scholarly journals Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty-fourth series. On the possible relation of gravity to electricity

Under the full persuasion that all the forces of nature are mutually dependent, and often, if not always, convertible more or less into each other, the author endeavoured to connect gravity and magnetic or electric action together by experimental results, and though the conclusions were, when cleared from all error, of a negative nature, he still thinks that the principle followed and the experiments themselves deserve to be recorded. Considering that some condition of the results produced by gravity ought to present itself, having a relation to the dual or antithetical character of the magnetic or electric forces, it seemed to the author that the approximation of two gravitating bodies towards each other, and their separation, were the only points which offered this kind of coincidence; and therefore, using the earth as one gravitating body, he employed a cylinder of metal, glass, resins, or other substances, as the other, and endeavoured to ascertain when the latter was allowed to fall, being surrounded by a helix of wire, whether any electric current was generated. Sometimes the cylinder was allowed to fall through the helix; at other times with the helix; and occasionally the helix was made the falling body. But when the various sources of error which sprung up were gradually removed, no traces of electric action remained which could be referred to the power of gravity. In order to obtain a greater effect, an aparatus was employed (being nearly that, used in the 23rd Series of these Researches) by which the effect of raising a body from the earth could be combined with that of a falling body by the fit use of commutators (if any action at all were produced). The apparatus was very good, and gave exceedingly delicate results, as was shown by other consequences of its action; but in respect of gravity it produced no effect whatever. Notwithstanding his failure in obtaining any experimental relation between gravity and magnetic or electric force, the author still expresses his conviction that there is a relation, and his hopes that it may be hereafter practically demonstrated.

1833 ◽  
Vol 123 ◽  
pp. 95-142 ◽  

Mr. Faraday's highly interesting papers, entitled “Experimental Researches in Electricity,” having been referred to me, to report on, by the President and Council of this Society, I necessarily entered minutely into all the experiments and conclusions of the author, and the more so that I had had the advantage of witnessing many of the most important of these experiments. It is foreign to my present purpose to descant upon the value of Mr. Faraday’s discovery, or the merits of his communication ; the President and Council have marked their opinion of these by the award of the Copley Medal: but I may be permitted to state, that no one can concur more cordially than I do in the propriety of that award. Agreeing as I did generally with the author, both in the views which he took of the subject, and in the conclusions which he drew from his experiments, there was one, however, which I felt great difficulty in adopting, viz. “That when metals of different kinds are equally subject, in every circumstance, to magneto-electric induction, they exhibit exactly equal powers with respect to the currents which either are formed, or tend to form, in them :" and that “the same is probably the case in all other substances.” Although the experiments might appear to indicate that this was possibly the case, I did not consider them to be conclusive. The most conclusive experiment, that of two spirals, one of copper and the other of iron, transmitting opposite currents, was quite consistent with the absolute equality of the currents excited in copper and iron; but, at the same time, the apparent equality of the currents might be due to their inequality being counteracted by a corresponding inequality in the facility of transmission.

This paper is divided into four parts: the first being on the Induction of Electric Currents; the second, on the Evolution of Electricity from Magnetism; the third, on a new Electrical Condition of Matter; and the fourth, on Arago’s Magnetic Phænomena. The author defines electrical induction to be the power which electrical currents possess of inducing any particular state upon matter in their immediate neighbourhood. A great length of copper wire, 1-20th of an inch in diameter, was wound round a cylinder of wood so as to compose two helices, the coils of which were intermixed, but prevented from touching each other by interposed threads of twine and calico. One helix was connected with a voltaic battery, and the other with a galvanometer. No effect was perceived on the latter, with a battery of 10 plates; a slight effect only with one of 100 plates; and a distinct deflection of the needle of the galvanometer occurred when the contact was made with a battery of 120 plates. While the contact was preserved, the needle returned to its natural position, and was unaffected by the electric current passing through the wire connected with the battery; but on breaking the connexion, the needle of the galvanometer was again deflected, but in a direction contrary to that of its former deflection. Hence it is inferred that the electric current sent by the battery through one wire, induced a similar current through the other wire, but only at the moment the contact was made; and a current in the contrary direction when the passage of the electricity was suddenly interrupted. These transitory currents, resembling waves, were found to be capable of magnetizing needles placed within the helix. Collateral currents, either in the same or in opposite directions, exert no permanent inductive power on each other.

