scholarly journals XI. Experimental researches in electricity.—Twenty-ninth series

1852 ◽  
Vol 142 ◽  
pp. 137-159 ◽  

3177- The proposition which I have made to use the induced magneto-electric current as an experimental indication of the presence, direction and amount of magnetic forces (3074.), makes it requisite that I should also clearly demonstrate the principles and develope the practice necessary for such a purpose; and especially that I should prove that the amount of current induced is precisely proportionate to the amount of lines of magnetic force intersected by the moving wire, in which the electric current is generated and appears (3082, 3109.). The proof already given is, I think, sufficient for those who may repeat the experiments; but in order to accumulate evidence, as is indeed but proper in the first announcement of such a proposition, I proceeded to experiment with the magnetic power of the earth, which presents us with a field of action, not rapidly varying in force with the distance, as in the case of small magnets, but one which for a given place may be considered as uniform in power and direction; for if a room be cleared of all common magnets, then the terrestrial lines of magnetic force which pass through it, have one common direction, being that of the dip, as indicated by a free needle or other means, and are in every part in equal proportion or quantity, i. e . have equal power. Now the force being the same everywhere, the proportion of it to the current evolved in the moving wire is then perhaps more simply and directly determined, than in the case where, a small magnet being employed, the force rapidly changes in amount with the distance. i. Galvanometer . 3178. For such experimental results as I now propose to give, I must refer to the galvanometer employed and the precautions requisite for its proper use. The instrument has been already described in principle (3123.), and a figure of the conductor which surrounds the needles, given. This conductor may be considered as a square copper bar, 0·2 of an inch in thickness, which passes twice round the plane of vibration of each of the needles forming the astatic combination, and then is continued outwards and terminates in two descending portions, which are intended to dip into cups of mercury. As both the needles are within the convolutions of this bar, an indicating bristle or fine wire of copper is fixed parallel to, and above them upon the same axis, and this, in travelling over the usual graduated circle, shows the place and the extent of vibration or swing of the needles below. The suspension is by cocoon silk, and in other respects the instrument is like a good ordinary galvanometer.

In order to obtain an experimental representative of the action of the atmosphere when heated above or cooled below the average temperature, the author employed a ring helix of covered copper wire, through which an electric current was passed. The helix was about one inch and a half in diameter, and having the well-known system of magnetic forces, was placed with its magnetic axis parallel to a free needle: when its position was such that a needle within the ring would point with the north end downward, then the effect in deflecting the surrounding lines of force of the earth was considered as like that of a relatively paramagnetic mass of air: and when its position was reversed, its action was representative of that of a heated or relatively diamagnetic mass of air. Bringing this helix into the vicinity of small magnetic needles, suspended either freely, or so as to show declination or inclination, the planes of action or indifference as regards the power of deflecting the lines of force and the needle were observed. When the needle can move only in one plane, there are four quadrants, formed (in the case of the declination needle) by the intersection of the planes of the magnetic equator and meridian. When in these planes there is no deflection at the needle, but when in the quadrants there is, and in opposite directions in the neighbouring quadrants. As the lines of force are held in and by the earth, so these experiments were repeated with a needle in near vicinity to a magnet, and the difference of effect is pointed out: then the extent to which these results are applicable to those of the earth is considered, and their utility in guiding the inquirer.

