Smart Detection and Reporting of Potholes via Image-Processing using Raspberry-Pi Microcontroller

Mae M. Garcillanosa ◽  
Jian Mikee L. Pacheco ◽  
Rowie E. Reyes ◽  
Junelle Joy P. San Juan

Gesture recognition technology entails a wide variety of touch-free interaction capabilities which controls notably contribute to easing our interaction with devices, reducing the need for a keys, or button. To recognize the different hand gestures for different control system in cars is done through image processing. A new method for the hand gestures is that, the hand part gets extracted from the background using background subtraction algorithm using raspberry pi, there is no need of buttons for using of some equipments in different vehicles by using an advanced technology. In gesture recognition technology we can control the audio and HVAC system automatically instead of searching for a particular button, which causes distraction while driving.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Oluwole Arowolo ◽  
Adefemi A Adekunle ◽  
Joshua A Ade-Omowaye

Rice is one of the most consumed foods in Nigeria, therefore it’s production should be on the high as to meet the demand for it. Unfortunately, the quantity of rice produced is being affected by pests such as birds on fields and sometimes in storage. Due to the activities of birds, an effective repellent system is required on rice fields. The proposed effective repellent system is made up of hardware components which are the raspberry pi for image processing, the servo motors for rotation of camera for better field of view controlled by Arduino connected to the raspberry pi, a speaker for generating predator sounds to scare birds away and software component consisting of python and Open Cv library for bird feature identification. The model was trained separately using haar features, HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) and LBP (Local Binary Patterns).Haar features resulted in the highest accuracy of 76% while HOG and LBP were, 27% and 72% respectively. Haar trained model was tested with two recorded real time videos with birds, the false positives were fairly low, about 41%. This haar feature trained model can distinguish between birds and other moving objects unlike a motion detection system which detects all moving objects. This proposed system can be improved to have a higher accuracy with a larger data set of positive and negative images. Keywords—Electronic pest repeller Haar cascade classifier, ultrasonic

K. S. Prasath

Abstract: Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may be image or characteristics/features associated with that image. Nowadays, image processing is one among rapidly growing technologies. It forms core research area within engineering and computer science disciplines too. Image detection on road is primarily carried out with the help of camera with Raspberry pi 3 model b+ and stimulation software. The device is built in such a way that we can identify any potholes in the respective roads and able to rectify as soon as possible with the help of the device. The data signals shared by the device will be converted to text signals from which we can get it right. These devices are fixed at top of the lamppost which is located at the corners of the road from where the device is monitoring the road at 120 degree for weekly once respectively. Keywords: Image processing, Image detection on road, Raspberry pi 3, 120 degree

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-64
Ilfan Sugianda ◽  
Thamrin Thamrin

KRSBI Wheeled is One of the competitions on the Indonesian Robot Contest,. It is a football match that plays 3 robot full autonomous versus other teams. The robot uses a drive in the form of wheels that are controlled in such a way, to be able to do the work the robot uses a camera sensor mounted on the front of the robot, while for movement in the paper author uses 3 omni wheel so the robot can move in all directions to make it easier towards the ball object. For the purposes of image processing and input and output processing the author uses a Single Board Computer Raspberry PI 3 are programmed using the Python programming language with OpenCV image processing library, to optimize the work of Single Board Computer(SBC) Raspberry PI 3 Mini PC assisted by the Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Both devices are connected serially via the USB port. Raspberry PI will process the image data obtained webcam camera input. Next, If the ball object can be detected the object's position coordinates will be encoded in character and sent to the Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Furthermore, Arduino mega 2560 will process data to drive the motors so that can move towards the position of the ball object. Based on the data from the maximum distance test results that can be read by the camera sensor to be able to detect a ball object is �5 meters with a maximum viewing angle of 120 �.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-70
Ribhanrio Humonggio ◽  
Riska Kurniyanto Abdullah ◽  
Muhammad Asri

Perancangan sistem pengenalan plat nomor merupakan salah satu sistem yang dapat membantu proses pengolahan data plat nomor kendaraan berupa plat mobil dengan menggunakan image processing yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja dari sistem kontrol dan informasi pada area pengenalan. Ada beberapa tahapan dalam pengenalan yaitu gambar yang diambil melalui kamera webcam yang sudah dikonfigurasikan dengan raspberry pi 3, selanjutnya mencari lokasi plat nomor dan menyegmentasi setiap karakter yang ada dari plat nomor tersebut, selanjutnya proses optical caracter recognition dapat mengenali huruf dan angka. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan yang cukup memuaskan, dari 12 hasil pengujian gambar plat nomor kendaraan total keberhasilan secara menyeluruh terdapat pada plat nomor dengan persentase akurasi 84.7% sampai 99.97 % dan pengenalan warna 8 kendaraan yang berhasil dikenali dengan benar dan 4 kendaraan salah. Pengujian kedua dilakukan pada plat kendaraan mobil mini dengan posisi pengambilan gambar berbeda, dimana hasil dari deteksi berhasil mengenali angka dan huruf dengan benar nilai akurasi 93.3%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Arba Abdul Syukur

Pencurian yang sangat meresahkan masyarakat seringkali terjadi pada suatu ruangan atau lingkungan seperti gedung, kantor, lorong bahkan tempat ibadah juga menjadi sasaran para pencuri. Upaya yang dilakukan DKM (Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid) yaitu memberikan himbauan supaya tetap menjaga barang pentingnya masing-masing.  Masjid seharusnya menjadi tempat yang aman dan nyaman untuk dikunjungi. Oleh karena itu kami memiliki ide yang bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi pencurian di masjid atau tempattempat yang rawan pencurian. Penelitian ini merancangbangun sistem pengenalan wajah sebagai solusi untuk mengurangi tingkat pencurian. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan perangkat keras Raspberry Pi 3 model B dan webcam A4Tech. Perangkat lunak database yang dapat menyimpan data pengguna. Tujuan penelitian untuk membandingkan 2 metode yang terbaik dalam pengenalan wajah yaitu metode LBPH (Local Binary Pattern Histogram) dan metode Eigenface. Penelitian dilakukan pada siang hari untuk mengambil citra wajah yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 kondisi yaitu siang hari luar ruangan, siang hari dalam ruangan dan malam hari dalam ruangan. Parameter yang digunakan untuk melihat hasil dari pengenalan wajah yaitu Akurasi, FAR (False Accept Rate) dan FRR (False Reject Rate). Hasil pengujian 2 metode tersebut yang memiliki tingkat rata-rata Akurasi tertinggi dan tingkat rata-rata FAR dan FRR terendah adalah metode  Eigenface. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yaitu pencahayaan mempengaruhi pengenalan wajah dalam 2 metode tersebut.

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