Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Plication in the Rat Result in Weight Loss with Different Endocrine Profiles

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 710-717 ◽  
Marta Guimarães ◽  
Mário Nora ◽  
Tiago Ferreira ◽  
Sara Andrade ◽  
Andreia M. Ribeiro ◽  
Jonathan R. Chino ◽  
Garrett JonesDO ◽  
Amit B. Karmur ◽  
Robert Stowe ◽  
Barry Sanchez

Tarek Osama Hegazy ◽  
Ahmed Kandeel ◽  
Mohamed el shawadfy ◽  
Khalid Kassem ◽  
Mohamed Hassan

Introduction: Laparoscopic gastric plication (LGP) is a relatively new restrictive bariatric procedure that emerged to avoid the problems and to reduce the cost of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. In this study we present the initial short-term outcome of LGP and its effect on gastric emptying and compare it with the results of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Methods: From May 2016 to April 2017, a total of 50 patients were allocated to undergo either LGP (n = 25) or LSG (n = 25). Data on the operative time, complications, hospital stay, overall cost of LSG and LGCP, body mass index loss (BMIL), post-operative gastric emptying (the first study to asses gastric emptying after LGP), percentage of excess weight loss (%EWL), and improvement of comorbidities were collected during the follow-up examinations. Results: All procedures were completed laparoscopically. The mean operative time was significantly higher for the LGP group. The mean hospital stay, cost and %EWL were significantly higher in the LSG group. The mean gastric emptying t1/2 was 40 ± 13 minutes for LGP group and 28.3 ± 8.31 minutes for LSG group (P = 0.001). Conclusion: There is significant acceleration of gastric emptying after LSG more than after LGP with significant effect on weight loss.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Michael Kourkoulos ◽  
Emmanouil Giorgakis ◽  
Charalampos Kokkinos ◽  
Theodoros Mavromatis ◽  
John Griniatsos ◽  

Introduction. Laparoscopic greater curvature plication is an operation that is gaining ground in the treatment of morbid obesity, as it appears to replicate the results of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with fewer complications.Aim. Review of current literature, especially results on weight loss and complications.Method. 11 (eleven) published articles on laparoscopic gastric plication, of which 1 preclinical study, 8 prospective studies for a total of 521 patients and 2 case reports of unusual complications.Results. Reported Paracentage of EWL in all studies is comparable to Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (around 50% in 6 months, 60–65% in 12 months, 60–65% in 24 months) and total complication rate is at 15,1% with minor complications in 10,7%, major complications in 4,4%. Reoperation rate was 3%, conversion rate was 0,2%, and mortality was zero.Conclusion. Current literature on gastric plication and its modifications is limited and sketchy at times. Low cost, short hospital stay, absence of prosthetic material, and reversibility make it an attractive option. Initial data show that LGCP is effective for short- and medium-term weight loss, complication and reoperation rates are low, and GERD symptoms are unaffected. More data is required, and randomized control trials must be completed in order to reach safe conclusions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Sofia Shehzad

