scholarly journals Contributions of the T Cell Receptor–associated CD3γ–ITAM to Thymocyte Selection

2002 ◽  
Vol 196 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Mariëlle C. Haks ◽  
Elsa Pépin ◽  
Jeroen H.N. van den Brakel ◽  
Sigrid A.A. Smeele ◽  
Stanley M. Belkowski ◽  

The immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) in the CD3 chains associated with the T cell receptor (TCR) are crucial for TCR signaling. To probe the role of the CD3γ–ITAM in T cell development, we created knock-in mice in which the CD3γ chain of the TCR complex is replaced by a mutant signaling-deficient CD3γ chain, lacking the CD3γ–ITAM. This mutation results in considerable impairment in positive selection in the polyclonal TCR repertoire. When CD3γ–ΔITAM mice are crossed to mice expressing transgenic F5 TCRs, their thymocytes are completely unable to perform positive selection in vivo in response to intrathymic ligands. Also, the in vitro positive selection response of double-positive (DP) thymocytes with F5–CD3γ–ΔITAM mutant receptors to their agonist ligand and many of its variants is severely impaired or abrogated. Yet, the binding and dissociation constants of agonist ligands for the F5 receptor are not affected by the CD3γ–ΔITAM mutation. Furthermore, DP thymocytes with mutant receptors can respond to agonist ligand with normal antigen sensitivity and to normal levels, as shown by their ability to induce CD69 up-regulation, TCR down-regulation, negative selection, and ZAP70 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase activation. In sharp contrast, induction of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation and linker for activation of T cells (LAT) phosphorylation are severely impaired in these cells. Together, these findings underscore that intrinsic properties of the TCR–CD3 complex regulate selection at the DP checkpoint. More importantly, this analysis provides the first direct genetic evidence for a role of the CD3γ–ITAM in TCR-driven thymocyte selection.

1994 ◽  
Vol 180 (6) ◽  
pp. 2089-2099 ◽  
T Zal ◽  
A Volkmann ◽  
B Stockinger

Transgenic mice expressing a major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted T cell receptor with specificity for a natural self-antigen, the fifth component of complement, were generated to analyze the mechanism of tolerance induction to a blood-borne self-protein. In the absence of C5 protein thymocytes from T cell receptor transgenic mice develop into mature CD4 single positive cells which emigrate into the periphery and mount C5-specific T cell responses upon immunization with C5. In the presence of circulating C5 protein, CD4 single positive thymocytes do not develop. Negative selection occurs late in thymic ontogeny leaving the bulk of CD4+8+ thymocytes unaffected. This phenotype may be due to a delay in contact with self-antigen presentation which, under physiological conditions, is inefficient in the cortex of C5+ mice, and therefore does not affect most immature double positive thymocytes. In contrast, in vitro exposure to C5(-)-presenting dendritic cells or in vivo injection of C5 peptide results in deletion of double positive thymocytes. C5+ transgenic mice are tolerant in vivo, but contain T cells in spleen and lymph nodes that secrete interleukin 2 and interferon gamma in response to C5 activation in vitro. When crossed onto a Rag1-/- background to prevent endogenous T cell receptor rearrangements, these peripheral potentially autoreactive cells do not appear. This indicates that endogenous T cell receptor rearrangements possibly leading to the expression of two receptors might be a prerequisite for their survival and export into the periphery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (Suppl 3) ◽  
pp. A185-A185
Michelle Fleury ◽  
Derrick McCarthy ◽  
Holly Horton ◽  
Courtney Anderson ◽  
Amy Watt ◽  

