The Jehovah's Witnesses' Experience in the Nazi Concentration Camps: A History of Their Conflicts with the Nazi State

1996 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-113 ◽  
J. Bergman
Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8 (106)) ◽  
pp. 0
Tatiana Vagramenko

This article reconstructs the history of one KGB operation against the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ukraine, launched by the Ukrainian security services in 1951. The operation aimed to infiltrate the Jehovah’s Witness underground organization in Ukraine and to organize a Witness country committee as a covert operation. The plan was designed such that the Soviet security service became the head of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization, and the headquarters of the official Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society became a channel in their counter-intelligence operations. This article tells about the failures and unexpected side-effects of the secret operation caused by internal conflicts within the Soviet politics of religion. Paradoxically, in the context of a disintegrated Witness underground network, caused by the post-war deportations and mass arrests, severed communication channels with the Watch Tower Society and the absence of religious literature, the Soviet security service became an alternative communication channel between the faith communities and a source of religious reproduction (including the source of the production of Watch Tower literature). This study dwells upon historical materials from recently opened SBU (former KGB) archives in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-85
Yosef Yunandow Siahaan

Throughout the history of the church, from the early Church to the present, Christology has become the main topic of discussion, and it has often led to debates and even polemics for both the Church and those outside the church. The point of a long debate in the field of Christology is about Jesus as a creator or only as a creation. This study investigates this by using theological research, this study uses the exegesis method. The text that will be executed to provide evidence that Jesus was the Creator or creation is Colossians 1:15-20. Jehovah's Witnesses say that this text shows that Jesus was God's First creation. Whereas true Christians actually view this text as saying that Jesus is the Creator. The research used the exegesis method. The results show that Christ is the agent of creation. In building the understanding of the eldest word (Prototokos), it is not allowed to use the isolated text method. There are at least 2 meanings of this word, the first literal meaning is as the first born according to the order of time, and the second, the figurative meaning The eldest means the main, superior. Of course when looking at the context in Colossians 1:16-17, then Christ is not the first born according to chronological order, and comes from creation. Rather, He is the Creator, so it is not surprising that He is supreme or superior to all creation. Abstrak Indonesia Sepanjang sejarah gereja mulai dari Gereja mula-mula hingga kini Kristologi menjadi topik utama diskusi bahkan tak jarang menimbulkan perdebatan bahkan polemik baik bagi Gereja maupun kalangan di luar gereja. Yang menjadi titik perdebatan panjang dalam bidang Kristologi adalah Mengenai Yesus sebagai pencipta ataukah hanya sebagai ciptaan. Penelitian ini menyelidiki hal tersebut dengan menggunakan penelitian Teologi, penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksegesis. Teks yang akan dieksegesa guna untuk memberikan bukti Yesus adalah Pencipa atau ciptaan adalah Kolose 1:15-20. Saksi-saksi Yehuwa mengatakan bahwa teks ini menunjukkan bahwa Yesus adalah ciptaan Pertama dari Allah. Sedangkan Kristen sejati justru memandang teks ini mengatakan bahwa Yesus adalah Pencipta. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksegesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kristus adalah pelaku penciptaan. Dalam membangun pemahaman kata yang Sulung (Prototokos), tidak boleh menggunakan metode teks terisolasi. Paling tidak ada 2 makna dari kata ini, yang pertama makna literal adalah sebagai yang lahir pertama menurut urutan waktu, dan yang kedua, makna figuratif Yang sulung berarti yang utama, unggul. Tentu ketika melihat konteks dalam Kolose 1:16-17, maka Kristus bukanlah sang pertama lahir menurut urutan waktu, dan berasal dari ciptaan. Melainkan Ia adalah Pencipta, sehingga tidak mengherankan bahwa Ia adalah yang utama atau paling unggul di atas segala ciptaan.