In order to obtain an experimental representative of the action of the atmosphere when heated above or cooled below the average temperature, the author employed a ring helix of covered copper wire, through which an electric current was passed. The helix was about one inch and a half in diameter, and having the well-known system of magnetic forces, was placed with its magnetic axis parallel to a free needle: when its position was such that a needle within the ring would point with the north end downward, then the effect in deflecting the surrounding lines of force of the earth was considered as like that of a relatively paramagnetic mass of air: and when its position was reversed, its action was representative of that of a heated or relatively diamagnetic mass of air. Bringing this helix into the vicinity of small magnetic needles, suspended either freely, or so as to show declination or inclination, the planes of action or indifference as regards the power of deflecting the lines of force and the needle were observed. When the needle can move only in one plane, there are four quadrants, formed (in the case of the declination needle) by the intersection of the planes of the magnetic equator and meridian. When in these planes there is no deflection at the needle, but when in the quadrants there is, and in opposite directions in the neighbouring quadrants. As the lines of force are held in and by the earth, so these experiments were repeated with a needle in near vicinity to a magnet, and the difference of effect is pointed out: then the extent to which these results are applicable to those of the earth is considered, and their utility in guiding the inquirer.

The author first briefly refers to what has been done by others in establishing the identity of the peculiar power in the Gymnotus and Torpedo with ordinary electricity, and then in reference to the intended conveyance to this country of Gymnoti from abroad, gives the instructions which he himself had received from Baron Humboldt for that purpose. A living Gymnotus, now in the possession of the Proprietors of the Gallery of Science in Adelaide Street, was placed for a time at the disposal of the author for the purpose of research, upon which he proceeded, with suitable apparatus, to compare its power with ordinary and voltaic electricity, and to obtain the direction of the force. Without removing it from the water he was able to obtain not only the results procured by others, but the other electrical phenomena required so as to leave no gap or deficiency in the evidence of identity. The shock, in very varied circumstances of position, was procured: the galvanometer affected; magnets were made; a wire was heated; polar chemical decomposition was effected, and the spark obtained. By comparative experiments made with the animal and a powerful Leyden battery, it was concluded that the quantity of force in each shock of the former was very great. It was also ascertained by all the tests capable of bearing on the point, that the current of electricity was, in every case, from the anterior parts of the animal through the water or surrounding conductors to the posterior parts. The author then proceeds to express his hope that by means of these organs and the similar parts of the Torpedo, a relation as to action and re-action of the electric and nervous powers may be established experimentally; and he briefly describes the form of experiment which seems likely to yield positive results of this kind.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Hakim Hakim ◽  
Rahma Hi. Manrulu

We analyzed the subsurface with Wenner configuration application. This study aims to determine the structure of the subsurface with Wenner configuration application. Wenner configuration is one of the geo-electric method, where this method is used to determine the nature of the flow of electricity in the earth in a way to detect it in the earth's surface. This detection covers potential measurements, currents and electromagnetic fields that occur either by injection or flow naturally. The working principle of geo-electric method is done by injecting an electric current into the ground through a pair of electrodes and measuring the potential difference with the other pair of electrodes. When an electric current is injected into a medium and measured the potential difference (voltage), then the value of the resistance of the medium can be estimated. Method of this research is to create a path for three (3) parallel to the trajectory made to local conditions study, the path length of 100 m and the electrode spacing of 5-7 m. The interpretation of the data obtained their ground water, rock conglomerate, limestone and granite at a depth of 17.4 m. Telah dilakukan analisis bawah permukaan dengan aplikasi konfigurasi Wenner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur lapisan bawah permukaan dengan aplikasi konfigurasi Wenner. Konfigurasi Wenner merupakan salah satu metode geolistrik, dimana metode ini merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk  mengetahui  sifat  aliran  listrik  di  dalam  bumi dengan  cara  mendeteksinya  di  permukaan  bumi. Pendeteksian ini meliputi pengukuran potensial, arus dan medan elektromagnetik  yang terjadi baik itu oleh injeksi arus maupun secara alamiah. Prinsip  kerja  metode geolistrik dilakukan dengan cara menginjeksikan arus listrik ke permukaan tanah melalui sepasang elektroda dan mengukur beda potensial dengan sepasang elektroda yang lain. Bila arus listrik  diinjeksikan ke dalam suatu medium dan diukur beda potensialnya (tegangan), maka nilai hambatan dari medium tersebut dapat diperkirakan. Metode kerja peneltian ini adalah membuat lintasan sebanyak 3 (tiga) lintasan yang dibuat sejajar dengan memperhatikan kondisi daerah penelitian, dengan panjang lintasan 100 m dan jarak elektroda 5-7 m. Hasil interpretasi data diperoleh adanya air tanah, batuan konglomerat, batu gamping dan batu granit pada kedalaman 17,4 m.

