Lewis-Base Adducts of Group 11 Metal(I) Compounds. LXIV Syntheses, Spectroscopy and Structures of Some 1 : 4 Adducts of Copper(I) and Silver(I) Perchlorates with Triphenylarsine and Triphenylstibine

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 539 ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Effendy ◽  
Robert D. Hart ◽  
John D. Kildea ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  

Syntheses and room-temperature single crystal X-ray structure determinations are recorded for adducts [M(EPh3)4] (ClO4), M = Cu, E = As (1), Sb (2); M = Ag, E = As (3), Sb (4), enabling comparison with analogous, previously studied MP4 and MN4 environments. The four complexes so characterized all crystallize in the familiar rhombohedral R-3 array (a ≈ 14·4, c ≈ 52 Å, hexagonal setting) with the metal and chlorine atoms located on crystallographic threefold axes. In these arrays Cu–E (axial, off axis) are 2·493(2), 2·533(1) for (1), and 2·572(1), 2·577(1) Å for (2), the disparity in the two independent M-E distances being diminished relative to those of previously studied phosphorus analogues, perhaps in consequence of increasing E size. In (3) and (4), some cation disorder is evident in respect of the ligand pnictide atom (E); for the major components Ag-E are 2·652(3), 2·680(2) in (3); 2·732(2), 2·7295(8) Å in (4). Problems associated in defining the metal atom environment geometries in the latter are, nevertheless, more satisfactorily overcome in two further determinations of nitrate salts: [Ag(SbPh3)4] (NO3) (5) is of the rhombohedral family with no cation core disorder, Ag–E (axial, off axis) being 2·720(4), 2·725(2) Å, while the structural characterization of a 1 : 4 triphenylarsine adduct of silver nitrate is recorded as its tetraethanol solvate, namely [Ag(AsPh3)4] (NO3).~ 4C2H5OH(6), monoclinic, C2/c, a 18·373(4), b 20·786(5), c 21·070(8) Å, β 108·18(3)°, Z = 4 f.u. The silver atom of the [Ag(AsPh3)4]+cation unusually lies on a crystallographic 2 (rather than a 3 ) axis of the incipiently23 (T) array, with Ag-As 2·649(2), 2·650(2) Å and As-Ag-As ranging from 108·22(4) to 111·41(6)°. The structure determination of a chloroform solvate of (2), denoted (2a), of low precision, is noted, together with the structure of an interesting artefact, isomorphous with the rhombohedral oxoanion array, modelled as [Ag(PPh3)4]2 (SiF6).py (7). Bands in the far-infrared spectra of [M(AsPh3)4] (ClO4) are assigned to v(MAs) vibrations at 119 (M = Cu) and 103 cm¯1 (M = Ag); this produces a more consistent picture of the variation in the wavenumbers of the v(ME) modes in [M(EPh3)4]+ compounds than was available previously.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 577 ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Effendy ◽  
John D. Kildea ◽  
Allan H. White

The syntheses and room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determination of 1 : 3 adducts formed between silver(I) (pseudo-)halides, AgX, and triphenylarsine, AsPh3, are described (X = Cl, Br, I, SCN), [(Ph3As)3AgX], (1)–(4). The chloride (1) has been previously described as its acetone hemisolvate; other solvates (1a–d) (0·75 MeCN, MeOH, 1·5 pyridine, 0·75 2,6-dimethylpyridine) are isomorphous, being triclinic, P-1, a ≈ 13·5, b ≈ 14·0, c ≈ 14·25 Å, α ≈ 83, β ≈ 87, γ ≈ 76°, V ≈ 2600 Å3, Z = 2 f.u. The bromide (2), iodide (3) and thiocyanate (4) are isomorphous with [(Ph3P)3AgI], monoclinic, P21/n, a ≈ 19·1, b ≈ 14·0, c ≈ 17·7 Å, β ≈ 97°, Z = 4 f.u. In the chlorides, Ag–Cl are 2·494(5)–2·525(6) Å, with appreciably different Cl–Ag–As ranges (99·7(1)–114·3(1)° in the acetonitrile solvate; 104·8(2)–110·2(1)° in the 2,6-dimethylpyridine solvate) and more compact As–Ag–As distributions (overall range: 109·93(8)–113·26(3)°). For the bromide and iodide, Ag–X are 2·627(1) and 2·779(1) Å respectively, while for the thiocyanate Ag–S is 2·550(5) Å with Ag–S–C 104·2(3)°; the latter complexes also display wide ranges for many of the associated bonding parameters about the silver atom. The far-infrared spectra of [(Ph3As)3AgX] (X = Cl, Br, I) show v(AgX) bands at 217, 145 and 124 cm-1 respectively. The relationship between the v(AgX) wavenumbers and the Ag–X bond length r (AgX) is found to be the same as that for a range of AgX complexes with phosphine ligands, and is similar to that observed previously for analogous CuX complexes.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 627 ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Effendy ◽  
John D. Kildea ◽  
Eban N. de Silva ◽  
Allan H. White