Few surgical procedures have caught public imagination and expectations the way, weight loss intervention has done during the recent past. This is compounded by the fact that relevant procedures are now available through minimal access surgical approach offering a quick recovery and return to routine life. Moreover surgeons look upon these bariatric surgeries as a new and challenging modality that they are keen to add to their repertoire offering better reputation and financial incentives in addition to established benefits to their patients. The concept was infact introduced  in  the  early  1950's  with  intestinal  bypass  acting through  inducingmalabsorption. However it was not until 1965 that DrEdward E. Mason and Dr. Chikashi Ito at theUniversity of Iowadevelopedthe  original  gastric  bypasswhich  has  since  shown  more  promise  with  fewer complications and it is by virtue of this that the former has come to be known as the 'father of obesity surgery'.The boom in different procedures to be adopted has however led to a number of queries not only in the minds of those seeking intervention but the ones offering benefits related to ideal body weight and redressal of co-morbidities, that is the doctors as well.  Technical debates are raging  and recommendations  changing  as  the  concept  continueto  gain  acceptability  and momentum.  Contrary  to  the  general  perception  that  these  procedures  are  meant  primarily  for cosmetic reasons, the actual benefits are now believed to be health related. Studies have shown that bariatric surgery contributes to diabetic control, psychological benefits,reduced risk of cardiac events and reduction in mortality of 23% from 40%1. A lot of research has been afoot for more than half  a  century  looking  into  possible  surgical  cures  for  metabolic  diseases  such  as  high  lipid  , cholesterol and blood sugar. In 1995 Dr Walter Pories et al published a paper2concluding that gastric  bypass  is  an  established  and  effective  therapy  for  morbid  obesity  and  its  associated morbidities, producing a  durable and complete control of diabetes mellitus.In 2007, encouraged by the significant  impact of bariatric procedures on actual cure of metabolic upsets as described, the American Society for Bariatric Surgery (ASBS) which was established in 1983 changed its name  to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).Given the recent public interest in the visible benefits of weight loss surgery and much wider availability  of  doctors  and  centres  offering  various  procedures  it  is  essential  to  have  some consensus on standardization of indications for the said intervention.  The American College of Physicians recommend that those with a BMI of at least 40 Kg/m2 who have failed an adequate exercise  and  diet  programme  and  with  co  morbidities  such  as  hypertension,  impaired glucose tolerance , diabetes mellitus , hyperlipidemia and obstructive sleep apnoea should be offered the procedure after consultation with the prime surgeon3. The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASBMS) in its recent guidelines however has suggested a BMI of 30 Kg/m2with co morbidities as an indication for bariatric surgical intervention. Procedures recommended for affecting weight loss  act  by way of altering the anatomy of gastrointestinal tract (stomach and digestive system) and inducing physiologic changes in the body that affects energy balance and fat metabolism. Theycan be classified broadly into three types4;Predominantly malabsorptive :These procedures are mainly reliant on creating a physiological upset of normal absorptive mechanisms.  They  include  biliopancreatic  bypass,  jejunoileal  bypass  and  endoluminalsleeve. None of these are however in vogue given the metabolic and nutritional upset they create.Predominantly restrictive :Procedures such as adjustable gastric banding, vertical banded gastroplasty , intragastric balloon, gastric plication and sleeve gastrectomy result in a limited gastric volume thereby producing  early  satiety  and  reduced  oral  intake  .  Moreover  since  the  continuity  of  the alimentary canal is not disturbed metabolic complications are not much of an issue5.Mixed:Gastric  bypass,  sleeve  gastrectomy  with  duodenal  switch  and  implantable  gastric stimulation are procedures that apply both techniques simultaneously.Bariatric Surgery is usually supported by a dietary plan in the immediate post operative period, consisting of a clear liquiddiet, followed by a blended or pureed sugar free diet for at least two weeks. The restrictive element of these procedures limitsthe capacity of the stomach inducing nausea and vomiting in case of excessive intake. Vitamin and mineral supplements are needed to compensate  for  decreased  absorption  of  these  essential  items.  High  protein  diets  are  usually recommended in light of the decreased consumption of food. The actual success of weight loss surgery depends on factors other than surgery alone such as longterm nutrition and dietary habits, exercise and life style changes. Although there are demonstrable health benefits linked to bariatric interventions, the patient seems more concerned with the visible degree of weight loss. A meta-analysis6from University of California Los Angeles looked at weight loss as a result of different procedures at thirty-six months and concluded that Biliopancreatic diversion offered maximum benefit at 117 pounds followed by Roux en Y gastric bypass and then vertical banded gastroplasty. Studies7 have also shown that bariatric surgery improved diabetic status in more than 85% of the affected and afforded remission in 78%.One of the key questionsrelated to bariatric surgery is the amount of risk associated with this intervention. Complications related to the procedure as reported from time to time include gastric dumping syndrome, anastomotic leaks, incisional hernias, infections, pneumonia, osteopnia, secondary hyperparathyroidism,rhabdomyolysis,  gallstones  and  hyperoxaluria.  Studies  have shown a mortality of less than 0.3% in individual undergoing surgery and a lower risk of death in the later group as compared to those plagued by obesity and its co-morbidities who do not have the procedure.Taking  all  the  facts  into  consideration  bariatric  surgery  certainly  promises  to  attract headlines with introduction of modified interventional procedures from time to time as research into the best possible modality with maximum benefits and least risk continues. Patient variation and surgeon's expertise has its bearing on the ultimate choice in this respect as improvement in health, longevity and quality of life tops the list of core determinants acting as a guiding principle in making the ultimate decision regarding the interventionindicated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (10) ◽  
pp. 3259-3267
A Cabrera ◽  
M Vives ◽  
A Molina ◽  
M París ◽  
E Raga ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (7) ◽  
pp. 1622-1627 ◽  
Diana Simona Stefan ◽  
Andrada Mihai ◽  
Daiana Bajko ◽  
Daniela Lixandru ◽  
Laura Petcu ◽  

