Activation of CFTR Cl- conductance in polarized T84 cells by luminal extracellular ATP

1995 ◽  
Vol 268 (2) ◽  
pp. C425-C433 ◽  
M. J. Stutts ◽  
E. R. Lazarowski ◽  
A. M. Paradiso ◽  
R. C. Boucher

Luminal extracellular ATP evoked a bumetanide-sensitive short-circuit current in cultured T84 cell epithelia (90.2 +/- 18.2 microA/cm2 at 100 microM ATP, apparent 50% effective concentration, 11.5 microM). ATP appeared to increase the Cl- conductance of the apical membrane but not the driving force for Cl- secretion determined by basolateral membrane K+ conductance. Specifically, the magnitude of Cl- secretion stimulated by ATP was independent of basal current, and forskolin pretreatment abolished subsequent stimulation of Cl- secretion by ATP. Whereas ATP stimulated modest production of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) by T84 cells, ATP caused smaller increases in intracellular Ca2+ and inositol phosphate activities than the Ca(2+)-signaling Cl- secretagogue carbachol. An inhibitor of 5'-nucleotidase, alpha,beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-diphosphate, blocked most of the response to luminal ATP. The adenosine receptor antagonist 8-(p-sulfophenyl)theophylline blocked both the luminal ATP-dependent generation of cAMP and Cl- secretion when administered to the luminal but not submucosal bath. These results demonstrate that the Cl- secretion stimulated by luminal ATP is mediated by a A2-adenosine receptor located on the apical cell membrane. Thus metabolism of extracellular ATP to adenosine regulates the activity of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductor regulator (CFTR) in the apical membrane of polarized T84 cells.

1992 ◽  
Vol 263 (2) ◽  
pp. C348-C356 ◽  
L. L. Clarke ◽  
R. C. Boucher

Chloride secretion across cystic fibrosis (CF) airway epithelia is effectively regulated by pathways associated with intracellular Ca2+ metabolism, but not by mechanisms dependent on protein kinase A or C. In a search for therapeutically useful agonists, we investigated the effects of extracellular ATP on the Cl- secretory process in human normal and CF nasal epithelial cultures with double-barreled Cl- selective microelectrodes. When applied to the basolateral membrane of normal, but not CF, nasal epithelium, extracellular ATP (10(-4) M) stimulated a small increase in Cl- secretion that was primarily associated with a hyperpolarizing conductance in the basolateral membrane. In contrast, ATP applied to the apical (luminal) membrane of either normal or CF nasal epithelium stimulated a greater increase in Cl- secretion that was associated with activation of an apical membrane Cl- conductance. The increases in Cl- current and apical conductance were greater in CF tissues and attained maximal values similar to normal nasal epithelium. We conclude 1) that basolateral application of ATP indirectly induces Cl- secretion by activating a basolateral (K+) conductance and is an effective secretagogue only in normal nasal epithelium and 2) that luminally applied ATP is an effective Cl- secretagogue that activates the apical membrane Cl- conductance of normal and CF nasal epithelia to an equivalent level.

1992 ◽  
Vol 263 (6) ◽  
pp. C1190-C1199 ◽  
L. L. Clarke ◽  
A. M. Paradiso ◽  
R. C. Boucher

The mechanism by which receptors coupled to phospholipase C (PLC) induce Cl- secretion in amiloride-pretreated cultures of human nasal epithelial (HNE) cultures was investigated. Histamine (10(-4) M, basolateral administration) stimulated a rapid increase in equivalent short-circuit current, an index of Cl- secretion, that returned to baseline within 5 min. Intracellular recordings with double-barreled Cl(-)-selective microelectrodes showed that the apical and basolateral membrane potentials rapidly hyperpolarized, the fractional resistance of the apical membrane increased, and the transepithelial resistance decreased in response to histamine. Intracellular Cl- activity remained constant. Equivalent circuit analysis revealed that the early portion (< 0.9 min) of the Cl- secretory response was driven by an activation of a hyperpolarizing basolateral conductance, likely K+, whereas the later (> 0.9 min) phase of Cl- secretion reflects activation of the apical membrane Cl- conductance. Histamine raised intracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+i) measured by fura-2 in HNE with a potency similar to that observed for induction of Cl- secretion. Both intracellular release and plasma membrane influx pathways were identified, typical of receptor-mediated activation of PLC. The intracellular Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (15 microM), coupled with reduced bathing solution Ca2+, blunted the rise in Ca2+i and the net transepithelial Cl- secretory response to histamine. We conclude that 1) histamine induced Cl- secretion in HNE by a sequential mechanism: the rapid initial component reflects activation of the basolateral K+ conductance, and the later component reflects activation of an apical Cl- conductance; and 2) the level of Ca2+i may participate in the activation of both the basolateral and apical conductances.

