scholarly journals XVII. On the condensation of several gases into liquids

1823 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 189-198 ◽  

I had the honour, a few weeks since, of submitting to the Royal Society a paper on the reduction of chlorine to the liquid state. An important note was added to the paper by the President, on the general application of the means used in this case to the reduction of other gaseous bodies to the liquid state; and in illustration of the process, the production of liquid muriatic acid was described. Sir Humphry Davy did me the honour to request I would continue the experiments, which I have done under his general direction, and the following are some of the results already obtained: Sulphurous Acid . Mercury and concentrated sulphuric acid were sealed up in a bent tube, and, being brought to one end, heat was carefully applied, whilst the other end was preserved cool by wet bibulous paper. Sulphurous acid gas was produced where the heat acted, and was condensed by the sulphuric acid above; but, when the latter had become saturated, the sulphurous acid passed to the cold end of the tube, and was condensed into a liquid. When the whole tube was cold, if the sulphurous acid were returned on to the mixture of sulphuric acid and sulphate of mercury, a portion was reabsorbed, but the rest remained on it without mixing.

1812 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 238-246 ◽  

The experiments, which form the subject of the following pages, are intended as supplementary to a more extensive series, which the Royal Society did me the honour to insert in their Transactions for the year 1800. Of the general accu­racy of those experiments, I have since had no reason to doubt; and their results, indeed, are coincident with those of subsequent writers of the highest authority in chemistry. My attention has been again drawn to the subject by the impor­tant controversy which has lately been carried on between Mr. Murray and Mr. John Davy respecting the nature of mu­riatic and oxymuriatic acids; and I have been induced, by some hints which the discussion has suggested, not only to repeat the principal experiments described in my memoir, but to institute others, with the advantage of a more perfect appa­ratus than I then possessed, and of greater experience in the management of these delicate processes. This repetition of my former labours has discovered to me an instance, in which I have failed in drawing the proper con­clusion from facts. In two comparative experiments on the electrization of equal quantities of muriatic acid gas, the one of which was dried by muriate of lime, and the other was in its natural state, I found a difference of not more than one percent , in the hydrogen evolved, relatively to the original bulk of the gas. Yet, notwithstanding these results, I have expressed myself inclined to believe that some water is abstracted by that deliquescent salt; and this belief was confirmed, seve­ral years afterwards, by the event of an experiment in which muriatic acid gas, dried by muriate of lime, gave only 1/35 its bulk of hydrogen, a proportion much below the usual ave­rage. The question, however, was too interesting to be left in any degree of uncertainty; and I have, therefore, made several fresh experiments with the view to its decision. In the course of these I have found, that though differences in the results are produced by causes apparently trivial, some of which I shall afterwards point out, yet that under equal circumstances, precisely the same relative proportion of hy­drogene gas is obtained from muriatic acid gas, whether ex­posed or not to muriate of lime; and that its greatest amount does not exceed 1/16 or 1/14 the original volume of the acid gas.

1815 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 203-213 ◽  

In the two papers containing researches on iodine which the Royal Society has done me the honour of publishing in the Transactions, I have described a class of bodies consisting of iodine, oxygene, and different bases analogous to the hyper-oxymuriates. In the last of these papers, I mentioned, that I had not been able to procure any binary combination of iodine and oxygene from these compounds, neither by the method proposed by M. Gay Lussac, namely, the action of sulphuric acid on the oxyiode of barium, nor by other methods of my own institution; and that in experiments on the effects of the acids on the oxyiodes, new combinations only were formed. I have lately resumed this enquiry, and by pursuing a new and entirely different plan of operation, I have at last succeeded in combining oxygene and iodine. In the following pages I shall describe the circumstances which led me to ascertain the existence of this compound, and I shall detail some experiments on its analysis and its chemical agencies. In the course of my researches, I observed, that when a solution of the compound of iodine and chlorine was poured into alkaline solutions, or even into certain muriatic solutions, the precipitate was an oxyiode; and this fact seemed to indicate, that iodine had a stronger attraction for oxygene than chlorine; iodine, likewise, has an attraction for chlorine; it appeared, therefore, extremely probable, that euchlorine, or the gaseous combination of oxygene and chlorine, would be decomposed by heat, and two compounds formed, one of oxygene and iodine, and the other of iodine and chlorine, or that a triple compound would be produced from which chlorine could be easily separated, and on submitting the idea to the test of experiment, I found that I had not been deceived.

