scholarly journals Airport Emergency Rescue Model Establishment and Performance Analysis Using Colored Petri Nets and CPN Tools

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Qingkun Yu ◽  
Liangcai Cai ◽  
Xiao Tan

The airport emergency rescue is a typical discrete event dynamic system. In this paper, we can use colored Petri net discrete event modeling technology to establish the airport emergency rescue (AER) model in the CPN tool software according to the rescue process and the rescue activities’ relationship. We draw the basic flow chart of AER and, on this basis, propose the basic algorithm of establishing an AER colored Petri net. Firstly, the Weifang Nanyuan Airport emergency rescue (WNAER) drill data is analyzed, and the time function of each activity is obtained. Then, we establish the WNAER colored Petri net model, and the simulation results are analyzed in depth. The results show that the total time is far less than the time required in the AER plan, indicating that the model is feasible for the practical work; by calculation of time of different routes, we find a key route named “Route 2,” and it is proposed to increase the number of fire engines. By changing the value of the “num” parameter, the airport adds a fire engine, and an average of 18 s shortened. The rescue time reliability can be obtained at different times; for example, the time reliability in the 963 s is 91%, indicating that the probability of completing the rescue within this time period is very high, and the time reliability in the 958 s is 1.85%, indicating that the probability of completing the rescue within this time period is very low. The research results can not only allow the airport managers to master the level of rescue forces but also guide the formulation of plans and the implementation of activities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Hossein Nematzadeh ◽  
Homayun Motameni ◽  
Radziah Mohamad ◽  
Zahra Nematzadeh

Workflow-based web service compositions (WB-WSCs) is one of the main composition categories in service oriented architecture (SOA). Eflow, polymorphic process model (PPM), and business process execution language (BPEL) are the main techniques of the category of WB-WSCs. Due to maturity of web services, measuring the quality of composite web services being developed by different techniques becomes one of the most important challenges in today’s web environments. Business should try to provide good quality regarding the customers’ requirements to a composed web service. Thus, quality of service (QoS) which refers to nonfunctional parameters is important to be measured since the quality degree of a certain web service composition could be achieved. This paper tried to find a deterministic analytical method for dependability and performance measurement using Colored Petri net (CPN) with explicit routing constructs and application of theory of probability. A computer tool called WSET was also developed for modeling and supporting QoS measurement through simulation.

Computers ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 83 ◽  
Reggie Davidrajuh

Petri net is a highly useful tool for modeling of discrete-event systems. However, Petri net models of real-life systems are enormous, and their state-spaces are usually of infinite size. Thus, performing analysis on the model becomes difficult. Hence, slicing of Petri Net is suggested to reduce the size of the Petri nets. However, the existing slicing algorithms are ineffective for real-world systems. Therefore, there is a need for alternative methodologies for slicing that are effective for Petri net models of large real-life systems. This paper proposes a new Modular Petri Net as a solution. In modular Petri net, large Petri net models are decomposed into modules. These modules are compact, and the state spaces of these modules are also compact enough to be exhaustively analyzed. The research contributions of this paper are the following: Firstly, an exhaustive literature study is done on Modular Petri Nets. Secondly, from the conclusions drawn from the literature study, a new Petri net is proposed that supports module composition with clearly defined syntax. Thirdly, the new Petri net is implemented in the software GPenSIM, which is crucial so that real-life discrete-event systems could be modeled, analyzed, and performance-optimized with GPenSIM.

1995 ◽  
Vol 117 (3) ◽  
pp. 394-400 ◽  
B. J. McCarragher ◽  
H. Asada

A new approach to process modeling, task synthesis, and trajectory planning for robotic assembly is presented. Assembly is modeled as a discrete event dynamic system incorporating both discrete and continuous aspects of the process. The discrete event nature of assembly due to contact state transitions is modeled using Petri nets. The Petri net modeling enables a compact graphical description of causal contact state transitions and provides a coherent mathematical representation of both the discrete and continuous dynamics. In contrast to the traditional contact state network, the Petri net modeling also incorporates causality. Using discrete event modeling, an efficient assembly strategy is found. A discrete event trajectory is determined using dynamic programming to minimize the path length and the uncertainty during assembly. Lastly, an optimal event trajectory is calculated to demonstrate the method. This paper lays the foundation of discrete event modeling for robotic assembly. An new avenue for the analysis and synthesis of significant aspects of the assembly process is opened.

