Leucostoma persoonii. [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria].

V. P. Hayova

Abstract A description is provided for Leucostoma persoonii. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASE: Leucostoma persoonii is a widespread wound pathogen of fruit trees, especially of stone-fruit trees, being encountered mainly as the anamorph. It is a causal agent of mass wilting of branches and of dieback of young trees, commonly called 'Cytospora canker disease'. Infection sites may be in decaying fruit racemes and bark fissures due to excessive gum production following wounding or insect attack. The effect of fungicides on incidence of Leucostoma canker in stone-fruit trees was studied by Northover (1992). Biggs & Peterson (1990) investigated the effect of chemical applications to bark wounds on accumulation of lignin and suberin, and susceptibility of trees to Leucostoma persoonii. A virus-like particle of L. persoonii was isolated in pure culture and its characteristics were described (Jensen et al., 1995). Comparative anatomy and host response of peach cultivars inoculated with L. persoonii was studied by Biggs (1986). An association between cultivar variation and temporal changes in the infection court after wounding of peach bark was demonstrated when twigs were infected by the fungus (Biggs, 1989). HOSTS: On dead or dying, attached or fallen twigs mainly of members of the Rosaceae (Amelanchier, Armeniaca, Cerasus, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Malus, Padus, Persica, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa, Sorbus), but also on Alnus. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa. Asia: Armenia, Cyprus, Republic of Georgia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Russia, Turkmenia. Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine. North America: Canada (Alberta, Ontario), Mexico, USA (California, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, West Virginia). South America: Brazil. TRANSMISSION: Both conidia and ascospores are air-borne, especially under humid conditions. In this case red or dark red droplets or tendrils of conidia are often exuded from the conidiomata. Viable spores are available throughout the year, with a summer maximum, and are affected by temperature and moisture. It is also known that arthropods can carry propagules in stone-fruit orchards (Helton et al., 1988).

V. P. Hayova

Abstract A description is provided for Leucostoma cinctum. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASE: Leucostoma cinctum, especially in its conidial state, is a well-known pathogen of stone-fruit trees causing necrosis of twigs, perennial Cytospora-canker. The fungus penetrates mainly through the scars, and may result in dieback of branches or even whole trees. Tree susceptibility to L. cinctum is influenced by lesions (Stanova, 1990). Comparative anatomy and host response of peach cultivars inoculated with L. cinctum was studied by Biggs (1986). Resistance of different cultivars of stone-fruit trees to L cinctum has been investigated by many authors (Cociu et al., 1991; Miles et al., 1989; Pedryc & Rozsnyai, 1991). HOSTS: On dead or dying, attached or fallen twigs of the Rosaceae, mainly Prunoideae (Amygdalus, Armeniaca, Cerasus, Persica, Prunus) and rarely other subfamilies of the Rosaceae, including genera such as Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Malus and Pyrus. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Asia: Armenia, Republic of Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Australasia: Australia. Europe: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Rumania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia. North America: Canada, USA (Idaho, Michigan, New-Jersey, Oregon). TRANSMISSION: Both conidia and ascospores are air-borne, especially under humid conditions. Orange or reddish droplets or tendrils of conidia extruded from conidiomata can be often seen after rain. It is also known that arthropods can carry propagules in stone-fruit orchards (Helton et al., 1988).


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Anarsia lineatella Zell. (Lep., Tineidae) (Peach Twig Borer) Hosts: Stone-fruit trees, notably peach. Information is given on the geographical distribution in EUROPE (excl. USSR), Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Crete, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, ASIA (excl. USSR), China, Cyprus, Iraq, Israel, Kashmir, Lebanon, Pakistan, Persia, Syria, Turkey, USSR, AFRICA, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, NORTH AMERICA, Canada, U.S.A.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Nourolah Soltani ◽  
Jamshid Hayati ◽  
Ghobad Babaei ◽  
Maryam Ebrahim Qomi

