lines of force
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2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 475-479
Toir Makhsudovich Radzhabov

This study considers a variant of the realization of Dirac’s ideas regarding the limited number of Faraday force lines and allowance for the finite size of microparticles in physical theory. It is shown that within the framework of the classical approach, consideration of the limited number of Faraday force lines opens additional possibilities for describing and characterizing the physical field and associated phenomena. Specifically, it is shown that it becomes possible to obtain in a facile manner an expression for describing the discrete radiation of an atom, which agrees well with the empirical Balmer relation. An assumption is made about the possibility of the material existence of Faraday force lines as structural elements of the physical field. It is suggested that the natural fields of physical bodies can be considered as a set of materially existing lines of force, i.e., as a luminiferous ether.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-167

The purpose of this paper is to further improve students' understanding of the concept of magnetic fields, by creating media that can show the characteristics of magnetic fields, which are abstract quantities and vector quantities. This media is designed in addition to being able to prove the existence of an abstract magnetic field, it can also show the direction of the magnetic lines of force, show the shape of the curved trajectory of the magnetic lines of force, and can directly determine the magnetic poles if the magnet is made by electromagnetic means. While the media that is often used so far can only prove its existence. The process of making this media through three stages, namely; design, assemble and test. This media is designed by using a needle that is placed above the water and brought close to a magnet with the media term "Jarum Bergoyang". The assembly process uses simple tools and easily available materials. The testing process was carried out on magnetic practicum activities by class IX-C students of SMP Negeri 2 Saketi 2015. The results of the practicum can be concluded that swaying needle media can be used to prove the existence of a magnetic field, can determine the direction of magnetic force lines, can show the shape of the line trajectory. magnetic lines of force and can directly show the magnetic poles of the coil. ABSTRAKTujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk lebih meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep medan magnet, dengan membuat media yang dapat menunjukan karakteristik medan magnet, yang merupakan besaran yang bersifat abstrak dan besaran vektor. Media ini dirancang selain bisa membuktikan keberadaan medan magnet yang bersifat abstrak, juga dapat menunjukan arah garis-garis gaya magnet, menunjukan bentuk lintasan lengkung garis-garis gaya magnet, dan bisa secara langsung menentukan kutub-kutub magnet apabila magnetnya itu dibuat dengan cara elektromagnetik. Sementara media yang sering dipakai selama ini hanya dapat membuktikan keberadaannya saja. Proses pembuatan media ini melalui tiga tahapan yaitu ; merancang, merakit dan menguji. Media ini dirancang dengan menggunakan jarum yang ditempatkan di atas air dan didekatkan dengan magnet dengan istilah media jarum bergoyang. Proses perakitan menggunakan alat yang sederhana dan bahan yang mudah didapat. Proses pengujian dilakukan pada kegiatan praktikum kemagnetan oleh siswa kelas IX-C SMP Negeri 2 Saketi Tahun 2015. Hasil praktikum dapat disimpulkan bahwa media jarum bergoyang dapat digunakan untuk membuktikan adanya medan magnet, dapat menentukan arah garis-garis gaya magnet, dapat menunjukan bentuk lintasan garis-garis gaya magnet dan dapat secara langsung menunjukan kutub-kutub magnet kumparan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16443
Stefane Rodrigues Colman ◽  
Gregory da Silva Balthazar

This article focuses on a possible permeability between feminist experience and evangelical Neo-Pentecostal experience. Through a focus group approach, we problematize the intersection between the pulsating gender pedagogy in prosperity theology and the lines of force of two feminist premises, which was resignified by a neoliberal rationality: gender equality and female empowerment. Therefore, we defend that the sayings of young evangelicals allow us to suggest the existence of a post-feminist heterotopia: spaces, certainly not full of neoliberal gender discourse ruptures, despite of that, still give rise to small cracks that from the very heart of normativity allow these evangelical young women to create other subjective possibilities for themselves.