The syntheses and room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structural characterization of binuclear 1 : 2 adducts formed between silver(I) (pseudo-)halides, AgX, and triphenylarsine, AsPh3, for X = Cl, Br, I, SCN (1)–(4), are described. The chloride (1), obtained from 2-methylpyridine, is triclinic, P-1, a 10·410(2), b 12·716(2), c 14·196(6) Å, α 113·38(2), β 109·41(2), γ 75·08(1)°, Z = 1 (dimer); conventional R on F was 0·037 for No 3979 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) reflections. The bromide (2a), obtained from 2,6-dimethylpyridine, and iodide (3), obtained from a mixture of AgI/saturated KI in MeOH solutions, are isomorphous, monoclinic, P 21/c a≈ 24·2, b ≈ 13·9, c ≈ 20·2 Å, β ≈ 109·5°, Z = 4 dimers; R was 0·046 and 0·044 for No 5670 and 6039 respectively. The thiocyanate (4) has a similar cell, a 24·12(1), b 12·558(8), c 23·244(4) Å, β 110·11(3)°, Z = 4 dimers, R being 0·044 for No 7956; one of the thiocyanate ligands (which bridge in Ag-SCN-Ag mode) is disordered. A second polymorph of the bromide (2b) (from a mixture of AgBr/saturated KBr in H2O) is also monoclinic, P 21/c, a 14·121(8), b 25·577(3), c 21·968(2) Å, β 125·54(3)°, Z = 4 dimers (R was 0·047 for No 5715). Ag–As range between 2·568(1) and 2·633(1) Å throughout the series; in the isomorphous bromide and iodide, values increase slightly: 2·578(1)–2·611(1), cf. 2·601(2)-2·633(1) Å respectively. Ag–X are 2·568(2)-2·670(2) (Cl); 2·688(2)–2·715(2) (Br); 2·828(2)–2·856(1) Å (I); Ag-S, N for the ordered SCN group are 2·646(3), 2·255(6) Å. A redetermination of improved precision (R 0·035, No 6030) is reported for the triphenylphosphine/thiocyanate analogue. The far-infrared spectra of [(Ph3As)2Ag(µ-X)2Ag (AsPh3)2] show v(AgX) bands at 185, 145 (X = Cl), 145, 130, 106 (X = Br) and 121 cm-1 (X = I). The splittings and band widths reflect a decrease in the degree of distortion of the Ag(µ-X)2Ag units from a symmetrically bridged structure from X = Cl to I.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 567 ◽  
Robert D. Hart ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Allan H. White

