Angiotensin II-receptor stimulation of cytosolic calcium concentration in cultured renal resistance arterioles

1996 ◽  
Vol 271 (6) ◽  
pp. F1239-F1247 ◽  
Z. Zhu ◽  
W. J. Arendshorst

This study provides an initial characterization of basic morphological properties of cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from rat preglomerular resistance vessels and of the functional coupling of angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors to cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i (fura 2 fluorescence photometry). Renal VSMC were isolated from interlobular arteries and afferent arterioles (< 50 microns) using an iron oxide sieving method and compared with rat aortic VSMC cultured under similar conditions. Quiescent monolayers maintained uniform morphology and [Ca2+]i signaling profile between passages 3 and 10. Arteriolar and aortic VSMC were spindle shaped and expressed smooth muscle-specific alpha-actin and myosin heavy chains SM-1 and SM-2. ANG II caused a rapid increase in [Ca2+]i, followed by a sustained plateau phase at 50-60% of the peak value. The initial maximum [Ca2+]i responses were dose dependent and of similar magnitude in renal arteriolar and aortic VSMC. ANG II (10(-7) M) increased [Ca2+]i from 50 to 240 nM in arteriolar and from 57 to 201 nM in aortic VSMC (P < 0.001 for both). Inhibition of ANG II effects on [Ca2+]i revealed significant signaling through distinct AT-receptor subtypes (losartan and PD-123319 sensitive) in renal arteriolar VSMC. In contrast, only losartan was effective in aortic VSMC. The AT2-receptor ligand CGP-42112 had no effect in either vessel type. Our results demonstrate that cultured arteriolar VSMC have anatomical similarities to aortic VSMC and functional differences in AT-receptor signaling in response to ANG II. This novel preparation should provide a useful approach with which to investigate cellular mechanisms concerning receptor coupling to signaling pathways involved in vascular reactivity of arteriolar VSMC in the microcirculation in general and the kidney in particular.

1996 ◽  
Vol 271 (1) ◽  
pp. H212-H221 ◽  
B. E. Cox ◽  
C. R. Rosenfeld ◽  
J. E. Kalinyak ◽  
R. R. Magness ◽  
P. W. Shaul

Uteroplacentral responses to infused angiotensin II (ANG II) are less than those elicited by systemic vasculature. This does not reflect ANG II receptor (AT) downregulation but may reflect differences in AT-receptor subtypes expressed. We examined AT-receptor subtypes in smooth muscle (SM) from uterine (UA), mesenteric, renal, and mammary arteries and aorta from nulliparous (n = 12), pregnant (n = 18; 105-140 days, term = 145 days), postpartum (n = 5; 6-9 days after delivery), and nonpregnant parous (n = 14) ewes by assessing displacement of 125I-labeled ANG II binding by [Sar1, Ile8]ANG II (AT1 and AT2), losartan (AT1) PD-123319 (AT2), and CGP-42112A (AT2). AT2 receptors accounted for 75-90% of total binding in UA. Except for mammary arteries, other arteries expressed only AT1 receptors. Receptor subtype expression was not altered by reproductive state in any artery studied. With the use of autoradiography, AT2 receptors appear to predominate in media of small intramyometrial arteries, whereas AT1 receptors predominate in the luminal portion. We therefore determined which subtype mediates endothelium-derived ANG II-induced increases in UA PGI2 synthesis during pregnancy. ANG II (0.05 microM) increased PGI2 synthesis 62%, from 214 +/- 13 to 346 +/- 23 (P < 0.05). Losartan (1.0 microM) inhibited the rise in PGI2 (257 +/- 24 vs. 238 +/- 25, whereas 1.0 microM PD-123319 had no effect (231 +/- 23 vs. 337 +/- 31; P < 0.05). AT2 receptors do not mediate ANG II-induced vasoconstriction, thus differences in uteroplacental and systemic sensitivity to ANG II may reflect predominance of AT2 receptors in UASM and ANG II-induced increases in UA prostacyclin synthesis by endothelial AT1 receptors.

2012 ◽  
Vol 303 (5) ◽  
pp. H597-H604 ◽  
Pierre-Antoine Crassous ◽  
Samba Couloubaly ◽  
Can Huang ◽  
Zongmin Zhou ◽  
Padmamalini Baskaran ◽  