1852 ◽  
Vol 142 ◽  
pp. 137-159 ◽  

3177- The proposition which I have made to use the induced magneto-electric current as an experimental indication of the presence, direction and amount of magnetic forces (3074.), makes it requisite that I should also clearly demonstrate the principles and develope the practice necessary for such a purpose; and especially that I should prove that the amount of current induced is precisely proportionate to the amount of lines of magnetic force intersected by the moving wire, in which the electric current is generated and appears (3082, 3109.). The proof already given is, I think, sufficient for those who may repeat the experiments; but in order to accumulate evidence, as is indeed but proper in the first announcement of such a proposition, I proceeded to experiment with the magnetic power of the earth, which presents us with a field of action, not rapidly varying in force with the distance, as in the case of small magnets, but one which for a given place may be considered as uniform in power and direction; for if a room be cleared of all common magnets, then the terrestrial lines of magnetic force which pass through it, have one common direction, being that of the dip, as indicated by a free needle or other means, and are in every part in equal proportion or quantity, i. e . have equal power. Now the force being the same everywhere, the proportion of it to the current evolved in the moving wire is then perhaps more simply and directly determined, than in the case where, a small magnet being employed, the force rapidly changes in amount with the distance. i. Galvanometer . 3178. For such experimental results as I now propose to give, I must refer to the galvanometer employed and the precautions requisite for its proper use. The instrument has been already described in principle (3123.), and a figure of the conductor which surrounds the needles, given. This conductor may be considered as a square copper bar, 0·2 of an inch in thickness, which passes twice round the plane of vibration of each of the needles forming the astatic combination, and then is continued outwards and terminates in two descending portions, which are intended to dip into cups of mercury. As both the needles are within the convolutions of this bar, an indicating bristle or fine wire of copper is fixed parallel to, and above them upon the same axis, and this, in travelling over the usual graduated circle, shows the place and the extent of vibration or swing of the needles below. The suspension is by cocoon silk, and in other respects the instrument is like a good ordinary galvanometer.

The author, while prosecuting his researches on electro-chemical decomposition, observed some phenomena which appeared to be referable to a general law of electric conduction not hitherto recognised. He found that an electric current from a voltaic battery, which is readily conducted by water, did not pass through ice : even the thinnest film of ice, interposed in the circuit, was sufficient to intercept all electric influence of such low intensities as that produced by the voltaic apparatus, although it allows of the transmission of electricity of such high intensity as that excited by the common electrical machine. The author ascertained that a great number of other substances, which are solid at ordinary temperatures, do not conduct the electric current from the voltaic battery until they are liquefied. Among these are potassa, protoxide of lead, glass of antimony, and oxide of bismuth; various chlorides, iodides, and sulphurets; and also many of the ordinary neutral salts with alkaline bases. In almost every instance the bodies subjected to this law are decomposable by electricity; and their decomposition can be effected only when they are in a fluid state, and while they are conductors of electricity. The author inquires how far these two properties are connected together, or dependent the one upon the other; but finds that several exceptions occur to any general proposition that he attempted to establish on this subject. The general conclusions to which he is led from the experiments detailed in this paper are the following:— First, that all bodies conduct electricity in the same manner, but in very different degrees;— Secondly, that in some the conducting power is powerfully increased by heat, in others diminished, and this without any difference that has yet been discovered, either in the general nature of the substance, or of the influence of electricity upon it;—Thirdly, that there is a numerous class of bodies which, when solid, insulate electricity, and, when fluid, conduct it freely, and are decomposed by it; yet that there are many fluid bodies which do not sensibly conduct electricity of low intensity; and some that conduct it, and are not decomposed;—and, Lastly, that fluidity is not essential to decomposition. Sulphuret of silver is the only body yet known to be capable of insulating a voltaic current when solid, and of conducting it, without decomposition, when fluid. No distinction can as yet be drawn between the conducting powers of bodies supposed to be elementary and those known to be compounds.