1993 ◽  
Vol 265 (2) ◽  
pp. C422-C431 ◽  
T. W. Ecay ◽  
J. D. Valentich

Isoprenylated proteins function in the processes of signal transduction and membrane vesicle trafficking. To investigate the role of isoprenylated proteins in secretagogue-stimulated epithelial ion transport, we studied the effects of lovastatin, an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, on adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)- and Ca(2+)-stimulated Cl- secretion by monolayers of T84 colonic epithelial cells. Lovastatin reduces protein isoprenylation in many cell types. In T84 cells, lovastatin reversibly inhibits forskolin-stimulated equivalent short-circuit current (I(sc)eq) by 50% after 2 days of treatment. The concentration of lovastatin resulting in half-maximal effects on forskolin-stimulated I(sc)eq is consistent with inhibition of protein isoprenylation, and lovastatin effects on forskolin-stimulated I(sc)eq are not associated with inhibition of cholesterol or glycoprotein biosynthesis. Lovastatin blocks N6,2'-O-dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate- and ionomycin-stimulated Isc, suggesting that it inhibits a process beyond the stimulation of cAMP and Ca2+ second-messenger systems. In monolayers in which the basolateral membrane has been permeabilized with nystatin, lovastatin inhibits cAMP activation of a diphenylamine-2-carboxylate-sensitive, apical membrane Cl- conductance. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that an isoprenylated protein is involved in the regulation of a secretagogue-activated apical membrane Cl- conductance in T84 cells.

1997 ◽  
Vol 272 (3) ◽  
pp. C976-C988 ◽  
D. C. Devor ◽  
A. K. Singh ◽  
R. J. Bridges ◽  
R. A. Frizzell

We evaluated effects of psoralens on Cl- secretion (short-circuit current, I(sc)) across T84 monolayers. Methoxsalen failed to increase I(sc). Several observations suggest that psoralens open cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl- channels. 1) After activation of the Ca2+-dependent basolateral membrane K+ channel (K(Ca)) by 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone or thapsigargin, methoxsalen (10 microM) further increased I(sc). 2) When added before carbachol (CCh), methoxsalen potentiated the I(sc) response to CCh, as predicted, if it increased apical Cl- conductance. 3) After establishment of a mucosal-to-serosal Cl- gradient and permeabilization of basolateral membrane with nystatin, psoralens increased Cl- current, which was inhibited by glibenclamide. In contrast, neither TS-TM calix[4]arene nor Cd2+, inhibitors of outwardly rectifying Cl- channels and the ClC-2 Cl-channel, respectively, inhibited psoralen-induced Cl- current. In contrast to their effects on Cl- conductance, psoralens failed to significantly affect basolateral membrane K+ conductance; subsequent addition of 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone induced a large increase in K+ conductance. Also, in excised patches, methoxsalen failed to activate K(Ca). In addition to potentiating the peak response to CCh, psoralens induced a secondary, sustained response. Indeed, when added up to 60 min after return of CCh-induced I(sc) to baseline, psoralens induced a sustained I(sc). This sustained response was inhibited by atropine, demonstrating the requirement for continuous muscarinic receptor activation by CCh. This sustained response was inhibited also by verapamil, removal of bath Ca2+, and charybdotoxin. These results suggest that return of I(sc) to baseline after CCh stimulation is not due to downregulation of Ca2+ influx or K(Ca). Finally, we obtained similar results with psoralens in rat colon and primary cultures of murine tracheal epithelium. On the basis of these observations, we conclude that psoralens represent a novel class of Cl- channel openers that can be used to probe mechanisms underlying Ca2+-mediated Cl- secretion.

