scholarly journals Major histocompatibility complex-restricted self recognition. A monoclonal anti-I-Ak reagent blocks helper T cell recognition of self major histocompatibility complex determinants.

1980 ◽  
Vol 152 (6) ◽  
pp. 1779-1794 ◽  
R J Hodes ◽  
K S Hathcock ◽  
A Singer

The functional role of cell surface Ia antigens has been studied for in vitro antibody responses, using as a probe the ability of anti-Ia reagents to inhibit these responses. A hybridoma monoclonal anti-Ia reagent specific for a product of I-Ak (Ia.17) profoundly inhibited in vitro antibody responses to TNP-KLH by spleen cells of the I-Ak but not I-Ab haplotype. This inhibition by anti-I-Ak product, but not by interaction with T or B cell product, in spite of the fact that functional B cells as well as accessory cells could be shown to express the determinant detected by this hybridoma reagent. These results suggest that the Ia expressed by accessory cells in of unique functional importance in these responses. To further characterize the function of Ia antigens in this response system, the mechanism of anti-I-Ak inhibition was determined. The inhibition resulting from interaction of anti-I-Ak with accessory cell Ia was not mediated by nonspecific suppressor cells, nor was there nonspecific interference with accessory cell function as a result of the binding of anti-Ia antibody. The relationship between anti-Ia inhibition and T helper cell recognition of self determinations on accessory cells was analyzed using T cells from radiation bone marrow chimeras. It was demonstrated that (B10 X B10.A)F1 leads to B10 (F1 leads to B10) chimera T cells were able to cooperate with B10 (H-2b and I-Ab) but not B10.A (H-2a and I-Ak) accessory cells for responses to TNP-KLH; F1 leads to B10.A T cells were able to cooperate with B10.A but not B10 accessory cells; and both chimera populations were able to cooperate with (B10 X B10.A)F1 (F1) accessory cells. Monoclonal anti-I-Ak inhibited the cooperation of F1 leads to B10.A T cells with the same F1 accessory cells. Thus, inhibition by anti-I-Ak is dependent upon active helper T cell recognition of I-Ak-encoded determinants expressed on accessory cells. These findings demonstrate that T cells recognize self Ia determinants expressed on accessory cells, and that such recognition is required for the generation of T cell-dependent antibody responses.

1979 ◽  
Vol 149 (5) ◽  
pp. 1208-1226 ◽  
A Singer ◽  
K S Hathcock ◽  
R J Hodes

Requirements for helper T-cell recognition of H-2 determinants expressed on adherent accessory cells and on B cells was individually assessed in the anti-hapten PFC responses to TNP-KLH. Complicating allogeneic effects were minimized or avoided by the use of helper T cells from normal F1 hybrids, parent leads to F1 chimeras, and F1 leads to parent chimeras. The results of both in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that: (a) helper T cells are not required to recognize the identical H-2 determinants on both accessory cells and B cells; (b) helper T cells are required to recognize K or I-A region-encoded determinants expressed on accessory cells; (c) no requirement was observed in vitro or in vivo for helper T-cell recognition of B-cell-expressed H-2 determinants; and (d) no requirement was observed for H-2 homology between accessory cells and B cells. The absence of required helper T-cell recognition of the identical H-2 determinants on both accessory cells and B cells was demonstrated in two ways: (a) naive of KLH-primed (A x B)F1 hybrid helper T cells collaborated equally well with B cells from either parentA or parentB in the presence of accessory cells from either parent; (b) A leads to (A x B)F1 chimeric spleen cells depleted of accessory cells collaborated equally well with accessory cells from either parentA or parentB, even though the B cells only expressed the H-2 determinants of parentA. A requirement for helper T-cell recognition of K or I-A region-encoded H-2 determinants on accessory cells was also demonstrated in two ways: (a) (A x B)F1 leads to parentA chimeric spleen cells depleted of accessory cells collaborated with accessory cells from parentA but not parentB; and (b) (A x B)F1 leads to parentA chimeric helper T cells collaborated with normal F1 B cells only in the presence of parental or recombinant accessory cells that expressed the K or I-A region-encoded determinants of parentA. Although restricted in their ability to recognize H-2 determinants on accessory cells, it was demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo that (A x B)F1 leads to parentA chimeric helper T cells were able to collaborate with B cells from either parentA or parentB. In vitro in the presence of accessory cells from parentA, (A x B)F1 leads to parentA chimeric helper T cells collaborated equally well with B cells from either parent. In addition, the inability of (A x B)F1 leads to parentA chimeric helper T cells to collaborate with (B + accessory) cells from parentB was successfully reversed by the addition of parentA SAC as added accessory cells. In vivo, upon the addition of parentA accessory cells, (A x B)F1 leads to parentA chimeric helper T cells collaborated with parentB B cells in short-term adoptive transfer experiments.