2021 ◽  
pp. 019145372110330
Sandro Chignola

This article addresses the modern concept of sovereignty as a multivocal and conflictual semantic field, arguing for the necessity to trace its genealogy based on the structural tensions that haunt its logical framework – as well as its representations – rather than on a linear historiographic reconstruction. In particular, the scrutiny I propose aims to examine a series of exchanges that have been characterizing this concept since the beginning: the global and the European, the maritime and the territorial, the colony and the state, the imperial and the proprietary. The problematic balance between ‘imperium’ and ‘dominium’ is indeed assumed here as the turning point of the rise of a sovereign power that appears to be originally rooted in the very production and governance of the global space, thus giving up all possible Eurocentric narratives of modernity. To illustrate my argument, I focus on the frontispieces to three of Thomas Hobbes’s most important books, that is, his translation of Thucydides’ Peloponnesian Wars, De Cive and Leviathan. A thorough analysis of these images enables us to understand how these lines of force traverse the very heart of modern European political concepts, along with the mirroring effects that constantly bounce their normative construction of subjectivity back and forth from the periphery to the centre and, ultimately, from the market to the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
I. Campos Flores ◽  
J. L. Jiménez Ramírez ◽  
J. A. E. Roa Neri

Faraday and Maxwell conceived the electrostatic and magnetostatic fields as lines of force filling the space around charges and currents, with or without matter. They also established that there are tensions along the lines of force, and compressions around these lines. These ideas are formalized with a stress tensor, whose divergence is a force density. We follow these ideas to show the origin of the electric forces that arise in the case of a dielectric slab partially introduced into a parallel-plate capacitor, and the origin of the magnetic forces that arise in the case of a magnetizable bar partially introduced into a solenoid. We find that these forces have their origin in the abrupt change in permittivity and permeability which produce a difference of pressures at interfaces. This approach permits us to analyze the similarities and differences between both cases. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students can get interesting insights into the electromagnetic forces exerted by electrostatic and magnetostatic fields in vacuum and matter.  Faraday y Maxwell concibieron los campos electrostáticos y magnetostáticos como líneas de fuerza llenando el espacio alrededor de cargas y corriente, con o sin materia. Ellos establecieron que hay tensiones a lo largo de las líneas de fuerza, y compresiones alrededor de estas líneas. Estas ideas se formalizan con el tensor de esfuerzos, cuya divergencia es una densidad de fuerza. Nosotros seguimos estas ideas para mostrar el origen de las fuerzas eléctricas que surgen cuando una barra de dieléctrico se introduce parcialmente en un condensador de placas paralelas, y el origen de las fuerzas magnéticas que surgen en el caso de una barra magnetizable parcialmente introducida en un solenoide. Encontramos que estas fuerzas tienen su origen en el cambio abrupto en la permitividad y permeabilidad que produce una diferencia de presiones en la interface. Este enfoque  nos permite analizar las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos casos. Los estudiantes no graduados y graduados pueden adquirir una percepción interesante  sobre las fuerzas electromagnéticas ejercidas por campos electrostáticos y magnetostáticos en el vacío y en la materia

2021 ◽  
pp. 355-367
André Luís Valadares de Aquino

Study about the relationship of "deviant mastery" between the works of poetry by Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Max Martins. Therefore, it comprehends some emblematic lines of force in Drummond's poetry in convergence and metamorphosis in Max's poetry, in the late 1940s and early 1950s. According to Benedito Nunes, in the essay "Max Martins, Mestre-Aprendiz" (2001), Drummond's poetry was crucial in the formation of Max's poetry. It is dominant in the set of cycles and in the discontinuous movement of Max's work, how Benedito Nunes understands the succession of books, love as an erotic-erosive procedure, a fundamental topical of his learning of unlearning in relation to Drummond's poetry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Jesús M. González-González

