scholarly journals Corrigendum to ‘The implementation of the Italian National Seismic Prevention Plan: a focus on the seismic upgrading of critical buildings’ [International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 62 (2021) 102391]

Mauro Dolce ◽  
Elena Speranza ◽  
Giuseppina De Martino ◽  
Chiara Conte ◽  
Francesco Giordano
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  

Landslides have occurred in various places in Indonesia. Likewise with West Java, there were many regions that has experienced repeated landslides. Having many experience of occurrences of landslides, we should have had a good landslide risk reduction program. Indeed, the incidence of landslides depends on many variables. Due to that condition, it may that a region would have different variable with another region. So it is impossible to generalize the implementation of a mitigation technology for all areas prone to landslides. Research of the Cililin's landslide is to anticipate the next disasters that may happen in around the area of 2013 Cililin Landslide. Through observation lithological conditions, water condition, land cover and landscape, as well as consideration of wide dimension of the building footing, the distance of building to the slopes and so forth, it has been determined some efforts of disaster risk reduction in the area around the landslide against the occurrence of potential landslide in the future.Bencana tanah longsor telah terjadi di berbagai tempat di Indonesia. Demikian halnya dengan Jawa Barat, tidak sedikit daerahnya telah berulang kali mengalami longsor. Seharusnya dengan telah banyaknya kejadian longsor, kita mampu mengupayakan program penurunan risiko longsor secara baik. Memang kejadian longsor bergantung pada banyak variabel, dimana dari satu daerah dengan daerah yang lain akan sangat memungkinkan mempunyai variabel yang berbeda, sehingga tidak mungkin kita membuat generalisasi penerapan suatu teknologi mitigasinya untuk semua daerah rawan longsor. Penelitian longsor di Cililin dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya bencana di sekitar daerah Longsor Cililin 2013 yang lalu. Melalui pengamatan kondisi litologi, keairan, tutupan lahan dan bentang alam yang ada, serta pertimbangan akan dimensi luas pijakan bangunan, jarak batas bangunan dengan lereng dan lain sebagainya, telah ditentukan beberapa upaya penurunan risiko bencana di daerah sekitar longsor terhadap potensi kejadian longsor dimasa mendatang.Keywords: Landslide, risk reduction, footing of building, Cililin

2021 ◽  
pp. 100188
Yekaterina Y. Kontar ◽  
Alik Ismail-Zadeh ◽  
Paul Arthur Berkman ◽  
Patrizia I. Duda ◽  
Sir Peter Gluckman ◽  

2021 ◽  
Carl C. Anderson ◽  
Fabrice G. Renaud

AbstractNature-based solutions (NbS) are increasingly recognized as sustainable approaches to address societal challenges. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has benefited by moving away from purely ‘grey’ infrastructure measures towards NbS. However, this shift also furthers an increasing trend of reliance on public acceptance to plan, implement and manage DRR measures. In this review, we examine how unique NbS characteristics relate to public acceptance through a comparison with grey measures, and we identify influential acceptance factors related to individuals, society, and DRR measures. Based on the review, we introduce the PA-NbS model that highlights the role of risk perception, trust, competing societal interests, and ecosystem services. Efforts to increase acceptance should focus on providing and promoting awareness of benefits combined with effective communication and collaboration. Further research is required to understand interconnections among identified factors and how they can be leveraged for the success and further uptake of NbS.

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