Nitric oxide (NO) by activating soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is involved in vascular homeostasis via induction of smooth muscle relaxation. In cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), endothelial dysfunction with altered vascular reactivity is mostly attributed to decreased NO bioavailability via oxidative stress. However, in several studies, relaxation to NO is only partially restored by exogenous NO donors, suggesting sGC impairment. Conflicting results have been reported regarding the nature of this impairment, ranging from decreased expression of one or both subunits of sGC to heme oxidation. We showed that sGC activity is impaired by thiol S-nitrosation. Recently, angiotensin II (ANG II) chronic treatment, which induces hypertension, was shown to generate nitrosative stress in addition to oxidative stress. We hypothesized that S-nitrosation of sGC occurs in ANG II-induced hypertension, thereby leading to desensitization of sGC to NO hence vascular dysfunction. As expected, ANG II infusion increases blood pressure, aorta remodeling, and protein S-nitrosation. Intravital microscopy indicated that cremaster arterioles are resistant to NO-induced vasodilation in vivo in anesthetized ANG II-treated rats. Concomitantly, NO-induced cGMP production decreases, which correlated with S-nitrosation of sGC in hypertensive rats. This study suggests that S-nitrosation of sGC by ANG II contributes to vascular dysfunction. This was confirmed in vitro by using A7r5 smooth muscle cells infected with adenoviruses expressing sGC or cysteine mutants: ANG II decreases NO-stimulated activity in the wild-type but not in one mutant, C516A. This result indicates that cysteine 516 of sGC mediates ANG II-induced desensitization to NO in cells.

1992 ◽  
Vol 262 (3) ◽  
pp. F432-F441 ◽  
D. Chansel ◽  
S. Czekalski ◽  
P. Pham ◽  
R. Ardaillou

This study was designed to identify the subtypes of angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors present on glomeruli and glomerular mesangial cells and establish their functional significance. Dup 753 and its metabolite EXP 3174, two nonpeptide ANG II-1 receptor (AT1) antagonists, displaced 125I-ANG II and its analogue 125I-[Sar1,Ala8]ANG II from their binding sites in rat and human glomeruli and cultured human mesangial cells, whereas CGP 42112 A and PD 123177, two ANG II-2 receptor (AT2) antagonists, exhibited little displacing activity. Dup 753 and EXP 3174 did not modify the dissociation constant (Kd) value but markedly decreased the number of sites of 125I-[Sar1,Ala8]ANG II binding. The addition of PD 123177 did not further inhibit binding when all AT1 sites were occupied by Dup 753. Binding was markedly reduced by dithiothreitol. EXP 3174 and Dup 753 inhibited the main biological functions of ANG II in mesangial cells including increases in intracellular calcium concentration, PGE2 production, and protein synthesis. PD 123177 was also active but at concentrations 1,000- to 10,000-fold greater than those of AT1 antagonists. These results indicate that 1) only AT1 receptors are present in glomeruli and glomerular mesangial cells; 2) these receptors mediate the functional responses to ANG II; 3) the nonpeptide AT1 antagonists behave as noncompetitive inhibitors; and 4) high concentrations of the nonpeptide AT2 antagonists can recognize AT1 sites.

1993 ◽  
Vol 265 (1) ◽  
pp. G21-G27 ◽  
L. A. Sechi ◽  
J. P. Valentin ◽  
C. A. Griffin ◽  
M. Schambelan

Angiotensin II is known to regulate motility and ion and water absorption in the intestine. These effects are presumed to be mediated by angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors that are present in both mucosal and muscular layers throughout the intestine. To evaluate tissue density and distribution of ANG II receptor subtypes (AT1 and AT2), we performed an in situ autoradiographic study on jejunum, ileum, and colon of Sprague-Dawley rats. Tissue sections (10 microns) were incubated with 500 pM 125I-[Sar1,Ile8]ANG II, fixed with paraformaldehyde vapors, and coated with photographic emulsion. Binding specificity was verified by competition with unlabeled [Sar1]ANG II (10 microM). AT1 and AT2 receptor distribution was characterized by competition with the nonpeptide antagonists losartan (10 microM) and PD123177 (10 microM), respectively, and the density of receptors was quantified by counting the silver grains overlying the different layers of intestinal wall. Specific binding was moderately abundant in the mucosa and the muscularis of both jejunum and ileum, whereas no binding was present in the submucosa and the serosa. Losartan inhibited 86% of radioligand binding to the mucosa in both jejunum and ileum, whereas PD123177 inhibited only 10%. The combination of the two compounds inhibited 96% of specific binding. In the colon, binding was significantly more abundant in the muscularis than in the mucosa. In this segment, losartan inhibited 90% and PD123177 16% of specific binding to muscularis. The combination of these compounds reduced binding by 97%. Thus the predominant ANG II receptor in all intestinal segments is AT1, but a small population of AT2 receptors also seems to be present.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1993 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-75 ◽  
M Montiel ◽  
S Barker ◽  
G P Vinson ◽  
E Jiménez