The objective of this work is to study the hyperbolic space-time curves that we perceive in our daily lives through images obtained in different geographical locations on Earth. A bibliographic review of scientific works has been made on hyperbolic curves in medicine, electromagnetic fields, circadian rhythms, and space-time perpendicular to the movement of an organ. On the internet, images in conical perspective have been selected, of cities located at different longitudes and latitudes within the geography of the Earth. They have tried to identify hyperbolic space-time curves. They have then been compared with the hyperbolic curves of the Earth’s magnetic field. Finally, we determine its relationship with the hyperbolic curves of human physiology. We have as conclusions: 1. Human vision is hyperbolic because the space in which we live is deformed by “general hyperbolic curves” that exist at any longitude and latitude of the earth’s geography. 2. The lines of force of the Earth’s magnetic field are hyperbolas that follow “local hyperbolic curves” since they can vary in intensity and even reverse their polarity over time. 3. In the physiology of the human body there are hyperbolic curves that are similar to the lines of force of a magnet and the magnetic field of the Earth. Human physiology can be conditioned by general hyperbolic curves and by local hyperbolic curves. There is an adaptation to that hyperbolic deformation of the space in which we live.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (40) ◽  
pp. 333-345
Enio Passiani

O romance O verão tardio, do escritor mineiro Luiz Ruffato, organiza-se a partir de duas linhas de força, as classes médias nacionais e a temporalidade, sendo que esta última emoldura e define a primeira, ambas articuladas pela voz narrativa do personagem central, Oséias, cuja modulação figura, ao mesmo tempo, o distanciamento entre as classes sociais, incapazes de se reconhecer mutuamente, e o processo de desintegração das porções menos favorecidas de tais estratos médios, resultado de um processo de reprodução do capital que prescinde da própria força de trabalho dos trabalhadores.Palavras-chave: Romance brasileiro contemporâneo; Luiz Ruffato; Classes sociais; Classes médias; Formação da sociedade brasileira.AbstractThe novel O verão tardio, by Luiz Ruffato, is organized from two lines of force, the national middle classes and temporality, this latter framing and defining the first, both articulated by the narrative voice of the central character, Oseias, whose modulation at the same time figures the distancing between social classes, unable to recognize each other, and the process of disintegration of the less favored portions of such middle strata, the result of a process of capital reproduction that does not require the workers' own workforce.Keywords: Contemporary brazilian romance; Luiz Ruffato; Social classes; Middle classes; Formation of brazilian society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (41) ◽  
pp. 58-71
Miguel Sanches Neto

Abstract: In a peripheral tradition, marked by aesthetic delays, the novel production in Brazil uses the concept of appropriation, not of codes of great specific authors. It uses elements from several narrative genres, undoing the limits among them. Such practice gives the contemporary Brazilian novel a status of synthesis of the postmodern narrative, in which other ways of narrating are experimented. As such, it is marked by a fictional vitality typical of nations open to borrowings and lootings. This essay analyzes the main lines of force in Brazilian current novel production and proposes an author as the main source.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (39) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Valdir Pierote Silva

A partir da obra The Mapping Journey Project de Bouchara Khalili, este artigo aborda as tensões entre o sistema de codificação geopolítica contemporâneo e a mobilidade de populações marcadas como indesejáveis, especificamente imigrantes e refugiados que tentam ingressar na Europa. Para acessar esses tensionamentos, o artigo produz uma espécie de contracartografia ao transitar por algumas linhas de força que estabelecem fronteiras, instituem mapas oficiais e compartimentalizam o mundo, separando populações que importam daquelas que supostamente não possuem valor.Palavras-chave: Arte e migração; Arte contemporânea africana; Mapas; Fronteiras; Deslocamentos humanos.AbstractBased on Bouchara Khalili's The Mapping Journey Project, this article addresses the tensions between the contemporary geopolitical coding system and the mobility of populations marked as undesirable, specifically immigrants and refugees trying to enter Europe. In order to access these tensions, the article produces a kind of counter-cartography when passing through some lines of force that establish borders, establish official maps and compartmentalize the world, separating populations that matter from those that are supposed to be worthless.Keywords: Art and migration; African contemporary art; Maps; Borders; Human displacements.    

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