Discharge patterns of levator palpebrae superioris motoneurons during vertical lid and eye movements in the monkey

1992 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 233-243 ◽  
A. F. Fuchs ◽  
W. Becker ◽  
L. Ling ◽  
T. P. Langer ◽  
C. R. Kaneko

1. We recorded single-unit activity in the caudal central nucleus (CCN) of the oculomotor complex in monkeys trained to make vertical saccadic, smooth-pursuit, and fixation eye movements. We confirmed that our recordings were from motoneurons innervating the upper lid, because small lesions placed at the sites of responsive units were recovered among neurons labeled by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections into the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. 2. For fixations above a threshold lid position, levator motoneurons discharged at a steady rate, which increased linearly with upward lid position. The average position sensitivity during fixation was 2.9 spikes/s per deg, and the average lid motoneuron was recruited into steady firing when the eye was looking 10 degrees down. 3. During upward saccades, levator motoneurons discharged a burst of spikes that began, on average, 7.3 ms before the lid movement if the saccade started from a straight-ahead position; the lead time decreased considerably as the initial eye and lid positions shifted downward. The firing rate usually reached its peak (130–280 spikes/s) at the very onset of the burst and declined gradually during the course of the saccade. The steady rate associated with the new fixation position was reached about halfway during the saccade. All units exhibited a pause in firing during the initial half of large downward saccades; during small saccades, the pause was inconspicuous or absent. 4. During vertical sinusoidal smooth pursuit, levator motoneurons exhibited a sinusoidal modulation in firing rate, which led eye position by an average of 23 degrees at 0.3 Hz. The average velocity sensitivity calculated from such data was 0.63 spikes/s per deg/s. 5. Although they exhibit a number of qualitative similarities, the discharge patterns of levator motoneurons and superior rectus motoneurons differ in several respects. First, during a blink, when the lid undergoes a large depression but the eye exhibits only a brief transient displacement, levator motoneurons cease firing completely, whereas superior rectus motoneurons continue to discharge. Second, for all types of coordinated lid and eye movements, levator motoneurons discharge at lower firing rates than do superior rectus motoneurons. Third, during saccades, levator motoneurons have less conspicuous and shorter-lasting bursts and pauses than do motoneurons involved in rotating the eye. 6. During upward gaze, the qualitative similarity of their burst-tonic discharge patterns suggests that levator and superior rectus motoneurons receive input signals that originate from a common source, but that the signals are processed differently to deal with the different loads facing these muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1999 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
pp. 2612-2632 ◽  
Pierre A. Sylvestre ◽  
Kathleen E. Cullen

The mechanics of the eyeball and its surrounding tissues, which together form the oculomotor plant, have been shown to be the same for smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements. Hence it was postulated that similar signals would be carried by motoneurons during slow and rapid eye movements. In the present study, we directly addressed this proposal by determining which eye movement–based models best describe the discharge dynamics of primate abducens neurons during a variety of eye movement behaviors. We first characterized abducens neuron spike trains, as has been classically done, during fixation and sinusoidal smooth pursuit. We then systematically analyzed the discharge dynamics of abducens neurons during and following saccades, during step-ramp pursuit and during high velocity slow-phase vestibular nystagmus. We found that the commonly utilized first-order description of abducens neuron firing rates (FR = b + kE + rE˙, where FR is firing rate, E and E˙ are eye position and velocity, respectively, and b, k, and r are constants) provided an adequate model of neuronal activity during saccades, smooth pursuit, and slow phase vestibular nystagmus. However, the use of a second-order model, which included an exponentially decaying term or “slide” (FR = b + kE + rE˙ + uË − c[Formula: see text]), notably improved our ability to describe neuronal activity when the eye was moving and also enabled us to model abducens neuron discharges during the postsaccadic interval. We also found that, for a given model, a single set of parameters could not be used to describe neuronal firing rates during both slow and rapid eye movements. Specifically, the eye velocity and position coefficients ( r and k in the above models, respectively) consistently decreased as a function of the mean (and peak) eye velocity that was generated. In contrast, the bias ( b, firing rate when looking straight ahead) invariably increased with eye velocity. Although these trends are likely to reflect, in part, nonlinearities that are intrinsic to the extraocular muscles, we propose that these results can also be explained by considering the time-varying resistance to movement that is generated by the antagonist muscle. We conclude that to create realistic and meaningful models of the neural control of horizontal eye movements, it is essential to consider the activation of the antagonist, as well as agonist motoneuron pools.