1993 ◽  
Vol 264 (1) ◽  
pp. C161-C168 ◽  
W. W. Reenstra

Pretreating confluent T84 cells with the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) inhibits adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)- and carbachol-induced Cl secretion. Both a sustained short-circuit current (Isc), seen after the addition of 50 microM 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (CPT-cAMP) and 100 microM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), and a transient current, seen after the subsequent addition of 100 microM carbachol, are inhibited by 80% following pretreatment with 100 nM PMA for 2 h. Pretreatment with PMA has no effect on the level of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein or apical cAMP-dependent Cl conductance. Carbachol does not induce an increase in apical Cl conductance. Basolateral K conductance was measured in monolayers treated with apical nystatin and exposed to a K gradient. Agonist-independent K conductance is 10-fold greater in Cl media than in gluconate media. Pretreatment with PMA inhibits agonist-independent K conductance by 57% in Cl media but stimulates K conductance by 1.9-fold in gluconate media. The addition of carbachol induces a transient increase in basolateral K conductance, and pretreatment with PMA inhibits the agonist-dependent K conductance by 66% in Cl media and by 92% in gluconate media. In Cl media, serosal barium, at 3 mM, inhibits agonist-independent K conductance but has no significant effect on the carbachol-induced conductance. In nonpermeabilized monolayers, serosal barium inhibits the cAMP-dependent Isc by 56% but has no effect on the carbachol-induced Isc. These results demonstrate that the primary effect of PMA on Cl secretion is not inhibition of apical Cl channels but inhibition of basolateral K channels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1994 ◽  
Vol 267 (1) ◽  
pp. G119-G128 ◽  
G. G. King ◽  
W. E. Lohrmann ◽  
J. W. Ickes ◽  
G. M. Feldman

Colonocytes must regulate intracellular pH (pHi) while they transport H+ and HCO3-. To investigate the membrane transport processes involved in pHi regulation, colonocyte pHi was measured with 2,'7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) in intact segments of rat distal colon mounted on a holder that fits into a standard fluorometer cuvette and allows independent superfusion of mucosal and serosal surfaces. When NCECF-acetoxymethyl ester was in the mucosal solution only, BCECF loaded surface colonocytes with a high degree of selectivity. In HEPES-buffered solutions, basal pHi was 7.31 +/- 0.01 (n = 68), and pHi was dependent on extracellular Na+. Cells acidified in Na(+)-free solution, and pHi rapidly corrected when Na+ was returned. pHi recovered at 0.22 +/- 0.01 pH/min (n = 6) when Na+ was introduced into the mucosal solution and at 0.02 +/- 0.01 pH/min (n = 7) when Na+ was absent from the mucosal solution. The presence or absence of Na+ in the serosal solution did not affect pHi. This indicated that the Na(+)-dependent pHi recovery process is located in the apical cell membrane, but not in the basolateral membrane. Because amiloride (1 mM) inhibited Na(+)-dependent pHi recovery by 75%, Na+/H+ exchange appears to be present in the apical membrane. Because Na(+)-independent pHi recovery was not affected by K(+)-free media, 50 microM SCH-28080, 100 nM bafilomycin A1, or Cl(-)-free media, this transport mechanism does not involve a gastriclike H(+)-K(+)-ATPase, a vacuolar H(+)-ATPase, or a Cl-/base exchanger. In summary, pHi was selectively measured in surface colonocytes by this technique. In these cells, the Na+/H+ exchange activity involved in pHi regulation was detected in the apical membrane, but not in the basolateral membrane.

2009 ◽  
Vol 135 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-58 ◽  
Kazi Mirajul Hoque ◽  
Owen M. Woodward ◽  
Damian B. van Rossum ◽  
Nicholas C. Zachos ◽  
Linxi Chen ◽  

Intestinal Cl− secretion is stimulated by cyclic AMP (cAMP) and intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i). Recent studies show that protein kinase A (PKA) and the exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac) are downstream targets of cAMP. Therefore, we tested whether both PKA and Epac are involved in forskolin (FSK)/cAMP-stimulated Cl− secretion. Human intestinal T84 cells and mouse small intestine were used for short circuit current (Isc) measurement in response to agonist-stimulated Cl− secretion. FSK-stimulated Cl− secretion was completely inhibited by the additive effects of the PKA inhibitor, H89 (1 µM), and the [Ca2+]i chelator, 1,2-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetic acid, tetraacetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM; 25 µM). Both FSK and the Epac activator 8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMP (50 µM) elevated [Ca2+]i, activated Ras-related protein 2, and induced Cl− secretion in intact or basolateral membrane–permeabilized T84 cells and mouse ileal sheets. The effects of 8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMP were completely abolished by BAPTA-AM, but not by H89. In contrast, T84 cells with silenced Epac1 had a reduced Isc response to FSK, and this response was completely inhibited by H89, but not by the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 or BAPTA-AM. The stimulatory effect of 8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMP on Cl− secretion was not abolished by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance (CFTR) inhibitor 172 or glibenclamide, suggesting that CFTR channels are not involved. This was confirmed by lack of effect of 8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMP on whole cell patch clamp recordings of CFTR currents in Chinese hamster ovary cells transiently expressing the human CFTR channel. Furthermore, biophysical characterization of the Epac1-dependent Cl− conductance of T84 cells mounted in Ussing chambers suggested that this conductance was hyperpolarization activated, inwardly rectifying, and displayed a Cl−&gt;Br−&gt;I− permeability sequence. These results led us to conclude that the Epac-Rap-PLC-[Ca2+]i signaling pathway is involved in cAMP-stimulated Cl− secretion, which is carried by a novel, previously undescribed Cl− channel.

