scholarly journals Scaling behaviors of heavy flavor meson suppression and flow in different nuclear collision systems at the LHC

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
Shu-Qing Li ◽  
Wen-Jing Xing ◽  
Xiang-Yu Wu ◽  
Shanshan Cao ◽  
Guang-You Qin

AbstractWe explore the system size dependence of heavy-quark-QGP interaction by studying the heavy flavor meson suppression and elliptic flow in Pb–Pb, Xe–Xe, Ar–Ar and O–O collisions at the LHC. The space-time evolution of the QGP is simulated using a $$(3+1)$$ ( 3 + 1 ) -dimensional viscous hydrodynamic model, while the heavy-quark-QGP interaction is described by an improved Langevin approach that includes both collisional and radiative energy loss inside a thermal medium. Within this framework, we provides a reasonable description of the D meson suppression and flow coefficients in Pb–Pb collisions, as well as predictions for both D and B meson observables in other collision systems yet to be measured. We find a clear hierarchy for the heavy meson suppression with respect to the size of the colliding nuclei, while their elliptic flow coefficient relies on both the system size and the geometric anisotropy of the QGP. Sizable suppression and flow are predicted for both D and B mesons in O–O collisions, which serve as a crucial bridge of jet quenching between large and small collision systems. Scaling behaviors between different collision systems are shown for heavy meson suppression factor and the bulk-eccentricity-rescaled heavy meson elliptic flow as functions of the number of participant nucleons in heavy-ion collisions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 417-445 ◽  
Xin Dong ◽  
Yen-Jie Lee ◽  
Ralf Rapp

The ultrarelativistic heavy-ion programs at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider have entered an era of quantitative analysis of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at high temperatures. The remarkable discovery of the strongly coupled quark–gluon plasma (sQGP), as deduced from its hydrodynamic behavior at long wavelengths, calls for probes that can reveal its inner workings. Charm- and bottom-hadron spectra offer unique insights into the transport properties and the microscopic structure of the QCD medium created in these collisions. At low momentum the Brownian motion of heavy quarks in the sQGP gives access to their diffusion constant, at intermediate momentum these quarks give insight into hadronization mechanisms, and at high momentum they are expected to merge into a radiative-energy loss regime. We review recent experimental and theoretical achievements on measuring a variety of heavy-flavor observables, characterizing the different regimes in momentum and extracting pertinent transport coefficients to unravel the structure of the sQGP and its hadronization.

2007 ◽  
Vol 783 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 493-496 ◽  
Simon Wicks ◽  
William Horowitz ◽  
Magdalena Djordjevic ◽  
Miklos Gyulassy

2018 ◽  
Vol 171 ◽  
pp. 01003
Rachid Nouicer

Hadrons conveying strange quarks or heavy quarks are essential probes of the hot and dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. With hidden strangeness, ϕ meson production and its transport in the nuclear medium have attracted high interest since its discovery. Heavy quark-antiquark pairs, like charmonium and bottomonium mesons, are mainly produced in initial hard scattering processes of partons. While some of the produced pairs form bound quarkonia, the vast majority hadronize into particles carrying open heavy flavor. In this context, the PHENIX collaboration carries out a comprehensive physics program which studies the ϕ meson production, and heavy flavor production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. In recent years, the PHENIX experiment upgraded the detector in installing silicon vertex tracker (VTX) at mid-rapidity region and forward silicon vertex tracker (FVTX) at the forward rapidity region. With these new upgrades, the experiment has collected large data samples, and enhanced the capability of heavy flavor measurements via precision tracking. This paper summarizes the latest PHENIX results concerning ϕ meson, open and closed charm and beauty heavy quark production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These results are presented as a function of rapidity, energy and system size, and their interpretation with respect to the current theoretical understanding.

Shuang Li ◽  
Jinfeng Liao

Abstract Heavy quark production provides a unique probe of the quark-gluon plasma transport properties in heavy ion collisions. Experimental observables like the nuclear modification factor $$R_\mathrm{AA}$$RAA and elliptic anisotropy $$v_\mathrm{2}$$v2 of heavy flavor mesons are sensitive to the heavy quark diffusion coefficient. There now exist an extensive set of such measurements, which allow a data-driven extraction of this coefficient. In this work, we make such an attempt within our recently developed heavy quark transport modeling framework (Langevin-transport with Gluon Radiation, LGR). A question of particular interest is the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient, for which we test a wide range of possibility and draw constraints by comparing relevant charm meson data with model results. We find that a relatively strong increase of diffusion coefficient from crossover temperature $$T_c$$Tc toward high temperature is preferred by data. We also make predictions for Bottom meson observables for further experimental tests.

2018 ◽  
Vol 98 (5) ◽  
Yi-Lun Du ◽  
Yayun He ◽  
Xin-Nian Wang ◽  
Hongxi Xing ◽  
Hong-Shi Zong

2000 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-69 ◽  
R. Baier ◽  
D. Schiff ◽  
B. G. Zakharov

▪ Abstract  We review the propagation of energetic partons in hot or cold QCD matter, as known from recent work. We summarize advances in the understanding of both collisional and radiative energy loss. Our emphasis is on radiative energy loss, which has very interesting properties that may help to detect the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions. We describe two different theoretical approaches, which lead to the same radiated gluon energy spectrum. The case of a longitudinally expanding QCD plasma is investigated. The energy lost by a jet with given opening angle is calculated with the aim of making predictions for the suppression (quenching) of hard jet production. Phenomenological implications for the difference between hot and cold matter are discussed. Numerical estimates of the loss suggest that it may be significantly greater in hot matter than in cold. This makes the magnitude of the radiative energy loss a remarkable signal for quark-gluon plasma formation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (07n08) ◽  
pp. 2123-2129 ◽  
X. M. ZHANG ◽  
D. C. ZHOU ◽  

We demonstrate by using Wiedemann's gluon radiative spectrum that heavy quark radiative energy loss spectrum can be factorized as the light quark radiative energy loss spectrum times a dead cone factor in the absence of medium effect. The availability of factorial approach with a dead cone approximation in medium is studied by Djordjevic-Gyulassy (D-G) and GLV (M.Gyulassy, P.Levai and I.Vitev) formulas. The numerical results show that the factorial method with a dead cone approximation is more suitable for charm quarks than bottom quarks at both RHIC and LHC energies.

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