1988 ◽  
Vol 60 (6) ◽  
pp. 1874-1895 ◽  
A. F. Fuchs ◽  
C. A. Scudder ◽  
C. R. Kaneko

1. Single neurons in the abducens nucleus were recorded extracellularly in alert rhesus macaques trained to make a variety of eye movements. An abducens neurons was identified as a motoneuron (MN) if its action potentials triggered an averaged EMG potential in the lateral rectus muscle. Abducens internuclear neurons (INNs) that project to the oculomotor nucleus were identified by collision block of spontaneous with antidromic action potentials evoked with a stimulating electrode placed in the medial rectus subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. 2. All abducens MNs and INNs had qualitatively similar discharge patterns consisting of a burst of spikes for lateral saccades and a steady firing whose rate increased with lateral eye position in excess of a certain threshold. 3. For both MNs and INNs the firing rates associated with different, constant eye positions could be described accurately by a straight line with slope, K (the eye position sensitivity in spikes.s-1.deg-1), and intercept, T (the eye position threshold for steady firing). For different MNs, K increased as T varied from more medial to more lateral values. In contrast, the majority of INNs already were active for values of T more medial than 20 degrees and showed little evidence of recruitment according to K. 4. During horizontal sinusoidal smooth-pursuit eye movements, both MNs and INNs exhibited a sinusoidal modulation in firing rate whose peak preceded eye position. From these firing rate patterns, the component of firing rate related to eye velocity, R (the eye velocity sensitivity in spikes.s-1.deg-1.s-1), was determined. The R for INNs was, on average, 78% larger than that for MNs. Furthermore, R increased with T for MNs, whereas INNs showed no evidence of recruitment according to R. If, as in the cat, the INNs of monkeys provide the major input to medial rectus MNs and if simian medial rectus MNs behave like our abducens MNs, then recruitment order, which is absent in INNs, must be established at the MN pool itself. 5. Unexpectedly, the R of MNs decreased with the frequency of the smooth-pursuit movement. Furthermore, the eye position sensitivity, K, obtained during steady fixations was usually less than that determined during smooth pursuit. Therefore, conclusions about the roles of MNs and premotor neurons based on how their R and K values differ must be viewed with caution if the data have been obtained under different tracking conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1992 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-74 ◽  
P. D. Gamlin ◽  
L. E. Mays

1. An early study by Keller reported that medial rectus motoneurons display a step change in firing rate during accommodative vergence movements. However, a later study by Mays and Porter reported gradual changes in firing rate during symmetrical vergence movements. Furthermore, subsequent inspection of the activity of individual medial rectus motoneurons during vergence movements indicated transient changes in their firing rate that had not been noted by Mays and Porter. For conjugate eye movements, in addition to a position signal, motoneurons display an eye velocity signal that compensates for the characteristics of the oculomotor plant. This suggested that the transient change in firing rate seen during vergence movements represented a velocity signal. Therefore the present study used single-unit recording techniques in alert rhesus monkeys to examine the dynamic behavior of medial rectus motoneurons during vergence eye movements. 2. The relationship between firing rate and eye velocity was first studied for vergence responses to step changes in binocular disparity and accommodative demand. Inspection of single trials showed that medial rectus motoneurons display transient changes in firing rate during vergence eye movements. To better visualize the dynamic signal during vergence movements, an expected firing rate (eye position multiplied by position sensitivity of the cell plus its baseline firing rate) was subtracted from the actual firing rate to yield a difference firing rate, which was displayed along with the eye velocity trace for individual trials. During all smooth symmetrical vergence movements, the profile of the difference firing rate very closely resembled the velocity profile. 3. To quantify the relationship between eye velocity and firing rate, two approaches were taken. In one, peak eye velocity was plotted against the difference firing rate. This plot yielded a measure of the velocity sensitivity of the cell (prv). In the other, a scatter plot was produced in which horizontal eye velocity throughout the vergence eye movement was plotted against the difference firing rate. This plot yielded a second measure of the velocity sensitivity of the cell (rv). 4. The behavior of 10 cells was studied during both sinusoidal vergence tracking and conjugate smooth pursuit over a range of frequencies from 0.125 to 1.0 Hz. This enabled the frequency sensitivity of the medial rectus motoneurons to be assessed for both types of movements. Both vergence velocity sensitivity and smooth pursuit velocity sensitivity decreased with increasing frequency. This is similar to a finding by Fuchs and co-workers for lateral rectus motoneurons during smooth pursuit eye movements.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1993 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 828-843 ◽  
K. E. Cullen ◽  
R. A. McCrea

