scholarly journals Activated sludge monitoring of a wastewater treatment plant using image analysis and partial least squares regression

2005 ◽  
Vol 544 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 246-253 ◽  
A.L. Amaral ◽  
E.C. Ferreira
2001 ◽  
Vol 43 (7) ◽  
pp. 91-96 ◽  
M. da Motta ◽  
M. N. Pons ◽  
N. Roche

An automated procedure for the characterisation by image analysis of the morphology of activated sludge has been used to monitor the biomass in a pilot wastewater treatment plant, in complement to the usual settleability (sludge volume index, settling velocity) and size distribution (by laser granulometry) measurements.

2012 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-290 ◽  
Ádám Csorba ◽  
Vince Láng ◽  
László Fenyvesi ◽  
Erika Michéli

Napjainkban egyre nagyobb igény mutatkozik olyan technológiák és módszerek kidolgozására és alkalmazására, melyek lehetővé teszik a gyors, költséghatékony és környezetbarát talajadat-felvételezést és kiértékelést. Ezeknek az igényeknek felel meg a reflektancia spektroszkópia, mely az elektromágneses spektrum látható (VIS) és közeli infravörös (NIR) tartományában (350–2500 nm) végzett reflektancia-mérésekre épül. Figyelembe véve, hogy a talajokról felvett reflektancia spektrum információban nagyon gazdag, és a vizsgált tartományban számos talajalkotó rendelkezik karakterisztikus spektrális „ujjlenyomattal”, egyetlen görbéből lehetővé válik nagyszámú, kulcsfontosságú talajparaméter egyidejű meghatározása. Dolgozatunkban, a reflektancia spektroszkópia alapjaira helyezett, a talajok ösz-szetételének meghatározását célzó módszertani fejlesztés első lépéseit mutatjuk be. Munkánk során talajok szervesszén- és CaCO3-tartalmának megbecslését lehetővé tévő többváltozós matematikai-statisztikai módszerekre (részleges legkisebb négyzetek módszere, partial least squares regression – PLSR) épülő prediktív modellek létrehozását és tesztelését végeztük el. A létrehozott modellek tesztelése során megállapítottuk, hogy az eljárás mindkét talajparaméter esetében magas R2értéket [R2(szerves szén) = 0,815; R2(CaCO3) = 0,907] adott. A becslés pontosságát jelző közepes négyzetes eltérés (root mean squared error – RMSE) érték mindkét paraméter esetében közepesnek mondható [RMSE (szerves szén) = 0,467; RMSE (CaCO3) = 3,508], mely a reflektancia mérési előírások standardizálásával jelentősen javítható. Vizsgálataink alapján arra a következtetésre jutottunk, hogy a reflektancia spektroszkópia és a többváltozós kemometriai eljárások együttes alkalmazásával, gyors és költséghatékony adatfelvételezési és -értékelési módszerhez juthatunk.

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-470 ◽  
Jingjie Yan ◽  
Xiaolan Wang ◽  
Weiyi Gu ◽  
LiLi Ma

Abstract Speech emotion recognition is deemed to be a meaningful and intractable issue among a number of do- mains comprising sentiment analysis, computer science, pedagogy, and so on. In this study, we investigate speech emotion recognition based on sparse partial least squares regression (SPLSR) approach in depth. We make use of the sparse partial least squares regression method to implement the feature selection and dimensionality reduction on the whole acquired speech emotion features. By the means of exploiting the SPLSR method, the component parts of those redundant and meaningless speech emotion features are lessened to zero while those serviceable and informative speech emotion features are maintained and selected to the following classification step. A number of tests on Berlin database reveal that the recogni- tion rate of the SPLSR method can reach up to 79.23% and is superior to other compared dimensionality reduction methods.

1990 ◽  
Vol 22 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 131-138
Ahmed Fadel

Many of Egypt's cities have existing treatment plants under operation that have been constructed before 1970. Almost all of these treatment plants now need rehabilitation and upgrading to extend their services for a longer period. One of these plants is the Beni Suef City Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Beni Suef WWTP was constructed in 1956. It has primary treatment followed by secondary treatment employing intermediate rate trickling filters. The BOD, COD, and SS concentration levels are relatively high. They are approximately 800, 1100, and 600 mg/litre, respectively. The Beni Suef city required the determination of the level of work needed for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing 200 l/s plant and to extend its capacity to 440 l/s at year 2000 A description of the existing units, their deficiencies and operation problems, and the required rehabilitation are presented and discussed in this paper. Major problems facing the upgrading were the lack of space for expansion and the shortage of funds. It was, therefore, necessary to study several alternative solutions and methods of treatment. The choice of alternatives was from one of the following schemes: a) changing the filter medium, its mode of operation and increasing the number of units, b) changing the trickling filter to high rate and combining it with the activated sludge process, for operation by one of several possible combinations such as: trickling filter-solids contact, roughing filter-activated sludge, and trickling filter-activated sludge process, c) dividing the flow into two parts, the first part to be treated using the existing system and the second part to be treated by activated sludge process, and d) expanding the existing system by increasing the numbers of the different process units. The selection of the alternative was based on technical, operational and economic evaluations. The different alternatives were compared on the basis of system costs, shock load handling, treatment plant operation and predicted effluent quality. The flow schemes for the alternatives are presented. The methodology of selecting the best alternative is discussed. From the study it was concluded that the first alternative is the most reliable from the point of view of costs, handling shock load, and operation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 203-209 ◽  
R. Kayser ◽  
G. Stobbe ◽  
M. Werner

At Wolfsburg for a load of 100,000 p.e., the step-feed activated sludge process for nitrogen removal is successfully in operation. Due to the high denitrification potential (BOD:TKN = 5:1) the effluent total nitrogen content can be kept below 10 mg l−1 N; furthermore by some enhanced biological phosphate removal about 80% phosphorus may be removed without any chemicals.

1997 ◽  
Vol 36 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
P. Grau ◽  
B. P. Da-Rin

An unusually severe case of toxicity accompanied by activated sludge filamentous bulking was observed at the wastewater treatment plant Sao Paulo-Barueri. Treatment efficiency of the plant, operated without major problems for more than five years before, was significantly hindered for almost six months. Occurrence of toxic shocks was confirmed partly directly but mostly indirectly by inhibition of nitrification and biological phenomena related to toxicity. Several measures adopted, including the recycled activated sludge chlorination, are described in the paper.

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