scholarly journals ABC Transporters Required for Hexose Uptake byClostridium phytofermentans

2019 ◽  
Vol 201 (15) ◽  
Tristan Cerisy ◽  
Alba Iglesias ◽  
William Rostain ◽  
Magali Boutard ◽  
Christine Pelle ◽  

ABSTRACTThe mechanisms by which bacteria uptake solutes across the cell membrane broadly impact their cellular energetics. Here, we use functional genomic, genetic, and biophysical approaches to reveal howClostridium(Lachnoclostridium)phytofermentans, a model bacterium that ferments lignocellulosic biomass, uptakes plant hexoses using highly specific, nonredundant ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. We analyze the transcription patterns of its 173 annotated sugar transporter genes to find those upregulated on specific carbon sources. Inactivation of these genes reveals that individual ABC transporters are required for uptake of hexoses and hexo-oligosaccharides and that distinct ABC transporters are used for oligosaccharides versus their constituent monomers. The thermodynamics of sugar binding shows that substrate specificity of these transporters is encoded by the extracellular solute-binding subunit. As sugars are not phosphorylated during ABC transport, we identify intracellular hexokinases based onin vitroactivities. These mechanisms used byClostridiato uptake plant hexoses are key to understanding soil and intestinal microbiomes and to engineer strains for industrial transformation of lignocellulose.IMPORTANCEPlant-fermentingClostridiaare anaerobic bacteria that recycle plant matter in soil and promote human health by fermenting dietary fiber in the intestine.Clostridiadegrade plant biomass using extracellular enzymes and then uptake the liberated sugars for fermentation. The main sugars in plant biomass are hexoses, and here, we identify how hexoses are taken in to the cell by the model organismClostridium phytofermentans. We show that this bacterium uptakes hexoses using a set of highly specific, nonredundant ABC transporters. Once in the cell, the hexoses are phosphorylated by intracellular hexokinases. This study provides insight into the functioning of abundant members of soil and intestinal microbiomes and identifies gene targets to engineer strains for industrial lignocellulosic fermentation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 79 (4) ◽  
pp. 1316-1324 ◽  
Joost van den Brink ◽  
Gonny C. J. van Muiswinkel ◽  
Bart Theelen ◽  
Sandra W. A. Hinz ◽  
Ronald P. de Vries

ABSTRACTRapid and efficient enzymatic degradation of plant biomass into fermentable sugars is a major challenge for the sustainable production of biochemicals and biofuels. Enzymes that are more thermostable (up to 70°C) use shorter reaction times for the complete saccharification of plant polysaccharides compared to hydrolytic enzymes of mesophilic fungi such asTrichodermaandAspergillusspecies. The genusMyceliophthoracontains four thermophilic fungi producing industrially relevant thermostable enzymes. Within this genus, isolates belonging toM. heterothallicawere recently separated from the well-described speciesM. thermophila. We evaluate here the potential ofM. heterothallicaisolates to produce efficient enzyme mixtures for biomass degradation. Compared to the other thermophilicMyceliophthoraspecies, isolates belonging toM. heterothallicaandM. thermophilagrew faster on pretreated spruce, wheat straw, and giant reed. According to their protein profiles andin vitroassays after growth on wheat straw, (hemi-)cellulolytic activities differed strongly betweenM. thermophilaandM. heterothallicaisolates. Compared toM. thermophila,M. heterothallicaisolates were better in releasing sugars from mildly pretreated wheat straw (with 5% HCl) with a high content of xylan. The high levels of residual xylobiose revealed that enzyme mixtures ofMyceliophthoraspecies lack sufficient β-xylosidase activity. Sexual crossing of twoM. heterothallicashowed that progenies had a large genetic and physiological diversity. In the future, this will allow further improvement of the plant biomass-degrading enzyme mixtures ofM. heterothallica.

2019 ◽  
Vol 202 (5) ◽  
Zdeněk Knejzlík ◽  
Klára Herkommerová ◽  
Dana Hocková ◽  
Iva Pichová

ABSTRACT Purine metabolism plays a ubiquitous role in the physiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacteria. The purine salvage enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) is essential for M. tuberculosis growth in vitro; however, its precise role in M. tuberculosis physiology is unclear. Membrane-permeable prodrugs of specifically designed HGPRT inhibitors arrest the growth of M. tuberculosis and represent potential new antituberculosis compounds. Here, we investigated the purine salvage pathway in the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis. Using genomic deletion analysis, we confirmed that HGPRT is the only guanine and hypoxanthine salvage enzyme in M. smegmatis but is not required for in vitro growth of this mycobacterium or survival under long-term stationary-phase conditions. We also found that prodrugs of M. tuberculosis HGPRT inhibitors displayed an unexpected antimicrobial activity against M. smegmatis that is independent of HGPRT. Our data point to a different mode of mechanism of action for these inhibitors than was originally proposed. IMPORTANCE Purine bases, released by the hydrolytic and phosphorolytic degradation of nucleic acids and nucleotides, can be salvaged and recycled. The hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT), which catalyzes the formation of guanosine-5′-monophosphate from guanine and inosine-5′-monophosphate from hypoxanthine, represents a potential target for specific inhibitor development. Deletion of the HGPRT gene (Δhgprt) in the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis confirmed that this enzyme is not essential for M. smegmatis growth. Prodrugs of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANPs), originally designed against HGPRT from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, displayed anti-M. smegmatis activities comparable to those obtained for M. tuberculosis but also inhibited the Δhgprt M. smegmatis strain. These results confirmed that ANPs act in M. smegmatis by a mechanism independent of HGPRT.

