Properties of Conditioned Abducens Nerve Responses in a Highly Reduced In Vitro Brain Stem Preparation From the Turtle

1999 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. 1242-1250 ◽  
Curtis W. Anderson ◽  
Joyce Keifer

Properties of conditioned abducens nerve responses in a highly reduced in vitro brain stem preparation from the turtle. Previous work suggested that the cerebellum and red nucleus are not necessary for the acquisition, extinction, and reacquistion of the in vitro classically conditioned abducens nerve response in the turtle. These findings are extended in the present study by obtaining conditioned responses (CRs) in preparations that received a partial ablation of the brain stem circuitry. In addition to removing all tissue rostral to and including the midbrain and cerebellum, a transection was made just caudal to the emergence of the IXth nerve. Such ablations result in a 4-mm-thick section of brain stem tissue that functionally eliminates the sustained component of the unconditioned response (UR) while leaving only a phasic component. We refer to this region of brain stem tissue caudal to the IXth nerve as the “caudal premotor blink region.” Neural discharge was recorded from the abducens nerve following a single shock unconditioned stimulus (US) applied to the ipsilateral trigeminal nerve. When the US was paired with a conditioned stimulus (CS) applied to the posterior eighth, or auditory, nerve using a delay conditioning paradigm, a positive slope of CR acquisition was recorded in the abducens nerve, and CR extinction was recorded when the stimuli were alternated. Resumption of paired stimuli resulted in reacquisition. Quantitative analysis of the CRs in preparations in which the caudal premotor blink region had been removed and those with cerebellar/red nucleus lesions showed that both types of preparations had abnormally short latency CR onsets compared with preparations in which these regions were intact. Preparations with brain stem transections had significantly earlier CR offsets as more CRs terminated as short bursts when compared with intact or cerebellar lesioned preparations. These data suggest that a highly reduced in vitro brain stem preparation from the turtle can be classically conditioned. Furthermore, the caudal brain stem is not a site of acquisition in this reduced preparation, but it contributes to the sustained activity of both the UR and CR. Finally, the unusually short CR onset latencies following lesions to the cerebellum are not further exacerbated by removal of the caudal brain stem. These studies suggest that convergence of CS and US synaptic inputs onto the abducens nerve reflex circuitry may underlie acquisition in this reduced preparation, but that mechanisms that control learned CR timing arise from the cerebellorubral system.

Anna R. Childress ◽  
A. Thomas McLellan ◽  
Ronald Ehrman ◽  
Charles P. O'Brien

2001 ◽  
Vol 91 (6) ◽  
pp. 2703-2712 ◽  
Stephen M. Johnson ◽  
Julia E. R. Wilkerson ◽  
Daniel R. Henderson ◽  
Michael R. Wenninger ◽  
Gordon S. Mitchell

Brain stem preparations from adult turtles were used to determine how bath-applied serotonin (5-HT) alters respiration-related hypoglossal activity in a mature vertebrate. 5-HT (5–20 μM) reversibly decreased integrated burst amplitude by ∼45% ( P < 0.05); burst frequency decreased in a dose-dependent manner with 20 μM abolishing bursts in 9 of 13 preparations ( P < 0.05). These 5-HT-dependent effects were mimicked by application of a 5-HT1A agonist, but not a 5-HT1B agonist, and were abolished by the broad-spectrum 5-HT antagonist, methiothepin. During 5-HT (20 μM) washout, frequency rebounded to levels above the original baseline for 40 min ( P < 0.05) and remained above baseline for 2 h. A 5-HT3 antagonist (tropesitron) blocked the post-5-HT rebound and persistent frequency increase. A 5-HT3 agonist (phenylbiguanide) increased frequency during and after bath application ( P < 0.05). When phenylbiguanide was applied to the brain stem of brain stem/spinal cord preparations, there was a persistent frequency increase ( P < 0.05), but neither spinal-expiratory nor -inspiratory burst amplitude were altered. The 5-HT3receptor-dependent persistent frequency increase represents a unique model of plasticity in vertebrate rhythm generation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 624
Valentina Corvaglia ◽  
Imène Ait Mohamed Amar ◽  
Véronique Garambois ◽  
Stéphanie Letast ◽  
Aurélie Garcin ◽  

Inhibition of protein–DNA interactions represents an attractive strategy to modulate essential cellular functions. We reported the synthesis of unique oligoamide-based foldamers that adopt single helical conformations and mimic the negatively charged phosphate moieties of B-DNA. These mimics alter the activity of DNA interacting enzymes used as targets for cancer treatment, such as DNA topoisomerase I, and they are cytotoxic only in the presence of a transfection agent. The aim of our study was to improve internalization and selective delivery of these highly charged molecules to cancer cells. For this purpose, we synthesized an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) using a DNA mimic as a payload to specifically target cancer cells overexpressing HER2. We report the bioconjugation of a 16-mer DNA mimic with trastuzumab and its functional validation in breast and ovarian cancer cells expressing various levels of HER2. Binding of the ADC to HER2 increased with the expression of the receptor. The ADC was internalized into cells and was more efficient than trastuzumab at inhibiting their growth in vitro. These results provide proof of concept that it is possible to site-specifically graft high molecular weight payloads such as DNA mimics onto monoclonal antibodies to improve their selective internalization and delivery in cancer cells.

1999 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 1074-1077 ◽  
Isabelle Delvolvé ◽  
Pascal Branchereau ◽  
Réjean Dubuc ◽  
Jean-Marie Cabelguen

An in vitro brain stem–spinal cord preparation from an adult urodele ( Pleurodeles waltl) was developed in which two fictive rhythmic motor patterns were evoked by bath application of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA; 2.5–10 μM) with d-serine (10 μM). Both motor patterns displayed left-right alternation. The first pattern was characterized by cycle periods ranging between 2.4 and 9.0 s (4.9 ± 1.2 s, mean ± SD) and a rostrocaudal propagation of the activity in consecutive ventral roots. The second pattern displayed longer cycle periods (8.1–28.3 s; 14.2 ± 3.6 s) with a caudorostral propagation. The two patterns were inducible after a spinal transection at the first segment. Preliminary experiments on small pieces of spinal cord further suggested that the ability for rhythm generation is distributed along the spinal cord of this preparation. This study shows that the in vitro brain stem–spinal cord preparation from Pleurodeles waltl may be a useful model to study the mechanisms underlying the different axial motor patterns and the flexibility of the neural networks involved.

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