<em>Prune dwarf</em> virus (PDV) is one of the major positive RNA viruses which cause economical damages in stone fruit trees. The symptoms of PDV vary between different stone fruits namely sour and sweet cherry, almond, peach, apricot and plum including leaf narrowing, leaf chlorosis, vein clearing, mosaic, leaf whitening, leathery leaf, bushy branches and stunt trees. During the years 2011 and 2012, 251 leaf samples were collected for detection of PDV in stone fruit orchards of Charmahal-va-Bakhtiari province. DAS-ELISA test proved PDV presence serologically. Then, total RNA were extracted and tested by two-step RT-PCR which replicated partial and full coat protein sequence of PDV. One hundred and eighty one out of total samples (251 samples) showed PDV infection using serological and two-step RT-PCR assays, hence, incidence of PDV in Charmahal-va-Bakhtiari province was confirmed. This is the first report of PDV in stone fruit orchards of Charmahal-va-Bakhtiari province and in Iran.

2010 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-57 ◽  
Mirosława Cieślińska ◽  
Halina Morgaś

Abstract A survey was carried out on 38 commercial and experimental stone fruit orchards located in major growing areas of stone fruit trees in Poland to determine the incidence of lesser known viruses and phytoplasmas. Leaf samples from 145 sweet cherry and 102 sour cherry trees were tested for Little cherry virus 1 (LChV-1), Little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2), Cherry green ring mottle virus (CGRMV), Cherry mottle leaf virus (CMLV), and Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus (CNRMV) using RT-PCR. Sixty samples collected from peach and 20 apricot trees were also tested for CGRMV. Eleven out of 145 sweet cherry and three out of 102 sour cherry trees were infected by LChV-1. CGRMV was detected in 10 sweet cherry, four sour cherry, 14 peach and two apricot trees. No LChV-2, CMLV and CNRMV were detected in any of the tested trees. Phloem tissue from samples of shoots collected from 145 sweet cherry, 102 sour cherry, 128 peach, 37 apricot, five nectarine and 20 European as well as Japanese plum trees were tested for phytoplasmas. The nested PCR of the extracted DNA with universal and specific primer pairs showed the presence of phytoplasmas in six sweet cherry, three sour cherry, nine peach, four apricot, one nectarine and three Japanese plum trees. The RFLP patterns of 16S rDNA fragments after digestion with RsaI, MseI, AluI, and SspI endonucleases indicated that selected stone fruit trees were infected by two distinct phytoplasmas belonging to the apple proliferation group. The stone fruit trees infected by LChV-1, CGRMV and phytoplasmas were grown in orchards localised in all seven regions

S. Little

Abstract A description is provided for Cercospora circumscissa. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Prunus amygdalus, P. avium, P. cerasus, P. domestica, P. persica, P. spinosa. DISEASE: Leaf spot or 'shot hole' of stone fruit trees. The disease first appears early in the season on the younger leaves as yellowish spots with dark centres. The margin of the spots then becomes thickened and dark or reddish-brown, while the centre becomes grey, dries, shrinks and ultimately falls out. Eventually most of the leaves on the tree become riddled with holes. Shallow circular leaf spots may also form on the branches and the fruit (McAlpine, 1902). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa: Morocco, Zimbabwe; Asia: Cyprus, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Palestine, Australasia: Australia (Queensland), Europe: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Romania Turkey, USSR (Russia), Yugoslavia; North America: USA (Alabama, California, Florida); South America: Argentina. TRANSMISSION: By wind-borne and water splash-dispersed conidia (McAlpine, 1902). The fungus survives adverse conditions in the fallen foliage as stromatic cells or as the teleomorph.

Hilgardia ◽  
1933 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-123 ◽  
Edward E. Wilson

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-9 ◽  
Anna Matwiejuk

Abstract The aim of this paper is to present the diversity of the lichen species on fruit trees (Malus sp., Pyrus sp., Prunus sp. and Cerasus sp.) growing in orchards in selected villages and towns in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Fifty-six species of lichens were found. These were dominated by common lichens found on the bark of trees growing in built-up areas with prevailing heliophilous and nitrophilous species of the genera Physcia and Phaeophyscia. A richer lichen biota is characteristic of apple trees (52 species) and pear trees (36). Lichens of the apple trees constitute 78% of the biota of this phorophyte growing in the fruit orchards in Poland. Of the recorded species, only two (Ramalina farinacea, Usnea hirta) are covered by partial protection in Poland.

