scholarly journals Life Cycle Evolution in the Digenea: a New Perspective from Phylogeny

R BRAY ◽  
2021 ◽  
Maria Vittoria Gargiulo ◽  
Alexander Garcia ◽  
Ortensia Amoroso ◽  
Paolo Capuano

<p>To the welfare of both economy and communities, our society widely exploits geo-resources. Nevertheless, with benefits come risks and even impacts. Understanding how a given project intrinsically bares such risks and impacts is of critical importance for both industry and society. In particular, it is fundamental to distinguish between the specific impacts related to exploiting a given energy resource and those shared with the exploitation of other energy resources. In order to do so, it is useful to differentiate impacts in two categories: routine impacts – caused by ordinary routine operations, investigated by Life-cycle assessment with a deterministic approach – and risk impacts – caused by incidents due to system failure or external events, investigated by risk assessments with a probabilistic approach. The latter category is extremely interesting because it includes low probability/high consequences events, which may not be completely independent or unrelated, causing the most disastrous and unexpected damages. For this reason, it is becoming more and more crucial to develop a strategy to assess not only the single risks but also their possible interaction and to harmonize the result obtained for different risk sources. Of particular interest for this purpose is the Multi-Hazard/Multi-Risk Assessment.</p><p>The aim of our work is to present an approach for a comprehensive analysis of impacts of geo-resource development projects. Routine operations as well as risks related to extreme events (as e.g.,seismic or meteorological) are linked using a Multi-Hazard Risk (MHR) approach built upon a Life-Cycle analysis (LCA). Given the complexity of the analysis, it is useful to adopt a multi-level approach: (a) an analysis of routine operations, (b) a qualitative identification of risk scenarios and (c) a quantitative multi-risk analysis performed adopting a bow-tie approach. In particular, after studying the two tools, i.e. LCA and MRA, we have implemented a protocol to interface them and to evaluate certain and potential impacts.</p><p>The performance of the proposed approach is illustrated on a virtual site (based on a real one) for geothermal energy production. As a result, we analyse the outcome of the LCA, identify risk-bearing elements and events, to finally obtain harmonised risk matrices for the case study. Such approach, on the one hand, can be used to assess both deterministic and stochastic impacts, on the other hand, can also open new perspective in harmonizing them. Using the LCA outputs as inputs of the MRA can allow the analyst to focus on particular risk pathways that could otherwise seem less relevant but can open new perspective in the risk/impact evaluation of single elements, as we show in this case study.</p><p>This work has been supported by S4CE ("Science for Clean Energy") project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - R&I Framework Programme, under grant agreement No 764810 and by PRIN-MATISSE (20177EPPN2) project funded by Italian Ministry of Education and Research.</p>

Jan A. Pechenik

I have a Hardin cartoon on my office door. It shows a series of animals thinking about the meaning of life. In sequence, we see a lobe-finned fish, a salamander, a lizard, and a monkey, all thinking, “Eat, survive, reproduce; eat, survive, reproduce.” Then comes man: “What's it all about?” he wonders. Organisms live to reproduce. The ultimate selective pressure on any organism is to survive long enough and well enough to pass genetic material to a next generation that will also be successful in reproducing. In this sense, then, every morphological, physiological, biochemical, or behavioral adaptation contributes to reproductive success, making the field of life cycle evolution a very broad one indeed. Key components include mode of sexuality, age and size at first reproduction (Roff, this volume), number of reproductive episodes in a lifetime, offspring size (Messina and Fox, this volume), fecundity, the extent to which parents protect their offspring and how that protection is achieved, source of nutrition during development, survival to maturity, the consequences of shifts in any of these components, and the underlying mechanisms responsible for such shifts. Many of these issues are dealt with in other chapters. Here I focus exclusively on animals, and on a particularly widespread sort of life cycle that includes at least two ecologically distinct free-living stages. Such “complex life cycles” (Istock 1967) are especially common among amphibians and fishes (Hall and Wake 1999), and within most invertebrate groups, including insects (Gilbert and Frieden 1981), crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, polychaete worms, echinoderms, bryozoans, and corals and other cnidarians (Thorson 1950). In such life cycles, the juvenile or adult stage is reached by metamorphosing from a preceding, free-living larval stage. In many species, metamorphosis involves a veritable revolution in morphology, ecology, behavior, and physiology, sometimes taking place in as little as a few minutes or a few hours. In addition to the issues already mentioned, key components of such complex life cycles include the timing of metamorphosis (i.e., when it occurs), the size at which larvae metamorphose, and the consequences of metamorphosing at particular times or at particular sizes. The potential advantages of including larval stages in the life history have been much discussed.