The discovery now announced to the Society was made about two years since by M. Courtois, a manufacturer of saltpetre at Paris. It is procured from the ashes of sea-weeds: after the extraction of the carbonate of soda, the addition of strong sulphuric acid extricates this substance in the form of a violet vapour, which condenses in crystals, that have the colour and lustre of plumbago. The colour of its vapour has occasioned the French chemists to give it the name of iode, from i ώ δ η s , violaceous . Specimens of this substance were given to MM. Desormes and Clement, who have given a memoir upon it to the Imperial Institute, describing its principal properties. Its specific gravity is said to be about 4. It volatilizes at a temperature rather below that of boiling water. It combines with phosphorus, with sulphur, with metals, metallic oxides, and with alkalies, forming with ammonia a detonating compound. It dissolves in alcohol, or ether; and with hydrogen it forms a compound very similar to muriatic acid gas, but which M. Gay-Lussac, in a memoir read to the Institute, shows to be a peculiar acid, distinct from the muriatic: and he compares the body itself to oxymuriatic acid or chlorine; for, like that body, it may either be supposed simple, or thought to contain oxygen.

1804 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. 411-418 ◽  

Upon making some experiments, last summer, on the black powder which remains after the solution of platina, I observed that it did not, as was generally believed, consist chiefly of plumbago, but contained some unknown metallic ingredients. Intending to repeat my experiments with more attention during the winter, I mentioned the result of them to Sir Joseph Banks, together with my intention of communicating to the Royal Society, my examination of this substance, as soon as it should appear in any degree satisfactory. Two memoirs were afterwards published in France, on the same subject; one of them by M. Descotils, and the other by Messrs. Vauquelin and Fourcroy. M. Descotils chiefly directs his attention to the effects produced by this substance on the solutions of platina. He remarks, that a small portion of it is always taken up by nitro-muriatic acid, during its action on platina; and, principally. from the observations he is thence enabled to make, he infers, that it contains a new metal, which, among other properties, has that of giving a deep red colour to the precipitates of platina. M. Vauquelin attempted a more direct analysis of the sub­stance, and obtained from it the same metal as that discovered by M. Descotils. But neither of these chemists have observed, that it contains also another metal, different from any hitherto known.

For the fifth time, since the series was inaugurated in the University of New Zealand at Christchurch, a quarter of a century ago, in the place where Rutherford embarked on that amazing career in experimental research, relying only on his own instinct - and on the genius that, in the short space of five years, was to bring him a professorship in this great country on the other side of the world - the Royal Society Memorial Lecture comes to Canada. I deem it a great privilege to be chosen as your lecturer today. Although, almost to the day, forty years have now passed since Ernest Rutherford died, I can claim to have worked under his general direction, and in the end as his junior colleague, during the last eleven years of his life, with only two breaks of a year each in other appointments.

1818 ◽  
Vol 108 ◽  
pp. 169-171 ◽  

Some experiments have been lately communicated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, from which it has been inferred, that water is formed during the action of muriatic acid gas on certain metals, and consequently, that chlorine is decomposed in this operation. In repeating those experiments, I have ascertained, that the water is derived from sources not suspected by the authors, and that their conclusions are unfounded. To take up the time of the Society by long experimental details and theoretical speculations on such an occasion, will be unnecessary; I shall therefore only transiently mention the sources of error, and demonstrate their operation by two or three examples.