2001 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47 ◽  
David G. James ◽  
Beverley Vogele ◽  
Richard J. Faulder ◽  
Robert J. Bartelt ◽  
Christopher J. Moore

Plant Disease ◽  
2020 ◽  
Rachid Tahzima ◽  
Radouane Qessaoui ◽  
Yoika Foucart ◽  
Sebastian Massart ◽  
Kris De Jonghe

Plum (Prunus domestica L., Rosaceae) trees, like many stone fruit trees, are known to be infected by numerous plant viruses, predominantly as consequence of their clonal mode of propagation and perennial cultivation (Jelkmann and Eastwell, 2011). Apricot vein clearing-associated virus (AVCaV) is a member of the genus Prunevirus in the family Betaflexiviridae. AVCaV was first reported in Italy infecting apricot (P. armeniaca L.) associated with foliar vein clearing symptoms (Elbeaino et al. 2014). It has also been detected in various Prunus species, like plum, Japanese plum (P. salicina L.), sour cherry (P. cerasus L.), and Japanese apricot (P. mume L.), apricot and peach (P. persica L.) sourced from Asian and European countries (Marais et al. 2015), as well as in the ornamental Myrobolan plum (P. cerasifera L.) in Australia (Kinoti et al. 2017). In 2018, during the vegetative season, a survey was carried out in two different apricot and plum orchards in the southern region of Agdez (Agadir, Morocco) where stone fruit trees are grown. Five branches with leaves were sampled from three apricot and three plum trees of unknown cultivars, all asymptomatic. Total RNA was extracted from 100 mg plant tissue (leaves and cambial scrapping) using RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) and separate samples (one per species) were used for library preparation (NEBNext Ultra RNA library kit; New England BioLabs, MA, USA), and sequencing (Illumina NextSeq v2, totRNA sequencing) at Admera Health (New Jersey, USA). All generated reads (6,756,881) from the plum sample were quality filtered and submitted to the VirusDetect pipeline (Zheng et al., 2017). The plum cDNA library, a total of 20 viral contigs (68-1928 bp) mapped to several AVCaV accessions in GenBank. A reference mapping (CLC Genomics Workbench 12, Qiagen, Denmark) was conducted against all four available AVCaV full genomes (KM507062-63, KY132099 and HG008921), revealing 100% coverage of the full sequence (8358 nt) with 97-98 % nucleotide (nt) identities (BLASTn). Analysis of the derived sequences allowed to identify the location of the four predicted ORFs i.e. (ORF1: 6066 nt/2,021 aa), (ORF2: 1383 nt/460 aa), (ORF3: 666 nt/221 aa) and (ORF4: 420 nt/139 aa), previously described for the AVCaV genome (Elbeaino et al. 2014). The amino acid sequences of the encoded proteins of AVCaV isolate from Morocco also shared 97-98% identities with the corresponding sequences of complete genome AVCaV isolates in GenBank. To confirm the detection of AVCaV in the three plum samples, specific RT-PCR primers (VC37657s: 5’-CCATAGCCACCCTTTTTCAA-3’ / VC28239a: 5’-GTCGTCAAGGGTCCAGTGAT-3’) (Elbeaino et al. 2014) were used and the expected 330 bp fragment from the replicase gene was amplified in all three samples and subsequently sequenced (MT980794-96). Sanger sequences were 100% identical to corresponding HTS derived sequence. This is the first report of AVCaV infecting plum in Africa. The incidence of AVCaV in Moroccan Prunus species is unknown. Plum trees from the surveyed orchards were also confirmed to be co-infected with little cherry virus 1 (LChV-1) using HTS. Further investigation is required to determine the impact of AVCaV on these asymptomatic plum trees and other stone fruits species.

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