Prolongation of γ-aminobutyric acid-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials by 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-3-ol (THPO)

1986 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52 ◽  
Stephen J. Korn ◽  
Raymond Dingledine
1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 427-434 ◽  
Gabriele Radnikow ◽  
Jutta Rohrbacher ◽  
Ulrich Misgeld

Radnikow, Gabriele, Jutta Rohrbacher, and Ulrich Misgeld. Heterogeneity in use-dependent depression of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in the rat neostriatum in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 427–434, 1997. “Minimal stimulation” was applied to evoke responses in an “all-or-none” fashion in presumed medium spiny neurons of rat neostriatal slices in the presence of antagonists for glutamatergic excitation. For comparison, responses were evoked in the same cells by compound stimulation. Bicuculline (30 μM) blocked responses evoked by minimal stimulation, indicating that they were γ-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA)-receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), whereas responses evoked by compound stimulation were only reduced in amplitude. Likewise, R(−)baclofen (1–20 μM) blocked IPSPs evoked by minimal stimulation in all but one cell. On the contrary, responses evoked by compound stimulation were always reduced in amplitude but never blocked. Paired-pulse depression (PPD) of averaged responses to minimal and compound stimulation was observed at a stimulus interval of 300 ms. The GABAB receptor antagonist CGP55845A (0.5 μM) had no effect on PPD evoked by compound stimulation but abolished PPD evoked by minimal stimulation. In a second set of experiments, the two stimulation paradigms were used to evoke responses in neostriatal slices continuously bathed in R(−)baclofen (10–20 μM). In R(−)baclofen a strong PPD was evoked by minimal and by compound stimulation. The amplitude of the response to compound stimulation increased on application of CGP55845A (0.5 μM). At the same time, PPD evoked by compound stimulation decreased. On the contrary, IPSP amplitude and PPD evoked by minimal stimulation remained unchanged. We conclude that two types of GABAergic terminals exist in the rat neostriatum, only one of which is regulated by GABAB receptors. However, the other class of terminals, not regulated by GABAB receptors, displays a much more pronounced PPD.

1988 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-123 ◽  
E. P. Christian ◽  
F. E. Dudek

1. Evidence for local excitatory synaptic connections in CA1 of the rat hippocampus was obtained by recording excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) intracellularly from pyramidal cells during local microapplications of glutamate. 2. Experiments were performed in hippocampal slices cut parallel to (transverse slice) or perpendicular to (longitudinal slice) alvear fibers. In normal solutions, glutamate microdrops (10–20 mM, 10–20 micron diam) applied in CA1 within 400 micron of recorded cells sometimes increased the frequency of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials for 5–10 s in both transverse and longitudinal slices. Increases in EPSP frequency were also occasionally observed, but only in transverse slices. Tetrodotoxin (1 microgram/ml) blocked glutamate-induced increases in PSP frequency, thus indicating that they were not caused by subthreshold effects on presynaptic terminals. Increases in PSP frequency were interpreted to result from glutamate activation of hippocampal neurons with inhibitory and excitatory connections to recorded neurons. 3. In both slice orientations, local excitatory circuits were studied in more isolated conditions by surgically separating CA1 from CA3 (transverse slices) and by blocking GABAergic inhibitory synapses with picrotoxin (5–10 microM). Microdrops were systematically applied at 200 and 400 micron on each side of the recording site. Significant glutamate-induced increases in EPSP frequency were observed in neurons from both slice orientations to microdrops in at least one of the locations. This provided evidence that excitatory synapses are present in both transverse and longitudinal slices. 4. Substantial increases in EPSP frequency only occurred in neurons from longitudinal slices when glutamate was microapplied 200 micron or less from the recording site. In transverse slices, however, large increases in EPSP frequency were observed to glutamate microapplications at 200 or 400 micron. These data suggest that CA1 local excitatory connections project for longer distances in the transverse than in the longitudinal plane of section. 5. Increases in EPSP frequency, averaged across cells, did not differ significantly in the four microapplication sites in either transverse or longitudinal slices. Thus local excitation in CA1 does not appear to be asymmetrically arranged in the way suggested for CA3. 6. The densities of local excitatory circuits in CA1 versus CA3 were studied by quantitatively comparing glutamate-induced increases in EPSP frequency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

2013 ◽  
Vol 109 (12) ◽  
pp. 2866-2882 ◽  
Yamini Venkataraman ◽  
Edward L Bartlett

The development of auditory temporal processing is important for processing complex sounds as well as for acquiring reading and language skills. Neuronal properties and sound processing change dramatically in auditory cortex neurons after the onset of hearing. However, the development of the auditory thalamus or medial geniculate body (MGB) has not been well studied over this critical time window. Since synaptic inhibition has been shown to be crucial for auditory temporal processing, this study examined the development of a feedforward, GABAergic connection to the MGB from the inferior colliculus (IC), which is also the source of sensory glutamatergic inputs to the MGB. IC-MGB inhibition was studied using whole cell patch-clamp recordings from rat brain slices in current-clamp and voltage-clamp modes at three age groups: a prehearing group [ postnatal day (P)7–P9], an immediate posthearing group (P15–P17), and a juvenile group (P22–P32) whose neuronal properties are largely mature. Membrane properties matured substantially across the ages studied. GABAA and GABAB inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were present at all ages and were similar in amplitude. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials became faster to single shocks, showed less depression to train stimuli at 5 and 10 Hz, and were overall more efficacious in controlling excitability with age. Overall, IC-MGB inhibition becomes faster and more precise during a time period of rapid changes across the auditory system due to the codevelopment of membrane properties and synaptic properties.