1835 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 263-274

1119. I have lately had occasion to examine the voltaic trough practically, with a view to improvements in its construction and use; and though I do not pretend that the results have anything like the importance which attaches to the discovery of a new law or principle, I still think they are valuable, and may therefore, if briefly told, and in connexion with former papers, be worthy the approbation of the Royal Society. 16. On an improved form of the Voltaic Battery . 1120. In a simple voltaic circuit (and the same is true of the battery) the chemical forces which, during their activity, give power to the instrument, are generally divided into two portions; the one of these is exerted locally, whilst the other is transferred round the circle (947. 996.); the latter constitutes the electric current of the instru­ment, whilst the former is altogether lost or wasted. The ratio of these two portions of power may be varied to a great extent by the influence of circumstances: thus, in a battery not closed, all the action is local; in one of the ordinary construction, much is in circulation when the extremities are in communication; and in the perfect one, which I have described (1001.), all the chemical power circulates and becomes elec­tricity. By referring to the quantity of zinc dissolved from the plates (865. 1126.), and the quantity of decomposition effected in the volta-electrometer (711. 1126.) or elsewhere, the proportions of the local and transferred actions under any particular circumstances can be ascertained, and the efficacy of the voltaic arrangement, or the waste of chemical power at its zinc plates, be accurately determined.

In this series, the author continues his experimental investigation of the origin of electric force in the voltaic pile. Having found abundant reason, in the experiments already described, to believe that the electricity of the pile has its origin in the chemical force of the acting bodies, he proceeds to examine how the circumstances which can affect the affinity of substances for each other, influence their power of roducing electric currents. First, with relation to heat :—circuits were made of a single metal and a single fluid, and these were examined with a view to ascertain whether, by applying heat at one of the junctions, only thermo-currents can be produced. Some peculiar effects of heat are noticed and explained; and several very necessary precautions in conducting these experiments are pointed out; and it is found, when these are taken, that heat has a decided and distinct effect over the chemical affinities of the parts of a circuit subjected to its power, and a corresponding influence on the electric current produced. This proceeds to such an extent, that, in some cases, either of two metals can be made positive or negative with respect to the other in the same fluid, solely by virtue of this power of heat. The effect of dilution is then examined. For this purpose, only one metal and one fluid are used in a circuit; but the fluid is rendered more dilute at one point of contact than at the other. It was ascertained that such dilution produces little or no effect with metals which are not acted on by the electrolyte employed; and the precautions requisite as to other points are then stated. But when these are observed, still dilution is found to have a most powerful influence on the results; and, as the author believes, solely on account of its influence on the active chemical affinity. Thus copper in dilute nitric acid is positive with respect to copper in strong nitric acid; and the same is the case with lead, silver, and other metals. It is not that the piece in the weakest acid is always positive with respect to that in the stronger acid; for, in the first place, some very curious cases are given, in which a piece of metal in acid of a certain strength is positive with respect to a piece of the same metal in acid, either stronger or weaker; and, in the next place, other cases are stated in which the piece in the medium acid is negative with respect to the other piece in either stronger or weaker acid. The effect of dilution in nitric acid is such, that when certain different metals are compared together, either can, at pleasure, be made positive or negative with respect to the other; thus, of the five metals, silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin, any one of them can be made either positive or negative with respect to any other; with the sole exception of silver, which is always positive with respect to copper. The inconsistency of these results with any theory of contact electromotive force is then strongly insisted on by the author.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 395-407
S. Henriksen

The first question to be answered, in seeking coordinate systems for geodynamics, is: what is geodynamics? The answer is, of course, that geodynamics is that part of geophysics which is concerned with movements of the Earth, as opposed to geostatics which is the physics of the stationary Earth. But as far as we know, there is no stationary Earth – epur sic monere. So geodynamics is actually coextensive with geophysics, and coordinate systems suitable for the one should be suitable for the other. At the present time, there are not many coordinate systems, if any, that can be identified with a static Earth. Certainly the only coordinate of aeronomic (atmospheric) interest is the height, and this is usually either as geodynamic height or as pressure. In oceanology, the most important coordinate is depth, and this, like heights in the atmosphere, is expressed as metric depth from mean sea level, as geodynamic depth, or as pressure. Only for the earth do we find “static” systems in use, ana even here there is real question as to whether the systems are dynamic or static. So it would seem that our answer to the question, of what kind, of coordinate systems are we seeking, must be that we are looking for the same systems as are used in geophysics, and these systems are dynamic in nature already – that is, their definition involvestime.

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