2013 ◽  
pp. 183-185
Petro Yarotskiy

On behalf of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (22.10.2013, number 2171) Department of History of Religion and Practical Religious Studies The Department of Religious Studies at the Institute of Philosophy named after G.S. Skovoroda of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine reviewed a letter sent by the Religious Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ukraine requesting an analysis of the religious literature of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ukraine, which is sent free of charge to this religious center from abroad, in particular from Germany, and to provide an expert opinion: whether in its content and application, this literature is liturgical.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-26
George Chryssides

The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ stance towards ecumenical and interfaith dialogue is an uncompromising one, regarding all manifestations of religion outside the Society as ‘false religion’ and part of Babylon the Great. The article discusses the history of Watch Tower Society’s stance towards Roman Catholicism, and to the formation of the Evangelical Alliance in 1846. Under Rutherford’s leadership a new understanding of Christian apostasy and other faiths emerged, based on the Protestant writer Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons. The second part of the article turns to the present-day dialogue movement, arguing that the key Christian ecumenical themes of baptism, eucharist and ministry, are of no concern to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Interfaith dialogue involves harmful associations, and ecumenical and interfaith worship run counter to the Witnesses’ ways of worshipping God. Finally, attention is given to Hans Küng’s global ethic, which the Watch Tower Society contrasts with its own ‘global solution’ to the world’s problems.

2020 ◽  
pp. 234-250
Barbara Czarnecka

The article describes Jehovah’s Witnesses women as one of less remembered groups among victims of the Nazi regime. What is pointed out, first of all, is the state of research ontheir history, especially pertaining to their camp experience, Western literature on the subject and a negligible number of Polish research works devoted to the topic in question, and also some methodological dilemmas related to researching it. The author presents the circumstances of German Jehovah’s Witnesses after Hitler’s seizure of power, their subsequent persecutions, and also – reconstructed on the basis of documents, witnesses reports, and the members of persecuted group themselves – the fate of female followers of this religion (“the purple triangles”) in concentration camps. The author’s main points of focus are, described by witnesses/beholders/onlookers of the events, acts and attitudes of “the purple triangles” marked by strong spirituality, at the same time unbreakable/intransigent in their defiance of/against violence and the authorities’ orders. (Everybody knew that Jehovah’s Witnesses could have basically “sign off” from the camp by putting their signature at the bottom of a declaration that they would renounce their faith and cease to practise their religion.) Such a defiance may be better understood, the author claims, by interpreting it in the light of the anthropological concept of emotional communities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 31-51
Jan Miłosz

Świadkowie Jehowy są obecni w Wielkopolsce od ponad stu lat. Każdy z podokresów z tego stulecia pełen był różnych wydarzeń dotykających zarówno całą ich wspólnotę, jak i pojedynczych jej członków. Początki w okresie międzywojennym – częściowo jako legalne stowarzyszenie, ale też jako grupa stykająca się z niezrozumieniem i z próbami delegalizacji. Okres okupacji hitlerowskiej – pełen tragicznych losów całej wspólnoty i poszczególnych wyznawców, którzy w obozach koncentracyjnych, nosząc opaskę z fioletowym trójkątem, byli ofiarami tego systemu. Okres powojenny to kolejny etap funkcjonowania wyznania Świadków Jehowy w Wielkopolsce. Do roku 1950, na którym kończy się I część niniejszego artykułu, Stowarzyszenie Świadków Jehowy działało w sposób legalny, choć już wówczas władze komunistyczne starały się poprzez działania administracyjne ograniczyć jego funkcjonowanie. Działania te uzmysłowiły Świadkom Jehowy, że ich krótka legalna działalność może zostać w gwałtowny sposób zakończona. Stało się to w połowie 1950 roku. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Greater Poland — part I (years 1918–1950) Jehovah’s Witnesses have operated in Greater Poland for over a hundred years. Each sub-period of this century was full of events affecting both the whole community and its individual members: their early days in the interwar period — partially as a legal association, but also as a group facing misunderstanding and attempts to ban its operation; the period of Nazi occupation — full of tragic events for both the whole community and individual members who fell victim to the system and wore purple triangle badges in concentration camps; post-war period — yet another stage of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ functioning in Greater Poland. This article details their history until the year 1950, until which point the Jehovah’s Witnesses association operated legally, though the communist authorities already tried to limit their functioning through administrative decisions. Those actions made Jehovah’s Witnesses aware that their short-lived legal operation might come to an abrupt end. And in the mid-1950 — it did.

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