BackgroundAdoptive cell therapies have shown great promise in hematological malignancies but have yielded little progress in the context of solid tumors. We have developed T cell receptor fusion construct (TRuC®) T cells, which are equipped with an engineered T cell receptor that utilizes the full complement of TCR signaling subunits and recognizes tumor-associated antigens independent of HLA. In clinical trials, mesothelin (MSLN)-targeting TRuC-T cells (TC-210 or gavo-cel) have shown unprecedented results in patients suffering from advanced mesothelioma and ovarian cancer. To potentially increase the depth of response, we evaluated strategies that can promote intra-tumoral T cell persistence and function. Among the common ??-chain cytokines, IL-15 uniquely supports the differentiation and maintenance of memory T cell subsets by limiting terminal differentiation and conferring resistance to IL-2 mediated activation-induced cell death (AICD). In the studies described here, we evaluated the potential of IL-15 as an enhancement to TRuC-T cell phenotype, persistence and function against MSLN+ targets.MethodsPrimary human T cells were activated and transduced with a lentiviral vector encoding an anti-MSLN binder fused to CD3ε alone or co-expressed with a membrane-tethered IL-15rα/IL-15 fusion protein (IL-15fu). Transduced T cells were expanded for 9 days and characterized for expression of the TRuC, IL-15rα and memory phenotype before subjecting them to in vitro functional assays to evaluate cytotoxicity, cytokine production, and persistence. In vivo efficacy was evaluated in MHC class I/II deficient NSG mice bearing human mesothelioma xenografts.ResultsIn vitro, co-expression of the IL-15fu led to similar cytotoxicity and cytokine production as TC-210, but notably enhanced T-cell expansion and persistence upon repeated stimulation with MSLN+ cell lines. Furthermore, the IL-15fu-enhanced TRuC-T cells sustained a significantly higher TCF-1+ population and retained a stem-like phenotype following activation. Moreover, the IL-15fu-enhanced TRuCs demonstrated robust in vivo expansion and intra-tumoral accumulation as measured by ex vivo analysis of TRuC+ cells in the tumor and blood, with a preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells. Finally, IL-15fu-enhanced TRuC-T cells could be observed in the blood long after the tumors were cleared.ConclusionsThese pre-clinical studies suggest that the IL-15fu can synergize with TC-210 to increase the potency and durability of response in patients with MSLN+ tumors.Ethics ApprovalAll animal studies were approved by the respective Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees.

1999 ◽  
Vol 189 (10) ◽  
pp. 1531-1544 ◽  
Calvin B. Williams ◽  
Deborah L. Engle ◽  
Gilbert J. Kersh ◽  
J. Michael White ◽  
Paul M. Allen

We have developed a unique in vivo system to determine the relationship between endogenous altered peptide ligands and the development of major histocompatibility complex class II– restricted T cells. Our studies use the 3.L2 T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mouse, in which T cells are specific for Hb(64–76)/I-Ek and positively selected on I-Ek plus self-peptides. To this endogenous peptide repertoire, we have individually added one of six well-characterized 3.L2 ligands. This transgenic approach expands rather than constrains the repertoire of self-peptides. We find that a broad range of ligands produce negative selection of thymocytes in vivo. When compared with the in vitro TCR–ligand binding kinetics, we find that these negatively selecting ligands all have a half-life of 2 s or greater. Additionally, one of two ligands examined with no detectable binding to the 3.L2 TCR and no activity on mature 3.L2 T cells (Q72) enhances the positive selection of transgenic thymocytes in vivo. Together, these data establish a kinetic threshold between negative and positive selection based on the longevity of TCR–ligand complexes.

Vaccines ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 631
Jie Wang ◽  
Katarzyna Urbanska ◽  
Prannda Sharma ◽  
Reza Nejati ◽  
Lauren Shaw ◽  

Peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are generally chemotherapy resistant and have a poor prognosis. The lack of targeted immunotherapeutic approaches for T cell malignancies results in part from potential risks associated with targeting broadly expressed T cell markers, namely T cell depletion and clinically significant immune compromise. The knowledge that the T cell receptor (TCR) β chain in human α/β TCRs are grouped into Vβ families that can each be targeted by a monoclonal antibody can therefore be exploited for therapeutic purposes. Here, we develop a flexible approach for targeting TCR Vβ families by engineering T cells to express a chimeric CD64 protein that acts as a high affinity immune receptor (IR). We found that CD64 IR-modified T cells can be redirected with precision to T cell targets expressing selected Vβ families by combining CD64 IR-modified T cells with a monoclonal antibody directed toward a specific TCR Vβ family in vitro and in vivo. These findings provide proof of concept that TCR Vβ-family-specific T cell lysis can be achieved using this novel combination cell–antibody platform and illuminates a path toward high precision targeting of T cell malignancies without substantial immune compromise.

