Disruptive selection for sternopleural bristle phenotypes in Drosophila ananassae

Genome ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 54 (10) ◽  
pp. 845-851
Punita Nanda ◽  
Bashisth N. Singh

Disruptive selection is potentially critical in maintaining variation and initiating speciation and plays an important role in the organization of genetic variability in natural populations. It occurs when extreme phenotypes have a fitness advantage over intermediate phenotypes. Disruptive selection for high and low numbers of sternopleural bristles in Drosophila ananassae was applied for 12 generations to test its effect in induction of behavioural isolation. Pattern of mating between flies of high and low lines was tested in an Elens–Wattiaux mating chamber by using a multiple-choice technique after G5 and G12. Data was analyzed by calculating χ2 under the assumption of random mating to test the difference between homo- and heterogamic matings, and sexual isolation was tested by calculating the isolation estimate. The results show that there is no evidence for sexual isolation in G5 and G12. The realized heritability, standard error of regression coefficient, and t values suggest that disruptive selection for sternopleural bristle phenotypes was effective, but it does not lead to behavioral isolation in D. ananassae. Rather, it induces differences in mating propensity, which is influenced by sternopleural bristle phenotypes.

1972 ◽  
Vol 182 (1067) ◽  
pp. 109-143 ◽  

A population is exposed to disruptive selection if more than one phenotype has optimal fitness and intermediate phenotypes have lower fitnesses. Maintenance of the two or more optima may depend upon their relative fitnesses being frequency dependent. Such selection may be expected in two contrasting types of situation. First the two or more optimal phenotypes may depend on one another as do the two sexes in a bisexual species. Secondly the optima may be set by heterogeneity of the environment. Then we may think in terms of a mosaic of ecological niches or a clinal situation, and may expect that gene flow will tend to promote convergence of the sub-populations while disruptive selection tends to promote their divergence. Disruptive selection may therefore be relevant both to the evolution and maintenance of polymorphisms and to the divergence of parts of populations one from another, under the influence of variation of ecological conditions within the range of gametic and/or zygotic dispersal. Disruptive selection has been shown to be capable of increasing phenotypic and genetic variance, of producing and maintaining polymorphisms, of causing divergence of sub-populations between which substantial gene exchange occurs, and of splitting a population into two which are genetically isolated from one another. These results are reviewed and their relevance to natural populations discussed.

Genetika ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 273-288 ◽  
B.N. Singh ◽  
Seema Sisodia

Information about genetic structure and historical demography of natural populations is central to understanding how natural selection changes genomes. Drosophila ananassae is a widespread species occurring in geographically isolated or partially isolated populations and provides a unique opportunity to investigate population structure and molecular variation. D. ananassae and its closely related species serve as a widely used model in population and evolutionary genetics. The ananassae subgroup belongs to the melanogaster species group. This subgroup contains 22 described species distributed mainly throughout Southeast Asia, with some species expanding into northeastern Australia, South Pacific and Indian subcontinent and Africa. Within the ananassae subgroup, three species complexes-ananassae, bipectinata and ercepeae have been recognized based on male genital morphology. D. ananassae and its relatives have many advantages as a model of genetic differentiation and speciation. In this review, distribution, phylogenies, hybridization, sexual isolation among D. ananassae complex have been discussed. The complex of several cryptic island species provides a useful model for evolutionary studies dealing with the mechanisms of speciation.

2001 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-81 ◽  

Measures of association of genes at different loci (linkage disequilibrium) are widely used to determine whether the structure of natural populations is clonal or not, to map genes from population data, or to test for the homogeneity of response of molecular markers to background selection, for example. However, the usual definitions of parameters for gametic associations may not be suitable for all these purposes. In this paper, we derive the recursion equations for one- and two-locus identity probabilities in an infinite island model. We study the role of drift, gene flow, partial selfing and mutation model on the expected association of genes across loci. We define the ‘within-subpopulation identity disequilibrium’ as the difference between the joint two-locus probability of identity in state and the expected product of one-locus identity probabilities. We evaluate this parameter as a function of recombination rate, effective size, gene flow and selfing rate. Within-subpopulation identity disequilibrium attains maximum values for intermediate immigration rates, whatever the selfing rate. Moreover, identity disequilibrium may be very small, even for high selfing rates. We discuss the implications of these findings for the analysis of data from natural populations.

