Inbound Marketing stellt die Persona ins Zentrum

Sabine Kirchem ◽  
Juliane Waack
2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
Benny Yustim

Kegiatan promosi merupakan sebuah bagian penting yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan untuk memperkenalkan produk atau jasa yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan yang dilakukan. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan determinasi perusahaan dibidang kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan.Berbagai terobosan dengan memanfaatkan keragaman media yang ada saat ini senantiasa menjadi inovasi yang tiada henti yang dilakukan advertiser untuk dapat membangun pencitraan dari produk yang dihasilkan. Saat ini kegiatan promosi tidak hanya sekedar membangun citra, namun sudah bergeser menjadi sebuah kegiatan marketing untuk dapat memberikan solusi pencapaian outcome dan optimization dari sebuah halaman web yang dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan.Perkembangan teknologi internet yang sangat cepat membuat inovasi dalam melakukan promosi tidak saja terpaku pada kegiatan outbound marketing, namun bergerak juga ke arah inbound marketing. Inbound marketing atau bisa disebut juga dengan internet marketing memiliki berbagai inovasi yang saat ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan internet sebagai media promosi alternatif bagi perusahaan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-212
Nôga Simões de Arruda Corrêa da Silva ◽  
Valter Afonso Vieira
On Line ◽  

Este ensaio teórico sugere um modelo teórico que o inbound marketing, as mídias pagas e as mídias ganhadas on-line possuem efeitos no desempenho das novas vendas B2B. Estudos anteriores sustentam esses efeitos de modo isolado, não englobando as variáveis do modo conjunto (Stephen & Galak, 2012; Opreana & Vinerean, 2015; Hewett et al., 2016; Kumar et al., 2017). As mídias pagas on-line consistem em investimentos realizados em palavras-chave no Google e Facebook. As mídias ganhadas on-line provêm de curtidas, compartilhamentos e comentários nas redes sociais. Sendo assim, o inbound marketing é uma mídia não intrusiva baseada na criação de conteúdos que geram leads. O trabalho traz as seguintes contribuições: primeiro, pelo modelo teórico o inbound marketing pode ser a mídia mais proeminente no resultado de novas vendas B2B, sendo que as mídias pagas e ganhadas on-line podem exercer influência direta sobre o mesmo e indireta sobre as vendas; segundo, pela classificação da literatura, sugere-se quadros explicativos e informativos dos resultados anteriores do inbound marketing, das mídias pagas e das mídias ganhadas on-line; por fim, sugere-se caminhos novos para futuras pesquisas com o intuito de comprovar o modelo teórico e os argumentos defendidos nesta pesquisa.

2008 ◽  
pp. 205-217 ◽  
Christian Belz ◽  
Alexander Schagen

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (26) ◽  
pp. 12-36
Elena Fernández-Díaz ◽  
Carlos Rivilla Gil

Objetivo: Esta investigación se basa en analizar dos casos de e-commerce en España para comprobar si a partir del big data se puede influir positivamente en su estrategia SEO y de inbound marketing, implementando tácticas reales sobre dichos comercios digitales, así como evaluar los resultados y la forma de medirlos e interpretarlos correctamente. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Se trata de una investigación de tipo exploratorio combinando técnicas cuantitativas (palabras clave, visibilidad, volumen de búsquedas) para optimizar criterios On-Page; y cualitativas (buyer persona) a través de herramientas digitales como Sistrix, Google Analytics y Google Trends. Este estudio se realizó durante la primera ola de la pandemia del COVID-19 en España, en marzo de 2020, ante una mayor necesidad de mejorar la presencia y visibilidad digital de los e-commerce. Resultados: Este estudio da como resultado que, ante una bajada de visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda con motivo de un cambio de algoritmo de Google relacionado con la semántica, el análisis del big data resulta crucial para tomar decisiones de marketing digital y poder recuperar ese posicionamiento perdido, ganando a su vez visibilidad, que se traduce en más ventas. Limitaciones/implicaciones: Esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo coincidiendo con el confinamiento en España durante el COVID-19. Se propone, por lo tanto, volver a analizar ambos casos de estudio en otros periodos, también teniendo en cuenta la estacionalidad asociada a ambos productos, y de esta forma poder determinar una comparativa más global de los resultados. Sus principales implicaciones se basan en la optimización de una estrategia de posicionamiento en buscadores a partir de una serie de recomendaciones aplicados a dos casos reales de e-commerce Business to Consumer en España. Originalidad/contribución: Se trata de una guía práctica SEO que sirve de referencia para otros profesionales digitales del sector que quieran ponerlo en práctica en sus estrategias digitales.