For a long time past the author had felt a strong persuasion, derived from philosophical considerations, that among the several powers of nature which in their various forms of operation on matter produce different classes of effects, there exists an intimate relation; that they are connected by a common origin, have a reciprocal dependence on one another, and are capable, under certain conditions, of being converted the one into the other. Already have electricity and magnetism afforded evidence of this mutual convertibility; and in extending his views to a wider sphere, the author became convinced that these powers must have relations with light also. Until lately his endeavours to detect these relations were unsuccessful; but at length, on instituting a more searching interrogation of nature, he arrived at the discovery recorded in the present paper, namely, that a ray of light may be electrified and magnetized; and that lines of magnetic force may be rendered luminous. The fundamental experiment revealing this new and important fact, which establishes a link of connexion between two great departments of nature, is the following. A ray of light issuing from an Argand lamp is first polarized in the horizontal plane by reflexion from a glass mirror, and then made to pass, for a certain space, through glass composed of silicated borate of lead, on its emergence from which it is viewed through a Nichol's eye-piece, capable of revolving on a horizontal axis, so as to intercept the ray, or allow it to be transmitted, alternately, in the different phases of its revolution. The glass through which the ray passes, and which the author terms the diamagnetic , is placed between the two poles of a powerful electro-magnet, arranged in such a position as that the line of magnetic forces resulting from their combined action shall coincide with, or differ but little from the course of the ray in its passage through the glass. It was then found that if the eye-piece had been so turned as to render the ray invisible to the observer looking through the eye-piece before the electric current had been established, it becomes visible whenever, by the completion of the circuit, the magnetic force is in operation; but instantly becomes again invisible on the cessation of that force by the interruption of the circuit. Further investigation showed that the magnetic action causes the plane of polarization of the polarized ray to rotate, for the ray is again rendered visible by turning the eye-piece to a certain extent; and that the direction of the rotation impressed upon the ray, when the magnetic influence is issuing from the south pole, and proceeding in the same direction as the polarized ray, is right-handed, or similar to that of the motion of the hands of a watch, as estimated by an observer at the eye-piece. The direction in which the rotation takes place will, of course, be reversed by reversing either the course of the ray or the poles of the magnet. Hence it follows that the polarized ray is made to rotate in the same direction as the currents of positive electricity are circulating, both in the helices composing the electro-magnet, and also in the same direction as the hypothetical currents, which, according to Ampere’s theory, circulate in the substance of a steel magnet. The rotatory action was found to be always directly proportional to the intensity of the magnetic force, but not to that of the electric current; and also to be proportional to the length of that portion of the ray which receives the influence. The interposition of substances which occasion no disturbance of the magnetic forces, produces no change in these effects. Magnets consisting only of electric helices act with less power than when armed with iron, and in which magnetic action is consequently more strongly developed.

In the present series of researches the author endeavours in the first place to establish the principles he announced in the last, with regard to the definite character of the lines of magnetic force, by results obtained experimentally with the magnetic force of the earth. For this purpose he reverts to the thick wire galvanometer before described, and points out the precautions respecting the cleanliness of the coils, the thickness and shortness of the conductors, the perfect contacts, effected either by soldering or cups of mercury; and marks the value of double observations, i. e. observations afforded on both sides of zero.

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 115-124

Based on Maxwell-type linearized Einstein Eqs of gravity, new ground-base torsion balance experiments are proposed to detect gravito-magnetic forces due to the rotation of the Earth. An optic system is employed to enlarge the effects so that the predicted effects are measurable by the proposed ground-based experiments.

Integrals of the equations of propagation of electrical disturbances have been given by the present writer which express the electric and magnetic forces at any point outside a surface enclosing all the sources in terms of an electric current distribution and a magnetic current distribution over the surface. The result for a source at a point can be obtained by taking as the surface a sphere of very small radius with its centre at the point. This suggests that the equations representing Faraday’s laws can be written 1/V 2 ∂X/∂ t +4π i x = ∂ϒ/∂ y – ∂β/∂ z , 1/V 2 ∂X/∂ t + 4π i v =∂∝/∂ z – ∂ϒ/∂ x , 1/V 2 ∂z/∂ t – 4π i z = ∂β/∂ x – ∂∝/∂ y (1) – ∂∝/∂ t + 4π m x = ∂z/∂ y – ∂Y/∂y, – ∂β/∂t + 4π my = ∂X/∂ z – ∂Z/∂ x , – ∂ϒ/∂ t + 4π mz ∂Y/∂ x – ∂X/∂ y , (2) where X, Y, Z are the components of the electric force, α, β, γ are the components of the magnetic force, i x , i y , i z are the components of an electric current distribution, and m x , m y , m z are the components of a magnetic current distribution throughout the space. The object of the present communication is to express X, Y, Z, α, β, γ in terms of the electric current and magnetic current distributions and to apply the result to the discussion of the electric constants of a transparent medium. It is convenient to take instead of equations (1) and (2) the following equations, which include (1) and (2) as a particular case

This paper discusses a rotating, incompressible fluid enclosed within a rigid boundary which is a surface of revolution. It is shown that if viscous forces are negligible, then, in the presence of magnetic fields, the fluid can execute slow, steady relative motions only if the magnetic force satisfies a constraint. In cylindrical polar co-ordinates this constraint can be written that is, the couple exerted by the magnetic forces on any cylinder of fluid coaxial with the axis of rotation must vanish. Furthermore, subject to certain restrictions on the shape of the container (which, for example, are fulfilled by a sphere but not by a cylinder), it is shown that if the field satisfies the above condition then the fluid velocity is completely determined by the instantaneous value of the magnetic field (together with that of the density if buoyancy forces are important). This velocity is such that the necessary conditions on the field will continue to be satisfied. An algorithm for the determination of the velocity is given and its application to the earth ’s dynamo problem is indicated.