1995 ◽  
Vol 182 (5) ◽  
pp. 1403-1413 ◽  
S Morkowski ◽  
A W Goldrath ◽  
S Eastman ◽  
L Ramachandra ◽  
D C Freed ◽  

Peptides from the lumenal portion of invariant chain (Ii) spanning residues 80-106 (class II-associated Ii peptide [CLIP]) are found in association with several mouse and human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II allelic variants in wild-type and presentation-deficient mutant cells. The ready detection of these complexes suggests that such an intermediate is essential to the MHC class II processing pathway. In this study, we demonstrate that T cells recognize CLIP/MHC class II complexes on the surface of normal and mutant cells in a manner indistinguishable from that of nominal antigenic peptides. Surprisingly, T cell hybrids specific for human CLIP bound to murine MHC class II molecule I-Ab and a new monoclonal antibody 30-2 with the same specificity, recognize two independent epitopes expressed on this peptide/class II complex. T cell recognition is dependent on a Gln residue (position 100) in CLIP, whereas the 30-2 antibody recognizes a Lys residue-at position 90. These two residues flank the 91-99 sequence that is conserved among human, mouse, and rat Ii, potentially representing an MHC class II-binding site. Our results suggest that the COOH-terminal portion of CLIP that includes TCR contact residue Gln 100 binds in the groove of I-Ab molecule. Moreover, both T cells and the antibody recognize I-Ab complexed with larger Ii processing intermediates such as the approximately 12-kD small leupeptin-induced protein (SLIP) fragments. Thus, SLIP fragments contain a CLIP region bound to MHC class II molecule in a conformation identical to that of a free CLIP peptide. Finally, our data suggest that SLIP/MHC class II complexes are precursors of CLIP/MHC class II complexes.

1981 ◽  
Vol 154 (4) ◽  
pp. 1100-1115 ◽  
Y Asano ◽  
A Singer ◽  
RJ Hodes

The present study has evaluated the identity of the B cell subpopulations participating in T dependent antibody responses that differ in their requirements for major histocompatibility complex-restricted T cell recognition. In vitro responses of keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-primed T cells and trinitrophenyl (TNP)-primed B cells were studied to both low and high concentrations of the antigen TNP-KLH. It was first demonstrated that for responses to low concentrations of TNP-KLH, (A × B)F(1) {arrow} parent(A) chimeric helper T cells were restricted in their ability to recognize parent(A) but not parent(B) H-2 determinants expressed by both B cells and antigen-presenting cells (APC). In contrast, at higher antigen concentrations, helper T cells were not restricted in their interaction with B cells. It was then determined whether these observed differences in T cell recognition resulted from the activation of distinct B cell subpopulations with different activation requirements. At low concentrations of TNP-KLH it was demonstrated that Lyb-5(-) B cells were activated, and that it was thus the activation of the Lyb-5(-) subpopulation that required T cell recognition of B cell H-2 under these conditions. In contrast, responses to high concentration of antigen required the participation of Lyb-5(+) B cells, and these Lyb-5(+) B cells were activated by a pathway that required H-2- restricted T cell interaction with APC, but not with B cells. The findings presented here have demonstrated that Lyb-5(-) and Lyb-5(+) B cells constitute B cell subpopulations that differ significantly in their activation requirements for T cell-dependent antibody responses to TNP-KLH. In so doing, these findings have established that the function of genetic restrictions in immune response regulation is critically dependent upon the activation pathways employed by functionally distinct subpopulations of B, as well as T, lymphocytes.

1989 ◽  
Vol 259 (3) ◽  
pp. 731-735 ◽  
M Z Atassi ◽  
G S Bixler ◽  
T Yokoi

Presentation of a protein antigen to T cells is believed to follow its intracellular breakdown by the antigen-presenting cell, with the fragments constituting the trigger of immune recognition. It should then be expected that T-cell recognition of protein antigens in vitro will be independent of protein conformation. Three T-cell lines were made by passage in vitro with native lysozyme of T cells from two mouse strains (B10.BR and DBA/1) that had been primed with the same protein. These cell lines responded well to native lysozyme and very poorly to unfolded (S-sulphopropyl) lysozyme. The response of the T-cell lines to the antigen was major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted. A line from B10.BR was selected for further studies. This line responded to the three surface-simulation synthetic sites of lysozyme (representing the discontinuous antigenic, i.e. antibody binding, sites) and analogues that were extended to a uniform size by a nonsense sequence. T-cell clones prepared from this line were specific to native lysozyme and did not respond to the unfolded derivative. Furthermore, several of these clones showed specificity to a given surface-simulation synthetic site. The exquisite dependency of the recognition by the clones on the conformation of the protein antigen and their ability to recognize the surface-simulation synthetic sites indicate that the native (unprocessed) protein was the trigger of MHC-restricted T-cell recognition.

