Heterospecific pollen deposition is positively associated with reproductive success in a diverse hummingbird‐pollinated plant community

Oikos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Sabrina Aparecida Lopes ◽  
Pedro Joaquim Bergamo ◽  
Steffani Najara Pinho Queiroz ◽  
Jeff Ollerton ◽  
Thiago Santos ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-193 ◽  
Maria Renée Orellana ◽  
Anna Maria Rovira ◽  
Cèsar Blanché ◽  
Maria Bosch

Sexual dimorphism can have implications in the reproductive biology of gynodioecious species, affecting sex fitness. We explored the effects of flower sex on pollination visitation rates and pollinator efficiency in terms of stigmatic pollen loads, as well as on quantitative and qualitative aspects of reproductive success in two populations of Thymus loscosii Willk. (Lamiaceae) endemic to the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. We also assessed the dependence of T. loscosii on insect pollination in both hermaphrodite and female plants by performing an insect exclusion test. Apis mellifera and different species of Bombylidae were the most frequent pollinators (68% of approaches to studied plots and 93% of total visited flowers). Hermaphrodite plants received more visits than female ones, possibly as a response to visual attraction, since flowers of the former are larger. Conspecific pollen deposition was higher on stigmas of hermaphrodite flowers than on those of females; in contrast, female stigmas received more heterospecific pollen loads, notably higher in one population. Despite these differences, seed set from open-pollinated flowers was similar in both sexes and in both populations, and relatively low (around 0.5–1 nutlet per fruiting calyx, on average). Thymus loscosii is self-compatible as it was able to produce seeds by spontaneous selfing, but at very low rates, indicating that it is insect-dependent for pollination. In addition, bagged female flowers also set seeds formed by apomitic mechanisms. In general, seeds from females were slightly heavier and began to germinate earlier and at higher rates than those from hermaphrodites, even those formed by apomixis. These results suggest that female plants enjoy a resource allocation advantage that allows increased seed quality and contributes to the maintenance of gynodioecy.Key words: gynodioecy, pollinator visitation, pollen loads, seed set, sex fitness, Thymus loscosii.

2015 ◽  
pp. mcv175 ◽  
Heather M. Briggs ◽  
Lucy M. Anderson ◽  
Laila M. Atalla ◽  
André M. Delva ◽  
Emily K. Dobbs ◽  

AoB Plants ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Nathália Susin Streher ◽  
Pedro Joaquim Bergamo ◽  
Tia-Lynn Ashman ◽  
Marina Wolowski ◽  
Marlies Sazima

Abstract Co-flowering plant species may interact via pollinators leading to heterospecific pollen transfer with consequences for plant reproduction. What determines the severity of heterospecific pollen effect on conspecific pollen performance is unclear, but it may depend on the phylogenetic relatedness of the interactors (pollen donors and recipient). The heterospecific pollen effect might also depend on the extent to which plants are exposed to heterospecific pollen over ecological or evolutionary timescales. For instance, generalist-pollinated plant species might tolerate heterospecific pollen more than specialists. Here, we tested whether heterospecific pollen effects are stronger between closely related species than phylogenetically distant ones in a tropical highland community. Then, based on these results, we determined whether responses to heterospecific pollen were stronger in generalized vs. specialized plant species. We applied heterospecific pollen from close (congeneric) or distant (different families) donors alone or with conspecific pollen on stigmas of three recipient species (one generalist, Sisyrinchium wettsteinii; and two specialists, Fuchsia campos-portoi and Fuchsia regia) and scored pollen tube performance in styles. In all species, pollen from closely related donors grew pollen tubes to the base of the style indicating a high potential to interfere with seed set. Conversely, distantly related heterospecific pollen had no effect on either specialist Fuchsia species, whereas enhanced performance of conspecific pollen was observed in generalist S. wettsteinii. The strong effect of phylogenetic relatedness of donor and recipient might have obscured the role of pollination specialization, at least for the three species examined here. Therefore, phylogenetic relatedness mediated the effect of heterospecific pollen on post-pollination success, with possible consequences for reproductive trait evolution and community assembly for further studies to explore.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-217 ◽  
Juan Isaac Moreira-Hernández ◽  
Nathan Muchhala

