The Modern American Road Novel: A Case for Not Fade Away by Jim Dodge

2002 ◽  
Vol 25 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Kathryn Cole
Genre ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-66
Patricia Stuelke

This essay analyzes Valeria Luiselli's 2019 novel Lost Children Archive's attempt to imagine anti-imperialist solidarity aesthetics in a moment of the increasing imbrication of the US literary sphere and settler colonial capitalist surveillance of the US-Mexico border, as well as the nonprofit care regime that has arisen to oppose and ameliorate its effects. Because these structures converge around overt and subterranean investments in settler colonial frontier fantasy, the essay focuses particularly on Lost Children Archive's engagement with the tradition of the white male road novel Western in the Americas—Luiselli's attempts to write both through and against this form—as part of the novel's larger attempt to grapple with the formal problems that adhere in representing the temporality and scale of ongoing Central American Indigenous dispossession and refugee displacement in settler colonial capitalism. In exploring the degree to which the Western genre's tradition of, per Philip Deloria, “playing Indian” might oppose the brutal bureaucratic violence of the xenophobic carceral settler US state, the novel builds a critique of the frontier road novel fantasy that it cannot quite sustain.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Novi Liana Ko ◽  
Menik Winiharti

Metaphors have been always interesting to explore since they are able to represent many things, one of which is feelings. Article examined the metaphorical sentences which expressed emotions found in Lisa Kleypas’s the Rainshadow Road. Library research was conducted to find the kinds of emotions which were expressed by the metaphorical sentences. It was also done to figure out what the metaphors refered to. Another objective was to reveal the most dominant emotion which appeared through the metaphors expressed in the novel. The analysis used metaphor theory to compare the dictionary meaning and the metaphorical one. The result shows that there are various emotions which are expressed through the metaphorical sentences. Happiness is found as the most dominant emotion which appears in the novel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 633-651
Špela Virant

Olha Fedorenko

The subject of the study is the interpretation of the folklore image of an outstanding Cossack character in the historical novel at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. The appeal of this genre at the present stage to fictional sources and techniques, including myth, parables, fairy tales, fiction, games, compilations, violations of space-time linearity, etc., is a problematic field of wider research. The aim of the article is to determine functioning peculiarities of outstanding Cossack’s image in the artistic world of novel “Chase” by Y. Mushketyk. Results of the Study allowed to claim that in his novel “Chase” (1997) Y. Mushketyk modelled history in accordance to the modern tradition. The artist took the historical era of the Ruins as the basis of his story and led further narration on the principle of road, no wonder that at first sight the novel can be taken as an adventure novel. Pointing out the heredity of generations of outstanding Cossacks, the author prepares readers for perception of the hero, whose unusual abilities he reveals diversely throughout the work. Depicting a colorful portrait of Cossack Semen Belokobylka like a chimerical appearance of Cossack Mamai, Y. Mushketyk gives the novel “Chase” signs of a chimerical genre. According to the genre of road novel Y. Mushketyk reveals unusual abilities of the Cossack in lots of episodes of his journey. With the help of first person singular narration (“I-narration”), the artist transfers his feelings and emotions in extremely difficult conditions. Y. Mushketik gives the Cossack a good sense of humor as a part of his lifestyle. Liveliness gives the Cossack the power to continue the journey and complete the mission to rescue his brethren. In the reflections of outstanding Cossack, the author expresses the idea of the unity of Ukraine and Ukrainians, touches the problem of sense of living, giving the novel features of philosophical genre, significance and relevance of the present. The practical significance of the research results is the ability to form a model for the transformation of the folklore image into a literary one, extending the material of the study to other works of this genre and period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Steven Urquhart
De Se ◽  

Cette contribution s'intéresse à la déconstruction de la quête du sens du personnage principal . L'histoire d'un homme qui quitte ce qui rappelle Fort McMurray lors d'une panne d'électricité transnationale pour aller retrouver son père malade, Le fil des kilomètres met en scène un voyage non-initiatique et une sorte de death drive dans un cadre qui devient de plus en plus dystopique au fur et à mesure que le protagoniste anonyme avance vers l'est d'un pays immense innommé. Hanté par un cauchemar qui rappelle le mythe grec du minotaure, le protagoniste se sent poursuivi en même temps qu'il poursuit une certaine plénitude fatale et irréalisable. Porteur d'un discours qui déconstruit de façon implicite l'idéal progressiste de l'Occident, ce roman d'anticipation joue sur la psychanalyse et laisse entendre qu'il est impossible de se débarrasser de la bête et de sortir du labyrinthe qu'incarne le monde. A la fois troublant et fort ironique, le roman constitue une sorte d'anti-road novel. Le fil conducteur du roman se défait et le roman finit par insister sur une certaine immobilité qui se rattache en fin de compte au retour éternel nietzschéen. 

Inês Costa

A universalidade do ideal de liberdade oferecido pela estrada levou autores de vários países e culturas a adotarem o road novel como meio de expressão, independentemente da sua indissociabilidade histórica aos Estados Unidos da América. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em verificar se as características do romance As Mulheres do Meu Pai (2007), de José Eduardo Agualusa, permitem classificá-lo como um road novel no universo da literatura africana. Concluiu-se que a obra cumpre a maioria dos pressupostos nucleares deste subgénero lite­rário, nomeadamente a ligação inevitável entre as viagens física e espiritual, a confluência de vários géneros narrativos, a cartografia do espaço enquanto reflexo da atitude contemplativa das persona­gens e o recurso a um meio de transporte motorizado. Fica por cumprir a predo­minância do masculino -outra das condições exigidas, por norma, no subgénero literário road novel-, já que, em As Mulheres do Meu Pai, a única viajante feminina reclama para si o protagonismo, destacando-se como figura central da obra.

1993 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 406
Karen von Kunes ◽  
Iva Pekárková ◽  
David Powelstock

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