1. The single-unit activity of vestibular neurons was recorded in alert squirrel monkeys. The monkeys had been trained to track a small visual target by generating smooth pursuit eye movements and to cancel their vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) by fixating a head stationary target. The monkeys were seated on a vestibular turntable, and their heads were held in the plane of the horizontal semicircular canals. The responses of 45 type I vestibular neurons whose activity was related to ipsilateral horizontal head movements were recorded. In 19 of 30 cells tested, electrical stimulation (0.1-ms monophasic pulses, < or = 800 microA) of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve evoked a spike at a monosynaptic latency (0.7-1.3 ms). 2. The spiking behavior of each cell was recorded during several behavioral paradigms: 1) spontaneous eye movements, 2) horizontal smooth pursuit of a target that was moved sinusoidally +/- 20 degrees/s at 0.5 Hz, 3) horizontal VOR during 0.5-Hz sinusoidal turntable rotations +/- 40 degrees/s (VORs), and 4) voluntary cancellation of the sinusoidal VOR by fixation of a head-stationary target during 0.5-Hz sinusoidal turntable rotation at +/- 40 degrees/s in the light (VORCs). 3. The response of most (34) of the units was recorded during unpredictable 100-ms steps in head acceleration (400 degrees/s2) that were generated while the monkey was fixating a target light. The acceleration steps were generated either when the monkey was stationary (VORt paradigm) or when the turntable was already rotating, and the monkey was canceling its VOR (VORCt paradigm). Smaller eye movements were evoked when the acceleration step was generated during VOR cancellation. 4. Type I vestibular units were grouped into two classes on the basis of the relationship of their firing rate to eye movements. The discharge rate of 20 "pure vestibular" units was not clearly related to eye movements. The remaining 25 units were classified as position-vestibular-pause (PVP) neurons. PVP neurons increased their firing rate during contralateral eye movements and during ipsilateral turntable rotations, and paused during saccadic eye movements. 5. Most (17/20) pure vestibular neurons generated the same response to vestibular stimuli when the monkeys canceled their VOR as they did during the VOR in both the sinusoidal and acceleration step paradigms. 6. The head velocity sensitivity of most (19/24) PVP neurons was reduced by 20-60% during VORCs, compared with their response during the VORs. The PVP neurons whose sensitivity of head movements was reduced during VORCs also exhibited a reduced vestibular sensitivity during VORCt.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1994 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 2714-2728 ◽  
A. F. Fuchs ◽  
F. R. Robinson ◽  
A. Straube