Understanding how pollen moves between species is critical to understanding speciation, diversification, and evolution of flowering plants. For co-flowering species that share pollinators, competition through interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) can profoundly impact floral evolution, decreasing female fitness via heterospecific pollen deposition on stigmas and male fitness via pollen misplacement during visits to heterospecific flowers. The pollination literature demonstrates that such reproductive interference frequently selects for reproductive character displacement in floral traits linked to pollinator attraction, pollen placement, and mating systems and has also revealed that IPT between given pairs of species is typically asymmetric. More recent work is starting to elucidate its importance to the speciation process, clarifying the link between IPT and current and historical patterns of hybridization, the evolution of phenotypic novelty through adaptive introgression, and the rise of reproductive isolation. Our review aims to stimulate further research on IPT as a ubiquitous mechanism that plays a central role in angiosperm diversification.

2019 ◽  
Vol 180 (9) ◽  
pp. 987-995 ◽  
Juan Isaac Moreira-Hernández ◽  
Nicholas Terzich ◽  
Ricardo Zambrano-Cevallos ◽  
Nora H. Oleas ◽  
Nathan Muchhala

Rodriguésia ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-345 ◽  
Lorena Coutinho Nery da Fonseca ◽  
André Rodrigo Rech ◽  
Pedro Joaquim Bergamo ◽  
Vania Gonçalves-Esteves ◽  
Marlies Sazima

Abstract Hummingbirds are the most important group of pollinating birds in the Neotropics and tend to use, concomitantly, more than one plant species as food source. Pollen may be mixed on hummingbirds' body due to the visits to different plant species; therefore, these birds may promote heterospecific pollen deposition (HPD). The hummingbirds potential to promote HPD, the occurrence of HPD and its implications in plant reproduction are scarcely known in the Atlantic Forest. We have studied the transport of pollen by three hummingbird species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We have also checked the actual HPD occurrence under natural conditions in two plant species, namely Canistropsis seidelii and Psychotria nuda. Moreover, we investigated Nidularium innocentii reproductive system evaluating the effect of HPD on its reproduction by simulating a pollen mixture pollination. We found hummingbirds transporting heterospecific pollen mixtures on their bodies, which in turn were deposited onto stigmas of different species. We have also found that mixed pollen deposition had negative effect on the fitness of N. innocentii. We conclude that hummingbirds carry pollen mixtures at the same body parts, leading to potential HPD at the community level. Moreover, hummingbird-plant communities in the Atlantic Rainforest show remarkable similarities in temporal organization and interaction pattern. This suggests that HPD may be a widespread phenomena in these communities.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 130-139
Valérie Cawoy ◽  
Mathieu Jonard ◽  
Carolin Mayer ◽  
Anne-Laure Jacquemart

In invasion ecology, potential impacts of aliens on native flora are still under debate. Our aim was to determine the pollinator mediated effects of both proximity and abundance of an alien species on the reproductive success of natives. We chose the highly invasive Impatiens glandulifera and two native species: Epilobium angustifolium and Aconitum napellus ssp. lusitanicum. These species share characteristics allowing for pollination interactions: similar biotopes, overlapping flowering periods and same main pollinators. The effects of abundance (5, 25 and 100 individuals) and proximity (0 and 15 m) of the alien on visitation rate, insect behaviour, pollen deposition and reproductive success of both natives were investigated during 2 flowering seasons. We used centred visitation rates as they can be directly interpreted as a positive or negative effect of the invasive.Both abundance and proximity of the alien increased bumblebee visitation rates to both natives. On the other hand, abundance of the exotic species had a slight negative effect on honeybee visits to natives while its proximity had no effect. The behaviour of bumblebees changed as visitors left significantly more often the native plants for I. glandulifera when its abundance increased. As a consequence of this “inconstancy”, bees deposited considerable quantities of alien pollen on native stigmas. Nevertheless, this interspecific pollen transfer did not decrease seed set in natives. Self-compatibility and high attractiveness of both native species probably alleviate the risk of altered pollinator services and reproductive success due to the invader in natural populations.

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