The syntheses of adducts, [(Ph3Sb)3CuX], X = Br, I, NO3, obtained by crystallization of 1 : 3 CuX/SbPh3 mixtures from appropriate solvents are described, together with their room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations. The bromide, obtained as a chloroform monosolvate from that solvent, is triclinic, P-1, a 13·861(4), b 14·306(4), c 14·347(4) Å, α 84·40(2), β 86·93(2), γ 75·56(2)°, Z = 2 f.u., conventional R on F being 0·053 for No = 4136 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) reflections; this solvate is isomorphous with its previously recorded chloride counterpart. The iodide is triclinic, P-1, a 14·55(1), b 14·385(2), c 23·626(6) Å, α 91·78(1), β 90·77(4), γ 92·54(5)°; Z= 4, R 0·050 for No 6917, and isomorphous with its phosphorus counterpart. The nitrate, although a methanol sesquisolvate, is also isomorphous with the chloride and bromide, a 13·369(9), b 14·398(3), c 14· 504(12) Å, α 82·29(5), β 84·39(6), γ 75·11(4)°, R 0·052 for No 5672. Cu-X are (2·235(5) (Cl)), 2·366(3) (Br), 2· 556(2) ( 2 ) (I), 1·98(1) Å (ONO2), appreciably shorter than in their previously recorded EPh3, E = P, As counterparts. The far-infrared spectra of [(Ph3Sb)3CuX] showed no clear v(CuX) bands, in contrast to the situation reported previously for the corresponding Ph3P and Ph3As compounds. It is likely that v(CuCl) is masked by a strong band at 270 cm-1 due to the Ph3Sb ligand. However, the region below 250 cm-1 in which the v(CuX) bands are expected for the X = Br, I complexes contains no strong ligand bands. Possible reasons for the absence of v(CuX) bands in these complexes are considered.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 653 ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Effendy ◽  
Robert D. Hart ◽  
John D. Kildea ◽  
Allan H. White

Syntheses and room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structural characterization of a number of 1 : 1 ‘cube tetramer’ adducts of copper(I) and silver(I) halides, MX, with triphenylarsine, AsPh3, are recorded, being [XM(AsPh3)]4. The CuBr adduct, obtained unsolvated from toluene, orthorhombic Pbcn, a 17·844(5), b 20·778(8), c 18·430(4) Å, Z = 4 tetramers, conventional R on |F| 0·058 for No 1309 independent ‘observed’ reflctions (I > 3σ(I)), is isomorphous with previously recorded [ClAg(PPh3)]4, the tetramer having crystallographically imposed 2 symmetry. The CuI adduct, previously recorded as a monobenzene solvate, has been isolated unsolvated from toluene, monoclinic, P 21/n, a 19·70(5), b 27·110(7), c 13·59(2) Å, β 98·84(9)°, Z = 4 tetramers, R 0·087 for No 4359, isomorphous with previously recorded [ICu(PPh3)]4, as a 6½ benzene solvate, triclinic, P-1 a 26·688(2), b 15·180(7), c 13·090(1) Å, α 85·41(2), β 87·580(7), γ 77·63(2)°, Z = 2 tetramers, R 0·049 for No 11485, and as a chloroform disolvate, triclinic, P-1 a 22·584(9), b 13·979(2), c 13·892(2) Å, α 68 ·99(2), β 77·31(3), γ 75·65(3)°, Z = 2, R 0·041 for No 8701. An unsolvated AgI complex, monoclinic, P 21/c, a 25·26(1), b 12·506(5), c 25·228(9) Å, β 113·54(4)°, Z = 4 tetramers, R 0·054 for No 5520, isomorphous with previously recorded [IAg(PPh3)]4 (denoted ‘α’), was obtained from methanol/saturated potassium iodide solution, while a second ‘β’-form obtained from 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine, rhombohedral R3c, a 17·048(7) Å, α 61·15(5)°, Z = 2 tetramers, R 0·037 for No 1622, is isomorphous with previously recorded [BrAg(PPh3)]4, for which a redetermination is described (R 0·039 for No 1289); the latter has also been obtained in the common orthorhombic Pbcnarray: a 18·10(1), b 2·08(1), c 18·39(1) Å, Z = 4, R 0·041 for No 2877. A new ‘step’ form of [IAg(PPh3)]4, monoclinic, C 2/c, a 26·14(2), b 16·340(9), c 18·64(2) Å, β 114·04(8)°, R 0·058 for No 2107, obtained from acetonitrile and isomorphous with [BrCu(PPh3)]4 (step), is also recorded. In the far-infrared spectra of [(Ph3As)4Cu4X4] bands which have been assigned to vibrations of the Cu4X4 core are: 166, 150, 135, 114 (X = Br); 136, 85 cm-1 (X = I; 2CHCl3 solvate). The 166, 150, 135 cm-1 bands in the bromide are only partially resolved. These, and the 136 cm-1 band in the iodide are assigned to the T2 v(CuX) mode of the Cu4X4 core; the bands at 114 and 85 cm-1 are assigned to the next highest frequency T2 mode of the cluster. The splitting of the highest frequency T2 band for the bromide is consistent with the greater degree of distortion of the Cu4X4core from ideal Td symmetry in this complex relative to the iodide.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 641 ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Effendy ◽  
Eban N. de Silva ◽  
Allan H. White