1824 ◽  
Vol 114 ◽  
pp. 413-418

My Dear Sir, Through you I beg leave to offer to the Royal Society, some further observations on the relative periods at which different families of testaceous animals appear to have been created, and on the gradual approximation which may be observed in our British strata, from the fossil remains of the oldest formations to the living inhabitants of our land and waters. The series of strata beginning with transition lime and ending with lias, contains shells belonging to various genera of conchifera, cephalopoda, annelides and herbivorous trachelipoda; and also some other shells, as for instance, the multilocular and spiriferous bivalves, which cannot be referred to either of those natural orders, or groups of genera, into which all the other testacea, both recent and fossil, have been divided. In the simple bivalves belonging to these strata, the marks which best serve to distinguish their families are generally obliterated, and but little more can with any certainty be observed, than that the two orders into which La-mark has divided them, have existed together throughout every formation from transition rocks to the present day. An examination of the few perfect specimens which I have met with, however, leads me to suspect that all the dimyairia of these strata have the ligament external, and consequently, that internal ligaments were confined to the monomyairia, till after the lias had been deposited.

1833 ◽  
Vol 123 ◽  
pp. 23-54 ◽  

265. The progress of the electrical researches which I have had the honour to present to the Royal Society, brought me to a point at which it was essential for the further prosecution of my inquiries that no doubt should remain of the identity or distinction of electricities excited by different means. It is perfectly true that Cavendish, Wollaston, Colladon and others, have in turn removed some of the greatest objections to the acknowledgement of the identity of common, animal and voltaic electricity, and I believe that philosophers generally consider these electricities as really the same. But on the other hand it is also true, that the accuracy of Wollaston’s experiments has been denied, and that one of them, which really is no proof of chemical decomposition by common electricity (309. 327.), has been that selected by several experimenters as the test of chemical action (336. 346.). It is a fact, too, that many philosophers are still drawing distinctions between the electricities from different sources; or at least doubting whether their identity is proved. Sir Humphry Davy, for instance, in his paper on the Torpedo, thought it probable that animal electricity would be found of a peculiar kind; and referring to that, in association with common electricity, voltaic electricity and magnetism, has said, “Distinctions might be established in pursuing the various modifications or properties of electricity in these different forms, &c.” Indeed I need only refer to the last volume of the Philosophical Transactions to show that the question is by no means considered as settled. 266. Notwithstanding, therefore, the general impression of the identity of electricities, it is evident that the proofs have not been sufficiently clear and distinct to obtain approbation from all those who were competent to consider the subject; and the question seemed to me very much in the condition of that which Sir H. Davy solved so beautifully,—namely, whether voltaic electricity in all cases merely eliminated, or did not in some actually produce, the acid and alkali found after its action upon water. The same necessity that urged him to decide the doubtful point, which interfered with the extension of his views, and destroyed the strictness of his reasoning, has obliged me to ascertain the identity or difference of common and voltaic electricity. I have satisfied myself that they are identical, and I hope the proofs I have to offer, and the results flowing from them, will be found worthy the attention of the Royal Society.

1865 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 351-357 ◽  

As most specimens of benzol met with in commerce, even when rectified, contain impurities besides toluol and the other homologues of benzol, I have generally found it necessary to submit it to purification before using it for the preparation of sulphobenzolic acid. The commercial article boiling between 80° and 90° C., was mixed with about one-twentieth of its bulk of concentrated sulphuric acid, and digested for eight or ten hours in a flask furnished with a long condensing-tube. By this means a considerable amount of the impurities contained in the crude benzol were converted by the acid into a black gelatinous mass similar in appearance to that obtained in the preparation of olefiant gas, a large quantity of sulphurous acid gas was given off, and the impure benzol acquired a reddishbrown or dark purple colour.

1823 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 199-205

One of the principal objects that I had in view, in causing experiments to be made on the condensation of different gaseous bodies, by generating them under pressure, was the hope of obtaining vapours, which, from the facility with which their elastic forces might be diminished or increased, by small decrements or increments of temperature, would be applicable to the same purposes as steam. As soon as I had obtained muriatic acid in the liquid state, a body which M. Berthollet supposed owed its power of being separated from bases by other acids, only to the facility with which it assumes the gaseous form, I had no doubt, as I mentioned in my last communication, that all the other gases which have weaker affinities or greater densities, and which are absorbable to any extent by water, might be rendered fluid by similar means; and, that the conjecture was founded, has been proved by the experiments made with so much industry and ingenuity by Mr. Faraday, and which I have had the pleasure of communicating to the Society.

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