The Non-identity Problem and «Historical Victims»

Philosophia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Marcos Alonso ◽  
Rodrigo Escribano
Christine M. Korsgaard

According to the marginal cases argument, there is no property that might justify making a moral difference between human beings and the other animals that is both uniquely and universally human. It is therefore “speciesist” to treat human beings differently just because we are human beings. While not challenging the conclusion, this chapter argues that the marginal cases argument is metaphysically misguided. It ignores the differences between a life stage and a kind, and between lacking a property and having it in a defective form. The chapter then argues for a view of moral standing that attributes it to the subject of a life conceived as an atemporal being, and shows how this view can resolve some familiar puzzles such as how death can be a loss to the person who has died, how we can wrong the dead, the “procreation asymmetry,” and the “non-identity problem.”

Science ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 263 (5144) ◽  
pp. 191-197 ◽  
M. Saks ◽  
Sampson ◽  
J. Abelson

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-204 ◽  
Keyur Doolabh ◽  
Lucius Caviola ◽  
Julian Savulescu ◽  
Michael Selgelid ◽  
Dominic JC Wilkinson

David Boonin

In this chapter, the author explains what the non-identity problem is and why it matters, as well as Derek Parfit’s central role in the literature on the problem. The author explains the solution to the problem Parfit tentatively proposed in Reasons and Persons (1984) and the two reasons he gave for being dissatisfied with that solution. The author then explains the solution that Parfit later defended in his final (posthumous) publication (2017) and why he thought that solution overcame the two problems with his earlier solution. The author then identifies a third problem with Parfit’s earlier solution and shows that this third problem is also a problem with his later solution. The author concludes by suggesting that one lesson that might be drawn from the failure of Parfit’s last solution points in the direction of a very different kind of response to the problem, one defended in the author’s 2014 book, The Non-Identity Problem and the Ethics of Future People. And in doing so, the author responds to some of the criticisms of that response that Parfit himself makes early in his final publication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 279-282
Svetlana Sergeevna Smirnova

The paper characterizes the contribution of domestic and Western scientists to the study of social identity problem (A.V. Averchenko, I.V. Baryshnikova, L.V. Kalinina, A.V. Nechaev, D.P. Sidorenko, H. Arendt, J. Ranciere, H. Tajfel). The role of childrens creative team and favorable moral and psychological climate of childrens creative team in determining students social identity are outlined. The paper contains the results of the study of psychological climate of childrens creative team of the Russian folk instruments orchestra. The author also characterizes relations in the collective and students perception of themselves in the collective as members of the Russian folk instruments orchestra. The author also presents a process of formation of moral and psychological climate of childrens creative team in the context of value-meaningful and contextual approaches realization to create conditions for students social identity search and definition. The author has proposed types of lessons (informational, problem-based, discussion, double lecture, reflective, exploratory) and methods of educational and extracurricular creative activities that contribute to students social identity search and definition.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 111 ◽  
Syafruddin Kaliky ◽  
Fahruh Juhaevah

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam menyelesaikan masalah identitas trigonometri ditinjau dari gender di SMA. Dalam pengambilan subjek dilakukan dengan cara think a loud. Siswa yang cenderung memenuhi kriteria berpikir kritis selanjutnya dikelompokkan berdasarkan gender. Berdasarkan data jenuh yang diperoleh berdasarkan masing-masing gender, selanjutnya di ambil masing-masing satu orang untuk dianalisis kemampuan berpikir kritis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kemampuan berpikir kritis ditinjau dari gender dalam menyelesaikan masalah identitas trigonometri diperoleh bahwa siswa yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan siswa yang berjenis kelamin perempuan cenderung memenuhi 5 indikator berpikir kritis yaitu (1) mampu merumuskan pokok permasalahan; (2) mampu mengungkapkan fakta yang dibutuhkan dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah; (3) mampu memilih argumen yang logis, relevan dan akurat; (4) mampu mendeteksi bias berbeda pada sudut pandang berbeda dan (5) Mampu menentukan akibat dari suatu pernyataan yang di ambil sebagai suatu keputusan. Dalam proses penyelesaian berdasarkan tahapannya tampak bahwa siswa perempuan cenderung teliti dan sistematis dibandingkan siswa laki-laki. Kata kunci: Kemampuan berpikir kritis, gender. Abstract This study aimed to analyze critical thinking ability when solved trigonometry identity problem based on gender difference in senior high school. Subject were selected by think a loud. Most of student can do critical thinking criteria and then make a group difference based on gender. Based on saturated data that have obtained for each gender, and then take one of them to analyze critical thinking ability. Based on result shows that male student and female student mostly can complete five indicators of critical thinking such as 1) can formulate the core problem; 2) can express fact that requirement to solve the problem; 3) can choose logically argument, relevant, and accurate; 4) can detect different refraction when get different solution; and 5) can determint cause of the statement that it have took as a decision. When solved the problem based on the its phase, showed that female student are more careful and more sistematic than male student.

2014 ◽  
J. Peterson ◽  
H. Schulzrinne ◽  
H. Tschofenig

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