Syntheses and room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structural characterization of binuclear 1 : 2 adducts formed between silver(I) halides, AgX (X = Cl, Br, I), and triphenylstibine, SbPh3, are described. The three complexes are isomorphous, being triclinic, P-1, a ≈ 18·5, b ≈ 14·6, c ≈ 14·5 Å, α ≈ 62·5, β ≈ 74, γ ≈ 77°, Z = 2 centrosymmetric dimers. Conventional R on F were 0·043, 0·038 and 0·046 for 4984, 8479 and 4166 independent, ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) reflections respectively. In [(Ph3b)2Ag(µ-X)2Ag(SbPh3)2], Ag–Sb range between 2·702(1) and 2·744(2) Å, lengthening slightly from chloride to iodide; Ag–X are 2·567(5)–2·628(4) (Cl), 2·684(1)–2·737(1) (Br) and 2·826(3)–2·869(3) Å (I). The far-infrared spectra of [(Ph3Sb)2Ag(µ-X)2Ag(SbPh3)2] show v(AgX) bands at 178, 158 (X = Cl), 121 (X = Br) and 110 cm-1 (X = I). The splittings and band widths reflect a decrease in the degree of distortion of the Ag(µ-X)2Ag units from a symmetrically bridged structure from X = Cl to I.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 553 ◽  
Robert D. Hart ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Eban N. de Silva ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Crystallization of some copper(I) salts, CuX, with triphenylarsine in 1 : 3 stoichiometry from acetonitrile has yielded an array of adducts, [(Ph3As)3CuX], characterized by room-temperature single crystal X-ray structure determinations. [(Ph3As)3CuCl] (1) has been characterized in two unsolvated phases, α and β, the second form previously recorded as monoclinic, P21/n, Z = 8. The ‘α’ phase, like the bromide (2) and iodide (3), adopts the trigonal P3 array, widespread among many [(Ph3E)3MX] adducts with a ≈ 19, c ≈ 11 Å; conventional R on F was 0·037, 0·041, 0·056 for No 3458, 3259, 3434 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) reflections for these three adducts respectively. A further form, γ, is a toluene hemisolvate, monoclinic, P21/c, a 21·490(5), b 10·218(7), c 24·901(6) Å, β 117·53(2)°, Z = 4, R 0·057 for No 7207. The nitrate (4), obtained as a monosolvate from methanol, is monoclinic, P21/n, a 15 ·115(9), b 23·201(9), c 14·170(14) Å, β 92·56(7)°, Z = 4, R 0·049 for No 5476. In all compounds, the copper atom is four-coordinate, E3CuX, the nitrate in (4) being -ONO2 unidentate. The CuX bond lengthsr(CuX) in [(Ph3E)3CuX] (X = Cl, Br, I) show a decrease from the Ph3P to the corre3sponding Ph3As compound, and this is consistent with the observed increase in the v(CuX) wavenumbers in the far-infrared spectra. These trends are both consistent with an increase in the CuX bond strength from the Ph3P to the Ph3As complexes, and possible reasons for this are discussed.

1994 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 405 ◽  
PK Bharadwaj ◽  
AM Lee ◽  
BW Skelton ◽  
BR Srinivasan ◽  
AH White

