Increased serotonin in the developing superior colliculus affects receptive-field size of retinotectal afferents but not that of postsynaptic neurons

1999 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-130 ◽  
MIN KE ◽  

Administration of a single subcutaneous dose of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) to newborn hamsters results in a significant increase in the density of serotoninergic (5-HT) fibers in the superficial layers of the superior colliculus (SC) and marked abnormalities in the uncrossed retinotectal projection when these animals reach adulthood (Rhoades et al., 1993). The present study was undertaken to determine whether elevation of 5-HT in the developing SC altered the visual representation in SC. Multi-unit recordings from SC cells demonstrated that the overall organization of the visual map in the superficial SC laminae was normal and that the receptive-field sizes for unit clusters were unchanged in the 5,7-DHT-treated animals. However, when a combination of CNQX and MK-801 was directly applied to the SC to block postsynaptic activity, the receptive fields of unit clusters (presumably retinotectal axon terminals) in the 5,7-DHT treated animals were significantly larger than those in the normally reared hamsters. These results are consistent with the conclusions that elevation of 5-HT levels in the developing SC reduces the postnatal refinement of the crossed retinotectal axons, and that mechanisms operating within the SC may act to maintain normal sizes for the receptive fields of its constituent neurons.

2006 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-142 ◽  

Glaucoma is a major cause of blindness and is characterized by death of retinal ganglion cells. In a rat model of glaucoma in which intraocular pressure is raised by cautery of episcleral veins, the somata and dendritic arbors of surviving retinal ganglion cells expand. To assess physiological consequences of this change, we have measured visual receptive-field size in a primary retinal target, the superior colliculus. Using multiunit recording, receptive-field sizes were measured for glaucomatous eyes and compared to both those measured for contralateral control eyes and to homolateral eyes of unoperated animals. Episcleral vein occlusion increased intraocular pressure. This was accompanied by a significant increase in receptive-field size across the superior colliculus. The expansion of receptive fields was proportional to both degree and duration of the increase of intraocular pressure. We suggest that this increase in the size of receptive fields of glaucomatous eyes may be related to the increase in the size of dendritic arbors of the surviving ganglion cells in retina.

2005 ◽  
Vol 93 (6) ◽  
pp. 3537-3547 ◽  
Chong Weng ◽  
Chun-I Yeh ◽  
Carl R. Stoelzel ◽  
Jose-Manuel Alonso

Each point in visual space is encoded at the level of the thalamus by a group of neighboring cells with overlapping receptive fields. Here we show that the receptive fields of these cells differ in size and response latency but not at random. We have found that in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) the receptive field size and response latency of neighboring neurons are significantly correlated: the larger the receptive field, the faster the response to visual stimuli. This correlation is widespread in LGN. It is found in groups of cells belonging to the same type (e.g., Y cells), and of different types (i.e., X and Y), within a specific layer or across different layers. These results indicate that the inputs from the multiple geniculate afferents that converge onto a cortical cell (approximately 30) are likely to arrive in a sequence determined by the receptive field size of the geniculate afferents. Recent studies have shown that the peak of the spatial frequency tuning of a cortical cell shifts toward higher frequencies as the response progresses in time. Our results are consistent with the idea that these shifts in spatial frequency tuning arise from differences in the response time course of the thalamic inputs.

2014 ◽  
Vol 112 (10) ◽  
pp. 2529-2544 ◽  
Dylan F. Cooke ◽  
Adam B. Goldring ◽  
Mary K. L. Baldwin ◽  
Gregg H. Recanzone ◽  
Arnold Chen ◽  

Somatosensory processing in the anesthetized macaque monkey was examined by reversibly deactivating posterior parietal areas 5L and 7b and motor/premotor cortex (M1/PM) with microfluidic thermal regulators developed by our laboratories. We examined changes in receptive field size and configuration for neurons in areas 1 and 2 that occurred during and after cooling deactivation. Together the deactivated fields and areas 1 and 2 form part of a network for reaching and grasping in human and nonhuman primates. Cooling area 7b had a dramatic effect on receptive field size for neurons in areas 1 and 2, while cooling area 5 had moderate effects and cooling M1/PM had little effect. Specifically, cooling discrete locations in 7b resulted in expansions of the receptive fields for neurons in areas 1 and 2 that were greater in magnitude and occurred in a higher proportion of sites than similar changes evoked by cooling the other fields. At some sites, the neural receptive field returned to the precooling configuration within 5–22 min of rewarming, but at other sites changes in receptive fields persisted. These results indicate that there are profound top-down influences on sensory processing of early cortical areas in the somatosensory cortex.

