Journal of Bacteriology
Latest Publications





Published By American Society For Microbiology

1098-5530, 0021-9193

2022 ◽  
Jai Krishna Mahto ◽  
Neetu Neetu ◽  
Monica Sharma ◽  
Monika Dubey ◽  
Bhanu Prakash Vellanki ◽  

Biodegradation of terephthalate (TPA) is a highly desired catabolic process for the bacterial utilization of this Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) depolymerization product, but to date, the structure of terephthalate dioxygenase (TPDO), a Rieske oxygenase (RO) that catalyzes the dihydroxylation of TPA to a cis -diol is unavailable. In this study, we characterized the steady-state kinetics and first crystal structure of TPDO from Comamonas testosteroni KF1 (TPDO KF1 ). The TPDO KF1 exhibited the substrate specificity for TPA ( k cat / K m = 57 ± 9 mM −1 s −1 ). The TPDO KF1 structure harbors characteristics RO features as well as a unique catalytic domain that rationalizes the enzyme’s function. The docking and mutagenesis studies reveal that its substrate specificity to TPA is mediated by Arg309 and Arg390 residues, two residues positioned on opposite faces of the active site. Additionally, residue Gln300 is also proven to be crucial for the activity, its substitution to alanine decreases the activity ( k cat ) by 80%. Together, this study delineates the structural features that dictate the substrate recognition and specificity of TPDO. Importance The global plastic pollution has become the most pressing environmental issue. Recent studies on enzymes depolymerizing polyethylene terephthalate plastic into terephthalate (TPA) show some potential in tackling this. Microbial utilization of this released product, TPA is an emerging and promising strategy for waste-to-value creation. Research from the last decade has discovered terephthalate dioxygenase (TPDO), as being responsible for initiating the enzymatic degradation of TPA in a few Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of TPDO from Comamonas testosteroni KF1 and revealed that it possesses a unique catalytic domain featuring two basic residues in the active site to recognize TPA. Biochemical and mutagenesis studies demonstrated the crucial residues responsible for the substrate specificity of this enzyme.

2022 ◽  
Peter Zuber ◽  
Michiko M. Nakano ◽  
Jessica K. Kajfasz ◽  
José A. Lemos

The agent largely responsible for initiating dental caries, Streptococcus mutans produces acetoin dehydrogenase that is encoded by the adh operon. The operon consists of the adhA and B genes (E1 dehydrogenase), adhC (E2 lipoylated transacetylase), adhD (E3 dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase), and lplA (lipoyl ligase). Evidence is presented that AdhC interacts with SpxA2, a redox-sensitive transcription factor functioning in cell wall and oxidative stress responses. In-frame deletion mutations of adh genes conferred oxygen-dependent sensitivity to slightly alkaline pH (pH 7.2-7.6), within the range of values observed in human saliva. Growth defects were also observed when glucose or sucrose served as major carbon sources. A deletion of the adhC orthologous gene, acoC gene of Streptococcus gordonii , did not result in pH sensitivity or defective growth in glucose and sucrose. The defects observed in adh mutants were partially reversed by addition of pyruvate. Unlike most 2-oxoacid dehydrogenases, the E3 AdhD subunit bears an N-terminal lipoylation domain nearly identical to that of E2 AdhC. Changing the lipoyl domains of AdhC and AdhD by replacing the lipoate attachment residue, lysine to arginine, caused no significant reduction in pH sensitivity but the adhDK43R mutation eliminating the lipoylation site resulted in an observable growth defect in glucose medium. The adh mutations were partially suppressed by a deletion of rex , encoding an NAD + /NADH-sensing transcription factor that represses genes functioning in fermentation. spxA2 adh double mutants show synthetic growth restriction at elevated pH and upon ampicillin treatment. These results suggest a role for Adh in stress management in S. mutans . IMPORTANCE Dental caries is often initiated by Streptococcus mutans , which establishes a biofilm and a low pH environment on tooth enamel surfaces. The current study has uncovered vulnerabilities of S. mutans mutant strains that are unable to produce the enzyme complex, acetoin dehydrogenase (Adh). Such mutants are sensitive to modest increases in pH to 7.2-7.6, within the range of human saliva, while a mutant of a commensal Streptococcal species is resistant. The S. mutans adh strains are also defective in carbohydrate utilization and are hypersensitive to a cell wall-acting antibiotic. The studies suggest that Adh could be a potential target for interfering with S. mutans colonization of the oral environment.