Metabolic surgery is the most efficacious method for the treatment of morbid obesity and was recently included among the antidiabetes treatments recommended in obese type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. The aim of this study was to compare in a randomized controlled trial the effect of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) to that of intensive lifestyle intervention plus pharmacologic treatment on some markers of insulin resistance and beta cell function as well as some appetite controlling hormones in a group of male obese T2D subjects. The study groups comprised 20 subjects for SG and 21 control subjects. Fasting blood glucose, insulin, proinsulin, adiponectin, leptin, ghrelin, HOMA-IR, HOMA-%B, proinsulin-to-insulin ratio and proinsulin-to-adiponectin ratio were evaluated at baseline and after one year follow-up. Overall, patients in the SG group lost 78.98% of excess weight loss (%EWL) in comparison with 9.45% in the control group. This was accompanied by a significant improvement of insulin resistance markers, including increase of adiponectin and decrease of HOMA-IR, while no changes were recorded in the control group. Weight loss was also associated with a significant improvement of proinsulin-to-insulin and proinsulin-to-adiponectin ratio, both surrogate markers of beta cell dysfunction. These also improved in the control group, but were only marginally significant. Our findings suggest that improved insulin resistance and decreased beta cell dysfunction after sleeve gastrectomy might explain diabetes remission associated with metabolic surgery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2140
Piotr Bienias ◽  
Zuzanna Rymarczyk ◽  
Justyna Domienik-Karłowicz ◽  
Wojciech Lisik ◽  
Piotr Sobieraj ◽  

The effects of weight loss following bariatric surgery on autonomic balance, arrhythmias and insulin resistance are still of interest. We prospectively investigated 50 patients with BMI > 40 kg/m2, aged 36.5 (18–56) years who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Among other examinations, all subjects had 24-h Holter monitoring with heart rate variability (HRV) and heart rate turbulence (HRT) evaluation. After a median of 15 months, BMI decreased from 43.9 to 29.7 kg/m2, the incidence of hypertension decreased from 54 to 32% (p = 0.04) and any carbohydrate disorders decreased from 24 to 6% (p = 0.02). Fasting insulin concentration and insulin resistance index improved significantly (p < 0.001). Improvements in HRV parameters related to the sympathetic autonomic division were also observed (p < 0.001), while HRT evaluation was not conclusive. The enhancement of autonomic tone indices was correlated with reduction of BMI (SDNN-I r = 0.281 p = 0.04; SDNN r = 0.267 p = 0.05), but not with reduction of waist circumference, and it was also associated with decrease of mean heart rate (OR 0.02, 95%CI 0.0–0.1, p < 0.001). The incidence of arrhythmias was low and similar before and after follow-up. In conclusion, improvement of homeostasis of carbohydrate metabolism and autonomic function is observed in relatively young patients after weight loss due to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

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