2004 ◽  
Vol 91 (4) ◽  
pp. 1510-1515 ◽  
Elena Timofeeva ◽  
Philippe Lavallée ◽  
Dominique Arsenault ◽  
Martin Deschênes

This study addresses the origins of multiwhisker-receptive fields of neurons in the thalamic ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus of the rat. We sought to determine whether multiwhisker-receptive field synthesis occurs in VPM through convergent projections from the principalis (PrV) and interpolaris (SpVi) nuclei, or in PrV by intersubnuclear projections from the spinal trigeminal complex. We tested these hypotheses by recording whisker-evoked responses in PrV and VPM before and after electrolytic lesion of the SpVi in lightly anesthetized rats. Before the lesion PrV cells responded, on average, to 3.2 ± 1.2 whiskers but responsiveness was reduced to 1.07 ± 0.31 whisker after the lesion. A similar reduction of receptive field size was observed in VPM, where neurons responded, on average, to 2.94 ± 0.95 whiskers before the lesion and to 1.05 ± 0.22 whisker after the lesion. Thus one can conclude that intersubnuclear projections mediate surround whisker-receptive fields in PrV, and therefore in VPM. However, it has previously been shown that parasagittal brain stem transection, which severed ascending projections from SpVi, but left intersubnuclear connections intact, rendered VPM cells monowhisker responsive. We wondered whether midline brain stem lesion modified receptive field properties in SpVi. In normal rats SpVi cells responded, on average, to 7.52 ± 4.25 whiskers, but responsiveness was dramatically reduced to 1.47 ± 1.07 whisker after the lesion. Together these results indicate that the synthesis of surround receptive fields in subcortical stations relies almost exclusively on intersubnuclear projections from the spinal trigeminal complex to the PrV.

1998 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-129 ◽  
Robert W. Dykes ◽  
A. D. Craig

Dykes, Robert W. and A. D. Craig. Control of size and excitability of mechanosensory receptive fields in dorsal column nuclei by homolateral dorsal horn neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 120–129 1998. Both accidental and experimental lesions of the spinal cord suggest that neuronal processes occurring in the spinal cord modify the relay of information through the dorsal column-lemniscal pathway. How such interactions might occur has not been adequately explained. To address this issue, the receptive fields of mechanosensory neurons of the dorsal column nuclei were studied before and after manipulation of the spinal dorsal horn. After either a cervical or lumbar laminectomy and exposure of the dorsal column nuclei in anesthetized cats, the representation of the hindlimb or of the forelimb was defined by multiunit recordings in both the dorsal column nuclei and in the ipsilateral spinal cord. Next, a single cell was isolated in the dorsal column nuclei, and its receptive field carefully defined. Each cell could be activated by light mechanical stimuli from a well-defined cutaneous receptive field. Generally the adequate stimulus was movement of a few hairs or rapid skin indentation. Subsequently a pipette containing either lidocaine or cobalt chloride was lowered into the ipsilateral dorsal horn at the site in the somatosensory representation in the spinal cord corresponding to the receptive field of the neuron isolated in the dorsal column nuclei. Injection of several hundred nanoliters of either lidocaine or cobalt chloride into the dorsal horn produced an enlargement of the receptive field of the neuron being studied in the dorsal column nuclei. The experiment was repeated 16 times, and receptive field enlargements of 147–563% were observed in 15 cases. These data suggest that the dorsal horn exerts a tonic inhibitory control on the mechanosensory signals relayed through the dorsal column-lemniscal pathway. Because published data from other laboratories have shown that receptive field size is controlled by signals arising from the skin, we infer that the control of neuronal excitability, receptive field size and location for lemniscal neurons is determined by tonic afferent activity that is relayed through a synapse in the dorsal horn. This influence of dorsal horn neurons on the relay of mechanosensory information through the lemniscal pathways must modify our traditional views concerning the relative independence of these two systems.

