scholarly journals Argentinian Association of Crystallography: IYCr activities and 10th anniversary

2014 ◽  
Vol 70 (a1) ◽  
pp. C1306-C1306
Ricardo Baggio ◽  
Pablo Botta ◽  
Florencia Di Salvo ◽  
Sebastián Klinke ◽  
Griselda Narda ◽  

"The history of Crystallography in Argentina is very rich, probably starting with the pioneer work of Prof. Ernesto Galloni in the decade of the `40s. Thanks to Prof. Galloni, the National Committee of Crystallography was founded in 1958 and recognized by the IUCr in 1960. This committee organized several scientific meetings and was in good contact with the Ibero American Crystallography Group during about 35 years. After some crisis in the late `90s, some young crystallographers decided to reorganize the activities and form the Argentinian Association of Crystallography (AACr), which was finally founded on October 30th, 2004, on the occasion of the ""National Workshop on Crystallography"" held in Villa Giardino, Province of Córdoba. Therefore, in the International Year of Crystallography, the AACr is also celebrating its tenth anniversary. The regular annual events of the AACr are a scientific meeting, a school on Crystallography and a workshop. This year, they will be held in Mar del Plata (Province of Buenos Aires) in the period of October 27th-Novembre 7th. In addition, many other academic activities such workshops or postgraduate courses are being organized in the whole country. It is worth to remark the School on Fundamental Crystallography to be held in La Plata, followed by an Agilent-UNESCO-IUCr OpenLab in La Plata and Buenos Aires, in April-May. Moreover, taking into account that Crystallography is a field that needs more promotion in our country, the AACr decided to propitiate several educational and dissemination activities. They include a national crystal growing contest, promotion of Crystallography in high and primary schools through the National Fairs of Science of the Ministry of Education, dissemination talks for different audiences, exhibitions, etc. Acknowledgements: The AACr thanks all the crystallographers that are working hard in these activities: G. Echeverría, O. Piro, S. Suárez, M. Saleta, D. Tobía, R. Carbonio, G. Aurelio, J. Pedregosa, F. Doctorovich, S. Conconi, L. Baqué, F. Napolitano, S. Alconchel, C. Alvarez, A. Ares, C. Bernini, S. Brühl, M. Dailoff, M.A. Foi, M. Harvey, M.S. Lassa, S. Montoro, E. Pannunzio Miner, etc."

PMLA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 134 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-163
William G. Acree

Between November 1879 and January 1880, the argentine author Eduardo Gutierrez published a serialized narrative of the life of Juan Moreira in the Buenos Aires newspaper La Patria Argentina. Titled simply Juan Moreira, the heroic tale of the real-life outlaw went like this: Moreira was a good gaucho gone bad, who fought to preserve his honor against the backdrop of modernizing forces that were transforming life in this part of South America. His string of crimes and ultimate downfall resulted from his unjust persecution by corrupt state officials. The success of the serial surpassed all expectations. The paper's sales skyrocketed, and the melodramatic narrative soon appeared in book form. Enterprising printers produced tens of thousands of authorized and pirated editions to sell in the Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay), making Juan Moreira a leading example of everyday reading for the region's rapidly growing literate population and one of Latin America's pre-twentieth-century bestsellers (Acree, Everyday Reading; Gutiérrez, The Gaucho Juan Moreira).

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-99
Magdalena Candioti

AbstractThis article analyzes in depth the history of Petrona, an enslaved woman sold in Santa Fe (Argentina), sent to Buenos Aires and later possibly to Montevideo (Uruguay). By reconstructing her case, the article demonstrates how the legal status of enslaved persons was affected by the redefinitions of jurisdictions and by the forced or voluntary crossings between political units. This study also shows the circulation and uses of the Free Womb law in Argentina and Uruguay and traces legal experts’ debates over its meaning. At the same time, it reflects on the knowledge enslaved people had of those abolitionist norms and how they used them to resist forced relocations, attempt favorable migrations, or achieve full freedom. The article crosses analytical dimensions and historiographies—legal, social, and political— and articulates them by reflecting more broadly on these factors: the impact of the revolution of independence on enslaved persons’ lives, the scarce circulation of abolitionist public discourse in Río de la Plata, the gendered bias of the process, and the central yet untold uses of antislavery rhetoric in the national narratives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-289
Alex Borucki

From the late eighteenth century through most of the nineteenth, Buenos Aires and Montevideo were hosts to a joint theatrical circuit characterized by the regular comings and goings of impresarios, artisans, musicians, and actors between the two cities. The military conflicts that shaped this period actually encouraged these connections, as they stimulated both exile and repatriation between one locale and the other. Africans, and particularly their Rioplatense descendants, were an integral part of popular entertainment circuits in Buenos Aires and Montevideo. Some of the first Argentinean historians of theater and music, among them Vicente Gesualdo and Teodoro Klein, were aware of this connection and included in their initial scholarship links that connect the history of free and enslaved Afro-descendants to the early theater of Río de la Plata.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-197
Juliet McMains

This paper interrogates the history of same-sex dancing among women in Buenos Aires' tango scene, focusing on its increasing visibility since 2005. Two overlapping communities of women are invoked. Queer tangueras are queer-identified female tango dancers and their allies who dance tango in a way that attempts to de-link tango's two roles from gender. Rebellious wallflowers are women who practice, teach, perform, and dance with other women in predominantly straight environments. It is argued that the growing acceptance of same-sex dancing in Argentina is due to the confluence of four developments: 1) the rise of tango commerce, 2) innovations of tango nuevo, 3) changing laws and social norms around lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights, and 4) synergy between queer tango dancers and heterosexual women who are frustrated by the limits of tango's gender matrix. The author advocates for increased alliances between rebellious wallflowers and queer tangueras, who are often segregated from each other in Buenos Aires' commercial tango industry.