2001 ◽  
Vol 79 (7) ◽  
pp. 1125-1170 ◽  
Larry R McEdward ◽  
Benjamin G Miner

We review the literature on larval development of 182 asteroids, 20 crinoids, 177 echinoids, 69 holothuroids, and 67 ophiuroids. For each class, we describe the various larval types, common features of a larval body plan, developmental patterns in terms of life-cycle character states and sequences of larval stages, phylogenetic distribution of these traits, and infer evolutionary transitions that account for the documented diversity. Asteroids, echinoids, holothuroids, and ophiuroids, but not crinoids, have feeding larvae. All five classes have evolved nonfeeding larvae. Direct development has been documented in asteroids, echinoids, and ophiuroids. Facultative planktotrophy has been documented only in echinoids. It is surprising that benthic, free-living, feeding larvae have not been reported in echinoderms. From this review, we conclude that it is the ecological and functional demands on larvae which impose limits on developmental evolution and determine the associations of larval types and life-cycle character states that give rise to the developmental patterns that we observe in echinoderms. Two factors seriously limit analyses of larval and life-cycle evolution in echinoderms. First is the limited understanding of developmental diversity and second is the lack of good phylogenies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 285 (1871) ◽  
pp. 20172304 ◽  
Ronald M. Bonett ◽  
John G. Phillips ◽  
Nicholus M. Ledbetter ◽  
Samuel D. Martin ◽  
Luke Lehman

Life cycle strategies have evolved extensively throughout the history of metazoans. The expression of disparate life stages within a single ontogeny can present conflicts to trait evolution, and therefore may have played a major role in shaping metazoan forms. However, few studies have examined the consequences of adding or subtracting life stages on patterns of trait evolution. By analysing trait evolution in a clade of closely related salamander lineages we show that shifts in the number of life cycle stages are associated with rapid phenotypic evolution. Specifically, salamanders with an aquatic-only (paedomorphic) life cycle have frequently added vertebrae to their trunk skeleton compared with closely related lineages with a complex aquatic-to-terrestrial (biphasic) life cycle. The rate of vertebral column evolution is also substantially lower in biphasic lineages, which may reflect the functional compromise of a complex cycle. This study demonstrates that the consequences of life cycle evolution can be detected at very fine scales of divergence. Rapid evolutionary responses can result from shifts in selective regimes following changes in life cycle complexity.

2011 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-254 ◽  
Ivan Cruz ◽  
Ana Carolina Redoan ◽  
Rafael Braga da Silva ◽  
Maria de Lourdes Corrêa Figueiredo ◽  
Angélica Maria Penteado-Dias

Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) spends the largest part of its life cycle inside the stalk of the host plant,which provides protection against the action of conventional control methods. Biological control has been considered a viable alternative to control this pest in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.), two pest preferential hosts. This paper reports the occurrence in Brazil of Tetrastichus howardi (Olliff) (Hymenoptera; Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) parasitizing pupae of D. saccharalis obtained from corn plants. It also includes preliminary biological data about the insect. A single female of T. howardi is able to produce up to 66 offspring using a single pupa of the host D. Saccharalis and apparently does not distinguish between the host pupae of different ages. The life cycle of the parasitoid was around 25.5 days. The presence of the parasitoid in Brazil opens a new perspective on suppression of the sugarcane borer, considering the promising results already obtained in Asian countries. The insect is well adapted to laboratory conditions, can be produced in large scale and may became an additional option for the integrated pest management in those crops where D. saccharalis is a key pest such as the sugarcane, corn and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench).

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