1966 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-312 ◽  
C. H. Waddington ◽  
E. Robertson

Starting from a genetically variable stock homo- or hemi-zygous for Bar two selection lines were set up, one selected for decreased sensitivity to the effect of larval temperature on eye size (‘canalization line’), the other for increased sensitivity (‘anti-canalization line’). In each generation a sample of larvae was grown at 25°C. throughout life and another sample at 25°C. for the first 48 hours, followed by 18°C. until emergence. In the canalization lines a selection was made of individuals (five males and five females out of 100) least affected by the temperature treatment and the anti-canalization line for a similar number most affected by the treatment. These ten males and females were allowed to mate at random and from the eggs produced random samples were then treated in the next generation in a similar manner in the two temperatures. Precise counts of facet numbers on the right eyes were made at generations 4 and 9 and it was clear that selection had been effective both in decreasing and increasing temperature sensitivity.The whole canalization line can be regarded as a population which has been subjected to disruptive selection for two different criteria: one (small eyes) being regarded as adaptive to the low-temperature regine or habitat; the other (large eyes) being regarded as adaptive to the high-temperature habitat. A similar type of analysis can be applied to the anti-canalization line in which, however, the selective values of the phenotype are regarded as reversed in value in the two habitats. The experimental procedure employed involved not only random mating between individuals selected according to these two criteria but also random allocation of the offspring of this panmictic population to the two habitats of the next generation. This corresponds to a natural population in which there is disruptive selection exerted by two different habitats but no habitat preferences exhibited by members of the population. Under these circumstances, in our experiments, disruptive selection produced only rather slight increases in phenotypic variance, which were rather larger in the anti-canalization than in the canalization lines. Possible reasons for the difference between this result and those reported by Thoday and Gibson are discussed, and it is suggested that an important reason may be the slowness of the response to selection in the first few generations in our lines.

Genetics ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 156 (1) ◽  
pp. 457-467 ◽  
Z W Luo ◽  
S H Tao ◽  
Z-B Zeng

Abstract Three approaches are proposed in this study for detecting or estimating linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a locus affecting quantitative genetic variation using the sample from random mating populations. It is shown that the disequilibrium over a wide range of circumstances may be detected with a power of 80% by using phenotypic records and marker genotypes of a few hundred individuals. Comparison of ANOVA and regression methods in this article to the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) shows that, given the genetic variance explained by the trait locus, the power of TDT depends on the trait allele frequency, whereas the power of ANOVA and regression analyses is relatively independent from the allelic frequency. The TDT method is more powerful when the trait allele frequency is low, but much less powerful when it is high. The likelihood analysis provides reliable estimation of the model parameters when the QTL variance is at least 10% of the phenotypic variance and the sample size of a few hundred is used. Potential use of these estimates in mapping the trait locus is also discussed.

Genetics ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 130 (3) ◽  
pp. 613-620 ◽  
J A McKenzie ◽  
A G Parker ◽  
J L Yen

Abstract Following mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfonate, selection in a susceptible strain with a concentration of the insecticide diazinon (0.0004%, w/v) above that required to kill 100% of the susceptible strain, the LC100 of that strain, resulted in a single gene response. The resultant four mutant resistant strains have equivalent physiological, genetical and biochemical profiles to a diazinon-resistant strain derived from a natural population and homozygous for the Rop-1 allele. Modification of the microsomal esterase E3 is responsible for resistance in each case. The Rop-1 locus maps approximately 4.4 map units proximal to bu on chromosome IV. Selection within the susceptible distribution, at a concentration of diazinon [0.0001% (w/v)] less than the LC100, resulted in a similar phenotypic response irrespective of whether the base population had been mutagenized. The responses were polygenically based, unique to each selection line and independent of Rop-1. The relevance of the results to selection for insecticide resistance in laboratory and natural populations is discussed.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1793
Justin Van Goor ◽  
Diane C. Shakes ◽  
Eric S. Haag

Parker, Baker, and Smith provided the first robust theory explaining why anisogamy evolves in parallel in multicellular organisms. Anisogamy sets the stage for the emergence of separate sexes, and for another phenomenon with which Parker is associated: sperm competition. In outcrossing taxa with separate sexes, Fisher proposed that the sex ratio will tend towards unity in large, randomly mating populations due to a fitness advantage that accrues in individuals of the rarer sex. This creates a vast excess of sperm over that required to fertilize all available eggs, and intense competition as a result. However, small, inbred populations can experience selection for skewed sex ratios. This is widely appreciated in haplodiploid organisms, in which females can control the sex ratio behaviorally. In this review, we discuss recent research in nematodes that has characterized the mechanisms underlying highly skewed sex ratios in fully diploid systems. These include self-fertile hermaphroditism and the adaptive elimination of sperm competition factors, facultative parthenogenesis, non-Mendelian meiotic oddities involving the sex chromosomes, and environmental sex determination. By connecting sex ratio evolution and sperm biology in surprising ways, these phenomena link two “seminal” contributions of G. A. Parker. 

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