2022 ◽  
Sandra Olenic ◽  
Fiona Buchanan ◽  
Jordyn VanPortfliet ◽  
Daniel Parrell ◽  
Lee Kroos

Intramembrane metalloproteases regulate diverse biological processes by cleaving membrane-associated substrates within the membrane or near its surface. SpoIVFB is an intramembrane metalloprotease of Bacillus subtilis that cleaves Pro-σ K during endosporulation. Intramembrane metalloproteases have a broadly conserved NPDG motif, which in the structure of an archaeal enzyme is located in a short loop that interrupts a transmembrane segment facing the active site. The aspartate residue of the NPDG motif acts as a ligand of the zinc ion involved in catalysis. The functions of other residues in the short loop are less well understood. We found that the predicted short loop of SpoIVFB contains two highly conserved proline residues, P132 of the NPDG motif and P135. Mutational analysis revealed that both proline residues are important for Pro-σ K cleavage in Escherichia coli engineered to synthesize the proteins. Substitutions for either residue also impaired Pro-σ K interaction with SpoIVFB in co-purification assays. Disulfide cross-linking experiments showed that the predicted short loop of SpoIVFB is in proximity to the Proregion of Pro-σ K . Alanine substitutions for N129 and P132 of the SpoIVFB NPDG motif reduced cross-linking between its predicted short loop and the Proregion more than a P135A substitution. Conversely, the SpoIVFB P135A substitution reduced Pro-σ K cleavage more than the N129A and P132A substitutions during sporulation of B. subtilis . We conclude that all three conserved residues of SpoIVFB are important for substrate interaction and cleavage, and we propose that P135 is necessary to position D137 to act as a zinc ligand. IMPORTANCE Intramembrane metalloproteases (IMMPs) function in numerous signaling pathways. Bacterial IMMPs govern stress responses, including sporulation of some species, thus enhancing the virulence and persistence of pathogens. Knowledge of IMMP-substrate interactions could aid therapeutic design, but structures of IMMP·substrate complexes are unknown. We examined interaction of the IMMP SpoIVFB with its substrate Pro-σ K , whose cleavage is required for Bacillus subtilis endosporulation. We found that conserved proline residues in a short loop predicted to interrupt a SpoIVFB transmembrane segment are important for Pro-σ K binding and cleavage. Corresponding residues of the Escherichia coli IMMP RseP have also been shown to be important for substrate interaction and cleavage, suggesting this is a broadly conserved feature of IMMPs, potentially suitable as a therapeutic target.

