Energy efficiency in the change to nearly zero-energy buildings

Anderson A Fraga ◽  
Edna A Nico-Rodrigues ◽  
Luisa F Cabeza ◽  
Cristina E de Alvarez
Elisa Peñalvo-López ◽  
Javier Cárcel-Carrasco ◽  
Manuel Valcuende-Paya ◽  
María Carmen Carnero-Moya

The construction segment is an important economic sector in Europe, representing 9% of European gross domestic product (GDP) and providing approximately 18 million direct jobs. Construction activities that include renovation work and energy retrofits add almost twice as much value as the construction of new buildings, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute more than 70% of the value added in the EU building sector. Furthermore, European legislation obliges member states to establish minimum energy efficiency requirements for buildings to achieve optimum levels of costs versus energy demand reduction. These requirements are reviewed every five years and represent categories of buildings based on their energy levels (demand and generation). This chapter analyzes the legislation associated to nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) in Spain in order to identify the factors that will leverage their massive implementation.

Elisa Peñalvo-López ◽  
Javier Cárcel-Carrasco ◽  
Manuel Valcuende-Paya ◽  
María Carmen Carnero-Moya

The construction segment is an important economic sector in Europe, representing 9% of European gross domestic product (GDP) and providing approximately 18 million direct jobs. Construction activities that include renovation work and energy retrofits add almost twice as much value as the construction of new buildings, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute more than 70% of the value added in the EU building sector. Furthermore, European legislation obliges member states to establish minimum energy efficiency requirements for buildings to achieve optimum levels of costs versus energy demand reduction. These requirements are reviewed every five years and represent categories of buildings based on their energy levels (demand and generation). This chapter analyzes the legislation associated to nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) in Spain in order to identify the factors that will leverage their massive implementation.

Igor Sartori ◽  
José Candanedo ◽  
Sonja Geier ◽  
Roberto Lollini ◽  
Andreas Athienitis ◽  

Lan Lan ◽  
Kristin L. Wood ◽  
Chau Yuen

Abstract Zero energy building (ZEB) is an important concept for sustainable building design. This paper introduces a holistic design approach for residential net-zero energy buildings (NZEB) by adopting the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) principles: social, environmental, and financial. The proposed approach optimizes social need by maximizing thermal comfort time of natural cooling, and visual comfort time of daylighting. The environmental need is addressed by optimizing energy efficiency, and the financial need is addressed by optimizing life cycle cost (LCC). Multi-objective optimizations are conducted in two phases: the first phase optimizes the utilization rate of natural cooling and daylighting, and the second phase optimizes energy efficiency and LCC. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify the most influential variables in the optimization process. The approach is applied to the design of a landed house in a tropical country, Singapore. The results provide a framework and modeled cases for parametric design and trade-off analysis toward sustainable and livable built environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 205 ◽  
pp. 686-693 ◽  
Guohui Feng ◽  
Baoyue Dou ◽  
Xiaolong Xu ◽  
Dandan Chi ◽  
Yixin Sun ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 100772 ◽  
Lorenzo Belussi ◽  
Benedetta Barozzi ◽  
Alice Bellazzi ◽  
Ludovico Danza ◽  
Anna Devitofrancesco ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (08) ◽  
pp. 703-720

The implementation of the Nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB) standard has enabled significant developments in the design and realisation of external building envelopes, which have the greatest influence on the quality of buildings in the sense of energy efficiency. Experience has shown that prerequisites for good-quality realisation of works mainly include competent and motivated workforce, appropriate equipment, and good communication between all participants in construction. Basic principles of architectural and civil engineering design and realisation of NZEB projects are presented, and problems occurring and possibly resulting in construction damage are presented in the paper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Asep Yudi Permana ◽  
Karto Wijaya ◽  
Hafiz Nurrahman ◽  
Aathira Farah Salsabilla Permana