1. We recorded single-unit activity from neurons of an output of the cerebellum, the fastigial nucleus, in two rhesus macaques while the monkeys tracked small moving targets with their eyes. Many neurons in the caudal part of the fastigial nucleus exhibited a modulation in their discharge rates when smooth-pursuit eye movements were elicited by either sinusoidal or step-ramp motions of a small target. 2. The pursuit direction that elicited the most vigorous modulation in unit firing to sinusoidal target motion could be horizontal, vertical, or oblique. Most often, the preferred direction was in the contralateral and/or downward direction (50 of 69 neurons) or in the ipsilateral and/or upward direction (13 of 69). 3. For units whose preferred smooth-pursuit directions were either contralateral/downward or ipsilateral/upward during sinusoidal pursuit, peak firing as measured by the phase shift of periodic modulation at 0.5-0.8 Hz occurred near the time of peak velocity. The discharge of 80% of the neurons with contralateral/downward preferred directions preceded eye velocity by an average of -27 degrees; thus these neurons discharged maximally during eye acceleration. In contrast, neurons with ipsilateral/upward preferred directions lagged peak velocity by an average of +10.5 degrees and therefore discharged during eye deceleration. 4. The average eye velocity sensitivity for sinusoidal pursuit between 0.5 and 0.8 Hz was 0.83 +/- 0.57 (SD) spikes/s per degrees/s. We also tested 36 units during pursuit at a variety of frequencies in their preferred directions and found that firing rates increased monotonically with peak eye velocity. However, the firing rate saturated at velocities ranging from 20 to 60 degrees/s for different units. 5. When a monkey tracked a step-ramp target motion, three discharge patterns emerged in the 27 units tested. Just over half of the units discharged a burst of spikes that preceded (average lead of 27.4 +/- 17 ms) and lasted throughout the initial third of the eye acceleration; the burst was followed by a subsequent steady firing that continued after the eye had accelerated to its steady velocity. Fewer neurons discharged a burst that began late in the acceleration and was followed by steady firing. Occasional neurons showed only a gradual increase in firing rate during acceleration followed by a steady discharge. 6. Thirty of the 31 fastigial smooth-pursuit units tested also were modulated during sinusoidal yaw and/or pitch oscillations while the animals fixated a spot that rotated with them.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1978 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 733-763 ◽  
S. G. Lisberger ◽  
A. F. Fuchs

1. Extracellular recordings were obtained from 124 Purkinje cells (P-cells) in the flocculus of alert monkeys. P-cell simple spike-firing rate was analyzed quantitatively during various combinations of smooth-pursuit eye movement and passive head rotation. 2. During sinusoidal smooth eye movements, 80% of the P-cells displayed increased firing rate during ipsilateral and 20% during contralateral eye movement. Over the frequency range 0.3--1.4 Hz, firing-rate modulation was proportional to and in phase with maximum eye velocity. During the steady state of triangle-wave tracking, firing rate increased monotonically as a function of eye velocity. Since firing rate was uncorrelated with retinal-error velocity, one component of P-cell firing rate was related to eye velocity. 3. During the transient phase of triangle-wave tracking, when an instantaneous change in the direction of target movement caused a large retinal-error velocity, 40% of the P-cells were related only to eye velocity. Sixty percent of the P-cells displayed an overshoot or undershoot in firing rate, indicating a relationship to either retinal-error velocity or eye acceleration as well as to eye velocity. 4. During the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR), evoked by head rotation in the dark, P-cell firing rate was only weakly modulated. In contrast, when the monkey suppressed the VOR by fixating a target that rotated with him, P-cell rate was deeply modulated. Since the modulation was proportional to and in phase with maximum head velocity, another component of P-cell firing rate was related to head velocity. 5. Of 36 P-cells tested, 35 displayed firing-rate modulation during both suppression of the VOR and smooth-pursuit eye movement. P-cells that reached peak firing rate during ipsilateral head rotation also reached peak firing rate during ipsilateral smooth eye rotation. Average population sensitivitites to head velocity and eye velocity were equal. In three conditions in which eye and head velocity were elicited simultaneously, P-cell firing rate could be predicted by the linear, vector addition of the separate eye and head velocity components of firing rate. Therefore, the relatively weak modulation of P-cell firing rate during the VOR in the dark can be accounted for by the cancellation of equal but opposite head and eye velocity components. 6. The connections of flocculus P-cells to interneurons in the brain stem VOR pathways have been established in other mammals. In the context of those connections, P-cell firing patterns were appropriate to facilitate the eye movements the monkey was required to make. We conclude that the flocculus is important for sustaining any smooth eye movements that are different from those evoked by head rotation in the dark. The eye velocity component may represent an efference copy signal that sustains ongoing eye velocity during smooth pursuit.