2022 ◽  
Lindsay A. Matthews ◽  
Lyle A. Simmons

DNA replication forks regularly encounter lesions or other impediments that result in a blockage to fork progression. PriA is one of the key proteins used by virtually all eubacteria to survive conditions that result in a blockage to replication fork movement. PriA directly binds stalled replication forks and initiates fork restart allowing for chromosomes to be fully duplicated under stressful conditions. We used a CRISPR-Cas gene editing approach to map PriA residues critical for surviving DNA damage induced by several antibiotics in B. subtilis . We find that the winged helix (WH) domain in B. subtilis PriA is critical for surviving DNA damage and participates in DNA binding. The critical in vivo function of the WH domain mapped to distinct surfaces that were also conserved among several Gram-positive human pathogens. In addition, we identified an amino acid linker neighboring the WH domain that is greatly extended in B. subtilis due to an insertion. Shortening this linker induced a hypersensitive phenotype to DNA damage, suggesting that its extended length is critical for efficient replication fork restart in vivo . Because the WH domain is dispensable in E. coli PriA, our findings demonstrate an important difference in the contribution of the WH domain during fork restart in B. subtilis . Further, with our results we suggest that this highly variable region in PriA could provide different functions across diverse bacterial organisms. IMPORTANCE PriA is an important protein found in virtually all bacteria that recognizes stalled replication forks orchestrating fork restart. PriA homologs contain a winged helix (WH) domain which is dispensable in E. coli and functions in a fork restart pathway that is not conserved outside of E. coli and closely related proteobacteria. We analyzed the importance of the WH domain and an associated linker in B. subtilis and found that both are critical for surviving DNA damage. This function mapped to a small motif at the C-terminal end of the WH domain, which is also conserved in pathogenic bacteria. The motif was not required for DNA binding and therefore may perform a novel function in the replication fork restart pathway.

2022 ◽  
Girija A. Bodhankar ◽  
Payman Tohidifar ◽  
Zachary L. Foust ◽  
George W. Ordal ◽  
Christopher V. Rao

Bacillus subtilis employs ten chemoreceptors to move in response to chemicals in its environment. While the sensing mechanisms have been determined for many attractants, little is known about the sensing mechanisms for repellents. In this work, we investigated phenol chemotaxis in B. subtilis . Phenol is an attractant at low, micromolar concentrations, and a repellent at high, millimolar concentrations. McpA was found to be the principal chemoreceptor governing the repellent response to phenol and other related aromatic compounds. In addition, the chemoreceptors McpC and HemAT were found to govern the attractant response to phenol and related compounds. Using chemoreceptor chimeras, McpA was found to sense phenol using its signaling domain rather than its sensing domain. These observations were substantiated in vitro, where direct binding of phenol to the signaling domain of McpA was observed using saturation-transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance. These results further advance our understanding of B. subtilis chemotaxis and further demonstrate that the signaling domain of B. subtilis chemoreceptors can directly sense chemoeffectors. IMPORTANCE Bacterial chemotaxis is commonly thought to employ a sensing mechanism involving the extracellular sensing domain of chemoreceptors. Some ligands, however, appear to be sensed by the signaling domain. Phenolic compounds, commonly found in soil and root exudates, provide environmental cues for soil microbes like Bacillus subtilis . We show that phenol is sensed both as an attractant and a repellent. While the mechanism for sensing phenol as an attractant is still unknown, we found that phenol is sensed as a repellent by the signaling domain of the chemoreceptor McpA. This study furthers our understanding of the unconventional sensing mechanisms employed by the B. subtilis chemotaxis pathway.

2022 ◽  
Michelle R. Scribner ◽  
Amelia C. Stephens ◽  
Justin L. Huong ◽  
Anthony R. Richardson ◽  
Vaughn S. Cooper

The evolution of bacterial populations during infections can be influenced by various factors including available nutrients, the immune system, and competing microbes, rendering it difficult to identify the specific forces that select on evolved traits. The genomes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from the airway of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), for example, have revealed commonly mutated genes, but which phenotypes led to their prevalence is often uncertain. Here, we focus on effects of nutritional components of the CF airway on genetic adaptations by P. aeruginosa grown in either well-mixed (planktonic) or biofilm-associated conditions. After only 80 generations of experimental evolution in a simple medium with glucose, lactate, and amino acids, all planktonic populations diversified into lineages with mutated genes common to CF infections: morA , encoding a regulator of biofilm formation, or lasR , encoding a quorum sensing regulator that modulates the expression of virulence factors. Although mutated quorum sensing is often thought to be selected in vivo due to altered virulence phenotypes or social cheating, isolates with lasR mutations demonstrated increased fitness when grown alone and outcompeted the ancestral PA14 strain. Nonsynonymous SNPs in morA increased fitness in a nutrient concentration-dependent manner during planktonic growth and surprisingly also increased biofilm production. Populations propagated in biofilm conditions also acquired mutations in loci associated with chronic infections, including lasR and cyclic-di-GMP regulators roeA and wspF . These findings demonstrate that nutrient conditions and biofilm selection are sufficient to select mutants with problematic clinical phenotypes including increased biofilm and altered quorum sensing. Importance Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces dangerous chronic infections that are known for their rapid diversification and recalcitrance to treatment. We performed evolution experiments to identify adaptations selected by two specific aspects of the CF respiratory environment: nutrient levels and surface attachment. Propagation of P. aeruginosa in nutrients present within the CF airway was sufficient to drive diversification into subpopulations with identical mutations in regulators of biofilm and quorum sensing to those arising during infection. Thus, the adaptation of opportunistic pathogens to nutrients found in the host may select mutants with phenotypes that complicate treatment and clearance of infection.

