Engineering Calculation of Overflow Probabilities in Buffers with Markov-Interrupted Service

1987 ◽  
Vol 35 (12) ◽  
pp. 1272-1277 ◽  
C. Woodside ◽  
E. Ho

The article is devoted to the actual problem of assigning optimal parameters for connecting steel plates on cover plates with angular welds that are widely used in construction practice. The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of operation of a welded assembly of the plates connection on cover plates. An algorithm is proposed for determining the optimal parameters of a welded joint with fillet welds on the cover plates, which makes it possible to obtain a strength balanced connection. The results of full-scale tensile tests of models were presented. These results confirmed the correctness of the assumed design assumptions, and made it possible to obtain a form of destruction, not characteristic and not described in the normative literature, expressed by cutting the main elements along the length of the overlap in the joint. The possibility of such a form of destruction was confirmed by the results of numerical research in a nonlinear formulation. The optimal parameters of the nodal welded joint determined by engineering calculation are confirmed by experimental studies, as well as by the results of numerical experiments on models of calculation schemes, taking into account the physical nonlinearity of the material operation. The obtained dependence for determining the bearing capacity of the joint by the cut-off mechanism and the expression for limiting the overlap length of the cover plates will make it possible to predict the nature of the fracture and design equally strong joints.

J. S. Chin

A practical engineering calculation method has been formulated for commercial multicomponent fuel stagnant droplet evaporation with variable finite mass and thermal diffusivity. Instead of solving the transient liquid phase mass and heat transfer partial differential equation set, a totally different approach is used. With zero or infinite mass diffusion resistance in liquid phase, it is possible to obtain vapor pressure and vapor molecular mass based on the distillation curve of these turbine fuels. It is determined that Peclet number (Pef) is a suitable parameter to represent the mass diffusion resistance in liquid phase. The vapor pressure and vapor molecular mass at constant finite Pef is expressed as a function of finite Pef, vapor pressure, and molecular mass at zero Pef and infinite Pef. At any time step, with variable finite Pef, the above equation is still valid, and PFsPef=∞, PFsPef=0, MfvPef=∞, MfvPef=0 are calculated from PFsPef≡∞, PFsPef≡0, MfvPef≡∞, MfvPef≡0, thus PFs and Mfv can be determined in a global way which eventually is based on the distillation curve of fuel. The explicit solution of transient heat transfer equation is used to have droplet surface temperature and droplet average temperature as a function of surface Nusselt number and non-dimensional time. The effect of varying com position of multi-component fuel evaporation is taken into account by expressing the properties as a function of molecular mass, acentric factor, critical temperature, and critical pressure. A specific calculation method is developed for liquid fuel diffusion coefficient, also special care is taken to calculate the binary diffusion coefficient of fuel vapor-air in gaseous phase. The effect of Stefan flow and natural convection has been included. The predictions from the present evaporation model for different turbine fuels under very wide temperature ranges have been compared with experimental data with good agreement.

А. В. Бараков ◽  
В. Ю. Дубанин ◽  
Д. А. Прутских ◽  
А. А. Надеев

Постановка задачи. Подаваемый в помещения воздух в жаркое время года должен быть охлажден до комфортных температур. В связи с тем, что дополнительного расхода энергии на это охлаждение не предусмотрено, возможно применить воздухоохладитель испарительного типа. Однако известные в настоящее время результаты экспериментальных и теоретических исследований таких аппаратов не позволяют их проектировать, что препятствует их распространению. Рассмотрено строение такого аппарата и выполнены его теоретические и экспериментальные исследования, результаты которых могут быть использованы для инженерного расчета и конструирования подобных аппаратов. Результаты. Описан сконструированный авторами воздухоохладитель испарительного типа для систем вентиляции. Проведено теоретическое и экспериментальное исследование воздухоохладителя. Получены аналитические соотношения для определения времени движения насадки в «мокрой» камере аппарата, температуры охлажденного воздуха и температуры насадки в любом сечении контура циркуляции. Получены эмпирические соотношения для коэффициента эффективности охладителя и его гидравлического сопротивления. Выводы. Полученные зависимости послужат основой для разработки методики проектного расчета воздухоохладителей косвенно-испарительного типа с перемещающимся псевдоожиженным слоем в поле центробежных сил. Statement of the problem. The air supplied to the premises during the hot season must be cooled to comfortable temperatures. Due to the fact that additional energy consumption for this cooling is not provided, it is possible to use an evaporative-type air cooler. However, the currently known results of experimental and theoretical studies of such devices do not allow for their design, which prevents their spread. The structure of such an apparatus is considered and its theoretical and experimental studies are carried out, the results of which can be used for engineering calculation and design of such apparatus. Results. An evaporative-type air cooler designed by the authors for ventilation systems is described. A theoretical and experimental study of the air cooler has been carried out. Analytical relationships were obtained for determining the time of movement of the material checker in the «wet» chamber of the apparatus, the temperature of the cooled air and the temperature of the checker in any section of the circulation loop. Empirical relationships have been obtained for the efficiency coefficient of the cooler and its hydraulic resistance. Сonclusions. The obtained dependencies will serve as the basis for the development of a methodology for the design calculation of indirect-evaporative air coolers with a moving fluidized bed in the field of centrifugal forces.

Water ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1091 ◽  
Lejun Ma ◽  
Xingnan Zhang ◽  
Huan Wang ◽  
Changjun Qi

Water and flow reductions in the channels downstream of water storage and hydropower projects have significant impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Understanding and analyzing the ecosystem status is of great significance to facilitate the protection of riverine ecosystems. A database was established based on the 2000–2017 environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports on water storage and hydropower projects in China, and corresponding analysis software was built based on an ArcGIS spatial analysis platform. The projects in China are mainly found in the Yangtze and Pearl River basins and in south-western China. The hydropower projects have a larger influence than the water storage projects on the flow of downstream rivers sections, and most of the hydropower projects, especially the water diversion projects, cause flow reductions in the downstream rivers. An ecological flow management mechanism in China implemented in 2006 provided a promising method to alleviate river flow reductions. However, there is still only one kind of ecological flow calculation method and few ecological flow regulation measures in use. Based on the advantages and problems of the existing ecological flow management system, this paper proposes a management scheme based on a regional-engineering calculation method. The results can facilitate decision making in ecological flow management.

2012 ◽  
Vol 190-191 ◽  
pp. 936-939
Chao Li ◽  
Yun Jiang Liu ◽  
Heng Yang Zhang ◽  
Xiao Peng Yang ◽  
Feng Wang

To grasp Complex characteristics of shortwave (HF) channel is the key and difficulty to research HF communication. On the premise of comprehending the ionosphere prediction method in the Asia Oceania region, HF frequency prediction method recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is improved in this paper, and the engineering calculation method of predicting HF frequency in the Asia Oceania region is concluded and summarized. Comparing with the ITS (the Institute for Telecommunication Science) software’s predicting result, the method is improved to some extent in time availability and SNR in the receiving point.

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