Potentiation of the Anti-factor VIII Effect of Thrombin in Plasma by the Plasminolytic Derivatives of Fibrinogen and Fibrin

1973 ◽  
Vol 30 (02) ◽  
pp. 235-247
S Chandra ◽  
D. C Triantaphyllopoulos

SummaryThe activity of factor VIII in mixtures of native plasma or blood with fibrinogen derivatives at concentrations high enough to inhibit prothrombin consumption, is greatly reduced. On the other hand the activity of factor VIII was found normal in similar mixtures of adsorbed native plasma with fibrinogen derivatives, where no generation of thrombin could have taken place. The fibrinogen derivatives increased significantly the inactivating effect of low concentrations of thrombin on the activity of factor VIII of mixtures of adsorbed oxalated plasma with the derivatives. The same inactivating effect was exerted by fibrinogen derivatives heated at 60° C for 15 minutes and by plasmin lysed fibrin. In contradistinction addition of intact fibrinogen or fibrinogen derivatives to heat-defibrinated plasma protected factor VIII from inactivation by thrombin. When both, intact fibrinogen and its derivatives, were added simultaneously at the same concentrations at which they were added singly, the protective effect was intermediate between that exerted by intact fibrinogen and fibrinogen derivatives alone. Under these conditions the fibrinogen derivatives appeared as if they potentiated the inactivating effect of thrombin. Probably by inhibiting the formation of structural fibrin they increased the amount of thrombin, which remained unadsorbed and free to inactivate factor VIII.

1868 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 254-258

The results of my researches on the chloroform-derivatives of the primary monamines, which, as I have shown, are isomeric with the nitriles, could not fail to direct my attention to allied groups of bodies, with the view of discovering similar isomerisms. In a note communicated to the Royal Society some months ago, I expressed the expectations which even then appeared to be justified in the following manner:—“In conclusion, I may be permitted to announce as everv probable the existence of a series of bodies isomeric with the sulphocyanides. Already M. Cloëz has shown that the action of chloride of cyanogen on ethylate of potassium gives rise to the formation of an ethylic cyanate possessing properties absolutely different from those belonging to the cyanate discovered by M. Wurtz. On comparing, on the other hand the properties of the methylic and ethylic sulphocyamdes with those of the sulphocyanides of allyl and phenyl, it can scarcely be doubted that we have here the representatives of two groups entirely different, and that the terms of the methyl- and ethyl-series which correspond to oil of mustard, and to the sulphocyanide of phenyl, still remain to be discovered. Experiments with which I am now engaged will show whether these bodies cannot be obtained by the action of the iodides of methyl and ethyl on sulphocyanide of silver."

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Paul Armstrong-Taylor

Abstract When do politicians lie? A politician who admits to wrongdoing will likely suffer some loss of popularity, but probably not as great as if he denied wrong doing and was subsequently discovered to have lied. This simple observation has a number of implications. For example, a politician in a marginal seat may have little choice but to risk lying as admitting will lose him too much popularity to survive. On the other hand, a politician in a relatively safe seat might survive the loss from admitting, but not from lying and being caught. Therefore we might predict the likelihood that a politician admits to a scandal to be positively related (over some range at least) to the security of his seat. This paper tests this prediction, and some others, with data from House bank scandal of 1991-92.

2013 ◽  
Vol 479-480 ◽  
pp. 855-860
Chii Huei Yu

This paper uses the mathematical software Maple as the auxiliary tool to study the differential problem of four types of rational functions. We can obtain the closed forms of any order derivatives of these rational functions by using binomial theorem. On the other hand, we propose four examples to do calculation practically. The research methods adopted in this study involved finding solutions through manual calculations and verifying these solutions by using Maple. This type of research method not only allows the discovery of calculation errors, but also helps modify the original directions of thinking from manual and Maple calculations. For this reason, Maple provides insights and guidance regarding problem-solving methods.

1933 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-422
R. C. Evans

In the spectrum formed by a grating the red is more deviated than the blue, while in that formed by a prism, which does not exhibit anomalous dispersion in the visible spectrum, the reverse is the case. If, then, white light is passed first through a grating and then through a prism, the nature of the spectrum produced will depend on the relative dispersions of the grating and prism. If throughout the spectrum the dispersion of the prism is less than that of the grating, the sequence of colours will be the same as that in the spectrum due to the grating alone, red being more deviated than blue. If, on the other hand, the dispersion of the prism is throughout the spectrum greater than that of the grating, the sequence of colours will be reversed. On account of the rapid increase in the dispersion of glass near the blue end of the spectrum, it may, however, be possible that the dispersion of the prism exceeds that of the grating in the blue while in the red the reverse is the case. Under these conditions both red and blue will be more deviated than some intermediate colour for which the dispersions of the grating and prism are equal. The spectrum will thus have a sharp edge of this colour at the end of minimum deviation, while in the direction of greater deviation it will at each point consist of two superimposed colours. It is as if an ordinary white light spectrum was folded back on itself about the sharp edge.

Pairs of colonies of differently coloured bees were placed with their entrances only 2 in. apart, and m any bees tried to enter the wrong colony, as if it were their own. Strangers were recognized by their different scent, and their reception depended upon foraging conditions. In nectar flows there was no hostility and the bees of both colonies mingled indiscriminately. In fairly good conditions there was no hostility, but partial separation was maintained through the discrimination shown by incoming foragers. In dearth conditions, when bees try to rob other colonies, all strangers were received with hostility; most were thrown out and many were killed. In dearth conditions marked foragers from one of the two colonies were fed with sugar syrup, but they were nevertheless repelled when they tried to enter the unfed colony; on the other hand, unfed strangers were more readily admitted into the fed colony. Thus hostility to strangers was inversely proportional to the availability of forage; the condition of the community which was to be entered was important, but the behaviour of the intruder was not. These results are discussed in relation to the defence of the community against both robber bees and strange queens.

