Group Vulnerability, Asymmetrical Balance, and Multicultural Recognition

Ratio Juris ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 469-484 ◽  
Fabio Macioce
2021 ◽  
Vol 341 ◽  
pp. 00011
Vladimir Zhulay ◽  
Yuriy Ustinov ◽  
Vitaliy Tyunin ◽  
Aleksey Shchienkо

The problems of determining the parameters of a traction machine’s wheel mover with a locked asymmetrical balance bar operation, taking into account the kinematic mismatch arising from the redistribution of the vertical reactions at the driving wheels due to off-center pushing force, have been considered. An algorithm for calculating traction and braking forces, as well as drive wheels’ slippage and skid of an asymmetric balance bar based on their traction balance and the condition of equal actual speeds under a variable vertical load, have been presented. As a result of research it has been found that the greatest additional loads in the drive and tire wear of the wheel mover with a locked asymmetric balance bar will occur when it moves in transport mode on a support surface with high traction properties.

Motor Control ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-167
Yuko Kuramatsu ◽  
Yuji Yamamoto ◽  
Shin-Ichi Izumi

This study investigated the sensorimotor strategies for dynamic balance control in individuals with stroke by restricting sensory input that might influence task accomplishment. Sit-to-stand movements were performed with restricted vision by participants with hemiparesis and healthy controls. The authors evaluated the variability in the position of participants’ center of mass and velocity, and the center-of-pressure position, in each orthogonal direction at the lift-off point. When vision was restricted, the variability in the mediolateral center-of-pressure position decreased significantly in individuals with hemiparesis, but not in healthy controls. Participants with hemiparesis adopted strategies that explicitly differed from those used by healthy individuals. Variability may be decreased in the direction that most requires accuracy. Individuals with hemiparesis have been reported to have asymmetrical balance deficits, and that meant they had to prioritize mediolateral motion control to prevent falling. This study suggests that individuals with hemiparesis adopt strategies appropriate to their characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Sri Sundari ◽  
Yulimarni Yulimarni

<p>The study was conducted aiming to find the aesthetic values that exist in the mosque building ornament in the city of Padang. The development and spirit of changing times has accompanied the development of the Mosque in Padang City, not only in the function and role of the Mosque, but also seen from the model of the mosque building and ornaments attached to the building. To achieve this goal the approach used in this paper is the aesthetic approach, and multi-disciplinary approach. The aesthetic value of mosque building ornaments can be viewed through the quality structures that make up beauty; first, unity; that each element in the mosque's ornament is a unified and mutually supportive unit, summarized in the quality of art consisting of rhythm, lines and shapes. Second, harmony (harmony); placement of motifs on the mosque building shows harmony by considering the balance between the shape of the motif with the field of placement. Third; symmetry; Almost all the ornaments contained in the mosque building contain symmetrical elements in vertical and horizontal forms. Symmetry can be seen in the motif lines and also the building lines themselves. Fourth; balance (balance); Mosque ornaments in the city of Padang, has three types of balance, namely; symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and centering balance. And the fifth resistance (contras); the contrast does not only occur because of differences in the size of the motif, the contrast can also be seen from the shape and color of the ornament attached to the mosque building.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Sri Sundari ◽  
Yulimarni Yulimarni

