jehovah’s witnesses
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2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Sunghwan Cho

Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions according to religious beliefs, and for this reason, most hospitals and doctors have refused their treatment. There are more than 100,000 religious people in Korea, but there are few bloodless centers that can receive their treatment. So, the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses patients visiting bloodless centers in Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital has been increasing every year. Despite this situation, no legal or medical countermeasure has yet been proposed against them. Therefore, I would like to take a bioethical approach based on “principles of biomedical ethics” and introduce “patient blood management” which is currently spreading in advanced medical countries.

Barbara Pavlikova ◽  
Jitse P. van Dijk

Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) are known as a religious group compliant with the national laws in the case of smoking, but not-compliant when it comes to blood treatment. Their beliefs prevent them from taking part in a blood transfusion, which is widely included in standard methods of a life-saving treatment. The aim of this study was to compare the behavior of JWs regarding their approach to blood treatment and to smoking in relation to legal regulations in the field of health. We measured JWs’ compliance with health laws regarding blood treatment and smoking (the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control—FCTC). We used the concept of a semi-autonomous social field by Moore and the theory of planned behavior developed by Ajzen. Our findings show that in the case of JWs, the group rules often prevail over state rules contained in generally-binding legislation. In the case of smoking, this means that they seem compliant to the FCTC and to their group rules. In the case of blood treatment, it seems that they are breaking the national rules, because of their group rules. Breaking the latter can result in exclusion from the JWs community. JWs are compliant with national laws as long as these are congruent with their own group rules. If this is not the case, the group influence is very strong and the fear of exclusion from the JW group is often greater than the potential negative health consequences in real life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 28198-28203
Ivo Henrique de Freitas Koch ◽  
Rafael Papp de Castro ◽  
Lucas Delfino Pedrollo ◽  
Gabriela de Oliveira Tavares ◽  
Aline Arissa Nakao Horiye ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-277
Veri Esap Veri ◽  
Gunar Sahari ◽  
Yunus Selan

Abstract: This article discusses the divinity of Jesus Christ based on Philippians 2:6 as a theological answer to the christology of Ebionism, Arianism, and Jehovah's Witnesses. The main focus in this study is to examine theologically the meaning of “the image of God” in Philippians 2:6. This paper shows the result that Philippians 2:6 is explaining the divine qualifications of Jesus Christ which means Jesus Christ before the incarnation, He has existed in eternity with the Father. So it can be said that Jesus Christ is not a creation of God or an ordinary man because Jesus Christ is the same morphe as God the Father. This paper certainly uses a qualitative method, namely a method that describes a phenomenon under study. then to describe the phenomenon under study, of course, requires literature (library review). The purpose of this paper is for the lay congregation to fully and correctly understand the teachings of the Person of Jesus Christ (Christology) in order to ward off false teachings. Keywords: Divinity, the likeness of God, Jesus Christ. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas keilahian Yesus Kristus berdasarkan Filipi 2:6 sebagai jawaban teologis terhadap kristologi Ebionisme, Arianisme, dan Saksi Yehuwa. Fokus utama dalam kajian ini yaitu mengkaji secara teologis makna “rupa Allah” dalam Filipi 2:6. Tulisan ini memperlihatkan hasil bahwa Filipi 2:6 sedang menjelaskan kualifikasi ilahi Yesus Kristus yang artinya Yesus Kristus sebelum berinkarnasi, Ia telah ada dalam kekekalan bersama dengan Bapa. Jadi dapat dikatakan bahwa Yesus Kristus bukan ciptaan Allah atau manusia biasa karena Yesus Kristus morfe yang sama dengan Allah Bapa. Tulisan ini tentu menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu metode yang mendeskripsikan sebuah fenomena yang dikaji. maka untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena yang diteliti tentunya membutuhkan literatur-literatur (kajian pustaka). Tujuan dari tulisan ini agar jemaat khusus awam bisa memahami secara utuh dan benar mengenai ajaran tentang Pribadi Yesus Kristus (Kristologi) guna menangkal ajaran yang sesat. Kata Kunci: Keilahian, rupa Allah, Yesus Kristus.

2021 ◽  
pp. 261-280
Anna Smajdor ◽  
Jonathan Herring ◽  
Robert Wheeler

This chapter covers Ethico-legal issues by medical specialism and includes topics on the following subjects (N-V): Neurology: The clash of rights between a child and parents, Neonatal Surgery: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Neonatology: Consent, Neurosurgery: Information Governance, Neurosurgery: Innovation, Neurosurgery: Preservation of Evidence, Obstetrics: Needle Phobia, Ophthalmology: Statutory Disclosures, Paediatric Cardiology: Unlicensed Equipment, Plastics; Disclosure, Renal: Capacitous adult refusing treatment, Respiratory: Unwise Decisions, Speech: Capacity, Rheumatology: Doctrine of Double Effect, Trauma & Orthopaedics: Necessity, Urology: DOLS, Vascular Surgery: Disclosure

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-85
Yosef Yunandow Siahaan

Throughout the history of the church, from the early Church to the present, Christology has become the main topic of discussion, and it has often led to debates and even polemics for both the Church and those outside the church. The point of a long debate in the field of Christology is about Jesus as a creator or only as a creation. This study investigates this by using theological research, this study uses the exegesis method. The text that will be executed to provide evidence that Jesus was the Creator or creation is Colossians 1:15-20. Jehovah's Witnesses say that this text shows that Jesus was God's First creation. Whereas true Christians actually view this text as saying that Jesus is the Creator. The research used the exegesis method. The results show that Christ is the agent of creation. In building the understanding of the eldest word (Prototokos), it is not allowed to use the isolated text method. There are at least 2 meanings of this word, the first literal meaning is as the first born according to the order of time, and the second, the figurative meaning The eldest means the main, superior. Of course when looking at the context in Colossians 1:16-17, then Christ is not the first born according to chronological order, and comes from creation. Rather, He is the Creator, so it is not surprising that He is supreme or superior to all creation. Abstrak Indonesia Sepanjang sejarah gereja mulai dari Gereja mula-mula hingga kini Kristologi menjadi topik utama diskusi bahkan tak jarang menimbulkan perdebatan bahkan polemik baik bagi Gereja maupun kalangan di luar gereja. Yang menjadi titik perdebatan panjang dalam bidang Kristologi adalah Mengenai Yesus sebagai pencipta ataukah hanya sebagai ciptaan. Penelitian ini menyelidiki hal tersebut dengan menggunakan penelitian Teologi, penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksegesis. Teks yang akan dieksegesa guna untuk memberikan bukti Yesus adalah Pencipa atau ciptaan adalah Kolose 1:15-20. Saksi-saksi Yehuwa mengatakan bahwa teks ini menunjukkan bahwa Yesus adalah ciptaan Pertama dari Allah. Sedangkan Kristen sejati justru memandang teks ini mengatakan bahwa Yesus adalah Pencipta. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksegesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kristus adalah pelaku penciptaan. Dalam membangun pemahaman kata yang Sulung (Prototokos), tidak boleh menggunakan metode teks terisolasi. Paling tidak ada 2 makna dari kata ini, yang pertama makna literal adalah sebagai yang lahir pertama menurut urutan waktu, dan yang kedua, makna figuratif Yang sulung berarti yang utama, unggul. Tentu ketika melihat konteks dalam Kolose 1:16-17, maka Kristus bukanlah sang pertama lahir menurut urutan waktu, dan berasal dari ciptaan. Melainkan Ia adalah Pencipta, sehingga tidak mengherankan bahwa Ia adalah yang utama atau paling unggul di atas segala ciptaan.

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