1993 ◽  
Vol 178 (5) ◽  
pp. 1783-1788 ◽  
G F Hoyne ◽  
R E O'Hehir ◽  
D C Wraith ◽  
W R Thomas ◽  
J R Lamb

Antigen-specific CD4+ T cells play an important role in the allergic immune response to house dust mite (HDM) allergens in humans. The group 1 allergen of Dermatophagoides spp. is a major target antigen in both B and T cell recognition of HDM. In vitro studies have shown that the presentation of peptides to human T cells under appropriate conditions may lead to a state of specific nonresponsiveness. Therefore, to determine if peptides are able to modulate the function of allergen-reactive T cells in vivo, we have used a murine model of T cell recognition of the HDM allergen Der p 1. The results demonstrate that inhalation of low concentrations of peptide containing the major T cell epitope of Der p 1 (residues 111-139), induces tolerance in naive C57BL/6J mice such that they become profoundly unresponsive to an immunogenic challenge with the intact allergen. When restimulated in vitro with antigen, lymph node T cells isolated from tolerant mice secrete very low levels of interleukin 2, proliferative poorly, and are unable to provide cognate help to stimulate specific antibody production. Furthermore, intranasal peptide therapy was able to inhibit an ongoing immune response to the allergen in mice and this has potential implications in the development of allergen-based immunotherapy.

1976 ◽  
Vol 144 (4) ◽  
pp. 1134-1140 ◽  
T G Rehn ◽  
J K Inman ◽  
G M Shearer

The specificity of C57BL/10 cytotoxic effector cells generated by in vitro sensitization with autologous spleen cells modified with a series of related nitrophenyl compounds was investigated. The failure of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-sensitized effector cells to lyse TNP-beta-alanylglycylglycyl(AGG)-modified target cells is presented as evidence contradicting the intimacy or dual receptor model or T-cell recognition in its simplest form. Data are also shown indicating that sensitization with N-(3-nitro-4-hydroxy-5-iodophenylacetyl)-AGG-modified stimulating cells generates noncross-reacting clones of cytotoxic effector cells.

1982 ◽  
Vol 156 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
WEF Klinkert ◽  
JH LaBadie ◽  
WE Bowers

Single cell suspensions of rat lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues were fractionated on discontinuous gradients of bovine serum albumin into high density and low density subfractions. In general, accessory activity required for responses of periodate-treated T lymphocytes was recovered only in a low density population containing a small percent of the total fractionated cells from lymph nodes, spleen, liver, skin, and peritoneal exudates. Further purification always led to an increase of both accessory activity and number of dendritic cells present in nonrosetting and nonadherent populations. After purification, a high recovery of the total accessory activity was found in fractions that contained a high percentage of dendritic cells resulting in a more than 1,000-fold enrichment in accessory activity per cell. No other fraction obtained during the purification contained significant accessory activity. In all cases, macrophage-enriched populations lacked accessory cell activity. With the exception of peritoneal exudate cell preparations, which contained an inhibitory cell, the level of accessory activity in a given population was always found to be a function of the number of dendritic cells present. Dendritic cells from all sources were nonadherent, nonphagocytic, radio- resistant, and nonspecific esterase negative. They expressed Ia antigens and lacked Fc receptors. Both epidermal and lymph node dendritic cells contain Birbeck granules, subcellular structures previously described only for Langerhans cells. Accessory activity requires viable dendritic cells but is unaffected by 1,000 rad of γ-irradiation. However, ultraviolet irradiation abolished the activity of accessory cells. The cells that responded to periodate were IgG-negative T cells, whereas IgG-positive B cells could not be stimulated under the same conditions. Only periodate-treated T cells and dendritic cells were needed for responses to occur; removal of virtually all macrophages from these purified preparations had no effect. Dendritic cells were also required as stimulators in mixed leukocyte cultures, whereas macrophages, even though Ia positive, were inert.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (15) ◽  
pp. 2694-2705 ◽  
Sherrie J. Divito ◽  
Zhiliang Wang ◽  
William J. Shufesky ◽  
Quan Liu ◽  
Olga A. Tkacheva ◽  

Abstract The prevailing idea regarding the mechanism(s) by which therapeutic immunosuppressive dendritic cells (DCs) restrain alloimmunity is based on the concept that they interact directly with antidonor T cells, inducing anergy, deletion, and/or regulation. However, this idea has not been tested in vivo. Using prototypic in vitro–generated maturation-resistant (MR) DCs, we demonstrate that once MR-DCs carrying donor antigen (Ag) are administered intravenously, they decrease the direct and indirect pathway T-cell responses and prolong heart allograft survival but fail to directly regulate T cells in vivo. Rather, injected MR-DCs are short-lived and reprocessed by recipient DCs for presentation to indirect pathway CD4+ T cells, resulting in abortive activation and deletion without detrimental effect on the number of indirect CD4+ FoxP3+ T cells, thus increasing the regulatory to effector T cell relative percentage. The effect on the antidonor response was independent of the method used to generate therapeutic DCs or their viability; and in accordance with the idea that recipient Ag-presenting cells mediate the effects of therapeutic DCs in transplantation, prolongation of allograft survival was achieved using donor apoptotic MR-DCs or those lacking surface major histocompatibility complex molecules. We therefore conclude that therapeutic DCs function as Ag-transporting cells rather than Ag-presenting cells to prolong allograft survival.

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