mBio ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
Nicolas Kint ◽  
Carolina Alves Feliciano ◽  
Maria C. Martins ◽  
Claire Morvan ◽  
Susana F. Fernandes ◽  

ABSTRACT Clostridioides difficile is a major cause of diarrhea associated with antibiotherapy. After germination of C. difficile spores in the small intestine, vegetative cells are exposed to low oxygen (O2) tensions. While considered strictly anaerobic, C. difficile is able to grow in nonstrict anaerobic conditions (1 to 3% O2) and tolerates brief air exposure indicating that this bacterium harbors an arsenal of proteins involved in O2 detoxification and/or protection. Tolerance of C. difficile to low O2 tensions requires the presence of the alternative sigma factor, σB, involved in the general stress response. Among the genes positively controlled by σB, four encode proteins likely involved in O2 detoxification: two flavodiiron proteins (FdpA and FdpF) and two reverse rubrerythrins (revRbr1 and revRbr2). As previously observed for FdpF, we showed that both purified revRbr1 and revRbr2 harbor NADH-linked O2- and H2O2-reductase activities in vitro, while purified FdpA mainly acts as an O2-reductase. The growth of a fdpA mutant is affected at 0.4% O2, while inactivation of both revRbrs leads to a growth defect above 0.1% O2. O2-reductase activities of these different proteins are additive since the quadruple mutant displays a stronger phenotype when exposed to low O2 tensions compared to the triple mutants. Our results demonstrate a key role for revRbrs, FdpF, and FdpA proteins in the ability of C. difficile to grow in the presence of physiological O2 tensions such as those encountered in the colon. IMPORTANCE Although the gastrointestinal tract is regarded as mainly anoxic, low O2 tension is present in the gut and tends to increase following antibiotic-induced disruption of the host microbiota. Two decreasing O2 gradients are observed, a longitudinal one from the small to the large intestine and a second one from the intestinal epithelium toward the colon lumen. Thus, O2 concentration fluctuations within the gastrointestinal tract are a challenge for anaerobic bacteria such as C. difficile. This enteropathogen has developed efficient strategies to detoxify O2. In this work, we identified reverse rubrerythrins and flavodiiron proteins as key actors for O2 tolerance in C. difficile. These enzymes are responsible for the reduction of O2 protecting C. difficile vegetative cells from associated damages. Original and complex detoxification pathways involving O2-reductases are crucial in the ability of C. difficile to tolerate O2 and survive to O2 concentrations encountered in the gastrointestinal tract.

mSphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Jeffrey M. Flynn ◽  
Lydia C. Cameron ◽  
Talia D. Wiggen ◽  
Jordan M. Dunitz ◽  
William R. Harcombe ◽  

ABSTRACT A critical limitation in the management of chronic polymicrobial infections is the lack of correlation between antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) and patient responses to therapy. Underlying this disconnect is our inability to accurately recapitulate the in vivo environment and complex polymicrobial communities in vitro. However, emerging evidence suggests that, if modeled and tested accurately, interspecies relationships can be exploited by conventional antibiotics predicted to be ineffective by standard AST. As an example, under conditions where Pseudomonas aeruginosa relies on cocolonizing organisms for nutrients (i.e., cross-feeding), multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa may be indirectly targeted by inhibiting the growth of its metabolic partners. While this has been shown in vitro using synthetic bacterial communities, the efficacy of a “weakest-link” approach to controlling host-associated polymicrobial infections has not yet been demonstrated. To test whether cross-feeding inhibition can be leveraged in clinically relevant contexts, we collected sputa from cystic fibrosis (CF) subjects and used enrichment culturing to isolate both P. aeruginosa and anaerobic bacteria from each sample. Predictably, both subpopulations showed various antibiotic susceptibilities when grown independently. However, when P. aeruginosa was cultured and treated under cooperative conditions in which it was dependent on anaerobic bacteria for nutrients, the growth of both the pathogen and the anaerobe was constrained despite their intrinsic antibiotic resistance profiles. These data demonstrate that the control of complex polymicrobial infections may be achieved by exploiting obligate or facultative interspecies relationships. Toward this end, in vitro susceptibility testing should evolve to more accurately reflect in vivo growth environments and microbial interactions found within them. IMPORTANCE Antibiotic efficacy achieved in vitro correlates poorly with clinical outcomes after treatment of chronic polymicrobial diseases; if a pathogen demonstrates susceptibility to a given antibiotic in the lab, that compound is often ineffective when administered clinically. Conversely, if a pathogen is resistant in vitro, patient treatment with that same compound can elicit a positive response. This discordance suggests that the in vivo growth environment impacts pathogen antibiotic susceptibility. Indeed, here we demonstrate that interspecies relationships among microbiotas in the sputa of cystic fibrosis patients can be targeted to indirectly inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The therapeutic implication is that control of chronic lung infections may be achieved by exploiting obligate or facultative relationships among airway bacterial community members. This strategy is particularly relevant for pathogens harboring intrinsic multidrug resistance and is broadly applicable to chronic polymicrobial airway, wound, and intra-abdominal infections.