Blood ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 79 (11) ◽  
pp. 2965-2972 ◽  
Y Kusunoki ◽  
Y Hirai ◽  
S Kyoizumi ◽  
M Akiyama

Abstract Rare T lymphocytes bearing CD3 surface antigen and T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha and beta chains, but lacking both CD4 and CD8 antigens, viz, TCR alpha beta+CD4–8- cells, appear at a frequency of 0.1% to 2% in peripheral blood TCR alpha beta+ cells of normal donors. Here we report two unusual cases, found among 100 healthy individuals studied, who showed an abnormally elevated frequency of these T cells, ie, 5% to 10% and 14% to 19%. Southern blot analyses of the TCR alpha beta+CD4–8- clones all showed the identical rearrangement patterns for each individual, demonstrating that these are derivatives of a single T cell. The same rearrangement patterns were also observed for the freshly isolated lymphocytes of TCR alpha beta+CD4-CD8- fraction, which excludes the possible bias in the processes of in vitro cloning. These TCR alpha beta+CD4–8- T cells were found to express other mature T-cell markers such as CD2, CD3, and CD5 antigens, as well as natural killer (NK) cell markers (CD11b, CD16, CD56, and CD57 antigens) for both individuals. Further, although lectin-dependent or redirected antibody- dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicities were observed for both freshly sorted lymphocytes of TCR alpha beta+CD4–8- fraction and in vitro established clones, NK-like activity was not detected.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (15) ◽  
pp. 5419-5433 ◽  
Susanne M. A. Lens ◽  
Takao Kataoka ◽  
Karen A. Fortner ◽  
Antoine Tinel ◽  
Isabel Ferrero ◽  

ABSTRACT The caspase 8 inhibitor c-FLIPL can act in vitro as a molecular switch between cell death and growth signals transmitted by the death receptor Fas (CD95). To elucidate its function in vivo, transgenic mice were generated that overexpress c-FLIPL in the T-cell compartment (c-FLIPL Tg mice). As anticipated, FasL-induced apoptosis was inhibited in T cells from the c-FLIPL Tg mice. In contrast, activation-induced cell death of T cells in c-FLIPL Tg mice was unaffected, suggesting that this deletion process can proceed in the absence of active caspase 8. Accordingly, c-FLIPL Tg mice differed from Fas-deficient mice by showing no accumulation of B220+ CD4− CD8− T cells. However, stimulation of T lymphocytes with suboptimal doses of anti-CD3 or antigen revealed increased proliferative responses in T cells from c-FLIPL Tg mice. Thus, a major role of c-FLIPL in vivo is the modulation of T-cell proliferation by decreasing the T-cell receptor signaling threshold.

1998 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 3223-3233 ◽  
Cristina Hernandez-Munain ◽  
Joseph L. Roberts ◽  
Michael S. Krangel

ABSTRACT To understand the molecular basis for the dramatic functional synergy between transcription factors that bind to the minimal T-cell receptor α enhancer (Eα), we analyzed enhancer occupancy in thymocytes of transgenic mice in vivo by genomic footprinting. We found that the formation of a multiprotein complex on this enhancer in vivo results from the occupancy of previously identified sites for CREB/ATF, TCF/LEF, CBF/PEBP2, and Ets factors as well as from the occupancy of two new sites 5′ of the CRE site, GC-I (which binds Sp1 in vitro) and GC-II. Significantly, although all sites are occupied on a wild-type Eα, all sites are unoccupied on versions of Eα with mutations in the TCF/LEF or Ets sites. Previous in vitro experiments demonstrated hierarchical enhancer occupancy with independent binding of LEF-1 and CREB. Our data indicate that the formation of a multiprotein complex on the enhancer in vivo is highly cooperative and that no single Eα binding factor can access chromatin in vivo to play a unique initiating role in its assembly. Rather, the simultaneous availability of multiple enhancer binding proteins is required for chromatin disruption and stable binding site occupancy as well as the activation of transcription and V(D)J recombination.

