An Isthmus of Modern Thought: Islam and Psychoanalysis in North Africa and the Middle East

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Benjamin Claude Brower

On three occasions the Qur'an mentions what it calls barzakh, an enigmatic word that denotes a partition such as that found between fresh and sea water, good and evil, faith and knowledge, even this world and the next. Nimble thinkers have made good use of the in-betweenness of barzakh. Its divisions make possible distinctions and provide form. And yet, just as it divides, the barzakh also connects. In fact, the word is often rendered in English as “isthmus,” which shows up its usefulness for thinking about difference in a way that does not presuppose stark oppositions, on the one hand, nor conflation and indistinction, on the other. The twelfth-century philosopher Ibn ‘Arabi used barzakh to describe that which separates/unites the created and the Creator, making it a key concept within his theory of the unity of existence. Building upon these insights, modern readers have found this concept useful to negotiate contemporary questions of self and other, questions that became particularly important in the colonial and postcolonial eras. For example, the late Algerian novelist Mohammed Dib used barzakh to signify his personal struggles to think across North (Europe) and South (North Africa), French and Arabic. Likewise, the Moroccan scholar Taieb Belghazi has mobilized barzakh to rethink the Mediterranean Sea as a heterogenous space that joins and “disjoins” lands, languages, and people. Barzakh also names an important new publishing house in Algiers and its concept frames the editors’ work producing titles in which questions of (post)colonialism and of cultural liminality figure prominently.

2013 ◽  
Vol 44 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 507-522 ◽  
Odysseas Christou ◽  
Constantinos Adamides

This article uses the theoretical framework of securitization in order to analyse the concurrent developments of, on the one hand, the Arab Spring and the resulting ascendance of a New Middle East and North Africa and, on the other, the discovery of natural gas resources by a number of states in the region. Furthermore, we use these developments as tests of the theory, in the process highlighting a number of criticisms that have been levelled against securitization and that are exemplified by these recent empirical events. We examine the outcomes of the Arab Spring as a process of contestation and as an avenue for the promotion of alternative discourses through the emergence of new political actors, institutions and state relations in the region. At the same time, we identify the underexploration of energy securitization in the literature and the need for a cross-sectoral approach for the referent object of energy in the widened security agenda. Ultimately, the article presents the argument that each of the two sets of developments affects the other, thereby transforming the environment within which securitization and desecuritization may result.

2021 ◽  
pp. 621-641
Yaron Tsur

This chapter presents a historical typology of Jewish periodicals, beginning with Moses Mendelsohn and his pupils in eighteenth century Germany. Two main trajectories, distinguished by the extent of the periodicals’ openness to the surrounding society, characterized the development of the Jewish press—that of Western Jewish communities, on the one hand, and that of Eastern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa, on the other. Dividing modern and contemporary Jewish history into two periods of demographic turmoil (1880–-1945 and 1947–-2000), the chapter surveys the evolution of the Jewish press in various parts of the diaspora, paying particular attention to the role of demographic transformations in these developments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-181
Kirsten Linnemann

Abstract. With their donation appeals aid organisations procure a polarised worldview of the self and other into our everyday lives and feed on discourses of “development” and “neediness”. This study investigates how the discourse of “development” is embedded in the subjectivities of “development” professionals. By approaching the topic from a governmentality perspective, the paper illustrates how “development” is (re-)produced through internalised Western values and powerful mechanisms of self-conduct. Meanwhile, this form of self-conduct, which is related to a “good cause”, also gives rise to doubts regarding the work, as well as fragmentations and shifts of identity. On the one hand, the paper outlines various coping strategies used by development professionals to maintain a coherent narrative about the self. On the other hand, it also shows how doubts and fragmentations of identity can generate a critical distance to “development” practice, providing a space for resistant and transformative practice in the sense of Foucauldian counter-conduct.

Amira K. Bennison

This chapter provides an introduction to the theme of political legitimacy in the medieval Islamic Maghrib and al-Andalus. It reviews previous historiographical approaches to the subject and considers the Arabic sources for the period, arguing for the importance of considering the two sides of the straits of Gibraltar as a single cultural zone. It then looks at political legitimacy in the Islamic Middle East and North Africa in general before tracing the evolution of particular themes in the Maghrib and al-Andalus up to the period covered by the volume. It ends with a brief review of the other chapters in the volume and their multi-disciplinary contribution to understandings of political legitimation in the region.

Nathan Widder

This chapter examines Friedrich Nietzsche's political philosophy, first by focusing on his claim that the ‘death of God’ inaugurates modern nihilism. It then explains Nietzsche's significance for political theory by situating him, on the one hand, against the Platonist and Christian traditions that dominate political philosophy and, on the other hand, with contemporary attempts to develop a new political theory of difference. The chapter also considers Nietzsche's genealogical method and proceeds by analysing the three essays of On the Genealogy of Morals, along with his views on good and bad, good and evil, slave morality, the ascetic ideal, and the nihilism of modern secularism. Finally, it reviews contemporary interpretations of Nietzsche's relation and relevance to political theory and how his philosophy has inspired a broader set of trends that has come to be known as ‘the ontological turn in political theory’.