Abstract: Energy efficiency is a top priority in design, because design errors that result in wasteful energy will impact operational costs as long as the building operates. The opening protection in the facade should be adjusted according to their needs, for optimum use of sky light. Inhibiting the entry of solar heat into the room through the process of radiation, conduction or convection, optimum use of sky light and efforts to use building skin elements for shading are very wise efforts for energy savings. House construction planning must be careful and consider many things, including: physical potential. Physical potential is a consideration of building materials, geological conditions and local climate. Related to the issue of global warming that occurs in modern times, climate is a major consideration that needs to be resolved.The purpose of building design, especially in residential homes aims to create amenities for its inhabitants. Amenities are achieved through physical comfort, be it spatial comfort, thermal comfort, auditory comfort, or visual comfort.Energy waste is also caused by building designs that are not well integrated and even wrong and are not responsive to aspects of function, and climate. This is worsened by the tendency of the designers to prioritize aesthetic aspects (prevailing trends). The issue of green concepts and energy consumption efficiency through the Net Zero-Energy Buildings (NZE-Bs) program from the housing sector as a response to tackling global warming is already familiar in Indonesia, although its application has not yet been found significantly. Green concepts offered by housing developers are often merely marketing tricks and are not realized and grow the responsibility of the residents to look after them. Due to the lack of understanding of the green concept, housing developers tend to offer more a beautiful and green housing environment, not the actual green concept.Keyword: Socio-culture, Energy efficiency, Energy consumption, Environment. The green conceptAbstrak: Efisiensi energi merupakan prioritas utama dalam disain, karena kesalahan disain yang berakibat boros energi akan berdampak terhadap biaya opersional sepanjang bangunan tersebut beroperasi. Pelindung bukaan pada fasade sebaiknya dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhannya, untuk pemanfaatan terang langit seoptimal mungkin. Penghambatan masuknya panas matahari kedalam ruangan baik melalui proses radiasi, konduksi atau konveksi, pemanfaatan terang langit seoptimal mungkin serta upaya pemanfaatan elemen kulit bangunan untuk pembayangan merupakan upaya yang sangat bijaksana bagi penghematan energi. Perencanaan pembangunan rumah harus cermat dan mempertimbangkan banyak hal, antara lain: potensi fisik. Potensi fisik adalah pertimbangan akan bahan bangunan, kondisi geologis dan iklim setempat. Terkait dengan isu pemanasan global yang terjadi pada masa modern ini, iklim menjadi sebuah pertimbangan utama yang perlu diselesaikan.Tujuan desain bangunan khususnya pada rumah tinggal bertujuan menciptakan amenities bagi penghuninya. Amenities dicapai melalui kenyamanan fisik, baik itu spatial comfort, thermal comfort, auditory comfort, maupun visual comfort.Pemborosan energi juga disebabkan oleh desain bangunan yang tidak terintegrasi dengan baik bahkan salah dan tidak tanggap terhadap aspek fungsi, serta iklim. Hal tersebut diperparah yang kecenderungan para perancang lebih mementingkan aspek estetis (tren yang berlaku). Isu konsep hijau dan efisiensi konsumsi energi melalui program Net Zero-Energy Buildings (NZE-Bs) dari sektor perumahan sebagai respon untuk menanggulangi pemanasan global sudah tidak asing di Indonesia, walaupun penerapannya masih belum dapat ditemukan secara signifikan. Konsep hijau yang ditawarkan oleh pengembang perumahan seringkali hanya sebagai trik pemasaran belaka dan tidak diwujudkan serta ditumbuhkan tanggung jawab para penghuni untuk menjaganya. Akibat minimnya pemahaman mengenai konsep hijau tersebut, para pengembang perumahan cenderung lebih banyak menawarkan lingkungan perumahan yang asri dan hijau, bukan konsep hijau yang sebenarnya.Kata Kunci: Sosio-kultur, Efisiensi Energi, Konsumsi energi, Lingkungan, Konsep Hijau

Bharat Raj Singh ◽  
Manoj Kumar Singh

The recast of the European Directive 2010/31/EU establishes that starting from the end of 2020, all new buildings will have to be Nearly Zero Energy Buildings According to this directive, 'Nearly ZEB' means a building that has a very low energy yearly energy consumption, which can be achieved by both the highest energy efficiency and by energy from renewable sources, A relevant international effort on the subject of the Net Net ZEBs-Net ZEB meaning that the buildings are connected to an energy infrastructure-is ongoing in the International Energy Agency (IEA), joint Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Task 40 and Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems. Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings' both from the theoretical and practical points of view, this new 'energy paradigm'-or the Net ZEB) balance- might be a revolution for architecture and for Photovoltaic's (PV), too.The engineering only research taking into account mainly the energy aspects seems to be not sufficient to ensure the diffusion of ZEB models: in achieving the ZEB target, a major role will be played by architects and designers, who are amongst the main actors of this revolutionary change. More precisely, because the form of our buildings and cities might change radically because of this new energy requirement, the way architects will take up the challenge of designing ZEBs is crucial, as architects are highly responsible of the form of the city and of its symbolic meanings.In a near future, buildings will be designed to need very little energy (passive design strategies for energy efficiency) and to integrate active surfaces (i.e. PV modules) for generating energy. In the future, design has to consider not only the space we use directly but also the space required to provide for electrical and thermal energies from renewable sources: the surface necessary for placing the energy generation devices. This area can be defined as the 'building's energy footprint' . Because the renewable energy generation systems, in contrast to conventional Energy sources, are visible, for the first time in the tradition of architecture, energy can take a 'form' (i.e. shape, colors and features of a PV generator), and architects are responsible for designing this form(s). Photovoltaic's has many potentialities in a ZEB scenario, thanks to its features and enormous decrease in cost. Because of the high energy consumption of the European countries, PV can contribute significantly to the reduction of the primary, conventional energy supply, as well as to the reduction of the CO2 emissions PV seems to be technically the easiest way to obtain the zero energy balance, as the recent, sharp, drop in prices makes it competitive even with active solar thermal collectors and building materials in general.Photovoltaics is able to generate electric energy from the direct conversion of the sunlight; it can power any kind of energy request of the building (thermal and electrical), with the consequence that a ZEB could be theoretically entirely powered by Photovoltaic.

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