1993 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 844-856 ◽  
K. E. Cullen ◽  
C. Chen-Huang ◽  
R. A. McCrea

1. The single-unit activity of neurons in the vestibular nucleus, the prepositus nucleus, and the abducens nucleus, whose activity was primarily related to horizontal eye movements, was recorded in alert squirrel monkeys that were trained to track a small visual target by generating smooth pursuit eye movements and to cancel their horizontal vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) by fixating a head stationary target. 2. The spiking behavior of each cell was recorded during 1) spontaneous eye movements, 2) horizontal smooth pursuit of a target that was moved sinusoidally +/- 20 degrees/s at 0.5 Hz, 3) horizontal VOR evoked by 0.5-Hz sinusoidal turntable rotations +/- 40 degrees/s (VORs), and 4) voluntary cancellation of the VOR by fixation of a head-stationary target during 0.5-Hz sinusoidal turntable rotation at +/- 40 degrees/s (VORCs). The responses of most (28/42) of the units were recorded during unpredictable 100-ms steps in head acceleration (400 degrees/s2) that were generated while the monkey was fixating a target light. The acceleration steps were generated either when the monkey was stationary or when the turntable was already rotating (VORt trials), and the monkey was canceling its VOR (VORCt trials). 3. The firing behavior of all 12 of the abducens neurons recorded was closely related to horizontal eye position and eye velocity during all of the behavioral paradigms used, although there was a small but significant increase in the eye position sensitivity of many of these units when the eye was moving (smooth pursuit) versus when the eye was stationary (fixation). 4. Many neurons in the prepositus nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (n = 15) were similar to abducens neurons, in that their firing rate was related primarily to horizontal eye position and eye velocity, regardless of the behavioral paradigm used. These cells were, on average, more sensitive to eye position and smooth pursuit eye velocity than were abducens neurons. 5. The firing rate of 15 other neurons in the prepositus and medial vestibular nucleus was related primarily to horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements. The tonic firing rate of all of these smooth pursuit (SP) cells was related to horizontal eye position, and the majority generated bursts of spikes during saccades in all directions but their off direction. Six of the SP neurons fired in phase with ipsilateral eye movements, whereas the remaining nine were sensitive to eye movements in the opposite direction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

2014 ◽  
Vol 112 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-262 ◽  
Yoshiko Izawa ◽  
Hisao Suzuki

We recorded the activity of fixation neurons in the frontal eye field (FEF) in trained monkeys and analyzed their activity during smooth pursuit eye movements. Fixation neurons were densely located in the area of the FEF in the caudal part of the arcuate gyrus facing the inferior arcuate sulcus where focal electrical stimulation suppressed the generation of saccades and smooth pursuit in bilateral directions at an intensity lower than the threshold for eliciting electrically evoked saccades. Whereas fixation neurons discharged tonically during fixation, they showed a variety of discharge patterns during smooth pursuit, ranging from a decrease in activity to an increase in activity. Of these, more than two-thirds were found to show a reduction in activity during smooth pursuit in the ipsilateral and bilateral directions. The reduction in activity of fixation neurons began at pursuit initiation and continued during pursuit maintenance. When catch-up saccades during the initiation of pursuit were eliminated by a step-ramp target routine, the reduced activity of fixation neurons remained. The reduction in activity during pursuit was not dependent on the activity during fixation without a target. Based on these results, we discuss the role of the FEF at maintaining fixation in relation to various other brain areas. We suggest that fixation neurons in the FEF contribute to the suppression of smooth pursuit. These results suggest that FEF fixation neurons are part of a more generalized visual fixation system through which suppressive control is exerted on smooth pursuit, as well as saccades.

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