scholarly journals Evolution of magnetic field corresponding to X-ray brightening events in coronal holes and quiet Sun

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (S294) ◽  
pp. 155-156 ◽  
Zhenghua Huang ◽  
Maria Madjarska ◽  
Gerry Doyle ◽  
Derek Lamb

AbstractWe study the magnetic field structure and evolution for 26 X-ray brightening events in coronal holes and quiet Sun regions, including bright points and jets. We found that all brightening events are associated with bipolar regions and caused by magnetic flux emergence followed by cancellation. The emission fluctuations seen in the X-ray bright points are associated with reoccurring magnetic cancellation in the footpoints. An X-ray jet presents similar magnetic behaviour in the footpoints but its magnetic flux cancellation rate is much higher than in the bright point. Comparing coronal holes and the quiet Sun, we do not find differences in their corresponding magnetic field behavior.

2019 ◽  
Vol 629 ◽  
pp. A22 ◽  
Stefan J. Hofmeister ◽  
Dominik Utz ◽  
Stephan G. Heinemann ◽  
Astrid Veronig ◽  
Manuela Temmer

In this study, we investigate in detail the photospheric magnetic structure of 98 coronal holes using line-of-sight magnetograms of SDO/HMI, and for a subset of 42 coronal holes using HINODE/SOT G-band filtergrams. We divided the magnetic field maps into magnetic elements and quiet coronal hole regions by applying a threshold at ±25 G. We find that the number of magnetic bright points in magnetic elements is well correlated with the area of the magnetic elements (cc = 0.83 ± 0.01). Further, the magnetic flux of the individual magnetic elements inside coronal holes is related to their area by a power law with an exponent of 1.261 ± 0.004 (cc = 0.984 ± 0.001). Relating the magnetic elements to the overall structure of coronal holes, we find that on average (69 ± 8)% of the overall unbalanced magnetic flux of the coronal holes arises from long-lived magnetic elements with lifetimes > 40 h. About (22 ± 4)% of the unbalanced magnetic flux arises from a very weak background magnetic field in the quiet coronal hole regions with a mean magnetic field density of about 0.2−1.2 G. This background magnetic field is correlated to the flux of the magnetic elements with lifetimes of > 40 h (cc = 0.88 ± 0.02). The remaining flux arises from magnetic elements with lifetimes < 40 h. By relating the properties of the magnetic elements to the overall properties of the coronal holes, we find that the unbalanced magnetic flux of the coronal holes is completely determined by the total area that the long-lived magnetic elements cover (cc = 0.994 ± 0.001).

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S271) ◽  
pp. 407-408
Jörn Warnecke ◽  
Axel Brandenburg

Abstractwe investigate the emergence of a large-scale magnetic field. This field is dynamo-generated by turbulence driven with a helical forcing function. Twisted arcade-like field structures are found to emerge in the exterior above the turbulence zone. Time series of the magnetic field structure show recurrent plasmoid ejections.

1998 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 393-396
B.A. Ioshpa ◽  
E.I. Mogilevsky ◽  
V.N. Obridko

AbstractSOHO and YOHKOH images, as well as Hα filtergrams and magnetograms from IZMIRAN have been used to analyze the evolution of the related solar phenomena – filament, active region, and accompanying pair of coronal holes – during six solar rotations, with an emphasis on the events observed during August–September, 1996. The whole complex has been considered against the large–scale magnetic fields calculated under the potential approximation. A peculiar point has been found along the changing filament. It is shown that the phenomena under investigation (filament, active region, and coronal hole) form a single complex connected with the magnetic field structure.

2021 ◽  
Prantika Bhowmik ◽  
Anthony Yeates

&lt;p&gt;During Solar Minimum, the Sun is perceived to be quite inactive with barely any spots emerging on the solar surface. Consequently, we observe a drop in the number of highly energetic events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are often associated with active regions on the photosphere. However, our magnetofrictional simulations during the minimum period suggest that the solar corona could still be significantly dynamic while evolving in response to the large-scale shearing velocities on the solar surface. The non-potential evolution of the corona leads to the accumulation of magnetic free energy and helicity, which is periodically lost through eruptive events. Our study shows that these events can be categorised into two distinct classes. One set of events are caused due to full-scale eruption of low-lying coronal flux ropes and could be associated with occasional filament erupting CMEs observed during Solar Minimum. The other set of events are not driven by destabilisation of low-lying structures but rather by eruption from overlying sheared arcades. These could be linked with streamer blowouts or stealth CMEs. The two classes differ considerably in the amount of magnetic flux and helicity shed through the outer coronal boundary. We additionally investigate how other measurables such as current, open magnetic flux, free energy, coronal holes area, and the horizontal component of the magnetic field on the outer model boundary vary during the two classes of event. This study demonstrates and emphasises the importance and necessity of understanding the dynamics of the coronal magnetic field during Solar Minimum.&lt;/p&gt;