Sulieman Al hawary ◽  
Hanan Almomani ◽  
Mohammad Eldahamsheh ◽  
Ali Bani Khaled ◽  
Ali Al Quran ◽  

Kenneth E. Harvey ◽  
Yulia An

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) was gaining popularity even before the World Wide Web. But with the explosion of online marketing, it is nearly impossible to avoid integration. This chapter will explore how digital and mobile marketing are dictating such changes in marketing. An overview of modern mobile marketing practices and trends builds upon a comparison of the traditional marketing mix (4 Ps) with a more consumer-oriented concept of 4 Cs. As products are being replaced with consumers, promotion with communication, place with convenience, and price with cost, the rise of mobile devices and the mobile Internet brings up a multitude of new concepts into traditional marketing theory and practice. Supplemented with best industry examples, the review of emerging mobile marketing concepts moves from broad online strategies, like inbound marketing, to very mobile-specific trends, like the Internet of Things.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 269-293 ◽  
Geraint Holliman ◽  
Jennifer Rowley

Purpose – This paper aims to draw attention to the emerging phenomenon of business to business (B2B) digital content marketing, offers a range of insights and reflections on good practice and contributes to theoretical understanding of the role of digital content in marketing. B2B digital content marketing is an inbound marketing technique and hence offers a solution to the declining effectiveness of traditional interruptive marketing techniques. Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 key informants involved in B2B content marketing in the USA, UK and France, in five industry sectors. Findings – B2B digital content marketing is an inbound marketing technique, effected through web page, social media and value-add content, and is perceived to be a useful tool for achieving and sustaining trusted brand status. Creating content that is valuable to B2B audiences requires brands to take a “publishing” approach, which involves developing an understanding of the audience’s information needs, and their purchase consideration cycle. Valuable content is described as being useful, relevant, compelling and timely. Content marketing requires a cultural change from “selling” to “helping”, which in turn requires different marketing objectives, tactics, metrics and skills to those associated with more traditional marketing approaches. The article concludes with a theoretical discussion on the role of digital content in marketing, thereby contextualising the findings from this study within a broader exploration of the role of digital content in marketing and relational exchanges. Originality/value – As the first research study to explore the use of digital content marketing in B2B contexts, this research positions digital content marketing with regard to prior theory, and provides both an agenda for further research, and suggestions for practice.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51 ◽  
Preetika Sindhwani ◽  
Vandana Ahuja

Inbound marketing focuses on producing relevant, audience captivating, high quality content that attracts consumers towards the online presence of a specific organization, brand or product. This study has been conducted using the online marketing research technique called netnography – a qualitative and interpretive methodology for the study of users in the virtual space. As the virtual medium presents a good medium for organization-consumer, bi-directional dialogue, companies can use the online arena for soliciting consumer views for their products, promotion mechanisms etc., hence, making these ideal tools to enable consumer participation in the co-creation strategies of organizations. Co-creation involves the consumers' participation in the creation of the core offering itself. It can occur through shared inventiveness, co-design or shared production of related goods, and can occur with customers and any other partners in the value network (R. Bolton, & S. Saxena-Iyer, 2009). Co-creation occurs when the customer participates through spontaneous, discretionary behaviors that uniquely customize the service experience (beyond the selection of pre-determined options). This was done by exploratory research on consumers' behavior in the online community “My Starbucks Idea”, with respect to updates and responses from Starbucks and their behavior with respect to feedback and suggestions from consumers. Ideas include fresh ideas given by other consumers to Starbucks through posts and the ideas which have been implemented recently in the stores that are updated by Starbucks' employees. Starbucks behavior was seen in terms of the ratio of volume of suggestion posts by consumers and volume of ideas adopted by Starbucks. “My Starbucks Idea” involves the psychological aspects of consumer behavior which are utilized by Starbucks because the ratio of volume of suggestion posts by consumers and the volume of ideas adopted by Starbucks is remarkably high. Another reason of participation of the consumers is the social connection; it is supported by the higher volume of posts observed.

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