A fuzzy multi‐objective balanced scorecard approach for selecting an optimal electronic business process management best practice (e‐BPMBP)

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-178 ◽  
Faramak Zandi ◽  
Madjid Tavana
2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 522-531 ◽  
Devika Nadarajah ◽  
Sharifah Latifah Syed Abdul Kadir

Purpose – In today's height of competition, business process management (BPM) is regarded as best practice management principle that can assist companies in sustaining competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to strengthen theory building of BPM in fostering sustainable competitive advantage based on dynamic capability theory. Design/methodology/approach – BPM owes its existence to total quality management (TQM) and business process reengineering and has gained importance as an enabler to coordinate the intricacies of the organisations. Past researches on BPM have been largely conceptual using case studies with scarce evidence for theory building. Findings – Based on the review of literature, the study of BPM can be studied based on dynamic capability theory. Originality/value – The outcome of this paper would add value to theory building for BPM.

Alina Igorevna Lykova

Business process management and performance management merge with each other as business process management evolves. Efficiency is a characteristic of the system in terms of the ratio of costs and results of its functioning, ability to lead to given results. Efficiency in the concept of process management is the measurement of predefined operational characteristics of the process: qualitative and / or quantitative indicators that characterize the process. The main indicators of process efficiency are the process efficiency indices. In addition, in the theory of performance management key performance indicators are emitted. Although they have much in common (relatively constant, measurable, assess progress, etc.), the main difference between these indicators is that process performance indicators measure operational efficiency, while key performance indicators represent the business objectives that the company wants to achieve at a strategic level. There are different types of the process performance indicators: productivity and effectiveness, temporary, costly, high-quality; early and late. Process performance indicators are assigned to each process to monitor its effectiveness and to correlate the achievement of the process goal and the costs to achieve this goal. The establishment of key performance indicators depends on the organization's strategy and is implemented using methodologies developed and tested in practice, the most popular of which is the Balanced Scorecard. With the purpose of forming a control loop for the efficiency of business processes, the principles of managing the efficiency of processes are singled out: the level of development of performance management directly depends on the level of process maturity of the organization; when analyzing the process, performance indicators are primary, and then productivity; understanding customer motivation when evaluating the process; evolutionary measurement of effectiveness. The performance management framework of business processes consists of planning, execution (which also consists of performance monitoring processes for each selected process), verification and updating.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Putu Wuri Handayani ◽  
Stéphane Bressan ◽  
Doan Khanh Han ◽  
Omar Boucelma

MIT Process Handbook menawarkan metode penyimpanan dan pencarian proses bisnis suatu organisasi. Komunitas bisnis atau mahasiswa yang mengambil topik kuliah proses bisnis dapat mempelajari best-practice proses bisnis yang terdapat dalam MIT Process Handbook. Kumpulan proses bisnis yang terdapat di MIT Process Handbook hanya mengelola deskripsi proses bisnis tersebut dalam format teks. Kemunculan teknologi Extensible Markup Language (XML), kemampuan XML dalam melakukan query, adopsi dari banyak industri untuk menggunakan standar berbasis XML dalam pendefinisian dan pengeksekusian proses bisnis serta dukungan dari sistem basis data yang sudah mendukung penyimpanan data dalam format XML memudahkan semua pihak dalam perancangan dan implementasi sistem pengelolaan bisnis proses dengan mengadopsi standar dan teknologi XML ini. Sistem pengelolaan proses bisnis ini dapat digunakan untuk mengelola, mendistribusikan, dan melakukan query terhadap proses bisnis tertentu. Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai rancangan dan arsitektur sistem pengelolaan proses bisnis dengan kumpulan proses bisnis yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajar mata kuliah Business Process Management di program studi Sistem Informasi. MIT Process Handbook offers a method of storage and retrieval of an organization's business processes. Business community or college students who take the topic of business processes can learn best-practice business processes contained in the MIT Process Handbook. Collection of business processes that are contained in the MIT Process Handbook only manage the business process description in text. The emergence of Extensible Markup Language (XML), XML querying capabilities, adoption of many industries to use XML-based standards in the definition and execution of business processes and data base system that supports data storage in XML format facilitates all parties in the design and implementation of business process management systems by adopting these standards and XML technologies. Business process management systems can be used to manage, distribute, and perform a query against a particular business process. This study describes the design and architecture of business process management system with a collection of business processes that can be used to teach Business Process Management in Information Systems courses.

2013 ◽  
pp. 25-30
Arkadiusz Jurczuk

W artykule przedstawiono istotę i zasady oceny dojrzałości procesowej przedsiębiorstw oraz rolę modeli dojrzałości w podnoszeniu efektywności organizacji w kontekście paradygmatu Business Process Management. Zasadniczym celem poznawczym artykułu jest określenie zasad oceny dojrzałości według modelu CMMI oraz prezentacja nakładów i efektów wynikających z wdrożenia tego modelu. Wskazano także czynniki determinujące sukces wdrożenia modeli dojrzałości w praktyce biznesowej. (abstrakt oryginalny)

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