2020 ◽  
Vol 643 ◽  
pp. A19
Maria S. Madjarska ◽  
Klaus Galsgaard ◽  
Duncan H. Mackay ◽  
Kostadinka Koleva ◽  
Momchil Dechev

Context. We report on the third part of a series of studies on eruptions associated with small-scale loop complexes named coronal bright points (CBPs). Aims. A single case study of a CBP in an equatorial coronal hole with an exceptionally large size is investigated to expand on our understanding of the formation of mini-filaments, their destabilisation, and the origin of the eruption triggering the formation of jet-like features recorded in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray emission. We aim to explore the nature of the so-called micro-flares in CBPs associated with jets in coronal holes and mini coronal mass ejections in the quiet Sun. Methods. Co-observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory as well as GONG Hα images are used together with a non-linear force free field (NLFFF) relaxation approach, where the latter is based on a time series of HMI line-of-sight magnetograms. Results. A mini-filament (MF) that formed beneath the CBP arcade about 3−4 h before the eruption is seen in the Hα and EUV AIA images to lift up and erupt triggering the formation of an X-ray jet. No significant photospheric magnetic flux concentration displacement (convergence) is observed and neither is magnetic flux cancellation between the two main magnetic polarities forming the CBP in the time period leading to MF lift-off. The CBP micro-flare is associated with three flare kernels that formed shortly after the MF lift-off. No observational signature is found for magnetic reconnection beneath the erupting MF. The applied NLFFF modelling successfully reproduces both the CBP loop complex as well as the magnetic flux rope that hosts the MF during the build-up to the eruption. Conclusions. The applied NLFFF modelling is able to clearly show that an initial potential field can be evolved into a non-potential magnetic field configuration that contains free magnetic energy in the region that observationally hosts the eruption. The comparison of the magnetic field structure shows that the magnetic NLFFF model contains many of the features that can explain the different observational signatures found in the evolution and eruption of the CBP. In the future, it may eventually indicate the location of destabilisation that results in the eruptions of flux ropes.

1971 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 237-242
H. Zirin

We show how to determine the magnetic field structure in active regions from the Hα morphology. We also show the role of the EFR (emerging flux region) as a bipolar region of velocity downflow. Finally, we point out that since all new magnetic flux emerges in strictly bipolar form, complex spot groups must result from surface interaction, hence most of the solar surface field may be produced on the surface.

2020 ◽  
Vol 635 ◽  
pp. A170 ◽  
J. Ahuir ◽  
A. S. Brun ◽  
A. Strugarek

Context. Stellar spin down is the result of a complex process involving rotation, dynamo, wind, and magnetism. Multiwavelength surveys of solar-like stars have revealed the likely existence of relationships between their rotation, X-ray luminosity, mass losses, and magnetism. They impose strong constraints on the corona and wind of cool stars. Aims. We aim to provide power-law prescriptions of the mass loss of stars, of their magnetic field, and of their base coronal density and temperature that are compatible with their observationally-constrained spin down. Methods. We link the magnetic field and the mass-loss rate from a wind torque formulation, which is in agreement with the distribution of stellar rotation periods in open clusters and the Skumanich law. Given a wind model and an expression of the X-ray luminosity from radiative losses, we constrained the coronal properties by assuming different physical scenarios linking closed loops to coronal holes. Results. We find that the magnetic field and the mass loss are involved in a one-to-one correspondence that is constrained from spin down considerations. We show that a magnetic field, depending on both the Rossby number and the stellar mass, is required to keep a consistent spin down model. The estimates of the magnetic field and the mass-loss rate obtained from our formalism are consistent with statistical studies as well as individual observations and they give new leads to constrain the magnetic field-rotation relation. The set of scaling-laws we derived can be broadly applied to cool stars from the pre-main sequence to the end of the main sequence (MS), and they allow for stellar wind modeling that is consistent with all of the observational constraints available to date.

