challenges. The impact of the WMOs resulting from a participatory modelling method was included in a comparative analysis of the stakeholders’ WMOs preferences. The results indicate the participatory approach that was applied allowed local priorities and real-world challenges to be defined with adequate detail as well as the definition of tailored responses. The participatory impact analysis provided an integrated view of the river basin as an interrelated system. The participatory evaluation of the WMOs was able to consider a wide range of elements and was able reflect the combined preferences of the stakeholders. Moreover, it allowed groups of basin actors with highly diverse profiles and concerns to further promote sets of these WMOs as input into decision making processes.

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