2016 ◽  
Vol 115 (6) ◽  
pp. 3062-3072 ◽  
Yusuke Yokota ◽  
Robert M. Bradley

Afferent chorda tympani (CT) fibers innervating taste and somatosensory receptors in fungiform papillae have neuron cell bodies in the geniculate ganglion (GG). The GG/CT fibers branch in the tongue to innervate taste buds in several fungiform papillae. To investigate receptive field characteristics of GG/CT neurons, we recorded extracellular responses from GG cells to application of chemical and thermal stimuli. Receptive field size was mapped by electrical stimulation of individual fungiform papillae. Response latency to electrical stimulation was used to determine fiber conduction velocity. Responses of GG neurons to lingual application of stimuli representing four taste qualities, and water at 4°C, were used to classify neuron response properties. Neurons classified as SALT, responding only to NaCl and NH4Cl, had a mean receptive field size of six papillae. Neurons classified as OTHER responded to salts and other chemical stimuli and had smaller mean receptive fields of four papillae. Neurons that responded to salts and cold stimuli, classified as SALT/THERMAL, and neurons responding to salts, other chemical stimuli and cold, classified as OTHER/THERMAL, had mean receptive field sizes of six and five papillae, respectively. Neurons responding only to cold stimuli, categorized as THERMAL, had receptive fields of one to two papillae located at the tongue tip. Based on conduction velocity most of the neurons were classified as C fibers. Neurons with large receptive fields had higher conduction velocities than neurons with small receptive fields. These results demonstrate that GG neurons can be distinguished by receptive field size, response properties and afferent fiber conduction velocity derived from convergent input of multiple taste organs.

1986 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
pp. 1352-1368 ◽  
H. R. Clemo ◽  
B. E. Stein

The corticotectal influences of somatosensory cortex were investigated by using reversible deactivation of cortex by cooling. More than half of the somatosensory superior colliculus (SC) cells studied exhibited a response depression (often not apparent qualitatively) or an elimination of responses to somatosensory stimuli during the period in which cortex was rendered inactive. Responses were restored to their initial levels by cortical rewarming. Hyperresponsiveness was never observed as a consequence of cortical cooling. Susceptibility to cooling-induced depression was not invariably linked to a specific cell type, location in the SC, or receptive-field size. Yet cells that had small receptive fields and were activated by hair displacement had the highest probability of being affected by this procedure. In some cells a contraction of the receptive field was induced by cortical cooling. This observation is consistent with previous experiments that showed that SC somatosensory receptive fields are constructed by the convergence of ascending and descending inputs and indicates that the responsiveness of specific receptive-field regions may depend on the functional integrity of cortex. Two cortical regions were found to produce cooling-induced effects in somatosensory SC cells: 1) SIV (and para-SIV), located in the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, and 2) the cortex within the rostral suprasylvian sulcus. These results indicate that somatosensory cortex, like visual cortex, plays a critical role in modulating the responses of SC cells. Apparently, the ability of both somatosensory and visual SC cells to code the presence of peripheral stimuli depends largely on the functional influences of their respective cortices. However, in contrast to previous observations on visual corticotectal influences, no specific receptive-field properties could be shown to be impressed on SC cells by somatosensory cortex.

1991 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 451-458 ◽  
Osamu Umino ◽  
Yunhee Lee ◽  
John E. Dowling

AbstractInterplexiform cells are centrifugal neurons in the retina carrying information from the inner to the outer plexiform layers. In teleost fish, interplexiform cells appear to release dopamine in the outer plexiform layer after prolonged darkness that modulates the receptive-field size and light responsiveness of horizontal cells (Mangel & Dowling, 1985; Yang et al., 1988a, b). It has been proposed that interplexiform cells may also release dopamine upon steady illumination because horizontal cells' receptive fields shrink in the light (Shigematsu & Yamada, 1988). Here, we report the shrinkage of the receptive fields of horizontal cells seen in the presence of background illumination is not blocked by dopamine antagonists, indicating that dopamine does not underlie the receptive-field size changes observed during steady illumination. Flickering light, however, does appear to stimulate the release of dopamine from the interplexiform cells, resulting in a marked reduction of horizontal cell receptive-field size. Taken together, experiments on horizontal cells indicate that dopamine is released from interplexiform cells in the teleost retina after prolonged darkness and during flickering light, but that dopamine release from interplexiform cells during steady retinal illumination is minimal.

