scholarly journals Superfluidity in Neutron Stars

1974 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 151-165
George Greenstein

We present a short Cook's tour of the possible effects of rotation coupled with superfluid properties of neutron star interiors. A suggestion is made to take advantage of forthcoming lunar occultations of the Crab Nebula in order to search for blackbody X-ray emission from the Crab pulsar.

1971 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 394-406
F. Pacini

The Crab Nebula pulsar conforms to the model of a rotating magnetised neutron star in the rate of energy generation and the exponent of the rotation law.It is suggested that the main pulse is due to electrons and the precursor to protons. Both must radiate in coherent bunches. Optical and X-ray radiation is by the synchrotron process.The wisps observed in the Nebula may represent the release of an instability storing about 1043 erg and 1047–48 particles.Finally, some considerations are made about the general relation between supernova remnants and rotating neutron stars.

1986 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 474-478 ◽  
Eric D. Feigelson

The evidence for jets emanating from neutron stars is reviewed. Isolated radio pulsars do not appear to produce collimated outflows. A few supernova remnants, notably the Crab nebula, exhibit jetlike protrusions at their outer boundaries. These are probably "blowouts" of the plasma in the remnant rather than true jets from a neutron star. However, several cases of degenerate stars in X-ray binary systems do make jets. SS433 has twin precessing jets moving outward at v ~ 0.26c, and Sco X-1 has radio lobes with v ~ 0.0001c. Cyg X-3 appears to eject synchrotron plasmoids at high velocities. Other X-ray binaries associated with variable radio sources are discussed; some are interesting candidates for collimated outflow. G109.1-1.0 is an X-ray binary in a supernova remnant that may have radio or X-ray jets. It is not clear in all these cases, however, that the compact object is a neutron star and not a black hole or white dwarf.A tentative conclusion is reached that isolated neutron stars do not produce jets, but degenerate stars in accreting binary systems can. This suggests that the presence of an accretion disk, rather than the characteristics of an isolated pulsar's dipole magnetosphere, is critical in making collimated outflows.

1974 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 278-280 ◽  
B. A. Peterson

Important observations of X-ray sources and searches for the optical counterparts of X-ray and radio pulsars require a capability of detecting and analysing light variations with a time scale of milliseconds. X-ray sources in binary star systems are expected to be collapsed objects – neutron stars or black holes (Peterson 1973) – and are expected to produce light variations. In the case of a neutron star, pulses with the same period as the rotation period of the neutron star would be produced, and such have been observed from Cen X-3 (schreier et al. 1972) in the X-ray, and from Her X-1 (Middleditch and Nelson 1973) and the Crab Nebula pulsar (Cocke et al. 1969) in the X-ray optical.

1970 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 202-207
Wallace H. Tucker

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between rotating neutron stars, pulsars, and cosmic X-ray sources. The latter may be divided into at least two classes: the sources with large angular diameters, such as the Crab Nebula, and those with small angular diameter, such as Sco X-1. I submit that a basic model, consisting of a rotating neutron star losing mass in the presence of a large magnetic field, can account for both types of X-ray source. The extended sources represent the case where the energy in the ‘neutron-star wind’ is greater than the magnetic energy. The streaming protons and electrons deposit their energy far out into the nebula in a shock transition region. The relativistic electrons responsible for the extended sources of radio, optical and X-ray emission are produced in the transfer of energy between the protons and electrons in the shock wave, and by magnetic pumping in hydromagnetic waves which are generated by fluctuations in the mass loss rate. The compact sources, such as Sco X-1, represent the other extreme where the magnetic energy dominates, so that no mass loss occurs. The particles are then accelerated and radiate in radiation belts around the neutron star, resulting in a source with a small angular diameter.

