scholarly journals A comparative review on the application of radiant low-temperature heating and high-temperature cooling for energy, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, design and control

2022 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 101661
Arefeh Hesaraki ◽  
Nazmul Huda
2021 ◽  
Vol 2069 (1) ◽  
pp. 012184
C. Rode ◽  
D. Zukowska ◽  
J. Kolarik

Abstract The objective of the IEA EBC Annex 68 Project, “Indoor Air Quality Design and Control in Low Energy Residential Buildings”, has been to develop the fundamental basis for optimal design and control strategies for good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in highly energy efficient residential buildings. Focus has been on emission of chemical pollutants from building products and use of ventilation to alleviate IAQ effects. The question has been whether new paradigms for demand control should be developed based on knowledge from this project. The paper gives an overview of the project’s activities with regards to: - Gathering of laboratory and field data on pollution sources in buildings. - Formulation of a so-called “similarity approach” to predict emissions of volatile organic compounds based on knowledge from moisture transfer properties. - Gathering of a set of contemporary models to simulate the combined heat, air, moisture and pollution conditions of buildings and their assemblies. Based on this background, the project has identified and described an extended set of amenable ways to optimize the provision of ventilation and air-conditioning and to assess possibilities to bring this knowledge into practice. The paper gives an overview of the suggested solutions and their conditions.

H Kabrein ◽  
M Z M Yusof ◽  
A Hariri ◽  
A M Leman ◽  
A Afandi

M. F. Mohamed ◽  
M. Behnia ◽  
S. King ◽  
D. Prasad

Cross ventilation is a more effective ventilation strategy in comparison to single-sided ventilation. In the NSW Residential Flat Design Code1 (RFDC) the majority of apartments are required to adopt cross ventilation. However, in the case of studio and one-bedroom apartments, it is acknowledged that single-sided ventilation may prevail. Deep plan studio and one-bedroom apartments may achieve lower amenity of summer thermal comfort and indoor air quality where mechanical ventilation is not provided by air conditioning. Since compliance with the code may allow up to 40% of apartments in a development in Sydney to be single sided, it is important to understand the natural ventilation performance of such apartments. The objective of this paper is to investigate the natural ventilation potential in single-sided ventilated apartments to improve indoor air quality and thermal comfort. This investigation includes simulating various facade treatments involving multiple opening and balcony configurations. Balcony configurations are included in this study because, in Sydney, a balcony is a compulsory architectural element in any apartment building. The study uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to simulate and predict the ventilation performance of each apartment configuration. This study suggests that properly configured balconies and openings can significantly improve indoor ventilation performance for enhanced indoor air quality and thermal comfort, by optimizing the available prevailing wind. However, it is important to note that inappropriately designed fac¸ade treatments also could diminish natural ventilation performance.

2016 ◽  
pp. 67-98
T. Agami Reddy ◽  
Jan F. Kreider ◽  
Peter S. Curtiss ◽  
Ari Rabl

2021 ◽  
Vol 246 ◽  
pp. 03005
Eusébio Conceição ◽  
João Gomes ◽  
Mª Manuela Lúcio ◽  
Hazim Awbi

In this numerical study the energy production in solar collectors in a University building used to improve the internal thermal conditions is made. Passive and active solutions, using external solar collector and internal thermo-convectors, are used. The numerical simulation, in transient conditions, is done for a winter typical day with clean sky. This numerical study was carried out using a software that simulates the Building Dynamic Response with complex topology in transient conditions. The software evaluates the human thermal comfort and indoor air quality levels that the occupants are subjected, Heated Ventilation and Air Conditioned energy consumption, indoor thermal variables and other parameters. The university building has 107 compartments and is located in a Mediterranean-type environment. External solar water collectors, placed above the building’s roof, and internal thermo-convectors of water/air type, using mixing ventilation, are used as passive and active strategies, respectively. The thermal comfort level, using the Predicted Mean Vote index, and the indoor air quality, using the carbon dioxide concentration, are evaluated. The results show that in winter conditions the solar collectors improve the thermal comfort conditions of the occupants. The indoor air quality, in all ventilated spaces, is also guaranteed.

Energies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1596 ◽  
Csáky ◽  
Kalmár ◽  

Using personalized ventilation systems in office buildings, important energy saving might be obtained, which may improve the indoor air quality and thermal comfort sensation of occupants at the same time. In this paper, the operation testing results of an advanced personalized ventilation system are presented. Eleven different air terminal devices were analyzed. Based on the obtained air velocities and turbulence intensities, one was chosen to perform thermal comfort experiments with subjects. It was shown that, in the case of elevated indoor temperatures, the thermal comfort sensation can be improved considerably. A series of measurements were carried out in order to determine the background noise level and the noise generated by the personalized ventilation system. It was shown that further developments of the air distribution system are needed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 4791
Kwag ◽  
Park ◽  
Kim ◽  

Building air-tightness has been increased to make energy efficient buildings. However, various indoor air quality issues can be caused by high building air-tightness because it allows low air and moisture transmission through building envelop. In order to solve and prevent these issues, mechanical ventilation systems can be used to control the indoor humidity level. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performances of the Relative Humidity (RH)-sensor based auto-controlled centralized exhaust ventilation systems to manage indoor air quality and thermal comfort of multi-family residential buildings in South Korea. A series of field tests were performed for different target zones and for various moisture source scenarios. As a result, it was found that the auto-controlled centralized exhaust ventilation systems were able to control indoor air quality and to maintain the zones thermal comfort faster than the baseline cases that did not operate exhaust vents. The results presented in this paper can show the potential and the feasibility of the auto-controlled centralized exhaust ventilation systems for multi-family residential buildings in South Korea. It is expected that the results presented in this paper would be useful for building owners, engineers, and architects when designing building systems.

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