2022 ◽  
Tomokazu Ito ◽  
Honoka Ogawa ◽  
Hisashi Hemmi ◽  
Diana M. Downs ◽  
Tohru Yoshimura

The pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-binding protein (PLPBP) plays an important role in vitamin B 6 homeostasis. Loss of this protein in organisms such as Escherichia coli and humans disrupts the vitamin B 6 pool and induces intracellular accumulation of pyridoxine 5'-phosphate (PNP), which is normally undetectable in wild-type cells. The accumulated PNP could affect diverse metabolic systems through inhibition of some PLP-dependent enzymes. In this study, we investigated the as yet unclear mechanism of intracellular accumulation of PNP by the loss of PLPBP protein encoded by yggS in E. coli . Genetic studies using several PLPBP-deficient strains of E. coli lacking known enzyme(s) in the de novo or salvage pathway of vitamin B 6 , which includes pyridoxine (amine) 5'-phosphate oxidase (PNPO), PNP synthase, pyridoxal kinase, and pyridoxal reductase, demonstrated that neither the flux from the de novo pathway nor the salvage pathway solely contributed to the PNP accumulation caused by the PLPBP mutation. Studies with the strains lacking both PLPBP and PNPO suggested that PNP shares the same pool with PMP, and showed that PNP levels are impacted by PMP levels and vice versa . We show that disruption of PLPBP lead to perturb PMP homeostasis, which may result in PNP accumulation in the PLPBP-deficient strains. Importance A PLP-binding protein PLPBP from the conserved COG0325 family has recently been recognized as a key player in vitamin B 6 homeostasis in various organisms. Loss of PLPBP disrupts vitamin B 6 homeostasis and perturbs diverse metabolisms, including amino acid and α-keto acid metabolism. Accumulation of PNP is a characteristic phenotype of the PLPBP deficiency and is suggested to be a potential cause of the pleiotropic effects, but the mechanism of the PNP accumulation was poorly understood. In this study, we show that fluxes for PNP synthesis/metabolism are not responsible for the accumulation of PNP. Our results indicate that PLPBP is involved in the homeostasis of pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate, and its disruption may lead to the accumulation of PNP in PLPBP-deficiency.

2022 ◽  
Christopher Schubert ◽  
Gottfried Unden

The C4-dicarboxylates (C4-DC) L-aspartate and L-malate have been identified as playing an important role in the colonization of mammalian intestine by enteric bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium, and succinate as a signaling molecule for host–enteric bacteria interaction. Thus, endogenous and exogenous fumarate respiration and related functions are required for efficient initial growth of the bacteria. L-aspartate represents a major substrate for fumarate respiration in the intestine and a high-quality substrate for nitrogen assimilation. During nitrogen assimilation, DcuA catalyzes an L-aspartate/fumarate antiport and serves as a nitrogen shuttle for the net uptake of ammonium only, whereas DcuB acts as a redox shuttle that catalyzes the L-malate/succinate antiport during fumarate respiration. The C4-DC two-component system DcuS-DcuR is active in the intestine and responds to intestinal C4-DC levels. Moreover, in macrophages and in mice, succinate is a signal that promotes virulence and survival of S . Tm and pathogenic E. coli . On the other hand, intestinal succinate is an important signaling molecule for the host and activates response and protective programs. Therefore, C4-DCs play a major role in supporting colonization of enteric bacteria and as signaling molecules for the adaptation of host physiology.