2000 ◽  
Vol 195 ◽  
pp. 463-471
M. Ruderman

Neutron stars can be the underlying source of energetic particle acceleration in several ways. The huge gravitational-collapse energy released in their birth, or the violent fusion at the end of the life of a neutron-star binary, is the energy source for an accelerator in the surrounding medium far from the star. This would be the case for: (a) cosmic rays from supernova explosions with neutron-star remnants; (b) energetic radiation from “plerions” around young neutron stars (e.g., the Crab Nebula, see Pacini 2000); and (c) “afterglow” and γ-rays of cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) sources with possible neutron-star central engines. Particles can also be energetically accelerated if a neutron star's gravitational pull sustains an accretion disk fed by a companion. Examples are accretion-powered X-ray pulsars and low-mass X-ray binaries. A third family of “neutron-star powered” accelerators consists of those which do not depend on the surrounding environment. These are the accelerators which must exist in the magnetospheres of many solitary, spinning-down, magnetized neutron stars (“spinsters”) when they are observed as radio pulsars or γ-ray pulsars. (There are probably ~ 103 dead radio pulsars for each one in our Galaxy that is still active; the ratio for γ-ray pulsars may well exceed 105.)

1975 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 411-464 ◽  
Herbert Gursky ◽  
Ethan Schreier

When X-ray sources in the galaxy were discovered in 1962 (Giacconi et al., 1962) it was only possible to speculate on their nature, which centered on supernova and cosmic-ray phenomena since these were the only very energetic events known. In particular, the discovery of an X-ray source associated with the Crab Nebula led to the idea that the emission might be the thermal radiation from the surface of a hot, neutron star. However, it was soon demonstrated (Bowyer et al., 1964) that a neutron star could not be responsible for the bulk of the X-radiation from the Crab, and it was not possible to exclude highly pathological conditions in otherwise ordinary stellar systems as being responsible for the X-ray sources (cf. Hayakawa and Matsuoka, 1964).

1971 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 32-41
J. V. Jelley

The Crab Nebula has been regarded as the most promising celestial object to investigate for the detection of γ-rays. γ-ray emission might be expected from either the synchrotron or the inverse Compton mechanism. Periodic γ-ray emission could come from the pulsar, but no theory has yet been developed for such objects. Searches for γ-rays from both the Crab Nebula and the Crab pulsar made by a number of groups are described. Limits have been set to the γ-ray emission from both objects which are only a little above the extrapolated optical and X-ray fluxes.

1974 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 227-236
Gerhard Börner ◽  
Jeffrey M. Cohen

Information about the physical parameters of neutron stars is obtained from pulsar observations. The energy balance of the Crab Nebula and the Vela X remnant allows one to derive limits for the masses of the Crab and Vela pulsars. Glitch observations provide further clues on the masses of these two pulsars. The degree of confidence with which one should believe the derived numbers is pointed out. The possibility of observing neutron stars in binary systems as pulsating X-ray sources is discussed. Finally, the importance of observing redshifted gamma ray lines from the surface of neutron stars, and thus directly measuring either individual or statistical properties of these objects, is pointed out.

2000 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 699-702 ◽  
E. V. Gotthelf ◽  
G. Vasisht

AbstractWe propose a simple explanation for the apparent dearth of radio pulsars associated with young supernova remnants (SNRs). Recent X-ray observations of young remnants have revealed slowly rotating (P∼ 10s) central pulsars with pulsed emission above 2 keV, lacking in detectable radio emission. Some of these objects apparently have enormous magnetic fields, evolving in a manner distinct from the Crab pulsar. We argue that these X-ray pulsars can account for a substantial fraction of the long sought after neutron stars in SNRs and that Crab-like pulsars are perhaps the rarer, but more highly visible example of these stellar embers. Magnetic field decay likely accounts for their high X-ray luminosity, which cannot be explained as rotational energy loss, as for the Crab-like pulsars. We suggest that the natal magnetic field strength of these objects control their subsequent evolution. There are currently almost a dozen slow X-ray pulsars associated with young SNRs. Remarkably, these objects, taken together, represent at least half of the confirmed pulsars in supernova remnants. This being the case, these pulsars must be the progenitors of a vast population of previously unrecognized neutron stars.

2020 ◽  
Satoru Katsuda ◽  
Hitoshi Fujiwara ◽  
Yoshitaka Ishisaki ◽  
Yoshitomo Maeda ◽  
Koji Mori ◽  

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