1997 ◽  
Vol 272 (6) ◽  
pp. L1084-L1091 ◽  
L. L. Clarke ◽  
T. Chinet ◽  
R. C. Boucher

Extracellular ATP applied to the luminal side of human airway epithelium (HAE) activates an apical membrane Cl- conductance and transepithelial Cl- secretion. However, in some HAE preparations, we have found that luminal ATP induces a change in short-circuit current (Isc), consistent with K+ secretion. Using intracellular microelectrodes and radioisotopic flux studies, we investigated whether extracellular ATP regulates transepithelial K+ secretion in primary HAE cultures. In physiological Ringer solution, HAE had a negligible electrochemical driving force for Cl- secretion (DFCl), and luminal ATP induced a change in Isc opposite in polarity to Cl- secretion. Intracellular microelectrode measurements indicated that the "reversed" Isc was associated with activation of a hyperpolarizing (K+) conductance in the apical membrane. Radioisotope studies of HAE pretreated with amiloride to induce a favorable DFCl revealed that luminal ATP stimulates a small 42K secretory flux concurrently with Cl- secretion. In ion-substituted Ringer solution, luminal ATP stimulated both the outward (K+) current and the inward (Cl-) current with approximately equal potency (approximately 10(-6) M). We conclude that luminal ATP activates an apical membrane K+ conductance and transepithelial K+ secretion across HAE.

1997 ◽  
Vol 272 (3) ◽  
pp. C931-C936 ◽  
H. Bouritius ◽  
J. A. Groot

We studied the effects of stimulation of the apical adenosine receptor on ion transport by HT29cl.19A cells with the conventional microelectrode technique. Adenosine (100 microM) caused an increase in the transepithelial potential (3.6 +/- 0.4 mV) and equivalent short-circuit current (I(sc), 21 +/- 3 microA/cm2), a transient depolarization of the apical membrane potential (14 +/- 2 mV), and a decrease in the apical membrane resistance. The increase in I(sc) was additive to the effect of forskolin or basolateral addition of a maximal concentration of adenosine. Bumetanide, applied after adenosine, caused a further depolarization (7 +/- 2 mV) concomitant with a decrease in I(sc) (-13 +/- 2 microA/cm2) and an increase in the basolateral membrane resistance. Substitution of Cl- with gluconate or Na+ with N-methylglucamine reduced the response to adenosine by >60%. The response was also reduced by a low concentration of amiloride. We conclude that stimulation of the apical adenosine receptor activated a cation conductance in the apical membrane.

1994 ◽  
Vol 267 (1) ◽  
pp. R107-R114
V. Lyall ◽  
T. S. Belcher ◽  
J. H. Miller ◽  
T. U. Biber

Intracellular pH (pHi), apical membrane potential (Va), and fractional apical membrane resistance (FRa) were measured in principal cells of isolated frog skin (Rana pipiens) with double-barreled microelectrodes under short-circuit conditions. Basolateral exposure to 10 mU/ml arginine vasotocin (AVT) depolarized Va by 30 mV, decreased FRa by 33%, increased short-circuit current (Isc) by 17 microA, and increased pHi by 0.17 pH units. The response of Va, Isc, and pHi occurred concurrently. Forskolin, theophylline, and 8-(4-chlorophenyl-thio)-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate caused similar changes in Va, Isc, and pHi. The enhanced response of Isc, Va, and FRa to short pulses of apical amiloride applied during AVT or cAMP exposure suggests an increase in apical Na+ conductance. The presence of cAMP agonists also enhanced the response of pHi to amiloride. We conclude that the AVT- and cAMP-induced increase in Na+ transport across the apical cell membrane is associated with a change in pHi. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that changes in pHi may play a role in the second messenger cascade initiated by the antidiuretic hormone.

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