1993 ◽  
Vol 141 ◽  
pp. 507-510 ◽  
Hiroki Kurokawa ◽  
Goro Kawai

AbstractWe present a new observational evidence of the magnetic field reconnection in emerging flux regions (EFR). Our observations show that Hα surges are the first active manifestation of emerging magnetic field in some EFRs. We call them EFR-surges. Examining their morphological and evolutionary characteristics, we conclude that they are produced by the magnetic field reconnection between the EFR and the pre-existing surrounding region.

2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 263-264
K. Sundara Raman ◽  
K. B. Ramesh ◽  
R. Selvendran ◽  
P. S. M. Aleem ◽  
K. M. Hiremath

Extended AbstractWe have examined the morphological properties of a sigmoid associated with an SXR (soft X-ray) flare. The sigmoid is cospatial with the EUV (extreme ultra violet) images and in the optical part lies along an S-shaped Hαfilament. The photoheliogram shows flux emergence within an existingδtype sunspot which has caused the rotation of the umbrae giving rise to the sigmoidal brightening.It is now widely accepted that flares derive their energy from the magnetic fields of the active regions and coronal levels are considered to be the flare sites. But still a satisfactory understanding of the flare processes has not been achieved because of the difficulties encountered to predict and estimate the probability of flare eruptions. The convection flows and vortices below the photosphere transport and concentrate magnetic field, which subsequently appear as active regions in the photosphere (Rust &amp; Kumar 1994 and the references therein). Successive emergence of magnetic flux, twist the field, creating flare productive magnetic shear and has been studied by many authors (Sundara Ramanet al.1998 and the references therein). Hence, it is considered that the flare is powered by the energy stored in the twisted magnetic flux tubes (Kurokawa 1996 and the references therein). Rust &amp; Kumar (1996) named the S-shaped bright coronal loops that appear in soft X-rays as ‘Sigmoids’ and concluded that this S-shaped distortion is due to the twist developed in the magnetic field lines. These transient sigmoidal features tell a great deal about unstable coronal magnetic fields, as these regions are more likely to be eruptive (Canfieldet al.1999). As the magnetic fields of the active regions are deep rooted in the Sun, the twist developed in the subphotospheric flux tube penetrates the photosphere and extends in to the corona. Thus, it is essentially favourable for the subphotospheric twist to unwind the twist and transmit it through the photosphere to the corona. Therefore, it becomes essential to make complete observational descriptions of a flare from the magnetic field changes that are taking place in different atmospheric levels of the Sun, to pin down the energy storage and conversion process that trigger the flare phenomena.

2019 ◽  
Vol 623 ◽  
pp. A176 ◽  
L. P. Chitta ◽  
A. R. C. Sukarmadji ◽  
L. Rouppe van der Voort ◽  
H. Peter

Context. Densely packed coronal loops are rooted in photospheric plages in the vicinity of active regions on the Sun. The photospheric magnetic features underlying these plage areas are patches of mostly unidirectional magnetic field extending several arcsec on the solar surface. Aims. We aim to explore the transient nature of the magnetic field, its mixed-polarity characteristics, and the associated energetics in the active region plage using high spatial resolution observations and numerical simulations. Methods. We used photospheric Fe I 6173 Å spectropolarimetric observations of a decaying active region obtained from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST). These data were inverted to retrieve the photospheric magnetic field underlying the plage as identified in the extreme-ultraviolet emission maps obtained from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). To obtain better insight into the evolution of extended unidirectional magnetic field patches on the Sun, we performed 3D radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of magnetoconvection using the MURaM code. Results. The observations show transient magnetic flux emergence and cancellation events within the extended predominantly unipolar patch on timescales of a few 100 s and on spatial scales comparable to granules. These transient events occur at the footpoints of active region plage loops. In one case the coronal response at the footpoints of these loops is clearly associated with the underlying transient. The numerical simulations also reveal similar magnetic flux emergence and cancellation events that extend to even smaller spatial and temporal scales. Individual simulated transient events transfer an energy flux in excess of 1 MW m−2 through the photosphere. Conclusions. We suggest that the magnetic transients could play an important role in the energetics of active region plage. Both in observations and simulations, the opposite-polarity magnetic field brought up by transient flux emergence cancels with the surrounding plage field. Magnetic reconnection associated with such transient events likely conduits magnetic energy to power the overlying chromosphere and coronal loops.

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