Single-crystal room-temperature X-ray structure determinations of the title compounds have been carried out. The two compounds are isomorphous, and isomorphous with the previously determined iodide analogue, being monoclinic, P 21/c, a ≈ 10.0, b ≈ 14.9, c ≈ 7.8 Ǻ, β ≈ 92°, Z = 4 formula units; residuals were 0.037, 0.036 for 2197, 1654 'observed' reflections for X = Cl , Br respectively. As in the iodide, the complexes are infinite polymers, with successive bismuth atoms bridged by the two halides and one sulfur atom of the ligand , which also chelates each bismuth. The structure determination of C5H5NCONEt2]2 [Cl5Bi(NC5H5)], isostructural with its thiocarbamoyl analogue, is also recorded.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 621 ◽  
Robert D. Hart ◽  
Graham A. Bowmaker ◽  
Eban N. de Silva ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Crystallization of 1 : 2 mixtures of the copper(I) halides CuX, X = Cl, Br, I, with triphenylstibine from acetonitrile yields adducts of 1 : 2 CuX/SbPh3 stoichiometry, confirmed by single-crystal X-ray structure determinations. The three complexes are isomorphous, monoclinic, P 21/c, a ≈ 24·3, b ≈ 14·2, c ≈ 20 Å, β 110°, Z = 4 dimers; conventional R on F were 0·047, 0·044 and 0·045 for No 11247, 4673 and 10418 independent ‘observe’ (I > 3σ(I)) reflections respectively. The complexes, also isomorphous with some related species, e.g. 1 : 2 AgBr,I/AsPh3, are dimers: [(Ph3Sb)2Cu(µ-X)2Cu(SbPh3)2]. The chloride is also recorded as a chloroform disolvate, isomorphous with its arsine analogue, being monoclinic, C 2/c, a 21·486(9), b 17· 925(9), c 19·972(7) Å, β 91·31(3)°, Z = 4 dimers, R 0·057 for No 3756. The far-infrared spectra of [(Ph3Sb)2Cu(µ-X)2Cu(SbPh3)2] (X = Br, I) showed no clear v(CuX) bands, in contrast to the situation reported previously for the corresponding Ph3As compounds. A possible v(CuCl) band is observed in the X = Cl complex at 219 cm-1 , but this occurs in a region where there is also significant absorption in the other two compounds. The absence of strong v(CuX) bands in these complexes is consistent with the situation observed previously for the 3 : 1 compounds [(Ph3Sb)3CuX].

1994 ◽  
Vol 47 (7) ◽  
pp. 1423 ◽  
MAS Goher ◽  
AK Hafez ◽  
RJ Wang ◽  
XM Chen ◽  

Complexes of the types HAuX4.2HQd, where X = Cl or Br and HQd = quinaldic acid, and AuX3L2, where L is methyl or ethyl quinaldate , have been prepared and characterized. Quinaldic acid as well as methyl and ethyl quinaldates function as monodentate ligands in these complexes, whose stereochemistries are discussed in relation to the number of gold-halogen stretching frequencies observed in their far-infrared spectra. The measured conductivities of these complexes are also discussed. Single-crystal X-ray analysis of monohydrated HAuBr4.2HQd revealed that it should be formulated as [( HQd )2H][AuBr4].H2O, in which a pair of zwitterionic HQd moieties are connected by a strong O...H...O hydrogen bond, and the gold(III) atom is in an elongated octahedral coordination environment with two long Au-O bonds of 3.388(8) and 3.440(8)Ǻ.

1989 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 913 ◽  
LM Engelhardt ◽  
PC Healy ◽  
JD Kildea ◽  
AH White

Mixed base pyridine (py)/triphenylphosphine adducts of the copper(1) halides, CuX, have been synthesized for 1 : 1 : 1 stoichiometry for X = chloride and iodide; single-crystal X-ray structure determinations of these show them to be isomorphous and isostructural with that of the bromide recorded elsewhere, being �,�′- dihalo-bridged dimers , [(PPh3)( py )CuX2Cu( py )(PPh3)], monoclinic, C2/c, a ≈ 26.2, b ≈ 14.3, c ≈ 11 .2 � , β ≈ 95, Z = 4 dimers. The bromide has been isolated as a new monoclinic C 2/m polymorph, a 11 .279(8), b 14.268(6), c 13.858(4) �, β 109.33(6)�, Z=4 dimers, and details of its structure are also recorded. The structures of their pyridine-4-carbonitrile (pycn) analogues have also been determined and found to be also binuclear, with no cyano-copper interactions; these also are an isomorphous, isostructural series, monoclinic P21/n, a ≈ 15.4, b ≈ 8.1, c ≈ 17.9 � , β ≈ 101 �, Z = 2 dimers. In each series of dimers, one half of the dimer is crystallographically independent, the generators of the other half being twofold rotor (C2/c phase), mirror (C2/m phase) and inversion centre (P21/n phase) respectively.

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