scholarly journals Pulsar Timing Limits on Very Low Frequency Stochastic Gravitational Radiation

1996 ◽  
Vol 160 ◽  
pp. 132
Rachel J. Dewey ◽  
Stephen E. Thorsett

AbstractA low-frequency, stochastic gravitational radiation background can be detected through the irregularities it induces in pulsar arrival times. In this poster we re-examine pulsar timing data presented in Kaspi, Taylor and Ryba (1994) [Ap.J.,428, p. 713] and present an optimal statistical framework for using timing data from a single pulsar to constrain the energy density in a gravitational wave background. Observations of PSRB1855+09 yield an upper limit (95% confidence) 1.0 × 10−8or (90% confidence) 4.8 × 10−9of the closure density at frequency 4.4 × 10−9Hz. This result probably rules out cosmological models that use cosmic strings as seeds for galaxy formation. Using combined observations of the orbital decay of four binary pulsars we also derive weaker limits at frequencies as low as 10−12Hz.

2004 ◽  
Vol 218 ◽  
pp. 439-440
Tinggao Yang ◽  
Guangren Ni

Long term timing of multiple millisecond pulsars can contribute to the study of an ensemble pulsar time scale PTens. A wavelet decomposition algorithm (WDA) was applied to define a PTens using the available millisecond pulsar timing datA. The PTens obtained from WDA is more stable than those resulting from other algorithms. The Chinese 50 m radio telescope is specially designed for PTens study and detection of gravitational wave background via millisecond pulsars timing observations. A scheme for multiple millisecond pulsar timing and ensemble pulsar time study is discussed in some detail.

2019 ◽  
Vol 490 (4) ◽  
pp. 4666-4687 ◽  
B B P Perera ◽  
M E DeCesar ◽  
P B Demorest ◽  
M Kerr ◽  
L Lentati ◽  

ABSTRACT In this paper, we describe the International Pulsar Timing Array second data release, which includes recent pulsar timing data obtained by three regional consortia: the European Pulsar Timing Array, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, and the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array. We analyse and where possible combine high-precision timing data for 65 millisecond pulsars which are regularly observed by these groups. A basic noise analysis, including the processes which are both correlated and uncorrelated in time, provides noise models and timing ephemerides for the pulsars. We find that the timing precisions of pulsars are generally improved compared to the previous data release, mainly due to the addition of new data in the combination. The main purpose of this work is to create the most up-to-date IPTA data release. These data are publicly available for searches for low-frequency gravitational waves and other pulsar science.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (01) ◽  
pp. 1341008 ◽  

In the last decade, the use of an ensemble of radio pulsars to constrain the characteristic strain caused by a stochastic gravitational wave background has advanced the cause of detection of very low frequency gravitational waves (GWs) significantly. This electromagnetic means of GW detection, called Pulsar Timing Array (PTA), is reviewed in this paper. The principle of operation of PTA, the current operating PTAs and their status are presented along with a discussion of the main challenges in the detection of GWs using PTA.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2418
Michele Maiorano ◽  
Francesco De Paolis ◽  
Achille A. Nucita

Pulsar timing uses the highly stable pulsar spin period to investigate many astrophysical topics. In particular, pulsar timing arrays make use of a set of extremely well-timed pulsars and their time correlations as a challenging detector of gravitational waves. It turns out that pulsar timing arrays are particularly sensitive to ultra-low-frequency gravitational waves, which makes them complementary to other gravitational-wave detectors. Here, we summarize the basics, focusing especially on supermassive black-hole binaries and cosmic strings, which have the potential to form a stochastic gravitational-wave background in the pulsar timing array detection band, and the scientific goals on this challenging topic. We also briefly outline the recent interesting results of the main pulsar timing array collaborations, which have found strong evidence of a common-spectrum process compatible with a stochastic gravitational-wave background and mention some new perspectives that are particularly interesting in view of the forthcoming radio observatories such as the Five hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, the MeerKAT telescope, and the Square Kilometer Array.

2015 ◽  
Vol 91 (4) ◽  
Sydney J. Chamberlin ◽  
Jolien D. E. Creighton ◽  
Xavier Siemens ◽  
Paul Demorest ◽  
Justin Ellis ◽  

Caterina Tiburzi

AbstractPulsar Timing Array experiments exploit the clock-like behaviour of an array of millisecond pulsars, with the goal of detecting low-frequency gravitational waves. Pulsar Timing Array experiments have been in operation over the last decade, led by groups in Europe, Australia, and North America. These experiments use the most sensitive radio telescopes in the world, extremely precise pulsar timing models and sophisticated detection algorithms to increase the sensitivity of Pulsar Timing Arrays. No detection of gravitational waves has been made to date with this technique, but Pulsar Timing Array upper limits already contributed to rule out some models of galaxy formation. Moreover, a new generation of radio telescopes, such as the Five hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope and, in particular, the Square Kilometre Array, will offer a significant improvement to the Pulsar Timing Array sensitivity. In this article, we review the basic concepts of Pulsar Timing Array experiments, and discuss the latest results from the established Pulsar Timing Array collaborations.

2011 ◽  
Vladimir A. Potapov ◽  
Marta Burgay ◽  
Nicolò D’Amico ◽  
Paolo Esposito ◽  
Alberto Pellizzoni ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 653 (2) ◽  
pp. 1571-1576 ◽  
F. A. Jenet ◽  
G. B. Hobbs ◽  
W. van Straten ◽  
R. N. Manchester ◽  
M. Bailes ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Rome Samanta ◽  
Satyabrata Datta

Abstract In seesaw mechanism, if right handed (RH) neutrino masses are generated dynamically by a gauged U(1) symmetry breaking, a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) sourced by a cosmic string network could be a potential probe of leptogenesis. We show that the leptogenesis mechanism that facilitates the dominant production of lepton asymmetry via the quantum effects of right-handed neutrinos in gravitational background, can be probed by GW detectors as well as next-generation neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) experiments in a complementary way. We infer that for a successful leptogenesis, an exclusion limit on f − ΩGWh2 plane would correspond to an exclusion on the |mββ| − m1 plane as well. We consider a normal light neutrino mass ordering and discuss how recent NANOGrav pulsar timing data (if interpreted as GW signal) e.g., at 95% CL, would correlate with the potential discovery or null signal in 0νββ decay experiments.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (H15) ◽  
pp. 234-234
Vladimir A. Potapov ◽  
Sergei M. Kopeikin

AbstractMillisecond and binary pulsars are the most stable natural standards of astronomical time giving us a unique opportunity to search for gravitational waves (GW) and to test General Relativity. GWs from violent events in early Universe and from the ensemble of galactic and extragalactic objects perturb propagation of radio pulses from a pulsar to observer bringing about stochastic fluctuations in the times of arrival of the pulses (TOA). If one observes the pulsar over a sufficiently long time span, the fluctuations will be registered as a low-frequency, correlated noise affecting the timing residuals in the frequency range 10−12 ÷ 10−7 Hz. This work demonstrates how the standard procedure of processing of the pulsar timing data can bias the estimate of the upper limit on the density of the GW background (GWB).

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