Sharon Pardo

Israeli-European Union (EU) relations have consisted of a number of conflicting trends that have resulted in the emergence of a highly problematic and volatile relationship: one characterized by a strong and ever-increasing network of economic, cultural, and personal ties, yet marked, at the political level, by disappointment, bitterness, and anger. On the one hand, Israel has displayed a genuine desire to strengthen its ties with the EU and to be included as part of the European integration project. On the other hand, Israelis are deeply suspicious of the Union’s policies and are untrusting of the Union’s intentions toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to the Middle East as a whole. As a result, Israel has been determined to minimize the EU’s role in the Middle East peace process (MEPP), and to deny it any direct involvement in the negotiations with the Palestinians. The article summarizes some key developments in Israeli-European Community (EC)/EU relations since 1957: the Israeli (re)turn to Europe in the late 1950s; EC-Israeli economic and trade relations; the 1980 Venice Declaration and the EC/EU involvement in the MEPP; EU-Israeli relations in a regional/Mediterranean context; the question of Israeli settlements’ products entering free of duty to the European Common Market; EU-Israeli relations in the age of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP); the failed attempt to upgrade EU-Israeli relations between the years 2007 and 2014; and the Union’s prohibition on EU funding to Israeli entities beyond the 1967 borders. By discussing the history of this uneasy relationship, the article further offers insights into how the EU is actually judged as a global-normative actor by Israelis.

2018 ◽  
Ashraf Farahat

Abstract. Comparative analysis of MISR MODIS, and AERONET AOD products performed over seven AERONET stations located in the Middle East and North Africa for the period of 2000–2015. Sites are categorized into dust, biomass burning and mixed. MISR and MODIS AODs agree during high dust seasons but MODIS tends to underestimate AODs during low dust seasons. Over dust dominating sites, MODIS/Terra AOD indicate a negative trend over the time series, while MODIS/Aqua, MISR, and AERONET depict a positive trend. A deviation between MODIS/Aqua and MODIS/Terra was observed regardless of the geographic location and data sampling. The performance of MODIS is similar over all region with ~ 68 % of AODs within the Δτ = ±0.05 ± 0.15τAERO confidence range. MISR AOD retrievals fall within 72 % of the same confidence range for all sites examined here. Both MISR and MODIS capture aerosol climatology; however few cases were observed where one of the two sensors better captures the climatology over a certain location or AOD range than the other sensor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Zehavit Gross

This paper aims to explore how Palestinian Arab and Jewish university students in Israel, attending a course on conflict resolution, deal with their stereotypical views of the Other and their prejudices, as well as their complex emotions of fear, hate, anxiety, and love during a period of tension and violence. On the one hand, they have a natural desire for professional partnership and friendship with their fellow students. On the other hand, they are attending this class in a Jewish university, in the heart of the Middle East, where acts of terrorism occur almost daily. This violence changes the power structure and the dynamics of their mutual relationships. Through an analysis of a specific case study the paper aims to shed light on how bridging theory and practice can generate a better understanding of complex situations, enabling reflection and developing signposts to improve coping mechanisms within peace education frameworks in times of terror.

This paper contains the account of a great number of observations made by the author during the last summer, while he was at the southern coast of England, on several species of Sertulariæ , Plumulariæ , Tubulariæ , Campanulariæ , Flustræ , and other polypiferous zoophytes, and also on various Ascidiæ . Each specimen was placed for examination in a glass trough with parallel sides, before the large achromatic microscope of the author, directed horizontally; and care was taken to change the sea-water frequently, which was done by means of two syphons, the one supplying fresh water, while the other carried off the old; a plan which succeeded in keeping the animals in perfect health and vigour. The drawings which were taken of the appearances that presented themselves were traced with a cameralucida, slid over the eye-piece of the microscope. In a specimen of the Tubularia indivisa , when magnified 100 times, a current of particles was seen within the tube, strikingly resembling, in the steadiness and continuity of its stream, the vegetable circulation in the Chara . Its general course was parallel to the slightly spiral lines of irregular spots on the tube; on one side flowing from, and on the other towards, the polypus, each current occupying one half of the circumference of the tube. The particles were of various sizes, some very small, others larger, but apparently aggregations of the smaller: a few were nearly globular, but in general they had no regular shape. At the knots, or contracted parts of the tube, slight vortices were observed in the current; and at the ends of the tube the particles were seen to turn round, and pass over to the other side. Singular fluctuations were also observed in the size of the stomach and of the cavity of the mouth; the one occasionally enlarging, while the other contracted, as if produced by the passage of a fluid from the one into the other and its subsequent recession, thus distending each alternately. This flux and reflux took place regularly at intervals of 80 seconds; besides which two currents were continually flowing, both in the mouth and stomach; an outer one in one direction, and an inner one in the opposite direction.

Philosophy ◽  
1953 ◽  
Vol 28 (106) ◽  
pp. 239-245
R. K. Harrison
The Many ◽  
The One ◽  

The many comments on good and evil found in the writings of A. N. Whitehead are exhibited in his mind against the two categories of positive and negative value. His concern in value-considerations is with the “trinity” of truth, beauty and goodness on the one hand, and with falsehood, ugliness and evil on the other. For him, “value” is a word employed for “the intrinsic reality of an event” and very frequently in his treatment of the value-theme he uses the term “importance” as having equivalence to “value.”

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