Blood ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 132 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 962-962 ◽  
Ksenia Bezverbnaya ◽  
Vivian Lau ◽  
Craig Aarts ◽  
Galina Denisova ◽  
Arya Afsahi ◽  

Abstract Despite recent therapeutic developments, multiple myeloma remains an incurable plasma cell malignancy. Poor prognosis for myeloma patients relapsing post-transplant calls for the need for novel treatment options. Immunotherapy with engineered T cells has proven highly efficacious against B-cell cancers, and early-phase clinical trials suggest that multiple myeloma is susceptible to this form of therapy. We designed a new chimeric T cell receptor, T cell antigen coupler (TAC), which relies upon activation through endogenous T cell receptor complex, thus allowing engineered T cells to auto-regulate their activity (Helsen et al, Nat. Comm., 2018). Using published single-chain antibody fragments (scFvs) C11D5.3 and J22.9-xi, we generated B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-specific TAC receptors for targeting multiple myeloma. Primary human T cells were transduced with lentiviral vectors carrying different BCMA TAC constructs and assessed for in vitro functionality via cytokine production, cytotoxicity, and proliferation assays. In vivo efficacy and T cell tracking were performed in an established orthotopic xenograft mouse model based on a BCMA-positive KMS-11 cell line. C11D5.3 and J22.9-xi TAC T cells demonstrated comparable in vitro performance with both types of cultures efficiently killing BCMA-expressing targets, producing IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 cytokines, and undergoing multiple rounds of proliferation. In vivo, TAC T cells carrying either scFv were capable of curing mice bearing disseminated myeloma; however, the TAC T cells carrying J22.9-xi scFv were more potent on a per-cell basis (Figure 1A, top panel). Mice in remission 3 months post-treatment with a single dose of 106 TAC-positive T cells showed evidence of sustained anti-tumor protection upon rechallenge with a fresh dose of 106 KMS-11 tumor cells (Figure 1B). Mice treated with low-dose J22.9-xi T cells were more resistant to rechallenge than mice treated with a comparable dose of C11D5.3 TAC T cells. Tracking of the TAC T cells in vivo revealed that the J22.9-xi TAC T cells expanded to a much larger extent than the C11D5.3 TAC T cells (Figure 1A, bottom panel), indicating that there were likely more J22.9-xi TAC T cells present at the time of tumor rechallenge. To understand whether biological aspects of BCMA may influence the proliferative response of the TAC T cells, we explored the influence of APRIL, the soluble ligand for BCMA, on TAC T cell proliferation in vitro. Strikingly, despite comparable proliferation of both TAC T cell populations following stimulation with KMS-11 tumor cells in the absence of APRIL in vitro, the presence of APRIL had a strong inhibitory effect on proliferation of C11D5.3 TAC T cells and only a modest inhibitory effect on J22.9-xi TAC T cells. Our preclinical findings support further development of TAC T cells for the treatment of multiple myeloma and underscore the importance of T cell expansion in determining the therapeutic activity of engineered T cells. This work further reveals a novel observation that the natural ligand of BCMA can impair the therapeutic impact of T cells engineered with chimeric receptors directed against BCMA and provide a basis for advancing BCMA-specific TAC T cells into the clinic. Disclosures Denisova: Triumvira Immunologics: Patents & Royalties. Afsahi:Triumvira Immunologics: Patents & Royalties. Helsen:Triumvira Immunologics: Employment, Patents & Royalties. Bramson:Triumvira Immunologics: Employment, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Patents & Royalties, Research Funding.

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