1996 ◽  
Vol 75 (5) ◽  
pp. 1878-1893 ◽  
S. A. Bloomfield

1. Intracellular recordings were obtained from 21 amacrine cells and 12 ganglion cells in the isolated, superfused retina-eyecup of the rabbit. Cells were subsequently labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or N-(2-aminoethyl)-biotinamide hydrochloride (Neurobiotin) for morphologic identification. 2. Initial experiments performed on three amacrine cells and three ganglion cells showed that 1 microM tetrodotoxin (TTX) abolished all spiking. This included both large-amplitude and small-amplitude spikes recorded in many amacrine cells, indicating that they are mediated by voltage-gated sodium channels. 3. The center-receptive-field size of 18 amacrine cells and 9 ganglion cells was measured with the use of a 50-microns-wide/6.0-mm-long rectangular slit of light that was displaced along its minor axis (parallel to the visual streak) in steps as small as 3 microns. The retina was then bathed in 1 microM TTX, or individual cells were injected with 50 mM QX-314, a quatemary lidocaine derivative, to abolish all spiking, and the center-receptive field of each cell was then remeasured. 4. Although TTX blocked spiking in all ganglion cells (dendritic diameters ranging from 302 to 969 microns), it produced no significant change in the size of their center-receptive fields. This finding argues that passive, electrotonic spread of synaptic inputs to ganglion cell dendritic arbors is adequate for efficient propagation from terminal branches to the soma; active propagation via voltage-gated sodium channels plays no apparent role. 5. In contrast, TTX and QX-314 had variable effect on the receptive fields of amacrine cells, which was related to the size of their dendritic arbors. Whereas TTX had no significant effect on the receptive-field size of amacrine cells whose dendritic arbors were < 525 microns across, the center-receptive fields of larger amacrine cells were reduced, on average, by 40%; QX-314 produced a very similar average reduction of 39%. Moreover, for these larger cells, there was a direct relationship between the magnitude of the reduction in receptive-field size produced by TTX or QX-314 and the size of a cell's dendritic arbor. This relationship was true whether the change in receptive-field size was measured in absolute terms or as percent reduction from control values. 6. Interestingly, TTX and QX-314 also significantly reduced the amplitude of slow potentials recorded in amacrine cells by an average of 22 and 24%, respectively. However, the amplitude of slow potentials recorded in ganglion cells were relatively uneffected by TTX. 7. These findings are consistent with the idea that, for amacrine cells with dendritic arbors spanning > 525 microns, active propagation of synaptic signals mediated by voltage-gated sodium channels is necessary for efficient movement of information across a cell's dendritic arbor and thus plays a major role in shaping their receptive fields. Although the TTX effects may also reflect an indirect contribution from altered synaptic input derived from presynaptic spiking neurons, the strong similarity between the effects of TTX and QX-314 argues that any such contribution was minor. For smaller amacrine cells, passive, electrotonic spread of signals appears adequate for efficient propagation within their limited dendritic arbors.

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-144 ◽  

AbstractHorizontal cells of the vertebrate retina have large receptive fields as a result of extensive gap junction coupling. Increased ambient illumination reduces horizontal cell receptive field size. Using the isolated goldfish retina, we have assessed the contribution of nitric oxide to the light-dependent reduction of horizontal cell receptive field size. Horizontal cell receptive field size was assessed by comparing the responses to centered spot and annulus stimuli and from the responses to translated slit stimuli. A period of steady illumination decreased the receptive field size of horizontal cells, as did treatment with the nitric oxide donor (Z)-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (100μM). Blocking the endogenous production of nitric oxide with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (1 mM), decreased the light-induced reduction of horizontal cell receptive field size. These findings suggest that nitric oxide is involved in light-induced reduction of horizontal cell receptive field size.

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