Under the full persuasion that all the forces of nature are mutually dependent, and often, if not always, convertible more or less into each other, the author endeavoured to connect gravity and magnetic or electric action together by experimental results, and though the conclusions were, when cleared from all error, of a negative nature, he still thinks that the principle followed and the experiments themselves deserve to be recorded. Considering that some condition of the results produced by gravity ought to present itself, having a relation to the dual or antithetical character of the magnetic or electric forces, it seemed to the author that the approximation of two gravitating bodies towards each other, and their separation, were the only points which offered this kind of coincidence; and therefore, using the earth as one gravitating body, he employed a cylinder of metal, glass, resins, or other substances, as the other, and endeavoured to ascertain when the latter was allowed to fall, being surrounded by a helix of wire, whether any electric current was generated. Sometimes the cylinder was allowed to fall through the helix; at other times with the helix; and occasionally the helix was made the falling body. But when the various sources of error which sprung up were gradually removed, no traces of electric action remained which could be referred to the power of gravity. In order to obtain a greater effect, an aparatus was employed (being nearly that, used in the 23rd Series of these Researches) by which the effect of raising a body from the earth could be combined with that of a falling body by the fit use of commutators (if any action at all were produced). The apparatus was very good, and gave exceedingly delicate results, as was shown by other consequences of its action; but in respect of gravity it produced no effect whatever. Notwithstanding his failure in obtaining any experimental relation between gravity and magnetic or electric force, the author still expresses his conviction that there is a relation, and his hopes that it may be hereafter practically demonstrated.

In the series of experiments which are detailed in this paper, the author inquires into the causes of some remarkable phænomena relating to the action of an electric current upon itself, under certain circumstances, whereby its intensity is highly exalted, and occasionally increased to ten, twenty, or even fifty times that which it originally possessed. For the production of this effect, the principal condition is that the current traverse a considerable length of a good conductor, such as a long wire; more especially if this wire be coiled in the form of a helix; and the effect is still farther augmented when this helix is coiled round a cylinder of soft iron, constituting an electro-magnet. The evidence on which these conclusions are founded is the following. If an electromotor, consisting of a single pair of zinc and copper plates, have these metals connected by a short wire dipping into cups of mercury, the electric spark consequent upon either forming or breaking the circuit is so slight as to be scarcely perceptible; but if a long wire be employed as the medium of connexion, a bright spark is obtained on breaking the contact. If the wire be coiled in a helix, the spark is still brighter; and if a core of soft iron be placed within the helix, the spark, at the moment of disjunction, is more brilliant than in any of the former cases: and the higher intensity of the current is also manifested by the occurrence of a shock, at the same moment, to a person who grasps with wetted hands the two ends of the wire; whereas no such effect, nor even any sensible impression on the tongue, is produced by the electromotor, when a short wire is employed. All these effects of exaltation are produced at a time when the actual current of electricity from the electromotor is greatly diminished; as the author shows by many experiments on the ignition of a fine wire, and the deflection of a galvanometer. He also proves that the effects of the spark and the shock, at the moment of disjunction of a long wire, are due to a current far more powerful than that which passes through the short wire at the same instant; or indeed than that which passes through either the long or the short wire at any other instant of time than when the disjunction takes place.

In the course of some experiments relative to the principal phenomena of dia-magnetism, the author observed that the nature or direction of the action upon many metals varied with the intensity of the magnetic force, the effects being in accordance with the observations of Professor PIücker; and in pursuing his researches with the view to ascertain how far the magnetic and dia-magnetic forces might be coexistent in the same metal, other phenomena dependent on the power of the magnet presented themselves. On submitting gold, silver, lead, tin, zinc and cadmium to the action of the electromagnet when excited by an electric current of moderate strength, or when the polar terminations of the magnet were at a distance not less than an inch, these metals pointed axially. When the battery power was somewhat increased and the poles brought nearer to each other, instead of the metal being more strongly attracted, it became less sensible to either attraction or repulsion, becoming very sluggish in its motions; but when the magnet was well-excited and the polar terminations brought within a quarter of an inch of each other, most of those metals pointed decidedly equa-torially, and were repelled as dia-magnetics.

2019 ◽  
pp. 32-35
V. V. Artyushenko ◽  
A. V. Nikulin

In this article we consider a problem of reliable modeling of echo signals and angle noise of distributed objects using twodimensional geometric models with random statistically unrelated signals. The conditions that ensure the invariance of distribution parameters of the angle noise generated by an arbitrary N-point configuration of a two-dimensional geometric model are obtained. In the particular case of a model whose emitters are supplied with signals of equal power, the conditions of invariance are reduced to the location of the model points on the plane in the form of a regular polygon. These results can be used to synthesize mathematical models used for simulating reflections from distributed objects and for developing a hardware-software complex for the simulation of electromagnetic fields reflected from the Earth surface, atmospheric inhomogeneities, the sea surface, etc.

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