2018 ◽  
Vol 200 (17) ◽  
Olga Ramaniuk ◽  
Martin Převorovský ◽  
Jiří Pospíšil ◽  
Dragana Vítovská ◽  
Olga Kofroňová ◽  

ABSTRACTThe σIsigma factor fromBacillus subtilisis a σ factor associated with RNA polymerase (RNAP) that was previously implicated in adaptation of the cell to elevated temperature. Here, we provide a comprehensive characterization of this transcriptional regulator. By transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) of wild-type (wt) and σI-null strains at 37°C and 52°C, we identified ∼130 genes affected by the absence of σI. Further analysis revealed that the majority of these genes were affected indirectly by σI. The σIregulon, i.e., the genes directly regulated by σI, consists of 16 genes, of which eight (thedhbandykuoperons) are involved in iron metabolism. The involvement of σIin iron metabolism was confirmed phenotypically. Next, we set up anin vitrotranscription system and defined and experimentally validated the promoter sequence logo that, in addition to −35 and −10 regions, also contains extended −35 and −10 motifs. Thus, σI-dependent promoters are relatively information rich in comparison with most other promoters. In summary, this study supplies information about the least-explored σ factor from the industrially important model organismB. subtilis.IMPORTANCEIn bacteria, σ factors are essential for transcription initiation. Knowledge about their regulons (i.e., genes transcribed from promoters dependent on these σ factors) is the key for understanding how bacteria cope with the changing environment and could be instrumental for biotechnologically motivated rewiring of gene expression. Here, we characterize the σIregulon from the industrially important model Gram-positive bacteriumBacillus subtilis. We reveal that σIaffects expression of ∼130 genes, of which 16 are directly regulated by σI, including genes encoding proteins involved in iron homeostasis. Detailed analysis of promoter elements then identifies unique sequences important for σI-dependent transcription. This study thus provides a comprehensive view on this underexplored component of theB. subtilistranscription machinery.

2011 ◽  
Vol 77 (21) ◽  
pp. 7715-7720 ◽  
Laure Weisskopf ◽  
Stefanie Heller ◽  
Leo Eberl

ABSTRACTThe formation of cluster roots by plants represents a highly efficient strategy for acquisition of sparingly available phosphate. This particular root type is characterized by a densely branched structure and high exudation of organic acids and protons, which are likely to influence the resident bacterial community. Until now, the identity of the bacterial populations living in cluster roots has not been investigated. We applied cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent methods to characterize the dominant bacterial genera inhabiting the growing cluster roots of white lupin. We observed a high relative abundance ofBurkholderiaspecies (up to 58% of all isolated strains and 44% of all retrieved 16S rRNA sequences) and a significant enrichment with increasing cluster root age. Most of the sequences retrieved clustered together with known plant- or fungus-associatedBurkholderiaspecies, while only one of 98 sequences was affiliated with theBurkholderia cepaciacomplex.In vitroassays revealed thatBurkholderiastrains were much more tolerant to low pH than non-Burkholderiastrains. Moreover, many strains produced large amounts of siderophores and were able to utilize citrate and oxalate as carbon sources. These features seem to represent important traits for the successful colonization and maintenance ofBurkholderiaspecies in white lupin cluster roots.