1929 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-221
T. M. Lowry

Two alternative views have been expressed in regard to the configuration of quadrivalent atoms. On the one hand le Bel and van't Hoff assigned to quadrivalent carbon a tetrahedral configuration, which has since been confirmed by the X-ray analysis of the diamond. On the other hand, Werner in 1893 adopted an octahedral configuration for radicals of the type MA6, e.g. inand then suggested that “the molecules [MA4]X2 are incomplete molecules [MA6]X2. The radicals [MA4] result from the octahedrally-conceived radicals [MA6] by loss of two groups A, but with no function-change of the acid residue…. They behave as if the bivalent metallic atom in the centre of the octahedron could no longer bind all six of the groups A and lost two of them leaving behind the fragment [MA4]” (p. 303).

1862 ◽  
Vol 7 (40) ◽  
pp. 461-494 ◽  
Henry Maudsley

As it has ever been the custom of man to act as if he were eternal, and lavishly to scatter the limited force which he embodies as though the supply were inexhaustible, it produces no unaccustomed surprise to witness the useless expenditure of force which is so frequently made at the present time. It may even, perhaps, be deemed a token of some modesty, that the being, who since his first formation has been continually occupied in metaphysical regions with the investigation of the origin of all things, should be content for a while to amuse himself with physical theories concerning his own origin. That which is to be regretted in the new and comparatively praiseworthy occupation is the old evil of hasty theorizing on the one hand, and on the other hand, the evil, scarcely less ancient, of an impetuous eagerness to demolish any theory, however plausible, which comes athwart a favourite prejudice. What though the anatomist does discover a very close resemblance and very slight differences between the structure of a gorilla and the structure of a human being; there is no need, on that account, that mankind in a feeling of injured dignity should angrily rouse up and disclaim the undesired relationship. Whatever may be said or written, it is quite plain after all that a man is not a gorilla, and that a gorilla is not a man; it is furthermore manifest that gorillas do not breed men now-a-days, and that we have not the shadow of any evidence to guide us in forming; an opinion as to what they may have clone in times past. The negative testimony of Du Chaillu, who says that he searched in vain in the gorilla region for any intermediate race or link between it and man, scarcely adds anything to the conviction of the non-existence of any such link, which has long been universally entertained.*

1883 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 335-350 ◽  
Ad. Michaelis

Of peculiar interest among the Arundel marbles of the Pomfret donation at Oxford, is a slab in the shape of a pediment, ‘in which there is in basso relievo the figure of a man as big as the life with his arms extended as if he was crucified, but no lower than about his paps is seen, the cornice cutting him off as it were; and this extension of his arms is called a grecian measure, and over his arm is a grecian foot.’ The marble thus described by George Vertue, the engraver, was first published in Chandler's Marmora Oxoniensia, Pt. I., Pl. lix., No. 166, but its importance was completely overlooked until the late Prof. Matz, in one of his last papers, published a better drawing and pointed out the artistic interest of the relief as a sculpture belonging to a rather early period of Greek art. On the other hand, the merit of the monument as an authentic document of Greek metrology was set forth, at my request, by my friend Dr. Fr. Hultsch, the author of Griechische Metrologie, whose views are repeated in my Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. The chief result of his exposition was that our relief unites in a most interesting way the indication of the length of a fathom (ὀρλυιά) of 2·06 or 20·07 m. with that of a foot of 0·295 m., which is not, as one might expect, the sixth, but exactly the seventh part of the fathom. As such a division of the fathom does not agree with the well-known facts of Greek metrology, Hultsch imagined that the foot on our marble might rather be a modulus used by sculptors and architects, and he observed that the recent excavations of Olympia seem to show the dimensions of some of the temples, particularly of the very old temple of Heré, to be based on a double measure, on a foot but little longer (of 0·298 m.), as well as on a fathom of 2·084 m. which, again, corresponds to seven of those feet.

2006 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 332-335 ◽  
Benoît Rihoux

Social scientists who strive to reflect on their research “while they're doing it” (Becker 1998) live in very fortunate times. On the one hand, it seems as if an increasing number of scholars want to do a little more than simply apply ready-made recipes. On the other hand, a few key volumes have recently been published that move beyond ready-made recipes. In my personal top three, I would most probably place Mahoney and Rueschemeyer (2003), George and Bennett (2005), and—last but not least—the volume discussed in this symposium. What distinguishes Rethinking Social Inquiry (RSI) from the two other volumes, in my view, is that it has a broader agenda and hence a broader ambition.

1979 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 507-510 ◽  
Nazmi A. Kassab ◽  
Sanaa O. Abd Allah ◽  
Said A. Elbahaii

Abstract The 5-arylhydrazono derivatives of rhodanine and isorhodanine were subjected to the action of hydrazine hydrate to afford the arylhydrazonomercaptomethyl-triazolinones (3) and -triazolinthiones (3) respectively. Treatment of 1 with benzylamine afforded thioxalic acid dibenzylamide (5). On the other hand treatment of 2 with the same reagent afforded the corresponding benzylimino derivatives (6).Alkylation of 1 and 2 with ethyl bromoacetate and chloroacetamide yielded the corresponding S-alkyl derivatives (7) and (8), respectively.

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