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>The study was conducted aiming to find the aesthetic values that exist in the mosque building ornament in the city of Padang. The development and spirit of changing times has accompanied the development of the Mosque in Padang City, not only in the function and role of the Mosque, but also seen from the model of the mosque building and ornaments attached to the building. To achieve this goal the approach used in this paper is the aesthetic approach, and multi-disciplinary approach. The aesthetic value of mosque building ornaments can be viewed through the quality structures that make up beauty; first, unity; that each element in the mosque's ornament is a unified and mutually supportive unit, summarized in the quality of art consisting of rhythm, lines and shapes. Second, harmony (harmony); placement of motifs on the mosque building shows harmony by considering the balance between the shape of the motif with the field of placement. Third; symmetry; Almost all the ornaments contained in the mosque building contain symmetrical elements in vertical and horizontal forms. Symmetry can be seen in the motif lines and also the building lines themselves. Fourth; balance (balance); Mosque ornaments in the city of Padang, has three types of balance, namely; symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and centering balance. And the fifth resistance (contras); the contrast does not only occur because of differences in the size of the motif, the contrast can also be seen from the shape and color of the ornament attached to the mosque building.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords :</em></strong><em> Aesthetic, Ornaments, Mosque</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><em>Penelitian dilakukan ber</em><em>tujuan </em><em>untuk me</em><em>nemukan </em><em>nilai-nilai</em><em> estetik </em><em>yang ada pada </em><em>ornament b</em><em>angunan Masjid di Kota Padang</em><em>. P</em><em>erkembangan dan semangat zaman yang berubah telah mengiringi perkembangan Masjid di Kota Padang, tidak hanya dalam fungsi dan peran Masjid, tetapi juga terlihat dari model bangunan Masjid dan ornamen yang melekat pada bangunannya.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut p</em><em>endekatan yang digunakan dalam </em><em>tulisan</em><em> ini adalah pendekatan estetika, dan pendekatan multi disiplin.</em><em> </em><em>Nilai estetik ornamen bangunan </em><em>M</em><em>asjid dapat ditinjau melalui struktur kualitas pembentuk keindahan; pertama, kesatuan (unity); </em><em>bahwa s</em><em>etiap unsur dalam ornamen Masjid merupakan satu kesatuan yang utuh dan saling mendukung, yang terangkum dalam kualitas seni yang terdiri dari irama, garis dan bentuk. </em><em>Kedua, keselarasan (harmony); penempatan motif pada bangunan Masjid menunjukan keselarasan dengan mempertimbangkan keseimbangan antara bentuk motif dengan bidang penempatannya. Ketiga; kesetangkupan (symetry); </em><em>Hampir semua ornamen yang terdapat pada bangunan Masjid mengandung unsur simetris dalam bentuk vertikal maupun horizontal. Simetri dapat terlihat pada garis motif dan juga garis bangunan itu sendiri.</em><em> </em><em>Keempat; keseimbangan (balance); ornamen bangunan Masjid di kota Padang, memiliki tiga jenis keseimbangan yaitu; keseimbangan simetris, keseimbangan asimetris, dan keseimbangan memusat. Dan kelima perlawanan (contras); k</em><em>ontras tidak hanya terjadi karena perbedaan ukuran </em><em>motif </em><em>saja, </em><em>kontras </em><em>juga </em><em>terlihat dari</em><em> bentuk dan warna ornament yang melekat pada bangunan Masjid.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci </em></strong><em>: Estetik, Ornamen, Masjid</em>

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 324
Anak Agung Gde Bagus Udayana

Women aesthetics that are visualized in the billboard advertisement of Pundi Bank is a strategic activity to persuade consumer or society. This is intended to see the picture of female aesthetics and its significance in contemporary society through the billboard advertisement of Pundi Bank by identifying the signs contained. The method that is used in this study is semiotics. Semiotics is essentially a qualitative interpretative (interpretation) method that focuses on sign and text as a study object as well as on how researchers interpret and understand the code (decoding) of the sign and the text. This study gives the aesthetic female image presented in the ad message it appears to be of the election of the visual communication element, It’s like photographic illustration, text, and color. The elements are arranged in such a harmony with the use of asymmetrical balance, making it look more attractive with a protrusion on the photographic illustration. The meaning that is delivered by Pundi Bank from this advertisement is a reflection of women’s lifestyle reality in contemporary society. Furthermore, this advertisement is formed by many icons in which it can be interpreted as a symbol of contemporary woman. Besides that, Pundi Bank advertisement also has a construction of social reality which can be seen as denotative and connotative meaning.Estetika perempuan yang divisuliasasikan dalam iklan billboard bank Pundi merupakan kegiatan yang strategis untuk mampu mempersuasif masyarakat konsumen. Tujuannya agar gambaran tentang estetika perempuan dan makna perempuan dalam masyarakat kontemporer yang ditampilkan oleh bank Pundi melalui iklan billboardnya dengan cara mengidenfikasi tanda-tanda yang terdapat dalam iklan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode semiotika. Metode semiotika pada dasarnya bersifat kualitatif interpretatif (interpretation), yaitu sebuah metode yang memfokuskan pada tanda dan teks sebagai objek kajiannya, serta bagaimana peneliti menafsirkan dan memahami kode (decoding) dibalik tanda dan teks tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran estetika perempuan dihadirkan dalam pesan iklan itu tampak dari pemilihan unsur-unsur komunikasi visualnya, seperti ilustrasi fotografi, teks, dan warnanya. Unsur-unsur tersebut ditata sedemikian rupa secara harmonis dengan menggunakan keseimbangan asimetris, menjadikannya nampak lebih menarik dengan penonjolan pada ilustrasi fotografinya. Makna yang diciptkan iklan bank Pundi merupakan cerminan realita gaya hidup perempuan pada masyarakat kontemporer. Iklan bank Pundi juga banyak terbentuk oleh ikon-ikon yang dapat dimaknai sebagai simbul perempuan kekinian. Iklan bank Pundi juga memiliki konstruksi realitas sosial yang dapat dimaknai sebagai makna Denotatif dan Konotatif.

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