psychological climate
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Aakanksha Kataria ◽  
Kumari Rashmi ◽  
Mansi Rastogi

Purpose This study aims to investigate how workplace resourcefulness (positive psychological climate), as well as personal resources (psychological capital [PsyCap]), influence work engagement to promote change-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors (Ch-OCBs) among Indian information technology (IT) personnel. Design/methodology/approach The social exchange theory and job demands-resources model are used to provide rationale for proposing a comprehensive mechanism including antecedents, moderators as well as mediators enabling Ch-OCBs among IT personnel. Structured questionnaires were administered targeting IT professionals and their supervisors to test the proposed relationships. The obtained data from 30 supervisors and 240 subordinates were tested using confirmatory factor analysis, SEM and moderated path analysis technique. Findings Psychological climate, PsyCap and work engagement positively relate to Ch-OCBs; PsyCap moderated the relationship between psychological climate and work engagement. Specifically, the relationship between psychological climate and work engagement has come out stronger for employees with high PsyCap. Work engagement fully mediated the relationship between psychological climate and Ch-OCBs. Practical implications The findings can be critical in promoting voluntary change-focused behaviors among Indian IT personnel, for Indian and foreign (non-Indian) multi-national corporations that are interested in reaping profits by availing change-driven extra-role services of their efficient and the most preferred Indian IT employees of the world. Originality/value This study addresses to the call for more research on change-focused promotive part of OCB and advances the literature by providing evidence on the proposed set of associations from fast-pacing Indian economy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 271-280
A. Turukbaeva ◽  
N. Gilyauzizova

In this article, the author reveals research methods for working with underperforming students. We conducted an electronic survey (in connection with the pandemic) of students in urban schools and their parents, and each question was analyzed. As diagnostic methods for studying the state and causes of academic failure in modern schoolchildren, the author used various methods: the method of theoretical analysis of scientific, pedagogical, psychological, managerial and methodological literature on the research problem, the method of empirical research, the diagnostic method, the method of pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming, control and their description). The study of the reasons for academic failure was carried out in three stages, which differed both substantively and procedurally. The first stage was devoted to a questionnaire survey of students and parents of students in order to identify their interest and participation in general in the upbringing and academic performance of the child. At the second stage, the students' color world analyzer was used. And the final, third stage, contains the application of tests of school anxiety to diagnose the socio-psychological climate. The purpose of the methodology is to identify the level of anxiety in adolescents, localized in three main planes: educational activity, relationships with peers and significance in the eyes of adults and self-image. After all, adolescence is still an insufficiently mature and insufficiently socially matured person; it is a person who is at a special stage in the formation of its most important features and qualities. This stage is the borderline between childhood and adulthood.

Elena Shpakovskaya ◽  
Oksana Tokar' ◽  
Renata Gasanova ◽  
Tat'yana Hudyakova ◽  
Ol'ga Stepanova ◽  

The present research featured the career and professional development of the head of a modern organization. The status and career development of specialists and managers often come into dissonance. Managerialism, corruption, and other deformations create contradictions that require targeted and large-scale efforts, e.g. innovative career management technologies. The research objective was to analyze modern problems of managing the career and professional development of CEO personnel. The career and professional path of a CEO is a cultural phenomenon. They are closely related to one's development as a personality, a partner, and a specialist, which forms a system of competencies. These competencies also reflect and generate changes in the area of intrapersonal and interpersonal improvement. Personal development depends on the accumulation and processing of life and career experience. As a rule, this experience is neither purposeful nor reflexive. As a result, it gives little large-scale effect. The study and reflection should prevent and correct violations of professional-labor and social-career development, including careerograms, customized work trajectories, psychotechnologies of career management, etc. Performance of a manager is a multilevel system of interconnected individual components. Managerial performance can be improved as a systemic correlation of the existing and emerging qualities of a manager with the peculiarities of the organization, i.e. corporate culture, socio-psychological climate, internal education and mutual assistance, a system of selection and support, a system of professionally important qualities of an effective leader, ergo design of staff, psychophysiological harmony, etc.


The article deals with the methods and techniques for the development of critical thinking of primary schoolchildren, which are fundamentally different from the reproductive style of learning. The development of critical thinking of students can largely meet the requirements of modernity, namely: the content of education is considered not as a material for learning, but as a material for research; the student in this system is one of the main subjects of cooperation; the teacher, acting as an assistant, encourages students to maximum cognitive activity, maintains a creative psychological climate through co-creativity with students. It is noted that for the quality organization of the educational process and achievement of the set goals it is important to correctly apply the tools and methods of development of critical thinking. The article suggests a detailed description of the basic methods and techniques for the development of critical thinking and features of their application at primary school lessons. It is noted that the technologically correct application of methods and techniques for the development of critical thinking will promote active learning of students and form a culture of critical thinking.

2022 ◽  
pp. 12-23
N. S. Lapin ◽  
N. N. Pokrovskaia ◽  
M. B. Perfilyeva 

The article proposes an algorithm for assessing the environment of informal relations between employees of state and municipal institutions. The purpose of the study is to improve management processes by assessing informal relations as a tool for socialization and adaptation of employees of state and municipal institutions. Based on a literature review, objectives for managing informal relationships were set. Further, the characteristics of the environment of informal relations are revealed, for the assessment of which the methods and techniques of domestic and foreign authors can be applied. The paper offers recommendations on the application of methods and techniques for studying the environment of informal relations between staff of state and municipal institutions. Applied methods: analysis of sources, comparison, legal method. The novelty of the work lies in the substantiation of the application of methods and techniques for assessing the psychological climate in the team, the level of job satisfaction, conflict, informal leadership to study the environment of informal relations. The practical significance of achieving the desired level of the environment lies in the ability to increase the level of retention of employees, to provide flexibility in making managerial decisions and their implementation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 586
Zhen Li ◽  
Yanyuan Cheng

