Access to courts by vulnerable persons in relation to hydraulic fracturing in South Africa

2020 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 662-688
Kolapo Omidire
2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
Barend J. De Klerk

Farm workers living in and around the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site are some of the most vulnerable people in South Africa. Research by means of a case study with four participants from this group examined the following question: How do vulnerable people continue preaching the Word in this environment by ministering to other vulnerable people with the sermons that they have heard? The case study considered both the environment and the circumstances in which these participants live. This research aimed to establish what it means to preach to those who are vulnerable and how such preaching can be continued by the hearers. A case study by means of a qualitative empirical investigation called upon a few of the vulnerable hearers to speak.Thefindings included that the participants to this case study do not spread the sermons further on a regular basis, but they would be able to edify and encourage other vulnerable persons with it if needed. If they do talk to each other about the sermon directly after the worship service (like it was done during the interviews), their confidence to proclaim the message to other vulnerable people who do not participate in the worship services will increase. Plaaswerkers wat in die omgewing van die wêrelderfenisgebied, die Vredefortkoepel, woon, is van die mees weerlose wesens in Suid-Afrika. ’n Gevallestudie, waaraan vier van hierdie persone deelgeneem het, is gedoen. Dit het oor die volgende vraag gehandel: Hoe word preke wat aan weerloses bedien word deur hulle aan ander in hulle omgewing wat in dieselfde omstandighede verkeer, voortgedra? Die omgewing waarin die deelnemers woon en hulle lewensomstandighede is nagegaan. Daar is gepoog om vas te stel wat onder prediking aan weerloses verstaan word en hoe sodanige prediking deur die hoorders verder versprei kan word. Die gevallestudie, wat deur middel van ’n kwalitatiewe empiriese ondersoek plaasgevind het, het enkele van die weerlose hoorders self aan die woord laat kom. Die bevinding was dat die deelnemers hieraan nie die preke op ʼngereelde basis verder laat weerklink nie, maar dat hulle wel in staat sou wees om ander weerlose persone daarmee te versterk en te bemoedig. Indien hulle wel onmiddellik na die diens met mekaar oor die preek van die dag sou gesels (soos dit in die onderhoude gedoen is), kan die vrymoedigheid groei om die boodskap ook aan ander weerlose mense wat nie aan die erediens deelgeneem het nie, oor te dra.

Obiter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
Letlhokwa George Mpedi ◽  
Daleen Millard

Access to social protection interventions, such as social assistance, social insurance and private insurance, in South Africa is limited. For that reason, plugging the holes in the safety net is undoubtedly one of the most pressing challenges facing South Africa in its quest to design a comprehensive social protection system. The point is that vulnerable persons, just like any other persons, have to contend with social risks (for example, death, poor health, invalidity, etcetera). As a result, similarly to all other persons, they require protection against these risks. It is clear that the current social protection interventions (particularly social insurance, social assistance and privateinsurance) fail to protect every person in need of such protection adequately in South Africa. Thus, the contribution sets out to investigate the prospects of micro-insurance being used as an instrument to extend social protection coverage to the excluded and marginalized persons in South Africa.

Hugo Meyer van den Berg ◽  
Hanri Mostert

Two problems have recently plagued South Africa: insufficient energy supply and water scarcity. Hydraulic fracturing for extracting shale gas forms the backdrop to the consideration of law making and governance patterns to meet challenges of integrating new technologies into the energy landscape. The chapter highlights the climate change imperative that necessitates law making for the integration of ‘new’ technologies into the sector, and the law’s role in their governance. It considers reasons for, and potential success of, hydraulic fracturing as a method of gas extraction, alongside the environmental concerns feeding off the water scarcity problem. Further cultural and contextual concerns with hydraulic fracturing in South Africa are also considered. Law and policy making has failed to address concerns that would speak against introducing this technology. The chapter critiques the Government’s choice of addressing weaknesses in the law by introducing secondary legislation rather than involving a parliamentary process for considering amendments.

Temida ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-185
Chadley James

Many Africans confront and deal with very trying situations in their countries that are very different from the comforts enjoyed in developed parts of the world. Labeled as a ?traumatized continent? (Norridge, 2013: 64), many Africans motivated by the basic human necessities for food and safety flee their countries, seeking refuge in South Africa. The large influx of refugees has given rise to invalid concerns from the government and the ?champions? of their interest (Mauss, 1975: 10), the media. These concerns have spurred changes in the practice of the asylum system which are aimed at targeting refugees, rather than improving their situation, increasing the vulnerability of persons already fleeing persecution: the refugees, the victims. The aim of this paper is to analyze the problem from a victimological stand point, and draw attention to the issue that more research needs to be conducted with victims to improve our understanding of the impacts these practices have.

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