Moreana ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 42 (Number 164) (4) ◽  
pp. 187-206
Clare M. Murphy

The Thomas More Society of Buenos Aires begins or ends almost all its events by reciting in both English and Spanish a prayer written by More in the margins of his Book of Hours probably while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. After a short history of what is called Thomas More’s Prayer Book, the author studies the prayer as a poem written in the form of a psalm according to the structure of Hebrew poetry, and looks at the poem’s content as a psalm of lament.

1948 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 525-527
Pierre Chaunu

Emilio A. Coni a réuni en un volume, paru à Buenos Aires en 1941, une série d'articles devenus introuvables, dispersés au cours d'une carrière active d'historien, de 1919 à 1930, dans La Nota par exemple ou dans les suppléments de La Nation. Ecrits le plus souvent sur un ton de polémique, ces articles offrent cependant de bonnes mises au point de la première histoire économique des pays de la Plata : disons de l'Argentine coloniale.

2001 ◽  
Claudia Cédola

El cinturón verde hortícola del Gran Buenos Aires y Gran La Plata comprende una amplia franja imaginaria trazada tomando como centro la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se cultivan una gran variedad de hortalizas, entre las que se destacan: tomate, pimiento, lechuga y frutilla, entre otras. Las mismas son cultivadas en condiciones de campo 6 bien en ambientes protegidos, modalidad de producción que ha crecido en los últimos años. El cultivo de tomate, típico de la zona platense, ha incrementado en estos años la superficie de cobertura y por consiguiente la producción. Entre las numerosas plagas que atacan este cultivo, se destacan las arañuelas tetraníquidas y en especial Tetranychus urtícae. En nuestro país estos ácaros son combatidos tradicionalmente con la aplicación de acaricidas y en países europeos y los Estados Unidos mediante la combinación de acaricidas y ácaros predadores de la Familia Phytoseiidae. Este grupo de acarófagos ha sido empleado exitosamente en numerosos cultivos (poroto, pepino, frutilla, manzano) aunque con resultados dudosos sobre tomate. El efecto de las plantas sobre los niveles tróficos superiores ha sido ampliamente documentado. El tomate, mediante la presencia de pelos glandulares ó la emanación de compuestos volátiles inhibe o estimula, dependiendo de las especies, las interacciones entre los herbívoros y los enemigos naturales. Dentro de este contexto, se realizaron estudios tendientes a analizar el papel que la pilosidad del tomate tiene sobre la supervivencia, fecundidad y en la interacción establecida entre T.urtícae y Neoseíu1us calífornicus.

2008 ◽  
Paula Edith Lombardi

La actividad de la enzima ácido δ-aminolevulínico dehidrasa (ALA-D) es un reconocido biomarcador específico de exposición a plomo. Debido a sus características ha sido utilizado en estudios de monitoreo ambiental para evaluar la exposición a plomo en diversos organismos, entre ellos peces. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo de tesis fue validar un método de evaluación general de riesgo ecotoxicológico por exposición a plomo en poblaciones naturales de peces. Para tal fin se seleccionaron tres especies recolectadas del río de la Plata: Prochilodus lineatus (sábalo), Leporinus obtusidens (boga) y Cyprinus carpio (carpa). Las zonas de muestreo elegidas fueron: Berazategui y Berisso ubicadas cerca de las emisiones de residuos cloacales provenientes de las ciudades de Buenos Aires y La Plata. La tercera, Atalaya, libre de emisiones cloacales, pero sujeta a emisiones diversas, todas ellas, de origen antropogénico. Los muestreos se realizaron entre junio de 2002 y mayo de 2004. En primera instancia se caracterizaron diversos parámetros de la enzima ALA-D en muestras de sangre y de tejido hepático. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron características similares en la enzima sanguínea de todas las especies estudiadas. Lo mismo se observó para la enzima hepática. La comparación entre tejidos mostró diferencias en el valor de Km, siendo menor para la enzima hepática. Posteriormente, se procedió a validar el uso de la enzima como parámetro biomarcador de exposición a plomo en estudios de campo.

Beatriz Fainholc

<p>Se presenta una experiencia innovadora (2004-2008, que todavía sigue) en la cátedra universitaria de Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, de la que es titular quien suscribe, donde las TICs se articulan en el diseño curricular de este curso superior. Se habla de cómo las actividades didácticas para el desarrollo de competencias socio-tecnológicas singulares llevaron a <em>redefinir el rol del profesor/a </em>–tema exclusivo y sucinto de este aporte- para ajustarse a la nueva modalidad educativa mediada por tecnología y TICs, en el formato del aprendizaje electrónico mixto (o <em>blended learning</em>).</p><p>Se refiere a las demandas y estilos cognitivos del estudiante que procesa y produce su aprendizaje, con recursos del campo disciplinar nombrado y de la utilización de la modalidad de <em>blended learning </em>en el sistema tecnológico abierto, o de software libre Moodle. Se hace énfasis en la necesidad de que todo profesional de la educación se forme y entrene para manejar dicha práctica tecnológico-educativa y así poder desempeñarse con pertinencia y efectividad. Se analizan variables relevantes como el diseño instruccional, el desarrollo de materiales y recursos, la interacción y la interactividad sostenida en el caso y la evaluación e investigación en la acción que se realiza, para estas propuestas de educación superior electrónica en línea y/o mixta desde la perspectiva de <em>las tareas docentes que redefinen el rol del profesor/a virtual</em>.</p>

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