Organizations need to respond to multiple demands, not only of shareholders but of stakeholders. Supervisor mentality that focuses on bottom-line goals, such as financial performance, can result in negative consequences. We used conservation of resources theory to examine how and when employees engage in knowledge hiding toward coworkers was influenced by supervisor bottom-line mentality. A two-wave survey (N = 274) revealed a positive impact of supervisor bottom-line mentality on knowledge hiding toward coworkers via prevention-based psychological ownership. Further, the higher the competitive psychological climate, the stronger the positive relationship between supervisor bottom-line mentality and knowledge hiding via prevention-based psychological ownership. Our study highlights the negative effect of supervisor bottom-line mentality on knowledge transfer among employees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (12) ◽  
pp. 1449-1454
Tatyana V. Mazhaeva ◽  
Svetlana E. Dubenko

Introduction. The gain in the morbidity rate and medical costs associated with the work environment and lifestyle stimulates employers to search for effective preventive measures to preserve health and longevity of workers. The study aimed to assess commitment to a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and the work ability index of employees of an industrial enterprise and to determine directions for developing effective corporate health promotion programs. Material and methods. We conducted a questionnaire-based survey of 1188 employees of a large copper smelter to assess their workability and healthy lifestyle commitment. Results. Two-thirds of the employees rated their quality of life as good; the same proportion of workers was satisfied with the psychological climate and working conditions. More than half of employees were overweight and 64.3 % of them did not adhere to a diet in an attempt to lose weight; only 34.4 % of the workers reported having regular meals in the works canteen; 51.6 % did not engage in physical training and sports, and the share of smokers in the main production workshops was 49.1 %. The average workability at the enterprise was assessed as suitable. We established an inverse relationship between chronic diseases and the workability index. A positive rating of the quality of life and working conditions correlated with satisfaction with the working conditions, the profession chosen, the quality of personal protective equipment, and the psychological climate at work. Discussion. Having a disease significantly affects the workability index, while every tenth worker has a discrepancy between the general health status and job requirements. The employees appreciate their health but fail to change their health-related behaviour, putting other life values above health and undermining it. Conclusion. Creating comfortable working conditions and motivation for a healthy lifestyle should be differentiated and aimed primarily at workers having a high risk of developing a disease and low motivation and specific behavioural patterns, depending on the initial data obtained. It is necessary to use adapted questionnaires and modern preventive, diagnostic techniques.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-21

The article reveals the urgency of the issue of forming the individual’s creative potential. The essence and characteristics of the category ‘creativity’ are clarified. The views of scientists on the structure of creativity are described. It is noted that there is no single interpretation of the concept of the category ‘creativity’ and there are different approaches to its formation. Creativity is a multidimensional formation and is defined as the ability to creative activity, as a set of intellectual, personal qualities of the individual, the individuality display and its ability to pose a problem, create new and original ideas, go beyond a given situation, solve problems, and achieve unusual results.The meaning of the category ‘a preschool child’s creativity’ is determined. It is shown that creativity is a basic quality of a preschooler’s personality along with observation, independence, initiative, responsibility, sensitivity, and justice. It is stated that preschool age is sensitive for the formation of creative activity and development of creativity, because in this age period the child actively accumulates knowledge and masters the necessary experience for creativity, shows curiosity, observation, seeks to learn new things. Intensive development of the cognitive and personal sphere and inclusion in various activities are the basis for the creativity development.Based on the analysis of the results of scientific research and pedagogical practice, a conclusion is made about the need to take into account the conditions for the formation and realization of preschoolers’ creative potential of.In particular, the creation of the necessary developmental environment that anticipates the development of the child; ensuring a positive psychological climate, which provides for a friendly atmosphere both in the family and in the preschool institution; giving the child freedom in the choice of activities, means of its implementation, methods of action and maximum avoidance of clear regulations; promoting the formation of cognitive motivation, cognitive activity by creating the necessary conditions for creative activity of the child; promoting the development of imagination, critical thinking, the formation of the ability to combine previously known methods of action with new ones, the ability to abandon the stereotypes of thinking, to offer unusual options and find alternatives in solving the given problems.

Vira Syniakova 

The urgency of the problem of social and biological orphanhood in modern Ukraine is determined by constant growth and is determined by socio-economic, moral and ethical, psychological difficulties of functioning. Most children deprived of parental care are in state educational institutions, which unfortunately are not able to exercise individual educational influence on each child. Accordingly, the priority form of placement of orphans of family education. The success of the functioning of these forms is possible under the conditions of the effectiveness of their social support. The purpose of the article is to analyze the leading areas of social support of foster families and to determine the psychological basis of social support for the creation and functioning of a foster family. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were applied: at the first stage, we conducted a theoretical analysis, in particular, analysis of the scientific literature and semantic analysis of concepts to identify the component structure of social support; the second stage is the stage of expert evaluation using the method of focal objects (model of the psychological climate of the foster family). The article proves that the condition for successful socialization of a child in a foster family is a favorable psychological climate, which is realized through the following components: (i) Cognitive (intellectual) − objective ideas and knowledge about the specific psychological characteristics and needs of a child left without parental care; taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's development; understanding of its interests and values; (ii) Personal − motivation of potential parents, their expectations and attitudes towards the unborn child, personal characteristics (empathy, flexibility, resistance to stress); conducting pathocharacterological diagnosis; (iii) Activity − the presence of experience in raising children, the peculiarities of existing educational skills, taking into account their own children's experience; (iv) Family − the functioning of the family as a system, the peculiarities of relations in the family, in its subsystems (child-parent, marital), the involvement of the family in social life, the willingness to cooperate with professionals. Improving each component is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the foster family.

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