ABSTRACT The angiotensin II (Ang II)-binding sites in rat adrenal gland membranes were characterized using 125I-radiolabelled Ang II. While Scatchard analysis identified a single population of Ang II receptor sites, isoelectric focusing (IEF) on polyacrylamide gels revealed four peaks of specific Ang II binding which migrated to isoelectric points (pI values) 6·8, 6·7, 6·5 and 6·3. In binding assays in the presence of an excess of the Ang II receptor AT1 subtype antagonist DuP 753, a monophasic dose-dependent displacement of 125I-labelled Ang II binding by the Ang II receptor AT2 subtype antagonist CGP42112A was observed, and vice versa. In this system, reduction of disulphide bridges using 1 mmol dithiothreitol (DTT)/l markedly increased the number of binding sites in the adrenal zona glomerulosa without affecting receptor affinity. Using IEF, it was found that both DuP 753 and CGP42112A were able to reduce specific binding of each of the four peaks to some extent. However, the predominant effect of DuP 753 was to reduce the labelling of the isoform at pI 6·7 substantially, while CGP42112A significantly inhibited the specific 125I-labelled Ang II binding to the pI 6·3 isoform. When DuP 753 and CGP42112A were used together, specific binding of 125I-labelled Ang II to the isoforms of pI values 6·8, 6·7 and 6·3 was completely eliminated. These data suggest that the four peaks of specific binding found may be composed of different isoforms of both AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes and that the Ang II receptor isoforms which migrated to pI 6·7 and pI 6·3 are predominantly composed of AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes respectively. Interestingly, in the presence of both antagonists, 8·7 ± 0·9% of the specific binding migrating at pI 6·5 remained unaffected. This finding suggests the presence of an additional subtype, which is neither AT1 nor AT2, in the rat adrenal zona glomerulosa. In further studies, pretreatment with DTT was found to increase the specific 125I-labelled Ang II binding of all four isoforms. Moreover, DTT also produced a further specific binding component between pI 6·5 and pI 6·7 which exhibited AT2 subtype pharmacology in DTT-treated preparations. Since DTT has been reported to enhance only AT2 subtype binding this also suggests that the different isoforms may contain components related to both AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes.

1997 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 1658-1667 ◽  
N Bouby ◽  
A Hus-Citharel ◽  
J Marchetti ◽  
L Bankir ◽  
P Corvol ◽  

The localization of two type 1 angiotensin II receptor subtype mRNA, AT1A and AT1B, was determined by reverse transcription-PCR on microdissected glomeruli and nephron segments. The coupling sensitivity of these two receptor subtypes was evaluated by measuring variations in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) elicited by angiotensin II (Ang II) in structures expressing either AT1A or AT1B mRNA, using Fura-2 fluorescence. The highest expression of AT1 mRNA was found in glomerulus, proximal tubule, and thick ascending limb. In glomerulus, AT1A and AT1B mRNA were similarly expressed, whereas in all nephron segments AT1A mRNA expression was dominant (approximately 84%). The increase in [Ca2+]i elicited by 10(-7) mol/L Ang II was highest in proximal segments (delta [Ca2+]i is approximately equivalent to 300 to 400 nmol/L) and thick ascending limb (delta [Ca2+]i is approximately equivalent to 200 nmol/L). In glomerulus and collecting duct, the response was lower (delta < 100 nmol/L). The median effective concentrations for Ang II were of the same order of magnitude in glomerulus (12.2 nmol/L), in which both AT1A and AT1B are expressed, and in cortical thick ascending limb (10.3 nmol/ L), in which AT1A is almost exclusively expressed. The Ang II-induced calcium responses were totally abolished by the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan (1 mumol/L) but not by the AT2 antagonist PD 123319 (1 mumol/L). In the absence of external Ca2+, the peak phase of the response induced by 10(-7) mol/L Ang II was reduced and shortened, suggesting that a part of the [Ca2+]i increase originated from the mobilization of the intracellular Ca2+ pool. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that in the rat kidney: (1) AT1A is the predominant AT1 receptor subtype expressed in the nephron segments, (2) glomerulus is the only structure with a relatively high AT1B mRNA content, and (3) AT1A and AT1B receptor subtypes do not differ in their efficiency for the activation of calcium second-messenger system.

1998 ◽  
Vol 274 (6) ◽  
pp. F1062-F1069 ◽  
Valérie Gimonet ◽  
Laurence Bussieres ◽  
Anissa A. Medjebeur ◽  
Bernard Gasser ◽  
Brigitte Lelongt ◽  

To investigate the role of angiotensin II (ANG II) in nephrogenesis, a developmental study of renal AT1 and AT2 receptor mRNA expression was performed in parallel with the quantitative and qualitative analysis of metanephros development in fetal lamb from 60 to 140 days of gestation. Both ANG II receptor subtypes were expressed early during nephrogenesis but displayed specific spatial and temporal distribution during gestation. High-AT2 mRNA expression took place in the outermost nephrogenic area and in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells surrounding the ampulla; level of AT2 expression in this localization followed closely glomeruli proliferation rate and disappeared after nephrogenesis completion (>120 days). AT2 mRNA was also detected in the differentiated epithelial cells of macula densa of maturing glomeruli. Although most of AT1 mRNA labeling was found in the mesangial cells of maturing glomeruli, where it persisted after nephrogenesis completion, additional labeling was found in undifferentiated cells, in cells invading the inferior cleft of S-shaped bodies (80 days), and in medullar cells between tubules (120 days). Our results suggest that each receptor subtype has a specific role in renal morphogenesis, i.e., AT2 in mesenchymal proliferation or apoptosis and AT1 in vascular smooth muscle cells differentiation.

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