Marilyn E. Carroll ◽  
Peter A. Santi ◽  
Joseph Zohar ◽  
Thomas R. E. Barnes ◽  
Peter Verheart ◽  

2000 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. 3209-3216 ◽  
Jean-François Perrier ◽  
Boris Lamotte D'Incamps ◽  
Nezha Kouchtir-Devanne ◽  
Léna Jami ◽  
Daniel Zytnicki

The postsynaptic potentials elicited in peroneal motoneurons by either mechanical stimulation of cutaneous areas innervated by the superficial peroneal nerve (SP) or repetitive electrical stimulation of SP were compared in anesthetized cats. After denervation of the foot sparing only the territory of SP terminal branches, reproducible mechanical stimulations were applied by pressure on the plantar surface of the toes via a plastic disk attached to a servo-length device, causing a mild compression of toes. This stimulus evoked small but consistent postsynaptic potentials in every peroneal motoneuron. Weak stimuli elicited only excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), whereas increase in stimulation strength allowed distinction of three patterns of response. In about one half of the sample, mechanical stimulation or trains of 20/s electric pulses at strengths up to six times the threshold of the most excitable fibers in the nerve evoked only EPSPs. Responses to electrical stimulation appeared with 3–7 ms central latencies, suggesting oligosynaptic pathways. In another, smaller fraction of the sample, inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) appeared with an increase of stimulation strength, and the last fraction showed a mixed pattern of excitation and inhibition. In 24 of 32 motoneurons where electrical and mechanical effects could be compared, the responses were similar, and in 6 others, they changed from pure excitation on mechanical stimulation to mixed on electrical stimulation. With both kinds of stimulation, stronger stimulations were required to evoke inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), which appeared at longer central latencies than EPSPs, indicating longer interneuronal pathways. The similarity of responses to mechanical and electrical stimulation in a majority of peroneal motoneurons suggests that the effects of commonly used electrical stimulation are good predictors of the responses of peroneal motoneurons to natural skin stimulation. The different types of responses to cutaneous afferents from SP territory reflect a complex connectivity allowing modulations of cutaneous reflex responses in various postures and gaits.

1999 ◽  
Vol 277 (1) ◽  
pp. G226-G234 ◽  
Gary M. Mawe ◽  
Audra L. Kennedy

We have investigated the existence of neural connections between the duodenum and the sphincter of Oddi (SO). Stimulation of duodenal myenteric fiber bundles elicited synaptic responses in SO neurons, which included nicotinic fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), slow EPSPs, and α2-adrenoreceptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. After 48 h in organ culture, when extrinsic fibers had diminished, only the fast EPSPs persisted. Duodenal mucosal stimulation also elicited nicotinic fast EPSPs in SO neurons. There was no association between the SO neurons that received duodenal input and their chemical coding. A reciprocal projection also exists from the SO to the duodenum. In acute and cultured preparations, duodenal myenteric stimulation caused antidromic responses in 20% of SO neurons. Furthermore, 45.6 ± 10.5 neurons in SO ganglia were retrogradely labeled from dye application sites in the duodenum. It is proposed that bidirectional neural communication occurs between the duodenum and the SO and that duodenal neurons provide excitatory fast synaptic input to SO neurons through a reflex that can be activated at the duodenal mucosa.

1978 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18 ◽  
J. F. MacDonald ◽  
M. S. Berry

Intracellular recordings from neurones, receiving monosynaptic contacts from a dopamine-containing (DA-containing) neurone in the central ganglia of the gastropod mollusc Planorbis corneus, revealed that there are at least three DA-mediated responses. These are 'fast' excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EfPSPs) (200 ms), 'slow' excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EsPSPs) (900 ms), and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) (200–900 ms). Various combinations of these synaptic potentials were recorded from postsynaptic neurones: EsPSPs, EfPEPs, EsEfPSPs, or EfIPSPs. Neurones receiving such connections also responded appropriately to iontophoresized DA with a 'fast' depolarization (EfPSPs), a 'slow' depolarization (EsPSPs), or a hyperpolarization (IPSPs). These responses could be distinguished on the basis of function (excitation or inhibition), duration, rate of desensitization, and sensitivity to apomorphine, D-LSD, and tubocurarine. The neuroleptic drugs (DA antagonists) haloperidol, fluphenazine, and metoclopramide reduced both excitatory and inhibitory DA transmission. This investigation strongly supports the hypothesis that DA is the transmitter mediating multiple synaptic responses in Planorbis.

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