Rewiew of Fracture and Fatigue in Ceramic Matrix Composites

2000 ◽  
Vol 53 (6) ◽  
pp. 147-174 ◽  
Victor Birman ◽  
Larry W. Byrd

A review of recent developments and state-of-the-art in research and understanding of damage and fatigue of ceramic matrix composites is presented. Both laminated as well as woven configurations are considered. The work on the effects of high temperature on fracture and fatigue of ceramic matrix composites is emphasized, because these materials are usually designed to operate in hostile environments. Based on a detailed discussion of the mechanisms of failure, the problems that have to be addressed for a successful implementation of ceramic matrix composites in design and practical operational structures are outlined. This review article includes 317 references.

2010 ◽  
Vol 434-435 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Cengiz Kaya

Recent developments in the processing, understanding and mechanical/thermomechanical properties of oxide fibre reinforced oxide ceramic matrix composites for high temperature applications are reported. Two dimensional composite plates and uni-directional tubular composite (so called mini-composite) specimens are successfully manufactured and their microstructure, matrix/ fiber interface as well as mechanical properties are examined. It is shown that the microstructural variations, such as porosity size and interface between fibre and matrix determine the fracture behaviour and high temperature performance of the composites. The optimised components produced are considered to be suitable for gas turbine applications.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 457
Kar Fei Chan ◽  
Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zaid ◽  
Md Shuhazlly Mamat ◽  
Shahira Liza ◽  
Masaki Tanemura ◽  

Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are well-established composites applied on commercial, laboratory, and even industrial scales, including pottery for decoration, glass–ceramics-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs), commercial cooking utensils, high-temperature laboratory instruments, industrial catalytic reactors, and engine turbine blades. Despite the extensive applications of CMCs, researchers had to deal with their brittleness, low electrical conductivity, and low thermal properties. The use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as reinforcement is an effective and efficient method to tailor the ceramic structure at the nanoscale, which provides considerable practicability in the fabrication of highly functional CMC materials. This article provides a comprehensive review of CNTs-reinforced CMC materials (CNTs-CMCs). We critically examined the notable challenges during the synthesis of CNTs-CMCs. Five CNT dispersion processes were elucidated with a comparative study of the established research for the homogeneity distribution in the CMCs and the enhanced properties. We also discussed the effect of densification techniques on the properties of CNTs-CMCs. Additionally, we synopsized the outstanding microstructural and functional properties of CNTs in the CNTs-CMCs, namely stimulated ceramic crystallization, high thermal conductivity, bandgap reduction, and improved mechanical toughness. We also addressed the fundamental insights for the future technological maturation and advancement of CNTs-CMCs.

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