2015 ◽  
Vol 81 (16) ◽  
pp. 5477-5485 ◽  
Haythem Latif ◽  
Merve Sahin ◽  
Janna Tarasova ◽  
Yekaterina Tarasova ◽  
Vasiliy A. Portnoy ◽  

ABSTRACTThermotoga maritimais a hyperthermophilic anaerobe that utilizes a vast network of ABC transporters to efficiently metabolize a variety of carbon sources to produce hydrogen. For unknown reasons, this organism does not metabolize glucose as readily as it does glucose di- and polysaccharides. The leading hypothesis implicates the thermolability of glucose at the physiological temperatures at whichT. maritimalives. After a 25-day laboratory evolution, phenotypes were observed with growth rates up to 1.4 times higher than and glucose utilization rates exceeding 50% those of the wild type. Genome resequencing revealed mutations in evolved cultures related to glucose-responsive ABC transporters. The native glucose ABC transporter, GluEFK, has more abundant transcripts either as a result of gene duplication-amplification or through mutations to the operator sequence regulating this operon. Conversely, BglEFGKL, a transporter of beta-glucosides, is substantially downregulated due to a nonsense mutation to the solute binding protein or due to a deletion of the upstream promoter. Analysis of the ABC2 uptake porter families for carbohydrate and peptide transport revealed that the solute binding protein, often among the transcripts detected at the highest levels, is predominantly downregulated in the evolved cultures, while the membrane-spanning domain and nucleotide binding components are less varied. Similar trends were observed in evolved strains grown on glycerol, a substrate that is not dependent on ABC transporters. Therefore, improved growth on glucose is achieved through mutations favoring GluEFK expression over BglEFGKL, and in lieu of carbon catabolite repression, the ABC transporter network is modulated to achieve improved growth fitness.

2015 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 1080-1089 ◽  
Dorothee Tegtmeier ◽  
Claire L. Thompson ◽  
Christine Schauer ◽  
Andreas Brune

ABSTRACTThe gut microbiota of termites and cockroaches represents complex metabolic networks of many diverse microbial populations. The distinct microenvironmental conditions within the gut and possible interactions among the microorganisms make it essential to investigate how far the metabolic properties of pure cultures reflect their activities in their natural environment. We established the cockroachShelfordella lateralisas a gnotobiotic model and inoculated germfree nymphs with two bacterial strains isolated from the guts of conventional cockroaches. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that both strains specifically colonized the germfree hindgut. In diassociated cockroaches, the facultatively anaerobic strain EbSL (a new species ofEnterobacteriaceae) always outnumbered the obligately anaerobic strain FuSL (a close relative ofFusobacterium varium), irrespective of the sequence of inoculation, which showed that precolonization by facultatively anaerobic bacteria does not necessarily favor colonization by obligate anaerobes. Comparison of the fermentation products of the cultures formedin vitrowith those accumulatedin situindicated that the gut environment strongly affected the metabolic activities of both strains. The pure cultures formed the typical products of mixed-acid or butyrate fermentation, whereas the guts of gnotobiotic cockroaches accumulated mostly lactate and acetate. Similar shifts toward more-oxidized products were observed when the pure cultures were exposed to oxygen, which corroborated the strong effects of oxygen on the metabolic fluxes previously observed in termite guts. Oxygen microsensor profiles of the guts of germfree, gnotobiotic, and conventional cockroaches indicated that both gut tissue and microbiota contribute to oxygen consumption and suggest that the oxygen status influences the colonization success.

2011 ◽  
Vol 55 (5) ◽  
pp. 2398-2402 ◽  
Chau Minh Tran ◽  
Kaori Tanaka ◽  
Yuka Yamagishi ◽  
Takatsugu Goto ◽  
Hiroshige Mikamo ◽  

ABSTRACTWe evaluated thein vitroantianaerobic activity of razupenem (SMP-601, PTZ601), a new parenterally administered carbapenem, against 70 reference strains and 323 clinical isolates. Razupenem exhibited broad-spectrum activity against anaerobes, inhibiting most of the reference strains when used at a concentration of ≤1 μg/ml. Furthermore, it exhibited strong activity, comparable to those of other carbapenems (meropenem and doripenem), against clinically isolated non-fragilis Bacteroidesspp. (MIC90s of 2 μg/ml), with MIC90values of 0.06, 0.03, and 0.5 μg/ml againstPrevotellaspp.,Porphyromonasspp., andFusobacteriumspp., respectively. Clinical isolates of anaerobic Gram-positive cocci,Eggerthellaspp., andClostridiumspp. were highly susceptible to razupenem (MIC90s, 0.03 to 1 μg/ml).

Do Thi Binh Xuan Loc ◽  
Tran Van Tuan

Aspergillus niger is a mold commonly used in industrial production of many enzymes and organic acids. Because this fungus can produce different extracellular enzymes to degrade plant materials, it also causes the damages for some agricultural products at postharvest stages. In this study, we isolated a black mold strain named TL8 from a decayed dragon fruit. Based on morphological characteristics and the rDNA ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequence, the TL8 strain was identified as A. niger. The A. niger TL8 strain is able to use different carbon sources for the growth and decay the peel of dragon fruits in vitro. In order to establish the basis for future studies on the mechanism of plant material decomposition of the fungus, we have successfully transferred and expressed the GFP reporter gene in this A. niger strain using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method and the hygromycin resistance marker.

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