1999 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 4-7 ◽  
Laura Welch

Abstract Functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) have become an important component of disability evaluation during the past 10 years to assess an individual's ability to perform the essential or specific functions of a job, both preplacement and during rehabilitation. Evaluating both job performance and physical ability is a complex assessment, and some practitioners are not yet certain that an FCE can achieve these goals. An FCE is useful only if it predicts job performance, and factors that should be assessed include overall performance; consistency of performance across similar areas of the FCE; consistency between observed behaviors during the FCE and limitations or abilities reported by the worker; objective changes (eg, blood pressure and pulse) that are appropriate relative to performance; external factors (illness, lack of sleep, or medication); and a coefficient of variation that can be measured and assessed. FCEs can identify specific movement patterns or weaknesses; measure improvement during rehabilitation; identify a specific limitation that is amenable to accommodation; and identify a worker who appears to be providing a submaximal effort. FCEs are less reliable at predicting injury risk; they cannot tell us much about endurance over a time period longer than the time required for the FCE; and the FCE may measure simple muscular functions when the job requires more complex ones.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Jantri Sirait ◽  
Sulharman Sulharman

Has done design tool is a tool of refined coconut oil coconut grater, squeezer coconut milk and coconut oil heating, with the aim to streamline the time of making coconut oil and coconut oil increase production capacity. The research method consists of several stages, among others; image creation tool, procurement of materials research, cutting the material - the material framework of tools and performance test tools. The parameters observed during the performance test tools is time grated coconut, coconut milk bleeder capacity, the capacity of the boiler and the heating time of coconut oil. The design tool consists of three parts, namely a tool shaved coconut, coconut milk wringer and coconut milk heating devices. Materials used for the framework of such tools include iron UNP 6 meters long, 7.5 cm wide, 4 mm thick, while the motor uses an electric motor 0.25 HP 1430 rpm and to dampen the rotation electric motor rotation used gearbox with a ratio of round 1 : 60. the results of the design ie the time required for coconut menyerut average of 297 seconds, coconut milk wringer capacity of 5 kg of processes and using gauze pads to filter coconut pulp, as well as the heating process takes ± 2 hours with a capacity of 80 kg , The benefits of coconut oil refined tools are stripping time or split brief coconut average - average 7 seconds and coconut shell can be used as craft materials, processes extortion coconut milk quickly so the production capacity increased and the stirring process coconut oil mechanically.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan rancang bangun alat olahan minyak kelapa yaitu alat pemarut kelapa, pemeras santan kelapa dan pemanas minyak kelapa, dengan tujuan untuk mengefisiensikan waktu pembuatan minyak kelapa serta meningkatkan kapasitas produksi minyak kelapa. Metode penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahapan antara lain; pembuatan gambar alat, pengadaan bahan-bahan penelitian, pemotongan bahan - bahan rangka alat dan uji unjuk kerja alat. Parameter yang diamati pada saat uji unjuk kerja alat adalah waktu parut kelapa, kapasitas pemeras santan kelapa, kapasitas tungku pemanas serta waktu pemanasan minyak kelapa. Rancangan alat terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu alat penyerut kelapa, alat pemeras santan kelapa dan alat pemanas santan kelapa. Bahan yang dipergunakan untuk rangka alat tersebut  yaitu besi UNP panjang 6 meter, lebar 7,5 cm, tebal 4 mm, sedangkan untuk motor penggerak menggunakan motor listrik 0,25 HP 1430 rpm dan untuk meredam putaran putaran motor listrik dipergunakan gearbox  dengan perbandingan putaran 1 : 60. Hasil dari rancangan tersebut yaitu waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyerut kelapa rata-rata 297 detik, kapasitas alat pemeras santan kelapa 5 kg sekali proses dan menggunakan kain kassa untuk menyaring ampas kelapa, serta Proses pemanasan membutuhkan waktu ± 2 jam dengan kapasitas 80 kg. Adapun keunggulan alat olahan minyak kelapa ini adalah waktu pengupasan atau belah kelapa singkat rata – rata 7 detik dan tempurung kelapa dapat digunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan, proses pemerasan santan kelapa cepat sehingga kapasitas produksi meningkat dan proses pengadukan minyak kelapa secara mekanis. Kata kunci : penyerut, pemeras, pemanas,minyak kelapa,olahan minyak kelapa.

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