2022 ◽  
Jessica E. Martyn ◽  
Giulia Pilla ◽  
Sarah Hollingshead ◽  
Kristoffer S. Winther ◽  
Susan Lea ◽  

Shigella sonnei is a major cause of bacillary dysentery, and of increasing concern due to the spread of multi-drug resistance. S. sonnei harbours pINV, a ∼ 210 kb plasmid that encodes a Type III secretion system (T3SS), which is essential for virulence. During growth in the laboratory, avirulence arises spontaneously in S. sonnei at high frequency, hampering studies on and vaccine development against this important pathogen. Here we investigated the molecular basis for the emergence of avirulence in S. sonnei , and show that avirulence mainly results from pINV loss, consistent with previous findings. Ancestral deletions have led to the loss from S. sonnei pINV of two toxin:antitoxin (TA) systems involved in plasmid maintenance, CcdAB and GmvAT, which are found on pINV in Shigella flexneri . We show that introduction of these TA systems into S. sonnei pINV reduced but did not eliminate pINV loss, while single amino acid polymorphisms found in the S. sonnei VapBC TA system compared with S. flexneri VapBC also contribute to pINV loss. Avirulence also results from deletions of T3SS-associated genes on pINV through recombination between insertion sequences (ISs) on the plasmid; these events differ from those observed in S. flexneri due to the different distribution and repertoire of ISs. Our findings demonstrate that TA systems and ISs influence plasmid dynamics and loss in S. sonnei , and could be exploited for the design and evaluation of vaccines. IMPORTANCE Shigella sonnei is the major cause of shigellosis in high-income and industrialising countries, and an emerging multi-drug resistant pathogen. A significant challenge when studying this bacterium is that it spontaneously becomes avirulent during growth in the laboratory, through loss of its virulence plasmid (pINV). Here we decipher the mechanisms leading to avirulence in S. sonnei and how the limited repertoire and amino acid sequences of plasmid-encoded toxin:antitoxin (TA) systems make the maintenance of pINV in this bacterium less efficient compared with Shigella flexneri . Our findings highlight how subtle differences in plasmids in closely-related species have marked effects and could be exploited to reduce plasmid loss in S. sonnei . This should facilitate research on this bacterium and vaccine development.

2021 ◽  
Melissa Mae Lamanna ◽  
Anthony T. Maurelli

How proteins move through space and time is a fundamental question in biology. While great strides have been made towards a mechanistic understanding of protein movement, many questions remain. We discuss the biological implications of motion in the context of the peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis machines. We review systems in several bacteria, including Escherichia coli , Bacillus subtilis , and Streptococcus pneumoniae , and present a comprehensive view of our current knowledge regarding movement dynamics. Discrepancies are also addressed since “one size does not fit all”. For bacteria to divide, new PG is synthesized and incorporated into the growing cell wall by complex multi-protein nanomachines consisting of PG synthases (transglycosylases [TG] and/or transpeptidases [TP]) as well as a variety of regulators and cytoskeletal factors. Advances in imaging capabilities and labeling methods have revealed that these machines are not static but rather circumferentially transit the cell via directed motion perpendicular to the long axis of model rod-shaped bacteria such as E. coli and B. subtilis . The enzymatic activity of the TG:TPs drives motion in some species, while motion is mediated by FtsZ treadmilling in others. In addition, both directed and diffusive motion of the PG synthases has been observed using single particle tracking technology. Here, we examine the biological role of diffusion regarding transit. Lastly, findings regarding the monofunctional transglycosylases (RodA and FtsW) as well as the Class A PG synthases are discussed. This minireview serves to showcase recent advances, broach mechanistic unknowns, and stimulate future areas of study.

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